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Ramon M. Durano Sr.

Foundation -
If you lack the confidence to do
so, socializing has never been Socializing
that difficult whether you enjoy and
going out or prefer to stay home.
We are here to help you about Self-Development
your concerns about it. Doubts, Submitted to:
uneasiness, and hesitations
definitely come in the way of Ms. Gladys Pantoja
your efforts.

You need motivation and

confidence; there is no such Submitted by: Group 5
thing as "I can't do it" or "I'll go Vince Joring
downhill if I do this." It doesn't
matter whether you're afraid to Ram Tapayan
try something new or talk to
Phoebe Bohol
someone; what counts is that
you're comfortable. But you Irah Costan
should always try to venture
Jade Madrid
beyond of your comfort zone.
Does loneliness ever set in? Being
Trying new things never hurts
socially awkward can be challenging,
but we can help! We can always get
you to feel better about socializing
through self-improvement. .
Socializing Self-Development

Socializing and
might be difficult
that you feel like
giving up or So·cial·i·za·tion (n.) the process Self-de·vel·op·ment (n.) the
of learning to behave in a way process by which a person's
delaying character or abilities are
that is acceptable to society.
accepting Everyone has it; socialization gradually developed. Self-
development is the process of
anything. Yet, prepares individuals to take part
improving oneself and becoming
in a social group by teaching
when you accept them the standards and the best version of oneself self-
development usually used to
something, even expectations of that group. The
ability to socialize is a wonderful describe someone who is eager
if you don't think skill to have, it can be seen to learn new things.
it would, anything everywhere.

is possible.
Tips! Tips!
Self-reflect! Have open body language!
Realize your shortcomings Listen more!
and learn from them! Give compliments!
Challenge yourself!

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