African American 2010

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African American Studies

History • Culture • Family • Education • Race • Economy

European Studies of African Americans • National Political Science

New and Noteworthy 2010-2011

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Transaction Publishers
African American Studies 2010-2011

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Index—Titles & Authors 18

Catalogue Design by Ellen F. Kane,
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Transaction Publishers.
Africana Studies
James L. Conyers, Jr.
Volume 1
Afrocentric Traditions
Ever since the first contacts between Europe and Africa, African
people have operated from the fringes of Eurocentric experience in
the Western mind. Much of what we have studied in African history
and culture, or literature and linguistics, or politics and economics, has
been orchestrated from the standpoint of Europe’s interests. Whether
it is a matter of economics, history, politics, geographical concepts, or
art, Africans have been seen as peripheral. This volume reviews the
past in order to evaluate the present and move ahead with appropriate
policies for the future.
ISBN: 978-1-4128-0478-3 (paper) 2005
198 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
ISBN: 978-1-4128-0886-6 (eBook) 2009
198 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
Volume 3 New in
Volume 2 Racial Structure and Paperback
Law, Culture, and Africana Studies Radicial Politics in the African Diaspora
The authors focus on issues of affirmative action, legal culture, A must read book for anyone interested in the areas of racial
theories of black culture, and methodologies of scholarly work in theory and racial relations, multicultural and polarized religions,
Africana studies. and the making of African personality and culture. In keeping with
earlier volumes in the series, it emphasizes the cross-fertilization
ISBN: 978-1-4128-0660-2 (paper) 2007

of Africa and the world.
142 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
ISBN: 978-1-4128-0935-1 (eBook) 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4128-1045-6 (paper) 2009
142 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95 223 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95

Old Memories, New Moods Gone from the America and the World
Americans from Africa Promised Land The Double Bind
Volume 2 Jonestown in American
Majid Tehranian and
Cultural History
Peter I. Rose Kevin P. Clements, editors
Second Edition
Old Memories, New Moods contains essays As the world’s first
on the roots of African American protest, John R. Hall democracy with
comments on the background and character With a new introduction by the author a written consti-
of the Negro Revolt and the Civil Rights tution and Bill of
In this superb cultural history, Hall presents
Movement, interpretations of the impact and Rights, the United
a reasoned analysis of the meaning of Jon-
significance of Black Power, and, finally, States has stood for
estown: why it happened and how it is tied to
varied views on changing self-images and global aspirations
our history as a nation, our ideals, our prac-
the meaning of Black Pride. Original essays toward democrat-
tices, and the tensions of modern culture. Hall
written especially for this book include those ic liberty, equal-
deflates the myths of Jonestown by exploring
by Mina Davis Caulfield, August Meier and ity, and solidarity
the social character of Jim Jones’s Peoples
Elliott Rudwick, Gerald W. Mullin, and the since its formation
Temple—how much of what transpired
editor. Many other essays by black and white in 1776. However,
was unique to the group and its leader and
social scientists, psychiatrists, historians, as it developed
how much can be explained by reference to
and political figures are offered in careful into an empire by the
wider social processes? The book begins by
juxtaposition. Among these contributors are late nineteenth century, the United
examining the cultural origins of Jonestown:
anthropologists Melville J. Herskovits and States also has threatened the liberties of
Who was Jim Jones? Where did he get his
Ulf Hannerz; social historians Raymond and other peoples, including Native Americans,
ideas and followers? How was his Peoples
Alice Bauer, Winthrop D. Jordan, Eugene Hawaiians, Latin Americans, Asians, and
Temple established? The organizational base
D. Genovese, Kenneth Stampp, and Stanley Africans. The American role in world affairs
of the Temple is analyzed through relevant
Elkins. has long been polarized around two conflict-
comparisons with modern institutionalized
ISBN: 978-0-202-36161-1 (paper) 2007 ing images and strategies.
practices in economics, bureaucracy, social
479 pp. $39.95/£35.95/$C47.95 control, public relations, and power. ISBN: 978-1-4128-0460-8 (paper) 2005
197 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
ISBN: 978-0-7658-0587-4 (paper) 2004
404 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95

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Titles marked * are only available from Transaction in North America
African Civilizations Series
Ivan Van Sertima, Series Editor
Great Black Leaders Blacks in
Ancient and Modern Science
Any selection of leaders, whatever the crite- Ancient and
ria, is inherently subjective. This collection Modern
does establish clear criteria for inclusion,
attempting to include outstanding individuals Providing an over-
from America, Africa, and the Caribbean, view of the lost
who are clearly of global and not solely na- sciences of Africa
tional significance. Leaders from a number and of contributions that blacks have made
of historical epochs are selected, and the to modern American science, Blacks in
editor also includes material on outstanding Science present a range of new information
women leaders. from Africanists. The book also includes
bibliographical guides that are crucial to
Early America Revisited ISBN: 978-0-88738-739-5 (paper) 1988 further research and teaching.
433 pp. $28.95/£26.50/$C34.95
A vigorous defense and amplification of ISBN: 978-0-87855-941-1 (paper) 1983
Van Sertima’s classic work, They Came 333 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
Before Columbus, this book makes a care-
fully balanced case for an African presence Also Available
in America before Columbus’ voyages. The
work in no way denies the importance of
the Columbus voyages for opening up the
New World to Europe, hence changing the

economic and political map of the world

for all time. Van Sertima’s critical cutting
edge is that there is an anthropological and
ethnographic dimension to the process of
discovery, one in which black Africans of
non-European origins played a central role.
Van Sertima marshals literary and pictorial
evidence and shows its authenticity to be
beyond question. More than of historical
interest, these discoveries serve as a basis
for reexamining culture contacts between
ISBN: 978-0-7658-0463-1 (paper) 1998
235 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95
Egypt: Child of Africa African Presence in Early Asia
ISBN: 978-1-56000-792-0 (paper) 1995 Revised and Enlarged Edition
484 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
African Presence in With Runoko Rashidi, editor
Early America ISBN: 978-0-88738-717-3 (paper) 1987
This profusely illustrated volume presents The Golden Age of the Moor 224 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
what is presently known about the links ISBN: 978-1-56000-581-0 (paper) 1991
between Africa and America before the age 474 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
of Columbus. It makes a convincing case for African Presence in
pre-Columbian contacts between Africa and
America before the era of the slave trade. Early Europe
The contributors draw upon the evidence of Egypt Revisited ISBN: 978-0-88738-664-0 (paper) 1986
cultures in private collections and findings ISBN: 978-0-88738-799-9 (paper) 1989 345 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95
from excavations, and evidence of ancient 454 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95
African mathematics, astronomy, map mak-
ing, scripts, navigations, trade routes, pyra-
midal structures, linguistic connections, and
Great African Thinkers
technological and ritual complexes. Black Women in Antiquity With Larry Williams, editor
ISBN: 978-0-88738-715-9 (paper) 1987 ISBN: 978-0-87855-982-4 (paper) 1988 ISBN: 978-0-88738-680-0 (paper) 1986
250 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95 239 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95 375 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95

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The Economics of Slavery
Booker T. Washington Charles S. Johnson
And Other Studies in
Up from Slavery New in Econometric History Shadow of the Plantation
An Autobiography Alfred H. Conrad and With a new introduction
Large Print Edition John R. Meyer by Joseph S. Himes
In this captivat- How are economists “A masterpiece
ing autobiogra- and historians to ex- of fact finding....
phy, Washington plain what happened the effect is
recounts his per- in history? What more like that
sonal voyage statistical inferences of an art than of
from the shack- can be drawn from a science.”
les of slavery to historical data? The
the pinnacle of authors believe that —John Crowe
prominence. Up explanation in histo- Ransom,
from Slavery is ry can be identified American
as much about with the problems of Review
Washington’s prediction in a prob- Focusing on
Tuskegee Insti- abilistic universe. descendants of
tute as it is about himself. When criticized In essence, the book is an argument for a slaves in one
for limiting the educational horizons of demonstration of the point of view that the rural Southern community in the early
blacks by emphasizing agricultural and restricted approach of “measurement without part of the twentieth century, Johnson
vocational subjects at his school, Washing- theory” is not necessary in economic history. reviews the troubled history of race rela-
ton declared that these are the true bases The authors explore the meanings and impli- tions in the United States. When reread
of black economic development. cations of evidence, explanation and proof in half a century after it was first written,
ISBN: 978-1-56000-544-5 (cloth) 1997 history by applying econometric methods to the book is revealed as a remarkably

425 pp. $39.95/£35.95/$C47.95 the analysis of major problems in nineteenth perceptive comment on race relations
ISBN: 978-1-4128-1311-2 (paper) 2009 century economic history, including the prof- and the triumph of individuals over
425 pp. $24.95/ £22.50/$C29.95 itability of slavery in the antebellum South. circumstances. Johnson describes and
The book presents an original and provoca- analyzes 612 black families in the rural
The Man Farthest Down tive approach to historical problems that have community of Macon County, Alabama
long plagued economists and historians and in the late 1920s and early 1930s: their
A Record of Observation and provides the reader with a new approach to families, economic situation, education,
these and similar questions. religious activities, recreational life, and
Study in Europe
ISBN: 978-0-202-30934-7 (paper) 2007 health practices.
With Robert E. Park 250 pp. $22.95/£20.95/ $C27.95 ISBN: 978-1-56000-878-1 (paper) 1996
With a new introduction 215 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95
by St. Clair Drake Slavery and Its Aftermath
“The book is as readable for its lively
presentation of conditions in Europe as Peter I. Rose, editor Bitter Canaan
it is valuable for its conclusions.” A reissued classic, Slavery and Its Aftermath The Story of the Negro Republic
—The Nation offers the reader the opportunity to see—and
The Man Farthest Down represents indeed, to participate in—debates over With an introduction
an early contribution to the study of the extent of African influence on the life by John Stanfield
comparative social systems. Its treatment of black Americans. This volume deals
with four controversies: the retention Bitter Canaan is a historical sociologi-
of life in the East European shtetls is cal account of Liberian society. Johnson
as moving as the analysis of ghetto life of “Africanism,” the impact of slavery
on personality and social structure, life traces the historical development of
in America. In his new introduction to American race relations that lead to the
this edition, Drake illustrates the in the South and in the North, and the
current status of black Americans. The emigration of thousands of blacks to Li-
intellectual camaraderie shared beria. The struggles in leaving America
between Park and Washington work contains essays on the roots of black
protest, comments on the background and and settling the African wilderness are
in their studies of race. Drake detailed. His critical study of American
also details their individual character of the Black Revolt and the Civil
Rights Movement, interpretations corporate intervention in Liberian soci-
observations, philosophies, ety in the twentieth century has the flair
and activities in both their of the impact and significance of
Black Power, and varied views of contemporary political analysis.
academic and political
lives. on changing self-images of being ISBN: 978-0-88738-053-2 (cloth) 1985
African-American. 256 pp. $39.95/£35.95/$C47.95
ISBN: 978-0-202-30941-5 ISBN: 978-1-56000-630-5 (paper) 1987
(paper) 2007 486 pp. 256 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95
(paper) 1984 456 pp.
$29.95/£26.95/$C35.95 $44.95/£40.50/$C53.95

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Titles marked * are only available from Transaction in North America
Slavery in the United States Narrative of the Life of an
Charles W. Chesnutt American Slave
Louis Filler New in
The House New in With a new introduction Large Print Edition
Behind the Cedars by the author Frederick Douglass
Chesnutt’s nov- Slavery in the United This volume, the
els are about ten- States clarifies the most famous of all
sions, alliances, institution of slav- slave narratives,
and emotional ery in its historical written by the most
and physical context. This finely towering black figure
violence on etched volume en- of the 19th century,
both sides of the compasses the hu- is both literature and
color line. The man implications of historical analysis.
House Behind slavery and its prac- Douglas provides a
the Cedars is tices. It emphasizes true glimpse of the
a tale of an at- the distinguished brutal experience of
tractive brother and disreputable el- slavery in antebel-
and sister who ements on both sides lum America. With
decide to estab- of the slavery relationship, and in every part this classic autobiography, Douglas has left
lish themselves in the best class of of the United States. The work includes high an indispensable legacy for modern day read-
whites South Carolina has to offer. quality, often neglected, readings that permit ers in helping them understand what it’s like
Rena makes a brilliant match, exactly the reader to form his or her own views. It to be “broken in body, soul, and spirit” yet
as her calculating brother has intended. reveals the best writings on all aspects of the rise above unimaginable adversity to become
But the engagement is soon threatened slavery issue, as well as analytic summa- an outstanding orator who hoped his “little
by her own ambivalence and a series of tions by contemporary historians and social book would hasten the day of deliverance to
miscalculations, shifting loyalties, and researchers. the millions of my brethren in bonds.”
full-stop treacheries. ISBN: 978-0-7658-0431-0 (paper) 1998

ISBN: 978-1-56000-534-6 (cloth) 1997

ISBN: 978-1-56000-494-3 (cloth) 2000 165 pp. $24.95 /£22.50/$C29.95 143 pp. $34.95 / £31.50/$C41.95
240 pp. $39.95/£35.95/ $C47.95 ISBN: 978-1-4128-1285-6 (paper) 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4128-1264-1 (paper) 2009 143 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95
240 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95 Jews and the American
Slave Trade
Saul S. Friedman
Andrew Durnford
The Marrow of New in
Paperback “... a much needed A Black Sugar Planter in the
Tradition response to an Antebellum South
“The Marrow of Tradition” is a phrase explosive issue that
furthest from a benign statement on has been plagued David O. Whitten
culture. Rather it is a sharp-edged sen- with false charges The Durnford volume offers singular ac-
sibility that the tradition involved, the and pseudo- counts of American life and labor in the
sense of the racial supremacy of whites scholarship. In calm, first half of the nineteenth century. Because
over blacks in the post-Civil War South, logical and precise Durnford was black, free, and a medical
remained strong even at the turn of the academic fashion, practitioner, his life stands as a rare example
twentieth century. In this compressed Dr. Friedman amply of a man and a culture adjusting to peculiar
epic, Chesnutt, with a subtle sense of proves that Jews did social orders.
irony describes the frame-up of a black not dominate the ISBN: 978-1-56000-200-0 (cloth) 1995
man for the rape and violation of a white slave trade to and
woman. And while the hoax is uncovered 192 pp. $32.95/£29.95/$C39.95
in America and, in fact, played a minuscule
by none other than the grandfather of the role even when part of the larger European,
actual perpetrator of the crime, the mores West Indian, North American, and South
and traditions of the South are such that
while the innocent is eventually let go,
American slave societies. From ancient
slavery to colonial mass transport, through STAY CONNECTED
the guilty white youngster goes unpun-
ished. This is a brilliantly written effort
each involved European nation to each
American colony, Dr. Friedman’s careful
in a class with The Ox Bow Incident and analysis is thoroughly documented and
To Kill a Mockingbird. interestingly crafted.
ISBN: 978-1-56000-493-6 (cloth) 1999 —Dr. David A. Rausch, professor of
310 pp. $39.95/£35.95/$C47.95 history, Ashland University
ISBN: 978-1-4128-1280-1 (paper) 2009 ISBN: 978-0-7658-0660-4 (paper) 1999
310 pp. $29.95/£26.95 / $C35.95 326 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95

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Loopholes and Retreats NEW
African American Writers and the
Nineteenth Century
John Cullen Gruesser and
Hanna Wallinger, editors
The essays explore the loopholes and retreats
employed and exploited by African American
polemicists, poets, novelists, slave narrators, Haiti
playwrights, short story writers, essayists,
First of the Year: 2009 editors, educators, historians, clubwomen, The God of Tough Places,
and autobiographers during the nineteenth the Lord of Burnt Men
Volume 2 century. The contributions use comparative,
transnational, literary historical, cultural Richard Frechette
Benj DeMott, editor studies, and Foucauldian perspectives to As a priest and a physician, Fr. Frechette has
This is the second volume in the First of examine how apparent weakness was turned known the body, heart, and soul of many peo-
the Year Series. Contributors like Armond into strength, and the machinery of oppres- ple in the most anguishing of circumstances,
White, Philip Levine, Donna Gaines, Law- sion into the keys to liberation when they faced the biggest challenges to their
rence Goodwyn, Irving Louis Horowitz, ISBN: 978-3-8258-1892-0 (paper) 2009 life and the meaning of it. The reflections in
Charles O’Brien, Fredric Smoler, Paul 208 pp. $44.95/£40.50/$C53.95 this volume are less about Haiti than they are
Berman, and Amiri Baraka are back (and about real-life incidents that happened there,
blazing). And there are important new voices during a particular time in history. These
in the First mix, such as Vincent Harding, Art, Education, and African- reflections shed light on what happens in any
Roxane Johnson, and Bob Levin. If there is place, at any time, to people of any race or
a leitmotif to this edition, it is the election American Culture class, who live out an assault on their human
and inauguration of Barack Obama as the dignity.This is a stunning work that crosses

first African-American president. First aims Albert Barnes and the Science of all conventional barriers between the personal
to be up to the minute of this moment. As Philanthropy and the political, between degradation by oth-
Benj DeMott notes “a glance at this volume ers and elevation by selves.
confirms the margin is still the center for Mary Ann Meyers
ISBN: 978-1-4128-1420-1 (cloth) 2010
us.” And that margin stretches from Harlem “Mary Ann Meyers 134 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
to the world. uses a journalist’s
ISBN: 978-1-4128-1166-8 (paper) 2009 eye, and a novelist’s Transaction will donate a portion of the
timing in skillfully proceeds from the sale of the book to the
307 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95 Salvation Army, Catholic Charities,
weaving the socio-
and the American Red Cross.
logical, artistic, po-
First of the Year: 2008 litical, societal and
philosophical ingre- Haiti
dients that comprise
Benj DeMott, editor
the saga of the Barnes The Best Nightmare on Earth
First of the Year: 2008 is the first in an annual Foundation. The
series of socio-cultural reviews that intends stranger than fiction Herbert Gold
to open a new chapter in the Harlem Renais- account of the Foun- With a new afterword
sance. It is an attempt to make political argu- dation is laced together with a lucid biography
ment s breathe through cultural voices. It is by the author
of its provocative founder and the ramifications
grounded in the needs of “dissed” people: In Haiti: The Best Nightmare on Earth, Herbert
of his eccentricities over the half century fol-
disenfranchised, disadvantaged, disinher- Gold explores the secret life of this vibrant,
lowing his death. Dr. Meyers is exemplary in
ited, discomfited, and dismissed. The initial volatile, violent land. The author reflects on
her scholarship and even-handedness in telling
volume deals with the issue of humanism the country’s history and politics, culture and
a story that relentlessly offers the temptation
and terror, the nature of social movements, folklore, but sees much more. He sees Haiti
to take sides.”
electoral and urban politics, and the musical through the eyes of a lover: impassioned, jeal-
trends of our time. Issues of “standards” are —Frederick S. Osborne, President, ous, probing, ever alert, and alive. Where else
addressed from the angle of African Ameri- Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts is there such generosity amid such corruption,
can cultural traditions, and the mind-body Art, Education, and African-American such humor in the midst of such desperation?
problem as a matter of race, not just of meta- Culture is both a biography of an iconoclastic This is Herbert Gold’s Haiti, a country of ex-
physics. The contributors include Sheldon and innovative figure and a study of the traordinary paradox and remarkable extremes-
Wolin, Jean Bethke Elsthain, Kurt Vonnegut, often-conflicted efforts of an emergent of gingerbread dream houses and wretched
Paul Berman, Charles Keil, Philip Levine, liberalism to seek out and showcase African slums, of brutal repression
among others. First of the Year bridges the American contributions to the American and explosive creative
gap between radical perspectives and insists aesthetic tradition. energy.
on the centrality of African American culture ISBN: 978-0-7658-0214-9 (cloth) 2003 ISBN:
to the national conversation. 474 pp. $49.95/£44.95/$C59.95 978-0-7658-0733-5
ISBN: 978-1-4128-0801-9 (paper) 2008 ISBN: 978-1-4128-0563-6 (paper) 2006 (paper) 2001 321 pp.
463 pp. $34.95/£31.50/$C41.95 474 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95 $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95
Check for discounts on select titles. 
Titles marked * are only available from Transaction in North America
Deep Down in the Jungle Restoring the Connection to Caribbean Transformations
Black American Folklore from the the Natural World
Sidney W. Mintz
Streets of Philadelphia Essays on the African American Contact and clash,
Roger D. Abrahams Environmental Imagination amalgamation and
accommodation, re-
This work represents Sylvia Mayer sistance and change
an attempt to present Since its emergence in the second half of have marked the
a body of folklore the nineteenth century, American environ- history of the Ca-
collected among one mentalism has predominantly been a white,

ribbean islands. It
small group of Black middle-class pursuit, being preoccupied with is a unique region
Americans in a neigh- notions of wilderness and wildlife preserva- where people under
borhood in South tion. Only fairly recently, with the advent the stress of slavery
Philadelphia. The of the environmental justice movement in had to improvise,
author’s approach to- the 1980s, has American environmental- invent and literally
ward collection and ism broadened its definition of “environ- create forms of hu-
presentation has been ment” to include the concerns relevant to man association through which their pasts
intensive. He has tried a community’s way of living. Of particular and the symbolic interpretation of their pres-
to collect “in depth,” disproportionate importance are the concerns ent could be structured. From Puerto Rican
and to recreate in his of poor urban communities of color, which plantation slavery to the rise of a Caribbean
presentation the social background in which the have been exposed to environmental hazards. peasantry to the implications of Caribbean
lore was found, and to relate the lore with the life This volume—one of the first collections nationhood, Caribbean Transformations
and the values of the group. Abrahams’ work is of ecocritical essays devoted exclusively presents essential readings for anthropolo-
a departure from any past methods of analyzing to African American texts—shows that gists, sociologists, historians and others
folklore, so a description of the methodology is African Americans have contributed to the interested in the Caribbean, in black studies,
given first. Throughout the project, the object efforts of the environmental justice move- in colonial problems, in the relationships
was to illuminate as fully as possible the lore ment, not only as political activists, but also between colonial areas and the imperial pow-
of one small group of African Americans from as writers. ers, and in culture change generally.
urban Philadelphia.
ISBN: 978-3-8258-6732-4 (paper) 2003 ISBN: 978-0-202-30957-6 (paper) 2007
ISBN: 978-0-202-30847-0 (paper) 2006
208 pp. $27.95/$C33.95* 367 pp. $35.95/£32.50/$C42.95
278 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95

Family and Child Well-Being Adoption, Race, and Identity Impacts of Incarceration on
after Welfare Reform From Infancy to Young Adulthood the African American Family
Douglas Besharov, editor Rita J. Simon and Howard Altstein Othello Harris and
This volume ex- With a new preface R. Robin Miller, editors
plores how low-in- The criminal justice
come children and
by the authors
Adoption, Race, and system has driven
their families are a wedge between
faring in the wake Identity is a long-
black men and their

of welfare reform. range study of the

impact of interracial children. African
Each chapter ex- American families
amines a series of adoption on those
adopted and their are harmed by this
questions: Can ex- in countless ways,
isting surveys and families. In four
phases it traces the from the psycho-
other data be used logical, physical,
to measure trends subjects from ear-
ly childhood into and material costs
in the area? What experienced by the
key indicators should be tracked? What are young adulthood.
Bringing together men themselves, to
the initial trends after welfare reform? What the losses felt by their mates, children, and
other information or approaches would be all phases into one
volume gives the reader a richer and deeper extended family members. This insightful
helpful? volume fills a void in the literature on the role
understanding of what the experience of
ISBN: 978-0-7658-0845-5 (paper) 2004 transracial adoption has meant for the par- of African American men in the functioning
305 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95 ents, the adoptees, and children born into the of families.
ISBN: 978-1-4128-1399-0 (eBook) 2009 families studied. ISBN: 978-0-7658-0973-5 (paper) 2002
305 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95 225 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95
ISBN: 978-0-7658-0903-2 (paper) 2001
231 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95

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Black Families Slipping through the Cracks Behind Ghetto Walls
Interdisciplinary Perspectives The Status of Black Women Black Families in a Federal Slum
Harold E. Cheatham and Margaret C. Simms and Lee Rainwater
James B. Stewart, editors Julianne M. Malveaux, editors This classic book
Since the 1960s, when the Moynihan Report “In a curious is about the fam-
and the culture of poverty theses held sway, inversion of the ily lives of some
a consistent yet inconclusive and contradic- truth, black women 10,000 children and
tory theme has been that black families are are sometimes adults who lived in
pathological. This volume focuses on the portrayed as doubly an all-black pub-
economic circumstances and decision mak- lucky—the major lic housing project
ing of these families, employing interdisci- beneficiaries of a in St. Louis in the
plinary and cross-cultural perspectives. double-barrelled 1960s. The ques-
and super-vigorous tions treated here
ISBN: 978-0-88738-812-5 (paper) 1990
affirmative action have to do with the
418 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95 kinds of interper-
program. In reality,
of course, they sonal relationships
continue to maintain that develop in nuclear families, the social-
ization processes that operate in families as
Serving African American their place at the bottom of the market. In this
children grow up in a slum environment,
volume, Margaret C. Simms and Julianne M.
Children Malveaux have assembled papers on black the informal relationships of children and
women’s employment, health, education, adolescents and adults with each other,
Sondra Jackson and Sheryl training, and single parenting, and on the and, finally, the world views (the existential
Brissett-Chapman, editors policies that address their situations... [T]he framework) arising from the life experiences
volume goes some distance to remedy the of the residents, and the ways they make use
This volume presents an African American
neglect of black women in the social science of this framework to order their experiences
perspective on child welfare issues affecting
literature.” and make sense out of them. The book
African American children and challenges

pays particular attention to how each new
the child welfare community to ensure that —Barbara Bergmann, generation of parents expresses the cultural
all African American children will receive The Journal of Human Resources and social structural forces that formed it and
protection, nurturing, and an improved
ISBN: 978-0-88738-662-6 (paper) 1986 continue to constrain its behavior.
quality of life; to create and sustain mutual
communication and support through pro- 302 pp. $21.95/£19.95/$C26.95 ISBN: 978-0-202-30907-1 (paper) 2006
gram development; and to increase African 591 pp. $39.95/£35.95/$C47.95
American leadership through education and
training opportunities in preparation for
executive level positions.
ISBN: 978-0-7658-0434-1 (paper) 1998
274 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95
African American Males Pathways to Manhood
A Critical Link in the African Young Black Males Struggle
Crossing Boundaries American Family for Identity
African American Inner City and Dionne J. Jones, editor Expanded Second Edition
Migrant Youth The disproportionate share of African
American male inmates in the U.S., the high Janet Mancini Billson
Theron D. Cook, Maria Diedrich, homicidal rate, the astronomical rise and With a foreword by Richard Majors
and Flip Lindo, editors spread of the AIDS virus, and the continuing and an epilogue
growth of drug abuse, all suggest that the by Bernard E. Bruce
The essays included in this volume are an African American male may be becoming
outgrowth of a symposium on transcultural Billson studies five young boys who grew
an endangered species. Contributors examine
and national orientation called “Crossing up during the late 1960s and early 1970s.
the structural and environmental conditions
Boundaries.” The conference was inspired She analyzes how each coped with being
that give rise to these negative conditions,
by the “Wigger” metaphor and was attended a poor black male growing up in Roxbury,
and argue that the current situation makes
by African American researchers who have Massachusetts. Using data from Harvard’s
for structural imbalance in American society
worked among inner city black youth, as well “Pathways to Identity” project, she shows
as a whole, as well as that within African
as European and Israeli migration scholars. how healthy ego striving develops in a
American communities as such.
Collectively they contribute to understanding society that throws many strikes against its
how to address the myriad of challenges that ISBN: 978-1-56000-744-9 (paper) 1994 members.
youth from different cultures confront in the 95 pp. $21.95/£19.95/$C26.95
ISBN: 978-1-56000-871-2 (paper) 1996
countries in which they live. 367 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
ISBN: 978-3-8258-7231-1 (paper) 2004
200 pp. $34.95/$C41.95*

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Wilbur H. Watson
Black Folk Medicine Against the Odds
The Therapeutic Significance of Blacks in the Profession of Medicine
Faith and Trust in the United States
“Watson’s important work presents an
With a foreword by informative overview of the role of race and
Doris Y. Wilkinson class in framing the entry and achievements
This volume provides new insight into the of African American physicians…. [This]
various conditions and structures that help to informative book makes a significant
account for the development and persistence contribution to the achievements of African
of folk medicine in societies. Americans.”
ISBN: 978-0-7658-0460-0 (paper) 1998 —Doris Wilkinson, Director, National
136 pp. $21.95/£19.95/$C26.95 Project on the African American Heritage
Watson describes successful efforts by
determined individuals and small groups of
black Americans, since the early nineteenth
Stress and Old Age century, to establish a strong black presence
By focusing on signs of post-relocation in the medical profession. It is a unique
mortality, psychosocial distress, and coping study of the history, ethnography, and social
behavior in two groups of inner city elderly psychology of blacks in medicine, which
black people, this book helps fill the infor- brings readers closer to the physicians’ lived
mation void created by the lack of research

experiences than mere social or quantitative

on relocation effects among the minority description.
elderly. ISBN: 978-1-56000-376-2 (cloth) 1998
ISBN: 978-0-87855-296-2 (cloth) 1980 198 pp. $34.95/£31.50/$C41.95
144 pp. $34.95/£31.50/$C41.95

Catholic High Schools and Historically Black Colleges Habits of Mind

Minority Students and Universities Fostering Access and Excellence in
Andrew M. Greeley Charles L. Betsey, editor Higher Education
With a new preface by the author Spurred on by financial and accreditation William B. Allen and
Using a complex issues, litigation to assure compliance with Carol M. Allen
analytic technique court decisions, equal higher education op-
portunity for all citizens, and the role of race “The goal of higher
that includes sophis-
in admissions decisions, interest in the role, education as de-
ticated mathemati-
accomplishments, and future of Historically scribed by Allen
cal models, Greeley
Black Colleges and Universities has been and Allen is based
demonstrates that
renewed. The competition that HBCUs cur- on a curriculum of
the preponderance
rently face in attracting and educating Afri- study for a proficient
of evidence on mea-
can-American and other students presents humanity character-
suring the effect of
both challenges and opportunities. Despite ized by excellence in
Catholic secondary
the fact that numerous studies have found judgment.... The au-
schools on minority
that HBCUs are more effective at retaining thors have presented
students tilts in favor
and graduating African-American students a refreshing treatise
of the school. There
than predominately white colleges, HBCUs on the values of edu-
appears to be an authentic Catholic school ef-
have serious detractors. There is reason to cation, respect for
fect, attributable to religious order ownership
believe, and it is the opinion of several con- working toward a more civilized society,
of some schools, more regular discipline in
tributors to this book, that in the changing acknowledgement of human dignity and
the schools, and especially to a higher quality
higher education environment HBCUs will the need for more moral and fair treatment
of teaching. Greeley confirms the continued
not survive. This volume provides cutting- within our society.
success of Catholic schools based on recent
studies, despite dissenting voices that wish to edge data as well as solid social analysis of —Alton L. Taylor,
attack both private and religious educational this major concern in black life. University of Virginia
institutions. This is an important contribution ISBN: 978-1-4128-0782-1 (paper) 2008 ISBN: 978-0-7658-0184-5 (cloth) 2003
to the debate on the future of the education of 174 pp. $24.95/£22.50 /$C26.95 249 pp. $34.95/£31.50/$C41.95
young people in the United States.
ISBN: 978-0-7658-0950-6 (paper) 2002
107 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95
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A Century of Service African Americans in Sport The Urban School
Land-Grant Colleges and Universi- Gary A. Sailes A Factory for Failure
ties, 1890-1990 Although research Ray C. Rist
on African Ameri-
Ralph D. Christy and With a new

can athletes gen-
Lionel Williamson, editors erally focuses on introduction
Both a history and appreciation of Land- negative stereotypes by the author
Grant schools, this work provides a presenta- of physical prowess, “The Urban School
tion of views on how their original mission and socially con- is a timely and much
can best be adapted to the challenges of the troversial themes, needed wake-up call
future. In assessing the current state of the few studies investi- to an educational
schools and looking to the future, the authors gate the diverse and policy and contempo-
seek ways of building upon their strengths complex cultural rary social problem
and traditions and explore alternative insti- dichotomies within that urgently needs to
tutional designs to enhance the status and the infrastructure of be addressed across
opportunities for African American agricul- sport in the African American community. the country and in every urban school district.”
tural scientists and professionals under new Sailes maintains that it is crucial to develop —The Bookwatch
circumstances. a more eclectic and immersed cultural ap-
proach when investigating African American ISBN: 978-0-7658-0938-4 (paper) 2002
ISBN: 978-1-56000-002-0 (cloth) 1991 216 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
124 pp. $34.95/£31.50/$C41.95 involvement in competitive sports.
ISBN: 978-0-7658-0440-2 (paper) 1998
Visit us at
271 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95
to view titles from Ray C. Rist

Blackness and Prescription for Failure
Sexualities Race Relations in the
Antje Schuhmann and Age of Social Science
Michelle Wright, editors Byron M. Roth
How queer is Black studies, how racialized Roth examines the sources of racial conflict
is queer studies? In the West, racial fantasies and why advances in civil rights for blacks
are often sexualized, just as sexual fantasies have not been accompanied by greater
often rely on notions of a racial Other. Bring- harmony between blacks and whites. His
ing together the latest work by some of the central thesis is that America’s policies on
foremost scholars in a variety of disciplines, race have failed because they have been
Blackness and Sexualities offers analyzes based on social science theories unsupported
and critiques that span three continents and by sound evidence, and that policies aimed Right Turn
looks at topics such as: the secret market- at diminishing white racism can have only
ing of black female pornography to white a negligible effect on the massive problems William Bradford Reynolds, the

American men; the eroticization of colonial of the black underclass. Prescription for Reagan Administration, and Black
legacies in contemporary German media; the Failure touches on a wide range of issues, Civil Rights
exoticization of African women in previously including the role of the media in perpetuat-
unpublished photos and diaries by America’s ing common misunderstandings about race, Raymond Wolters
first best-selling black novelist; the ways in the reluctance of social scientists to report “A wide ranging, solidly researched, and
which film captures how drag queens can on controversial findings that might be con- judiciously written account of one of the most
claim agency and cooperate with all kinds of strued as insensitive or racist, and the trend politically controversial and ideologically
sexual communities across racial lines, or fail on university campuses toward self-segrega- divisive issues in recent American history...
to do so with terrible consequences. tion among minority students. Wolters provides a balanced and dispassion-
ISBN: 978-3-8258-9693-5 (paper) 2008 ISBN: 978-1-56000-161-4 (cloth) 1994 ate account of modern civil rights policy that
184 pp. $34.95/$C41.95* 392 pp. $54.95/£49.50/$C65.95 illuminates often bitterly contested issues.
ISBN: 978-1-56000-739-5 (paper) 1994 His distinctive contribution is to uncover a
392 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95 vast amount of factual information not previ-
ously known.”
—Herman Belz, University of Maryland
ISBN: 978-1-56000-257-4 (cloth) 1996
499 pp. $49.95/£44.95/$C59.95

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An American Dilemma Black Men in Interracial
W.E.B. DuBois Relationships
The Negro Problem and Modern
The Souls of New in Democracy What’s Love Got to Do With It?
Black Folk Gunnar Myrdal Kellina M. Craig-Henderson
Large Print Edition With a new introduction “There really isn’t
This extraordi- by Sissela Bok this exodus of
nary work first In rich, historic de- Black men running
published in tail the two volumes to White women.
1903 remains of An American Di- Because we don’t
one of the most lemma show every see a lot of Black
influential writ- major aspect of the men and Black
ings of our time. black encounter women together as
DuBois declared, with white America couples, it stands out
“the problem of as it existed more in our minds when
the Twentieth than fifty years ago. we do see Black
Century is the These classics cover men in interracial
problem of the racial beliefs and relationships.”
color line” and ancestry; popula- —Kellina M. Craig-Henderson,
indeed predicted the racial controversy tion and migration; Ebony Magazine, 2007
that continues to haunt American soci- the economic condition of black people in
Grounded in serious research, interviews,
ety. This prophetic masterpiece began historic context; political trends and prac-
and analysis of census data, Black Men in
DuBois’s lifelong crusade in his search tices; the legal system and the administra-
Interracial Relationships examines why such
for a solution, pleading for mutual respect tion of justice; patterns of social inequality
relationships appear to be so popular among
and understanding as well as the use of and discrimination; social stratification and
black male elites. The author unravels the
nonviolent methods to achieve racial the black class structure; black leadership
mystery behind the apparent absence of black
equality. and protest movements; community life
women in black men’s lives. This book will
ISBN: 978-1-56000-524-7 (cloth) 1998 and institutions in the black world; and the

interest specialists in race, gender, family, and

330 pp. $34.95/£31.50/$C41.95 “American dilemma” as such.
sexual issues appropriate for courses in these
ISBN: 978-1-4128-1302-0 (paper) 2009 “One of the best political commentaries on areas. It is also highly readable and thought-
330 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95 American life that has ever been written.” provoking for the general public, who will find
—The American Political Science Review its observations and findings fascinating.
Volume 1: ISBN: 978-0-7658-0309-2 (cloth) 2006
Dusk of Dawn ISBN: 978-1-56000-856-9 (paper) 1995 195 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
An Essay Toward an 822 pp. $39.95/£35.95/$C47.95 COMING FALL 2010
Volume 2:
Autobiography of a Race Concept Black Women in Interracial Relationships
ISBN: 978-1-56000-857-6 (paper) 1996
With a new introduction 936 pp. $49.95/£44.95/$C59.95
by Irene Diggs 2 Volume Set: Managing Diversity
ISBN: 978-1-56000-858-3 (paper) 1996
“DuBois describes in a mood of mounting 1896 pp. $79.95/£71.95/$C96.95
in the Military
intensity, sternly held in check, his own
changing attitudes towards the restricting Research Perspectives from
bars set up against the world of color. The the Defense Equal Opportunity
story of DuBois’ life, devoted to a program The Things They Say Management Institute
of action against these restrictions, Behind Your Back
presents an unforgettable picture of the Mickey R. Dansby,
changing life of our time.” Stereotypes and the Myths Behind James B. Stewart, and
—Library Journal Them Schuyler C. Webb, editors
In her perceptive introduction to this Managing Diversity in the Military provides
Transaction edition, Irene Diggs sets
William B. Helmreich
an introduction to diversity management and
this classic autobiography against its In this groundbreaking book on the dim equal opportunity research in the United States
broad historical context world of opinion formation, Helmreich military. In twenty-four chapters it addresses
and critically analyzes its opens a closet bursting with skeletons and current equal opportunity and diversity issues
theoretical and method- explores the myths and historical roots of and explores how the military is attempting to
ological significance. stereotypes pertaining to ethnic groups. He resolve them. The research presented reflects
discusses which stereotypes are false, which the interests of scholars from various back-
ISBN: are true, how they originated, and why some
978-0-87855-917-6 grounds who use different models, approaches,
of the most libeled groups promote warped and methodologies, many of which are adapted
(paper) 1984 355 pp. perceptions about themselves.
$24.95/£22.50/$C29.95 from the study of civilian institutions.
ISBN: 978-0-87855-953-4 (paper) 2004 ISBN: 978-0-7658-0046-6 (cloth) 2001
283 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95 557 pp. $59.95/£53.95/$C72.95
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Eli Ginzberg
The Unemployed Troublesome Presence The Nation’s Children
With an introduction Democracy and the Black Americans Three Volumes in One
by Ben B. Seligman The issues raised in
With Alfred S. Eichner this tripartite study
The Unemployed, Ginzberg and Eich- of The Family and
a classic study of ner, in an innovative Social Change,
the effect of unem- interpretation of ba- Development and
ployment and of the sic political conflict Education, and
ways of relieving it in the American ex- Problems and Pros-
upon actual, typi- perience, reveal how pects remain central.
cal families of the democracy evolved It confirms that the
1930s and 1940s. It without making a problems of chil-
is a vivid, startling place for African dren and youth have
picture of the de- Americans. The vol- not been satisfacto-
moralizing influence ume emphasizes the rily resolved.
and consequences national, rather than
of America’s relief ISBN:
regional, character
policies during the Depression years. The 978-0-88738-676-3
of racial prejudice. This book provides a
study comprises an incisive interpretation (paper) 1987 750 pp.
tough-minded appraisal of the American
of the problem and a series of absorbing past coupled with a fair-minded sense of the $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
human-interest stories of representative American present.
families on relief.
ISBN: 978-1-56000-695-4 (paper) 1993
ISBN: 978-0-7658-0574-4 (paper) 2004 358 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95
433 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95

America’s Second Civil War Race, Class, and Power Immigration, Incorporation

Dispatches from the Political Center Ideology and Revolutionary Change and Transnationalism
in Plural Societies Elliott R. Barkan, editor
Stanley A. Renshon
For the second time Leo Kuper Immigration, In-
in the history of the With a new introduction corporation and
United States anoth- Transnationalism
er civil war looms. by Troy Duster integrates interdis-
The new danger lies Examining in detail the apparently inexo- ciplinary perspec-
in conflicts among rable polarization of society in such countries tives and exciting
people of different as Rwanda, Algeria, and South Africa, the new scholarship on
racial, cultural, and author questions whether current theories important themes
ethnic heritages, and correctly explain the past or offer adequate and issues related
between those who guides for the future. In their place he puts to immigration and
view themselves as forward an alternative neo-Durkheimian ethnic history. It
culturally, politi- view of the possibility of non-violent revo- explores the atti-
cally, and economi- lutionary change, based on the development tudes and behaviors
cally disadvantaged versus those whom they of such social and cultural continuities as of people concerning the paths and means of
see as privileged. Unlike the first Civil War, already exist within each plural society. The incorporation, if not assimilation, that have
the antagonists cannot take refuge in their aim of this groundbreaking and challenging persisted and will continue on as long as
family or their religious, social, cultural or book is to create theoretical perspectives in ethnic communities endure and ever newer
political organizations. These are precisely which to view the racial conflict of plural peoples arrive in foreign lands. The essays
the places were the war is being fought. societies. The author also describes his in this work encompass broad perspectives,
At issue is whether it is possible or desir- struggles with the then-prevailing South case studies, and recent developments.
able to preserve the strengths of a common African society, critiques that, and reveals They include such topics as immigration
heritage. Some quarters insist that our past censorship of his attempts to make these to New York City, past and present; labor
has resulted in a culture only worth tearing public. In the light of subsequent changes in migration systems and personal trajectories
down to build over, rather than one worth South Africa many decades after its original of household domestics; the creation and
keeping and building upon. We are in conflict printing in the mid-1970s, this book serves maintenance of Cuban American “exile ide-
over the viability of American culture and not only as an important work of political ology;” the extremely contemporary topic of
identity itself. sociology but as a personal testament to the the Arab American experience, and more.
fight against racism in South Africa.
ISBN: 978-0-7658-0087-9 (cloth) 2002 ISBN: 978-0-7658-0386-3 (paper) 2007
358 pp. $39.95/£35.95/$C47.95 ISBN: 978-0-202-30800-5 (paper) 2005 360 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
355 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95 ISBN: 978-1-4128-1371-6 (eBook) 2009
360 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
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The Diversity Machine The Lineaments of Wrath
The Drive to Change the “White Race, Violent Crime, and
Male Workplace” American Culture
Frederick R. Lynch James W. Clarke
Quoting the actual
With a new introduction words of victims and
by the author witnesses—Clarke
“Lynch shows that the diversity machine documents the ero-
with its underlying ideology of ethnic-gender sion of black confi-
proportionalism, cultural relativism, and dence in American
identity politics-can only foment social criminal justice. He
acrimony.” —Brad Stetson, First Things traces the evolution,
Rumors, Race and Riots of a black subcul-
During the past decade, Lynch studied the
ture of violence, in
Terry Ann Knopf rise of a social policy movement which is
which disputes are
future-oriented and market-driven, eclips-
Are race-related rumors rooted in the person- settled personally,
ing “old” affirmative action debates about
ality traits of the individual? Are they a kind and without recourse
overcoming past discrimination against
of “improvised news” for a community? Do to the legal system. That subculture accounts
blacks. Based on more than six years of field
they come and go at random or form definite, for historically high rates of black-on-black
research and hundreds of interviews, Lynch
recognizable patterns? What role do the news violence, which now threaten to destroy the
tracks the development and impact of differ-
media play in spreading rumors? These and black inner city from within.
ent forms of diversity policies. He profiles
other questions are treated in this classic ISBN: 978-0-7658-0873-8 (paper) 2001
the major consultants who have powered
study of how and why rumors emerge in con- 339 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
the diversity machine, analyzes the benefits
nection with racial disorders. Hundreds of
and drawbacks of various approaches to
pertinent rumors are documented from local
workplace diversity and provides numer-
newspapers and investigative accounts. An
ous “you-are-there” samples of workshops,
exhaustive, systematic inquiry is made into
seminars, and conferences.
Project Clear

the series of disorders that occurred between

1967 and 1970. The role played by rumors ISBN: 978-0-7658-0731-1 (paper) 2001
during these disturbing times is examined 416 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95 Social Research and the Desegrega-
and compared to earlier periods of unrest. tion of the United States Army
Implications for public policy are explored
along with a hard look at rumor-control Lee Bogart, editor
centers. The influence of the police and other Psychology and Race Clear was the code name for the research that
public officials as well as the news media are led to the official desegregation of the U.S.
treated extensively since they play a big part
Peter Watson, editor Army at the time of the Korean War. This
in fostering a grapevine in the white suburbs Psychology and Race is a collection of essays volume represents the two major troop opin-
similar to the one found in the inner cities. by distinguished experts in psychology as ion surveys that were the heart of the project,
ISBN: 978-1-4128-0557-5 (paper) 2006 it relates to race. The first half of the book the first examining the performance of black
looks at the interracial situation itself. The troops in the Korean campaign, and the
426 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
first section concentrates on the majority or second, the problems encountered by black
dominant group, and describes the develop- soldiers stationed in the continental United
ment and measurement of racial awareness States. Although Project Clear dealt with a
and prejudice and techniques for reducing unique series of events and with a situation
prejudice; the second section focuses on the that existed for only a few transitional years,
Equality Transformed reactions of subordinate or minority groups; its findings were obvious: racial integration
and the third deals with specific aspects of “worked.” Recent years have witnessed
A Quarter Century of interpersonal interaction-attitudes, behav- renewed expression of racial tension and
Affirmative Action ior, and performance—when the people conflict. This study includes observations
concerned are of different races. The book applicable to problems still unsolved and
Herman Belz also looks at those areas of life where race is to situations yet to be encountered. Apart
“Critiques the creation and evolution of civil relevant and where psychology can help in from such an intimation of future applica-
rights policy during the last thirty years... an understanding of the situation. The scope bility, there is a drama to be found in the
Belz successfully integrates the tale into a of this volume, the distinction of its authors, transformation of an institution as large and
piece of sophisticated scholarship and an and the hardheaded sense of reality it brings conservative as the army. For the social
intelligible whole...mandatory reading.” to the discussion of these extremely complex scientist, there is a particular interest in this
—Mary R. Mattingly, issues will make it an invaluable resource example of how large-scale social research
Social Science Quarterly not only for teachers and students but also conducted with tremendous speed and under
for everyone concerned in any way with this great pressure, can be applied effectively to
ISBN: 978-0-88738-393-9 (cloth) 1991 most pressing issue of our times. influence national policy.
326 pp. $49.95/$44.95/£59.95
ISBN: 978-0-88738-882-8 (paper) 1991 ISBN: 978-0-202-30929-3 (paper) 2007 ISBN: 978-0-88738-424-0 (cloth) 1991
326 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95 491 pp. $34.95/£31.50/$C41.95 440 pp. $44.95/£40.50/$C53.95

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The Inner City Leading Issues in Black
Urban Poverty and Economic Political Economy
Development in the Next Century Thomas D. Boston, editor
Thomas D. Boston and This volume brings together foremost ex-
Catherine L. Ross, editors perts on such issues as diverse as employ-
ment, training, and education of African
The Inner City includes not only the view- Americans, and emphasizes macroeconomic
points of academicians but also those of concerns of business development with
practitioners. Five community service orga- special emphasis on long-term trends of
nizations, whose primary focus is the inner black-owned businesses as well as welfare
city, present perspectives on their organiza- considerations in an anti-welfare epoch, and
tions’ strategies for inner city revitalization. the role of affirmative action that is under
Each brings a unique approach to problems attack. Attention is given to the role of race
of the inner city. in the continuing disparity of income distri-
ISBN: 978-1-56000-980-1 (paper) 1997 bution in American society.
357 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95 ISBN: 978-0-7658-0759-5 (paper) 2001
516 pp. $34.95/£31.50/$C41.95

African Americans and Post- Health Policies and

Industrial Labor Markets Black Americans
James B. Stewart, editor David P. Willis, editor
This collective portrait documents the “An absolutely stellar cast of authors... an

disproportionate vulnerability of African outstanding contribution to both health care
Americans to the ongoing transformations of research and political agendas.” Beyond the Boundaries NEW
the U.S. economy, from industrial to service —Beatrix A. Hamburg, M.D.,
areas, as the twenty-first century begins. An New Structure of Ambition in
Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, CUNY
The chapters are connected by a common African American Politics
theme: black employment is highly sensi- “Collectively, the knowledgeable authors
tive to changes in both aggregate and local have challenged what is known about the Georgia A. Persons, editor
economic conditions. As a result, policy health status of black Americans and how it In the past, African American aspirations for
changes designed to promote macro-level has been learned.” political office were assumed to be limited to
economic stabilization could well have the —Senator Daniel K. Inouye areas with sizeable black population bases.
unintended effect of further increasing job In this comprehensive review eighteen lead- By and large, black candidates have rarely
instability among blacks. ing researchers analyze health gains made by been successful in statewide or national elec-
ISBN: 978-1-56000-920-7 (paper) 1997 black Americans. tions. This has been attributed to several fac-
414 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95 tors: limited resources available to African
ISBN: 978-0-88738-249-9 (paper) 1988 American candidates, or identification with
531 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95 a black liberationist ideological thrust. For
these reasons, the possibility of black can-
didates winning elections to national office
was presumably just a dream. This volume
The Economics of The Housing Status is anchored by a symposium that focuses
Race and Crime of Black Americans on new possibilities in African American
politics. Both the electoral contests of 2006
Samuel L. Myers, Jr. and Wilhelmina A. Leigh and and the Barack Obama presidential campaign
represent an emergent dynamic in American
Margaret C. Simms, editors James B. Stewart electoral politics. Analysts are beginning to
This volume resurrects several classic “A welcome addition to the literature...would agree that the contours of social change now
writings on the relationship between crime be very useful for upper level undergraduate make the electoral successes of black candi-
and economy. Newer articles use quality classes in urban studies or black studies.” dates who are perceived as ideologically and
microdata to understand particular aspects culturally mainstream increasingly likely.
of criminal justice processes, addressing —Joe T. Darden, Urban Studies
The debate captured in this volume will
the relationships between employment and “These authors have well summarized the likely inspire further scholarly inquiry into
criminal behavior, tradeoffs among educa- history of civil rights legislation and federal the changing nature and dimensions of the
tion, employment, and crime, and the link housing subsidy programs.” larger dynamic of race in American politics
between overall economic conditions and —W. Paul Strassman, and the subsequent changing political for-
rates of incarceration. Journal of Economic Issues tunes of African American candidates.
ISBN: 978-0-88738-755-5 (paper) 1988 ISBN: 978-1-56000-579-7 (paper) 1991 ISBN: 978-1-4128-1048-7 (paper) 2009
220 pp. $21.95/£19.95/$C26.95 250 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95 284 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95

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White Ethics and NEW African-American Social and The Impact of Immigration on
Black Power Political Thought, 1850–1920 African Americans
The Emergence of the West Side Howard Brotz, editor Steven Shulman, editor
Organization With a new introduction Immigration has sig-
by the editor and foreword nificant consequenc-
William W. Ellis es for all Americans,
White Ethics and by B. William Austin but especially for
Black Power exam- Bringing together African Americans.
ines the careers and the most charac- The sheer magnitude
philosophies of the teristic and serious of immigration—it
leadership of a com- writings by black is the primary factor
munity organiza- scholars, authors, driving population
tion, illuminating journalists, and growth—is so large
the complex rela- educators from the that it directly or
tionship between years that preceded indirectly affects the
white America and the modern civil economic, political,
the new black pow- rights movement, social, and environmental circumstances of
er movements, be- this is a compre- most Americans. But the geographic concen-
tween America and hensive guide to the tration of immigrants in urban areas, and the
its interpretation of itself on the one hand, range and diversity economic concentration of immigrants in the
and the experience of black and oppressed of black thought. The writings reveal a ten- low-wage sector of the labor market, have
peoples in America on the other. Redefining sion and a thread between two essential poles special consequences for African Americans
social science as a means—through educa- of thought: those who see civil assimilation since they are especially likely to live in
tion and research—of improving the quality as the goal of black aspiration, and nation- urban areas and to be low-wage workers.
of American life, William W. Ellis derides alist or separatist voices that despaired of This volume presents research and analysis
non-participatory social science as a hoax ever having a dignified future in a biracial

that reflects and advances the debates about

and asks the social scientist to make clear his society. the economic and political consequences of
moral commitment: to the people he studies ISBN: 978-1-56000-563-6 (paper) 1991 immigration for African Americans.
or to the establishment that funds him. 641 pp. $39.95/£35.95/$C47.95 ISBN: 978-0-7658-0582-9 (paper) 2004
ISBN: 978-0-202-36289-2 (paper) 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4128-0885-9 (eBook) 2009 170 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95
205 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95 641 pp. $39.95/£35.95/$C47.95

The State of the

Black Entrepreneurship Black Economy
in America Blacks in Rural America
Issues in Community Revitalization
James B. Stewart and
Shelly Green and Paul Pryde Lloyd Hogan, editor
Joyce E. Allen-Smith, editors
“The uniqueness of the book is that the This collection in-
cludes major con- This volume is
entrepreneur is seen not just as an agent for
tributions from the unique in its fo-
capital accumulation, but also as the prime
Ninth Annual Sym- cus on the current
mover for social reconstruction.”
posium on the State economic status of
—Thomas D. Boston, black Americans in
of the Black Econo-
The Southern Economic Journal rural areas. This top-
my, cosponsored by
“Provocative reading for those who are the Chicago Eco- ic has had relatively
seeking ways of using the private sector nomic Development limited visibility in
to ameliorate conditions of poverty and Corporation and the recent years due,
hopelessness.” National Economic in part, to the high
Association. The degree of urbaniza-
—Carl Lieberman, tion among blacks.
Perspectives on Political Science theme for the 1979
symposium was “Community Revitalization: In her introduction,
“...very useful as a reference and as a text Implementation.” In 1978 practically every Smith summarizes the problems facing rural
in minority business enterprise. Should gathering, convention, and meeting revolved black Americans, discussing various policy
generate some sharp exchanges in the around the urban crisis and the president’s instruments available to improve their eco-
classroom.” urban policy. This collection reflects the con- nomic status.
—Scott Cummings, tinued concern within the black community ISBN: 978-1-56000-821-7 (paper) 1995
Contemporary Sociology with the quality of life for black people. 200 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95
ISBN: 978-1-56000-885-9 (paper) 1989 ISBN: 978-0-87855-816-2 (paper) 1980
194 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95 128 pp. $39.95/£35.95/$C47.95

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of African Americans
Complexions of Race Also Available
The African Atlantic Volume 12 Volume 6
Intercultural Mediations Black Liberation
Fritz Gysin and Hybridity and Mimesis in in the Americas


Cynthia S. Hamilton, editors American Literatures Fritz Gysin and Christopher Mulvey,
The geography of Ana M. Manzanas and editors
racial identity, race, Jesus Bénito, editors
place, and mapping, ISBN: 978-3-8258-5137-8 (paper) 2001
the way racial iden- ISBN: 978-3-8258-6738-6 (paper) 2004 200 pp. $24.95/$C29.95*
tities are construct- 224 pp. $34.95/$C41.95*
ed, reconstructed,
or enforced through
Volume 5
Volume 11 The Civil Rights Movement
performance, and Cross Routes
the way literary Revisited
forms, generic con- The Meanings of “Race” Critical Perspectives on the Struggle
structions, linguistic for the 21st Century for Racial Equality in the United States
strategies, and criti- Paola Boi and Sabine Broeck, Patrick B. Miller,
cal practices con- editors Therese Steffen Frey, and
struct, reconstruct, or reposition identities
assigned or claimed on the basis of race are
ISBN: 978-3-8258-6651-8 (paper) 2003 Elisabeth Schäfer-Wünsche, editors
discussed in this volume. 280 pp. $29.95/$C35.95* ISBN: 978-3-8258-4486-8 (paper) 2002
224 pp. $24.95/$C29.95*
ISBN: 978-3-8258-9030-8 (paper) 2007
264 pp. $39.95/$C47.95* Volume 10
Critical Voicings of Volume 4
Black Liberation EmBODYing Liberation
Resistance and Representations in The Black Body in American Dance
Volume 13 the Americas Dorothea Fischer-Hornung and
Kimberley L. Phillips, Hermine Alison D. Goeller, editors
Monuments of the D. Pinson, Thomas Lorenzo, and
Black Atlantic Hanna Wallinger, editors ISBN: 978-3-8258-4473-8 (paper) 2002
152 pp. $21.95/$C26.95*
Slavery and Memory ISBN: 978-3-8258-6739-3 (paper) 2003
192 pp. $24.95/$C29.95*
Joanne M. Braxton and Volume 3
Maria I. Diedrich, editors Paradise Reconsidered
Along with Aldon
Volume 9
Passing Novels in the Tony Morrison’s (Hi) Stories and
Nielson, the editors Truths
of this volume agree: Harlem Renaissance
“the middle passage Identity Politics and Textual Strategies Justine Tally
may be the great Mar Gallego ISBN: 978-3-8258-4204-8 (paper) 1999
repressed signifier ISBN: 978-3-8258-5842-1 (paper) 2003 108 pp. $19.95/$C23.95*
of American histori-
224 pp. $22.95/$C27.95*
cal consciousness.”
The essays in this Volume 2
collection demon- Volume 8 Liberating Narratives
strate the repressed Restoring the Connection to Black Female Voices in African
memory of lives the Natural World American Women Writers’ Novels
crossing within the
academy, oral traditions, and the stone walls
Essays on the African American of Slavery
of slave fortresses as well as the liturgy and Environmental Imagination Stefanie Sievers
spiritual and religious practices throughout Sylvia Mayer ISBN: 978-3-8258-3919-2 (paper) 1999
the African slaves living in the Diaspora. ISBN: 978-3-8258-6732-4 (paper) 2003 240 pp. $29.95/$C35.95*
Descendants of African slaves living in 208 pp. $27.95/$C33.95*
the Diaspora are bearers of an “unforget-
ful strength” that manifests itself in every Volume 1
aspect of culture. Black writers, artists, and Volume 7 Mapping African America
musicians in the New World have tested the The Story of Jazz History, Narrative Formation, and
limits of cultural memory, finding in it the Toni Morrison’s Dialogic Imagination the Production of Knowledge
inspiration to “speak the unspeakable.” Maria Diedrich, Carl Pedersen,
Justine Tally
ISBN: 978-3-8258-7230-4 (paper) 2005 and Justine Tally, editors
ISBN: 978-3-8258-5364-8 (paper) 2002
168 pp. $29.95/$C35.95* ISBN: 978-3-8258-3328-2 (paper) 1999
168 pp. $22.95/$C27.95*
252 pp. $32.95/$C39.95*

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National SCIENCE
Political Science
Free at Last?
Black America in the Twenty-First Century
Juan Battle, Michael Bennett,
and Anthony J. Lemelle, editors
In this anthology, the authors address a wide range of topics: race,
gender, class, sexual orientation, globalism, migration, health,
politics, culture, and urban issues—from a diversity of disciplinary
perspectives. Paul Attewell, David Lavin, Thurston Domina, and
Tania Levey examine the black middle class at the turn of the mil-
lennium. Todd C. Shaw considers how race shapes patriotism in the
wake of the September 11 attacks. Robert A. Brown focuses on the
growing chasm between blacks and whites with regard to views of

government’s obligation to address citizens’ basic needs. H. Alexan-

der Welcome details instances where white scholars have improperly
analyzed black experiences. Antonio Pastrana revisits Du Bois’s
Politics and African-American Ghettos theories about the problems facing blacks. Joy James shows that the
United States possesses the means and wealth to record and preserve
Ronald L. Warren, editor (or censor) its slave/penal discourse as part of its vast warehouse of
The black ghetto is a byproduct of American social policy. It came (neo) slave narratives.
into being within policies that were adopted—deliberately or inadver-
ISBN: 978-1-4128-0582-7 (paper) 2006
tently—and will persist, in the absence of drastic changes in policy.
Politics and African-American Ghettos searches out the policy-mak- 304 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
ing processes that have created the ghetto and that maintain it. Roland
L. Warren has assembled, in this volume, the work of researchers who
examine complex forces and counter forces which result in perpetu-
ating in our cities areas in which poverty, poor housing, inadequate Race, Class, and Political Symbols
education, and involuntary segregation converge to form a black
ghetto. This provocative work raises disturbing questions having to Rastafari and Reggae in Jamaican Politics
do with the processes through which American ghettos are created
and sustained, processes that must be altered if problems inherent in Anita M. Waters
the black ghetto are to be attacked effectively. For concerned students, In Race, Class and Political Symbols, the
scholars, and laymen, it affords new insights into the phenomenon author explores the role that ideas and
of the contemporary African-American network and its perplexing beliefs, especially those that coincide with
durability. ethnic group membership, play in shaping
social and political action. Waters explores
ISBN: 978-0-202-36212-0 (paper) 2008
the question of why politicians in Jamaica
244 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95 chose to use Rastafarian symbols and reg-
gae music in electoral campaigns.
ISBN: 978-0-88738-632-9 (paper) 1985
352 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95

Also Featured on page 14 of this catalogue

African-American Social Did You Know?

and Political Thought
Check out our eBooks at
Howard Brotz, editor Get whole eBooks or individual chapters.
ISBN: 978-1-56000-563-6 (paper) 1991 Read online—no lengthy downloads!
641 pp. $39.95/£35.95/$C47.95 Subject packages available for libraries.
ISBN: 978-1-4128-0885-9 (eBook) 2009
641 pp. $39.95/£35.95/$C47.95 Business & Humanities & Political Science
World &
Economics Social Science Cultural Affairs & Policy

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National SCIENCE
Political Science
Georgia A. Persons
Political Science Series Editor
Volume 11 Volume 10 Volume 9
The Expanding Contemporary Patterns of Race and Democracy
Boundaries of Black Politics Politics, Praxis, and Culture in the Americas
Part I of this vol- This volume reflects Race and De-
ume presents the major research mocracy in the
scholarship of a focuses across re- Americas exam-
cadre of young ligion, race, gen- ines dimensions
black political sci- der, culture, and of the comparative


entists, all junior, of course, politics. dynamics of race
untenured facul- Themes that en- and ethnicity, with
ty in the critical gage a community a directed focus
maturation stages of scholars also en- on Brazil and the
of finding their gage them in praxis United States. The
scholarly voices as individual citi- chapters illuminate
while actively zens and practitio- a common search
engaged in the ners in a democratic for understanding
critical tasks of society, and collec- how race operates
moving forward the study of black politics tively as member-participants in a changing in societies generally, and how it shapes life
and black political concerns. Part II is entitled culture. Two themes, religion and culture are opportunities for African Americans and
“Maximizing the Black Vote: Recognizing relatively new areas of intellectual curiosity Afro-Brazilians, both oppressed by this most
the Limits of Electoral Politics” concentrat- for political scientists. Articles in this volume detrimental social construction. This volume
ing on serious lingering social concerns. extend the beachheads already established by also represents an all too rare opportunity
ISBN: 978-0-7658-0375-7 (paper) 2007 African-American political scientists in studies to give voice and expression to the work of
420 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95 that gauge the significance and influence of Afro-Brazilian scholars.
ISBN: 978-1-4128-0907-8 (eBook) 2009 religion in both individual and group behavior. ISBN: 978-0-7658-0992-6 (paper) 2003
420 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95 They chart religion’s inevitable move onto the 260 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
center stage of U.S. public affairs.
ISBN: 978-1-4128-0468-4 (paper) 2005
223 pp. $29.95/£26.95 /$C35.95
Also Available

Volume 8 Volume 4 Volume 2

The Politics of the Challenge to Black Electoral Politics
“Black” Nation Racial Stratification ISBN: 978-0-88738-821-7 (paper) 1990
ISBN: 978-0-7658-0859-2 (paper) 2001 ISBN: 978-1-56000-676-3 (paper) 1994 283 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
298 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95 347 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
Volume 1
Volume 7 Volume 3 New Perspectives in
Race and Ethnicity in Ethnic Politics and American Politics
Comparative Perspective Civil Liberties ISBN: 978-0-88738-280-2 (paper) 1989
300 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95
ISBN: 0-7658-0435-2 (paper) 1998 ISBN: 978-1-56000-564-3 (paper) 1992
313 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95 224 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95

Volume 6
Race and Representation Also Featured on page 13 of this catalogue
ISBN: 978-1-56000-959-7 (paper) 1997 Beyond the Boundaries NEW
332 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95
An New Structure of Ambition in
African American Politics
Volume 5
The Changing Racial Regime Georgia A. Persons, editor
ISBN: 978-1-56000-814-9 (paper) 1995 ISBN: 978-1-4128-1048-7 (paper) 2009
284 pp. $29.95/£26.95/$C35.95
332 pp. $24.95/£22.50/$C29.95

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Abrahams, Roger D. 6 Blackness and Sexualities 9 Economics of Race and Crime,
Adoption, Race, and Blacks in Rural America 14 The 13
Identity 6 Blacks in Science 2 Economics of Slavery,
African-American Social Black Women in Antiquity 2 The 3
and Political Thought 14, 16 Bogart, Lee 12 Egypt: Child of Africa 2
African American Males 7 Boi, Paola 15 Egypt Revisited 2
African Americans and Boston, Thomas D. 13 Eichner, Alfred S. 11
Post-Industrial Labor Markets 13 Braxton, Joanne M. 15 Ellis, William W. 14
African Americans in Sport 9 Brissett-Chapman, Sheryl 7 EmBODYing Liberation 15
African Presence in Broeck, Sabine 15 Equality Transformed 12
Early America 2 Brotz, Howard 14, 16 Ethnic Politics and
African Presence in Caribbean Transformations 6 Civil Liberties 17
Early Asia 2 Catholic High Schools Expanding Boundaries
African Presence in Early and Minority Students 8 of Black Politics, The 17
Europe 2 Century of Service, A 9 Family and Child Well-Being
Afrocentric Traditions 1 Challenge to Racial after Welfare Reform 6
Against the Odds 8 Stratification 17 Filler, Louis 4
Allen, Carol M. 8 Changing Racial Regime, First of the Year: 2008 5
Allen, William B. 8 The 17 First of the Year: 2009 5
Allen-Smith, Joyce E. 14 Cheatham, Harold E. 7 Fischer-Hornung, Dorothea 15
Altstein, Howard 6 Chesnutt, Charles W. 4 Frechette, Richard 5
America’s Second Civil Christy, Ralph D. 9 Free at Last? 16

War 11 Civil Rights Movement Frey, Therese Steffen 15

America and the World 1 Revisited, The 15 Friedman, Saul S. 4
An American Dilemma 10 Clarke, James W. 12 Gallego, Mar 15
Andrew Durnford 4 Clements, Kevin P. 1 Ginzberg, Eli 11
Art, Education, and Complexions of Race 15 Goeller, Alison D. 15
African-American Culture 5 Conrad, Alfred H. 3 Gold, Herbert 5
Barkan, Elliott R. 11 Contemporary Patterns of Golden Age of the Moor,
Battle, Juan 16 Politics, Praxis, and Culture 17 The 2
Behind Ghetto Walls 7 Conyers, Jr., James L. 1 Gone from the Promised
Belz, Herman 12 Cook, Theron D. 7 Land 1
Bénito, Jesus 15 Craig-Henderson, Kellina M. 10 Great African Thinkers 2
Bennett, Michael 16 Critical Voicings of Great Black Leaders 2
Besharov, Douglas 6 Black Liberation 15 Greeley, Andrew M. 8
Betsey, Charles L. 8 Crossing Boundaries 7 Green, Shelly 14
Beyond the Boundaries 13, 17 Cross Routes 15 Gruesser, John Cullen 5
Billson, Janet Mancini 7 Dansby, Mickey R. 10 Gysin, Fritz 15
Bitter Canaan 3 Deep Down in the Habits of Mind 8
Black Electoral Politics 17 Jungle 6 Haiti 5
Black Entrepreneurship DeMott, Benj 5 Haiti: Best Nightmare
in America 14 Diedrich, Maria 7, 15 on Earth 5
Black Families 7 Diversity Machine, Hall, John R. 1
Black Folk Medicine 8 The 12 Hamilton, Cynthia S. 15
Black Liberation in the Douglass, Frederick 4 Harris, Othello 6
Americas 15 DuBois, W.E.B. 10 Health Policies and
Black Men in Interracial Dusk of Dawn 10 Black Americans 13
Relationships 10 Early America Revisited 2 Helmreich, William B. 10

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Historically Black Colleges Mintz, Sidney W. 6 Rumors, Race and Riots 12
and Universities 8 Monuments of the Sailes, Gary A. 9
Hogan, Lloyd 14 Black Atlantic 15 Schäfer-Wünsche, Elisabeth 15
House Behind the Cedars, Mulvey, Christopher 15 Schuhmann, Antje 9
The 4 Myers, Jr. Samuel L. 13 Serving African American
Housing Status of Myrdal, Gunnar 10 Children 7
Black Americans, The 13 Narrative of the Life of an Shadow of the Plantation 3
Immigration, Incorporatioin American Slave 4 Shulman, Steven 14
and Transnationalism 11 Nation’s Children, The 11 Sievers, Stefanie 15
Impact of Immigration on New Perspectives in Simms, Margaret C. 7, 13
African-Americans, The 14 American Politics 17 Simon, Rita J. 6
Impacts of Incarceration on Old Memories, New Slavery and
the African American Family 6 Moods 1 Its Aftermath 3
Inner City, The 13 Paradise Reconsidered 15 Slavery in the United States 4
Intercultural Mediations 15 Passing Novels in the Slipping through the
Jackson, Sondra 7 Harlem Renaissance 15 Cracks 7
Jews and the American Pathways to Manhood 7 Souls of Black Folk, The 10
Slave Trade 4 Pedersen, Carl 15 State of the Black Economy,
Johnson, Charles S. 3 Persons, Georgia A. 13, 17 The 14
Jones, Dionne J. 7 Phillips, Kimberley L. 15 Stewart, James B. 7, 10, 13, 14
Knopf, Terry Ann 12 Pinson, Hermine D. 15 Story of Jazz, The 15
Kuper, Leo 11 Politics and African-American Stress and Old Age 8

Law, Culture, and Ghettos 16 Tally, Justine 15
Africana Studies 1 Politics of the “Black” Tehranian, Majid 1
Leading Issues in Nation, The 17 Things They Say Behind
Black Political Economy 13 Prescription for Failure 9 Your Back, The 10
Leigh, Wilhelmina A. 13 Project Clear 12 Troublesome Presence 11
Lemelle, Anthony J. 16 Pryde, Paul 14 Unemployed, The 11
Liberating Narratives 15 Psychology and Race 12 Up from Slavery 3
Lindo, Flip 7 Race, Class, and Urban School, The 9
Lineaments of Wrath, The 12 Political Symbols 16 Van Sertima, Ivan 2
Loopholes and Retreats 5 Race, Class, and Power 11 Wallinger, Hanna 5, 15
Lorenzo, Thomas 15 Race and Democracy Warren, Ronald L. 16
Lynch, Frederick R. 12 in the Americas 17 Washington, Booker T. 3
Malveaux, Julianne M. 7 Race and Ethnicity in Waters, Anita M. 16
Managing Diversity Comparative Perspective 17 Watson, Peter 12
in the Military 10 Race and Representation 17 Watson, Wilbur H. 8
Man Farthest Down, Racial Structure and Radicial Webb, Schuyler C. 10
The 3 Politics in the African Diaspora 1 White Ethics and
Manzanas, Ana M. 15 Rainwater, Lee 7 Black Power 14
Mapping African America 15 Renshon, Stanley A. 11 Whitten, David O. 4
Marrow of Tradition, Restoring the Connection Williamson, Lionel 9
The 4 to the Natural World 6, 15 Willis, David P. 13
Mayer, Sylvia 6, 15 Right Turn 9 Wolters, Raymond 9
Meyer, John R. 3 Rist, Ray C. 9 Wright, Michelle 9
Meyers, Mary Ann 5 Rose, Peter I. 1, 3
Miller, Patrick B. 15 Ross, Catherine L. 13
Miller, R. Robin 6 Roth, Byron M. 9

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