EDUM205 - Artifact #5 (POLISHED)

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College of Education

Name: Angel Florence V. Villare

Subject Code and Section: EDUM205.N2Am


Score Description

4 The weather forecast includes all the required elements (temperature, atmospheric
pressure, cloud formation, wind, humidity, and rain). The explanation of the weather
forecast demonstrates an in-depth understanding of weather systems by properly
analyzing weather patterns for an accurate forecast with complete scientific
evidence based on weather data. The presentation is also very smooth, and the
presenter maintains eye contact and good posture while speaking clearly and

3 The weather forecast includes the majority of the required elements, and the
explanation of the weather forecast demonstrates a strong understanding of
weather systems by properly analyzing weather patterns for an accurate forecast
with some scientific evidence based on weather data. The presentation is also fairly
smooth, and the presenters mostly used eye contact, good posture, and good clarity
and volume.

2 The weather forecast includes some of the required elements, and the explanation
of the weather forecast demonstrates a good understanding of weather systems by
properly analyzing weather patterns for an accurate forecast with a few pieces of
scientific evidence based on weather data. The presentation is also somewhat
choppy, and the presenters had trouble with eye contact, good posture, clarity, and

1 The weather forecast lacks several required elements, and the explanation of the
weather forecast demonstrates no understanding of weather systems and has no
scientific evidence to support the forecast. The presentation is also poorly
organized, and the presenters lacked preparations for their presentation.

Criteria Exceptional Admirable Marginal Needs

(4) (3) (2) Improvement

Preparedness The group is The group is The group is The group is

completely mostly prepared, somewhat not
prepared and has but more practice prepared, but it is prepared to
obviously is needed. clear practice was present.
practiced. lacking.

Weather The group The group presents The group The group
Content presents information that presents presents
information with was fairly accurate, information that inaccurate
complete and nearly all of the was somewhat information, and
accuracy, and all required weather accurate, and only a few of the
required weather components of the some required required weather
components of the forecast were weather components of
forecast were included. components of the forecast were
included the forecast were included.

Creativity of The group displays The group displays The group The group
Forecast extreme creativity a good displays a fair displays a poor
by using several presentation by presentation with presentation, with
appropriate props using some at least two props at least one or no
that enhance the appropriate props that aid in the props used, and
meaning of the that support the telling of the the forecasts do
forecast while meaning of the forecast, which not follow the
adhering strongly forecast, which shows some conventions of
to the conventions shows an understanding of weather
of weather understanding of the conventions forecasting.
forecasting. weather of weather
forecasting. forecasting.

Presentation Maintains proper Uses proper eye Uses minimal eye No eye contact
Skills eye contact and contact and has a contact and has a and poor voice
has an excellent strong voice tone, good voice tone, tone, speaking in
voice tone, speaking in speaking in incomplete
speaking in grammatically correct sentences sentences or in
grammatically correct sentences with limited grammatically
correct sentences with a few errors. errors. The incorrect ways.
with no errors. The The forecast is forecast is The forecast is not
forecast is clearly clearly organized somewhat organized, and the
organized and has and has organized, and body language is
appropriate body appropriate body the body distracting.
language that language. language has little
improves to no impact on
forecasting. the forecast.
Teamwork The group works The group works The group works The group does
admirably as a well together, and in some ways as not work properly
team, with each most members a team, with a few or collaborate as a
member contributed members making team, and no
contributing effectively and good or helpful members made
effectively and equally. contributions positive or helpful
equally contributions.

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