Eyosias Conflict Management Article Review

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Article Review on

Constructively Managing Program-related Conflict In Local Churches

(David R. Dunaetz, Christian Education Journal: Research on Educational Ministry 2019, Vol.
16(2) 259–274; DOI: 10.1177/0739891319842252)

Eyosias Habtemariam (LM/006/21)

Organizational Communication and Conflict Management (LM 607)

Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology

February 03, 2021


Central argument of the article........................................................................................................2

Major ideas or core issues discussed in terms of conflict management process.............................2

Identified conflict and conflict management definition...................................................................3

Theories or approaches of conflict management addressed............................................................3

Issues raised in relation to the role of communication in conflict management.............................4

Comments on the strength and weakness of the article...................................................................5

Lessons learned in terms of writing scientific articles.....................................................................5


The article was written by scholar named David R. Dunaetz and published by David R. Dunaetz

in 2019. The article wrote an article on constructively managing program related conflicts in

local churches creating a scenario and involving 276 respondents to the scenario so that the

theoretical principle work with actual perception of people with church background. The article

presented two conflict goals to be achieved namely, content and social goals with further

division of social goals to relationship, identity and process goals. The analysis was made on the

response of the participants when one of the two goals are achieved and which goal is more


The article presented the achievement of the goals in relation to the satisfaction of the

participants to present its findings in dealing the conflict raised to be managed constructively.

Central argument of the article

The article presented a conflict raised due to fulfillment of content goal or a task oriented conflict

can be managed from the social goal fulfillment which is an affective perspective of the conflict

to be managed constructively or preserve the participants in the conflict will not be totally

dissatisfied and the conflict reach to dysfunctional or destructive.

In other words conflict due to what you need and it’s relation to how it is presented to you so that

the management is constructive or not measuring the level of satisfaction at the end.

Major ideas or core issues discussed in terms of conflict management process

In regarding the tsk oriented conflict the church wanted to solve the program starting time and

delayed it but delaying the starting time created another conflict on the ending time so the

starting time was back to the first schedule.

Even though the conflict raised due to the content of task could not be solved by changing the

content it was reviewed if it is in constructive stage by adjusting the way the conflict is dealt

from social approach. The way it is presented from relationship angle with more appealing form

and from identity angle with logical and loving way also from process angle that the situation is

the best way there is and fair; these things will give comfort to the recipient though the task is

not in their best interest which makes the conflict to be solved constructively.

Therefore, good communication is a better conflict management when the conflict is difficult to

be managed with accommodating since everyone has different needs and it is very difficult to

accommodate and collaborate with everyone.

Identified conflict and conflict management definition

The article identified one of the analyzed levels of conflict and gave a definition for

Interpersonal conflict as the “process that begins when an individual perceives differences and

opposition between oneself and another individual about interests and resources, beliefs, values,

or practices that matter to them” as it is quoted from de Dreu & Gelfand, 2008, p. 6.

While defining interpersonal conflict broader objective was considered as a cause for conflict

due to desired states of the parties involved and this objective might ignore the desires of some


In management the conflict though there was no definition of a conflict management it was

clearly indicated that anyone trying to solve a conflict raised should understand individuals’

conflict goals that arise from the desired states so that the management would be constructive.

Theories or approaches of conflict management addressed

The article after investigating the contribution of social goals and content goals it concluded as

per its findings that social goal achievement in conflict is more important and it should be

considered in Christian community too. Trainings to church leaders are also recommended in the

paper to understand the theories and management of conflict beside their knowledge for the

conflict arise in churches too. Moreover, developing a system that can check conflicts and solve

them is also recommended since no one may give time to check these things due to the large

scale of programs a department checking the conflicts and providing a solution would be a

constructive way of solving issues in the church.

Issues raised in relation to the role of communication in conflict management

The paper tried to address the role of communication in the social goals indicated. The

relationship goal indicated in the sample case provided was that “either the program director

spoke in a way that built up the relationship and made you trust him more or the program

director spoke in a way that hurt your relationship and made you trust him less”. This concept

clearly shows how the director communicates to avoid and solve the conflict or to aggravate or

unsolved the conflict.

The content goal indicates “ whether you acted in a loving, Christ-like way when you discussed

it with the program director or not”. This shows the non-verbal communication way in the

conflict management.

The other social goal which is the process goal stated that “whether the program director

explained or refused to discuss with you how the decision was made in a fair and just way”. This

one shows whether there is a communication is there or not. The paper indicated not only the

presence or absence of communication but also the quality and level of communication in

resolving the conflict.

Comments on the strength and weakness of the article

The article tried to show that task related conflict can be constructively managed with

relationship oriented resolution and this is clearly stated in our course material while discussing

on IBR approach of conflict resolution. The paper has created a scenario without affecting the

church community to have a conflict in the name of research. However, as it is indicated also on

the paper limitation section, if the conflict was real the result might not be the same as the

research result since forecasting conflict occurrence is not as difficult as the duration and

strength of emotions developed from the conflict. And recovering from emotion is different in

every individual depending on their knowledge, understanding and relationship to the Church.

Moreover, having a dedicated department for conflict resolution and review of claim was

indicated in the conclusion with scripture base of 1Corithians 6. However, it didn’t show whether

the department can solve issues directly or the department takeover if the office where the

conflict raised couldn’t resolve it.

Lessons learned in terms of writing scientific articles

The paper has created a good case and participated different groups for analysis of the

participants’ response. Using incentives like donating in the participants name is a good angle to

get a devoted participant with high response rate. Avoiding real conflict and still getting a good

educational data is appreciated. Analyzing task oriented and relationship oriented conflict under

one study is also a big concept rather than focusing on one concept and getting a branch result.

Though religion is always thought a peaceful place, indicating that conflict raise in churches and

it needs wisdom to resolve it has a bold move in going for untouched territories.


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