Personalised Learning

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Student Number

Part A: Reflective Journal

Week 1
In the first week of this course I learned one of the most useful things, I learned how to
learn. Before taking this course, there was only one way to learn it, which was to read
the information, to repeat it, to recite it so that I could learn something. But with the
completion of this course and the realization that there are so many ways I can
assimilate the information, my work in learning has become much easier. This week I
learned the seven learning approaches. In the first stage I discovered that learning can
be a real adventure. I was always overwhelmed when I had to learn a lot of new
information and concepts and I was thinking about how I would be able to remember
everything I read. Stress prevents my brain from being relaxed and assimilating what I
had to learn. Soon we forgot what we thought we had learned or we were learning
some definitions without logic.

Week 2

In the second week I learned about the importance of reflection. First of all, I
understood the importance of reflection but also how reflection can help me in the
learning process. The most important thing that I have listened to and learned this
week and that helps me every day and I will always apply this strategy in the future is
that I have to learn before I do anything. I need to think about something before I
actually do it and take action. Before listening to this course and understanding it, any
thought and impulse I had on anything I did immediately, without dwelling on
analysis or focusing on that aspect. We make decisions very quickly and in a hurry, we
do not analyze if it is a good time or not and if we have benefits. Most of the time, I
had to lose because I didn't know what I applied, I didn't know the subject and I acted
without the information. The thing that today, after taking this course, I don't do, or at
least I try to control my impulses and make decisions based on information. I also
learned to reflect in action and to learn through practice and the things I do and thus
see the consequences of my decisions. But I learned to learn after I did something and

Week 3

This week I discovered something extremely interesting and effective. I learned that
SWOT analysis can be personal and not just professional. I identified my strengths,
weaknesses, threats and opportunities and saw that this personalized SWOT analysis
fully characterizes me. The most interesting and productive aspect is that the more I work
to improve my weaknesses, the more I can turn them into strengths. If I analyze my
threats well, they can become opportunities. This week was also very effective because I
discovered my skills and abilities, I identified in the mirror my personality and how I can
work to improve this side.

Week 4
Academic writing is very important both in personal development and in professional
development, because writing, speaking, listening and understanding a notion leads to solving it. If
I could not have an adequate academic writing, I would not be able to adapt to any other university
requirements but also within a company. This week I learned why writing is important and
discovered the nature of academic writing. I was very careful and analyzed academic writing as an
argument, the process of academic writing but last but not least planning of academic writing.

Week 5
What I learned last week was useful, new and interesting, but the notions of this week are
closely related to the notions of the previous week. Writing skills is a new concept for me and I
learned this week about the differences between writing an essay and reflective writing. I
analyzed and studied how to do reflective writing. I was careful about how to avoid plagiarism
and how to use the right references. Last but not least, I discovered practical writing exercise.
Before going through this course I thought that essay writing and reflective writing are the same
thing, that there would be differences only in the name and maybe in the layout of the page. But
I discovered that everyone is different, that references have a way of presenting and that any
element must be done and written properly.

Week 6
Referencing was discussed in the sixth week. Prior to this course, I consider that refecencing is
used only to help the reader understand the inspiration of the creator of those lines. However,
after completing this course I understood that referencing is much more important and their
purpose is to avoid first plagiarism and secondly to help the reader to track and verify the
source, so as to see if the one who used that source understood the concept analyzed. I also
learned that it is not enough to put the list type source at the end of the paper, but it is important
to specify in the direct text, at the end of the sentence or paragraph which was created with the
help of an external source, quoted.

In the future I will retain this useful information and apply it to you, so that my work is as
professional and correct as possible from this point of view.

Week 7
The eighth week came with a lot of useful information that helped me improve the way I
learned. If in the previous week I discovered and learned notions about referencing, this
week we discussed in more detail about plagiarism and referencing. Plagiarism, in my
opinion, was when I wrote a text or a fragment of a text and put it in my work without
stating that the information did not belong to me. This is also true, but this concept of
plagiarism is much more complex because behind a text lies the work of many authors for
many years, the work that must be recognized as theirs, and I would not deserve a well-
crafted quote. I also learned how to differentiate between classical and academic
references and how to avoid plagiarism and use the appropriate resources appropriate to
the concept I am analyzing each time.

Week 8

The lesson presented and received this week was one of the most enjoyable and interesting for
me. This is due to the fact that I love to make presentations, to expose through images, a little
text and figures, schemes what I want to offer to the reader or to whom I will present a topic.
However, the course developing presentations on interview was the lesson that trained my skills
in this direction much more. Although my presentations before this course were successful, in

my view at least, after learning this concept I understood that it is much broader and that I can
improve. I learned to identify the elements that make my presentation a real success, I learned
about recognized common presentation pifalls, I understood how to prepare a presentation. In
the future, I will focus more on reflecting on my own strengths in making my presentations as
personalized and attractive as possible, but providing the necessary information.

Week 9

Last week's course was excellent, but the 9th week course was really great and played a sequel
and has a fantastic connection with the previous course. Although I learned how to personalize
my presentations and how to identify the successful elements of a presentation, during this
course I also learned several elements that I already apply in the presentations that are required
for studies, but also at work. When I last applied for a job, I went to interviews, but I never
received positive feedback to be hired, even though I met the requirements of the job. After
completing this course I learned that I need to prepare for an interview, I need to be prepared to
answer my questions, I need to imagine a scenario or practice with someone the script of an
interview and be as confident as possible. and my skills. In the previous interviews I did not
give the impression that I had confidence in my abilities, I did not offer confidence in the way I
answered the questions that were addressed to me. But I learned to analyze and create my
SMART goals.

Week 10
In the tenth week of study, first of all, I did an analysis and a recapitulation in my mind
about what I had already learned in the other weeks and I realized how superficially we
create or solve many situations. This week I somehow completed this learning process, but
from a first stage of my development process. I learned about learning outcomes, which is
what employability really is. I also listened to and analyzed the importance of
employability as a concept and reflected on the importance of employability on me. Later I
did a personal development planning where I identified the most important elements that
defined me. All these concepts that I have studied in these weeks, especially in the last 3
weeks have had a remarkable impact on my professional development, because I have

applied them in getting a job, I have applied them since I applied for a job. job and I went
to the interview, and I try to take into account everything that has been studied forever in
my personal and professional development.

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