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Unit 2. Lesson A.

My secret dream

What have you always wanted to do?

What is something you’ve always wanted to buy?
Is there somewhere you've always wanted to go?
What is something you’ve always wanted to learn how to do?
Is there someone you've always wanted to meet?

Blog entry:
I've always wanted to be in a circus. There's one called Cirque du Soleil, and it's
amazing. I've been to a few shows, and they have always been fabulous. I'm pretty
good at gymnastics, and I'd like to get some formal training from professionals.
Blog entry:
My secret dream is to meet my favorite actor, Sandra Bullock. I've seen all her
movies, and they're always good. I've always wanted to get a picture of us together.
I'd like her to sign my autograph book, too. I collect autographs of famous people.


What's something exciting you've done?

I've gone hang gliding once.
What's something scary you've done?
I've gone bungee jumping off a bridge.
What's something boring you've done in the last month?
I’ve had to babysit for my neighbors' kids twice.
How many times have you been late to class recently?
I've only been late to class once recently.
What country have you always wanted to visit?
I've always wanted to visit Russia.
What kind of food have you never tried before?
I've never tried octopus before.
What movie have you seen several times?
I've seen The Incredibles about six times.
What's something you've never done, but always wanted to do?
I've always wanted to play guitar in a rock band.

About myself
I've gone parasailing once in Greece. It was incredibly excited.  
I've gone on a roller coaster once in my life. It was extremely scary for me. 
I've had to do a lot of boring things for my job last month. 
I've never been late to my class or my work. I'm absolutely organized person. I'm
always planning my time carefully. 
I've always wanted to visit Australia. But I don't think I'm going to Australia some
next years.  
I've never tried any traditional Brazilian food before. But I'm going to try it
I've seen The Theatre more than ten times.  
I've never gone horseback riding but I've always wanted to try to do it. 

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