Programm-Tagung-2023-Stand-14 03 Ok - de en

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Faculty of Philology
Department of Literature and Cultural Studies
German Department
in cooperation with the
Branch in Kronstadt

hosts the



under the motto

All heroes, right? Paradigms,

Perspectives, Traditions and Trends in
culture, art, literature and language.

sponsor: Partner:
Michael Schmidt Selgros Student Culture House
Cash & Carry Foundation Complex memorandum

23-25 March 2023

Multicultural Center of Transylvania University Auditorium
Sergiu T. Chiriacescuof Transylvania University
Room UI2 and UI3
Program overview
03/23/2023 Arrival of the participants, accommodation in Hotel Residence
Ambient Braşov

Multicultural Center of Transylvania University

09:00 Conference opening with greetings to the participants
Musical performance:
Elena CRISTIAN (violin) and Paul CRISTIAN (piano)
09:30 - 11:10 conference work in the plenum
11:10 - 11:30 coffe break
11:30 - 12:45 Conference work in the plenum
13:15 - 14:30 Lunch break

Aula Sergiu T. Chiriacescu of Transylvania University

Room UI2
14:30 - 18:00 Conference work in the plenum with coffee break (4:05-4:20 p.m.)
Transfer to the Complex Memorandului theater performance of the
18:40 Ensemble KABARETKACTUS: discarded. theater of the ego. A Carpatesca
19:00 cum persona with live music and video collages

20:30 joint drink in the restaurantNextdoor

(at the expense of the participants, Piaţa George Enescu 11).

Saturday, Aula Sergiu T. Chiriacescu of Transylvania University

09:00 - 12:50 Conference work in sections
Evaluation of the conference
10:40 - 11:00 coffe break
from 1 p.m Departure of the participants


13.30 Country conference of the GGR

Room UI2

practical information
Conference Venues:

Hotel Residence Ambient Brasov,Str. Castanilor nr. 3, Tel. +40771796069,

approx. 25 minutes walk from the main train station.Check-in at Pension
Ambient, reception open 24 hours, Str. Iuliu Maniu 62, tel.

Transylvania University Multicultural Center,vol. Eroilor 29, ground

floor of the rectorate building.

Aula Sergiu T. Chiriacescu, Room UI2first floor, Iuliu Maniu 41A, three
minutes walk from Hotel Residence Ambient.

Conference fee:The conference fee of250 RONis no later than March 17,
2023 to the following account of Transylvania University with the note Taxă
conferinţă de germanistică 2023to remit: RO08TREZ13120F330500XXXX (CUI

Participants from abroad are asked to50 Eurosto be transferred to the

following Transylvania University account with the same note:
Please note that our university does not accept cash payments. If you
are unable to transfer the fee online, you are required to pay it locally
from a local bank.
Conference language:German.

Public transportationto and from the city center: bus 4, 5, 6, 17, 31,
bus stopCAMERA DE COMERŢorSANITAS (direction Postwiese/Livada
Poştei) or PATRIA (direction hotel);Fare: 4 RON single ticket; taxi
Martax, Reyincluding about 15 Ron.
Binding submission deadline for the written work: July 15, 2023at / and

Thursday , 2 3 . 0 3 . 2 0 2 3
Arrival and accommodation of guests

18:00 - 19:00 Brief greeting of the guests in the hotel loungeResidence

Ambient,2nd Floor

F riday , 2 4 . 0 3 . 2 0 2 3
Mu lti cul tural cen tre of Tran silv an ia Un i ve rsity

09:00 - 09:30 opening of the conference. Greetings to the participants.

Musical performance: Elena CRISTIAN (violin) and Paul
CRISTIAN (piano)

plenary lectures

Moderation : D elia C ot â rlea

9:30 - 9:50 Stefan Lindinger (Athens): Male heroes, female victims. Joseph
August von Törring's dramas from Bavarian history: Gaspar the
Thorringer (1779/1785) andAgnes Bernauerinn (1780) Adina-Lucia
9:50 - 10:10 Nistor (Jassy): Beraht, harti, kuoni, gund. Heroic traits in Germanic
given and family names
10:10 - 10:30 Sunhild Galter (Hermannstadt): How heroes are made. Kastner's
The handstand on the Loreley
10:30 - 10:50 Ileana Ratcu (Bucharest): "The heroes have grown tired [...]"
Contributions on the use of the key word H eld / erou in
German and Romanian.
10:50 - 11:10 Discussions Coffee
11:10 - 11:30 break
Moderation : I leana R atcu
11:30 - 11:50 Doris Sava (Hermannstadt): Bang! bang! All heroes in the service of the
11:50 - 12:10 Clemens Fuhrbach (Cologne): Can heroes be outsiders? – Narratives of
the female and national identity construction using the example ofGroup
picture with ladyby Heinrich Böll and in the film of the same name with
Romy Schneider
12:10-12:30 Robert Elekes (Kronstadt): Quantum Mythological
Antihero Narrations in the German Netflix Series
12:30-12:50 Dark discussions
13:15 L ench at the Ceasul R ă u restaurant (Strada Iuliu Maniu

Lectures in plenary orderAula Sergiu T. Chiriacescu of Transylvania University
Room UI2

Moderation : S unhild G alter

14:30 - 14:50 Gudrun Liane Ittu (Hermannstadt): Heroes with pencils and palettes?
Transylvanian-German Artists in the First World War
14:50 - 15:10 Delia Cotârlea (Kronstadt): The room of good men? Narratives on the
development of the Transylvanian Carpathians around 1900
15:10 - 15:30 Cornelia Eşianu (Vienna): Nature as a heroine in Iris Wolff's debut
novelhalf stone
15:30 - 15:50 Ioana Diaconu (Kronstadt): The Romanian (anti)hero in German crime
15:50 - 16:05 Discussions Coffee
16:05 - 16:20 break .

Moderation : C ecilia V â rlan

16:20 - 16:40 Yüksel Gürsoy (Turkey): The interactions of Turkish cuisine in
16:40 - 17:00 Claudia Şerbu (Kronstadt): A digital map of spatial
representations in the German-language literature from
Southeast Europe: methodological preliminary considerations
17:00 - 17:20 Elżbieta Nowikiewicz (Bydgoszcz): Conception and portrayal of
the central characters in the novelsThe sleeping armyby Clara
Viebig andSouthwest. An African dreamby AE Johann Hermine
17:20 - 17:40 Fierbinţeanu: Mami, stai cuminte! Imediat am terminat....
German and Romanian forms of address in communication
between veterinarians or pet owners and pets to be treated
17:40 - 17:55 Discussions

18:40 T ransfer to the old town (Memorandului complex) theater performance

19:00 by the ensemble KABARETT KAKTUS:discarded. theater of the ego. A
Carpatesca cum persona with live music and video collages.

from 8:30 p.m if you wish: a drink together in the restaurantNext Door (at the expense of
the conference participants, Piaţa George Enescu 11)

Saturday, 25. 0 3. 2 0 23
Aula Sergiu T. Chiriacescu of Transylvania University
Room UI2
Moderation : Doris Sava
9:00 - 9:20 Mihai Crudu (Suczawa): (Un)marked usage. A new paradigm?
Some Thoughts on the Variability of Norm Conformity Maria
9:20-9:40 Muscan (Constanza): Lessing as hero and anti-hero of
9:40 - 10:00 Szabolcs János (Großwardein): Shared memories and plural
cultures of memory among the Satu Mare Swabians between
heroism and sacrifice
10:00 - 10:20 Cecilia Vârlan (Constanza): The hero as a troublemaker full of contrasts. On
the reception of Thomas Bernhard in German-speaking countries and in
10:20 - 10:40 Discussions Coffe
10:40 - 11:00 break

Aula Sergiu T. Chiriacescu of Transylvania University

Doctoral Forum Room UI3

Moderation : Claudia Şerbu

9:00 - 9:20 Romina-Elena Donţu (Klausenburg): The development of the heroes
in fairytale novels
9:20-9:40 Noémi Hegyi (Klausenburg): The theme of the First World
War in the magazineOstland (1919-1921)
9:40 - 10:00 Orsolya Tóth (Oradea): Stories of heroes and victims in
Transylvanian-Hungarian literature and their reception in
German-speaking countries
10:00 - 10:20 Larisa Pioaru (Kronstadt): Theater and school in Romania.
An inventory
10:20 - 10:40 Discussions Coffe
10:40 - 11:00 break
Moderation : Maria Mu scan
11:00 - 11:20 Bianca Voinea (Bucharest): Non-Places in German Expressionism
11:20 - 11:40 Mădălina-Ioana Leonte (Bucharest): Exile Spaces: An Analysis of the
Hotel as Heterotopia in Anna Seghers´transit
11:40 - 12:10 Alina Strugaru (Constanza): The use of chunks in
scientific work Research area: Linguistics Discussions,
12:10-12:30 evaluation and conclusion of the conference

C affeand kitchen
Departure of the guests
1:30 p.m * * * * National Conference of the GGR

Scientific Committee of the meeting

Prof. Dr. habil. Carmen E. P uchianu, Executive Chair of the GGR,

Transilvania University, Kronstadt
Prof. Dr. habil. Doris S ava , President of the GGR Sibiu Branch, Lucian
Blaga University
Dr. Delia C ot â rlea, Treasurer of the GGR, Transilvania University,
Dr. Maria M uscan, Ovidius University, Constanta

organizing committee

Prof. Dr. Carmen E. Puchianu

Doz. Delia C ot â rlea
Lecture Dr. Ioana Diaconu
Lect. Dr. ClaudiaŞerbu


Prof. Dr. Carmen E. Puchianu

Doz. Delia C ot â rlea

List of participants

Delia C ot â rlea, Doc. Dr., Kronstadt

Mihai Crudu, Dr., Bucharest University and Petru Rareş National College, Suczawa
Ioana-Andrea Diaconu, Lecturer Dr., Brasov
Romina-Elena Don ţu, Dr., Cluj-Napoca
Robert E lekes , Dr., Braşov
Cornelia Esianu, DDr., Vienna
Hermine F ierbin ţ eanu, Lecturer Dr., Bucharest
Clemens F uhrbach, Drd., Cologne
Sunhild G alter , Doz. Dr., Hermannstadt
Yüksel Gürsoy, Prof. Dr., Konya Noémi H
egyi, Drd., Cluj-Napoca
Gudrun-Liane I ttu , scientific collaborator 1st Gr., Dr.,
Hermannstadt Szabolcs J á nos , Prof. dr., Oradea
Mădălina-Ioana L eonte, Dr., Bucharest
Stefan L indinger, Lecturer Dr., Athens
Maria M uscan, Doc. Dr., Konstanza Adina-
Lucia N istor , Doc. habil., Jassy Elżbieta N
owikiewicz , Dr., Bydgoszcz Larisa P ioaru,
Drd., Kronstadt
Carmen Elisabeth P uchianu, Prof. Dr. habil., Kronstadt
Ileana Ratcu, Doz. Dr., Bucharest
Doris Sava, Prof. Dr. habil., Sibiu Alina
Stragaru, Drd., Constanta Claudia
Şerbu, Lecturer Dr., Brasov Orsolya
Tóth, Drd., Oradea
Cecilia Vârlan, Lect. Dr., Konstanza
Bianca V oinea, Drd., Bucharest

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