EDUC 11 - Teaching Internship

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TOPIC 1.1 Practice Teaching

TOPIC 1.2 Laws and Regulations in the Teaching Profession

SELF-EVALUATION: In 2-3 sentences, answer the following essay questions: (5 pts. each)

1. Because of the pandemic, practice teachers are not allowed to get exposed to the cooperating
schools for their internship. With this situation, how can you make the best of this PT course to
make yourself prepared/ready for the future teaching job?
Answer: Through consistent practice, teachers improve their competencies. The best preparation
programs enable future teachers to apply their knowledge in actual classrooms with actual
students. Districts may not want individuals on site even if schools resume operations, which are
uncertain, as they work to limit staff and student exposure to COVID-19. Despite the difficulties
caused by the pandemic, there are still many ways to get ready for a career as a teacher. You can
gain valuable experience and lay a solid foundation for your future as a teacher by concentrating
on academic understanding, participating in online discussions, creating virtual lesson plans,
attending online workshops, and volunteering.
2. Is Phase 4 feasible? In what way? Give your suggestion.
Answer: Yes, the phase four final demonstration and completing exit forms is feasible in that it
implements the lesson that practice teachers are expected to teach with sufficient preparation in
their mastered subject matter, accomplish evaluation and clearance afterwards.
3. Why should teachers take heed of the existing laws governing them?
Answer: To maintain professional standards and protect students, it is crucial for teachers to be
aware of and abide by the laws governing their profession.


Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Why is teaching internship important?

A. It culminates the years of a four-year study.
B. It provides a wide array of teaching experiences in real classroom setting.
C. It gives a student an opportunity to enjoy practicing the teaching profession.
D. It allows them to work with various stakeholders.
2. Which ACT strengthens the regulation and supervision of the practice of teaching in the
A. RA 7877 B. RA 7832 C. RA 7836 D. RA 7830
3. Which is issued to protect children in school from abuses, violence, exploitation, discrimination
and other form of abuse?
A. DepEd Order 30 s.2012 C. DepEd Order 69 s.2013
B. DepEd Order 40 s.2012 D. DepEd order 58 s.2017
4. Which Act shall promote and improve the social and economic status of public school teachers’
living and working conditions?
A. RA 7836 B. RA 10627 C. RA 7877 D. RA 4670
5. Which law protects the value and dignity of every individual, enhance the development of human
resources, guarantee full respect for human rights, and uphold the dignity of workers, employees,
applicants for employment, students or those undergoing training instruction or education?
A. RA 7877 B. RA 7836 C. RA 4670 D. RA 10627

Study the following cases. Guided by your understanding of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers,
identify the article and the provision that can guide the teacher to come up with his best action. Write your
answers on the space provided in each number.
1. Mr. Antonio B. Baguio received a complaint from the guardian of one of his students regarding the
grade of his daughter in English. Mr. Baguio listened to the complaint of the guardian with sympathy
and referred it to the teacher concerned for clarification.
Article in the Code of Ethics: Article IX
Provision Statement: The Teachers and Parents
Is Mr. Baguio right in his action? (Explain based on the provision.)
Based on the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in the Philippines, teachers are expected to
demonstrate honesty, integrity, and fairness in their professional interactions with students, parents,
and colleagues. In the scenario described, Mr. Baguio received a complaint from a guardian
regarding the grade of his student in English. Mr. Baguio's response to this complaint is guided by
the following provisions of the Code of Ethics:

1. Section 4 (c) of the Code of Ethics states that teachers should maintain a professional
relationship with parents, refraining from engaging in any conduct that could compromise their
objectivity or impartiality. In this case, Mr. Baguio listens to the complaint of the guardian with
sympathy, but he does not immediately take action or make judgments based solely on the
complaint. Instead, he refers the matter to the teacher concerned for clarification, which
demonstrates his commitment to maintaining a professional relationship with parents.
2. Section 4 (d) of the Code of Ethics states that teachers should respect the rights of students and
their parents to raise concerns or complaints about their education. In this case, Mr. Baguio
listens to the complaint of the guardian and takes it seriously, recognizing the importance of
addressing concerns that could impact the education and well-being of the student.
3. Section 6 of the Code of Ethics emphasizes the importance of maintaining confidentiality and
respecting the privacy of students and their families. In this case, Mr. Baguio does not disclose
any confidential information about the student or the teacher concerned, but instead refers the
matter to the teacher for clarification.

Overall, Mr. Baguio's response to the complaint from the guardian demonstrates his commitment to
the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. He listens to the complaint with sympathy, respects the
rights of the student and guardian to raise concerns, maintains confidentiality and refers the matter
to the teacher concerned for clarification, which upholds the integrity and fairness of the education

2. During barangay fiesta, Mr. Ben Y. Maya, a public school teacher, was designated as the fiesta
directorate chairman. Because of his talent, he accepted the task willingly even without any
honorarium. He facilitated the culture-based activities that resulted to a very organized celebration of
their barrio fiesta. Is it alright for Mr. Maya not to receive payment for the services he rendered
during the barrio fiesta?
Article in the Code of Ethics: Article III
Provision Statement: The Teacher and the Community
Is Mr. Maya right in his action? (Explain based on the provision.)
According to the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in the Philippines, teachers are expected
to provide quality education and serve as role models for their students and the community. In the
scenario described, Mr. Ben Y. Maya, a public school teacher, voluntarily took on the role of fiesta
directorate chairman for the barangay fiesta without receiving any honorarium. Mr. Maya's actions
are guided by the following provisions of the Code of Ethics:

1. Section 3 (b) of the Code of Ethics states that teachers should uphold the dignity and reputation
of the teaching profession, and avoid any behavior that could bring discredit to the profession. In
this case, Mr. Maya's voluntary service as fiesta directorate chairman demonstrates his
commitment to upholding the dignity and reputation of the teaching profession. He is serving as a
role model for his students and the community by taking on a leadership role and contributing to
the success of the barangay fiesta.
2. Section 4 (a) of the Code of Ethics states that teachers should maintain the highest possible
degree of professional competence. In this case, Mr. Maya is demonstrating his professional
competence by facilitating culture-based activities that result in a very organized celebration of
the barrio fiesta. He is using his talents and skills to benefit the community and showcase the
importance of culture and tradition.
3. Section 4 (c) of the Code of Ethics states that teachers should maintain a professional
relationship with parents and avoid any conduct that could compromise their objectivity or
impartiality. In this case, Mr. Maya's voluntary service as fiesta directorate chairman
demonstrates his commitment to maintaining a professional relationship with the community, as
he is not receiving any financial compensation for his services.

Overall, it is appropriate for Mr. Maya to provide voluntary service as fiesta directorate chairman
without receiving any honorarium, as this demonstrates his commitment to upholding the dignity and
reputation of the teaching profession, maintaining a professional relationship with the community,
and maintaining the highest possible degree of professional competence.

3. Mrs. Jenny San Jose is a new teacher in Malaban National High School. The school is scheduled to
hold its Reading Camp on a Saturday. Relative to this activity, Mrs. Josie Rivera, the school
principal, advised the faculty to attend and help the organizers to facilitate the event.
Mrs. San Jose who is enrolled in a master’s degree program informed the principal that she could not
make it for she needs to attend her Saturday class.
Is it correct not to render service on a Saturday because of her studies?
Article in the Code of Ethics: Article IV
Provision Statement: A Teacher and the Profession
Is Mrs. San Jose right in her action? (Explain based on the provision.)
According to the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in the Philippines, teachers are expected
to provide quality education and serve as role models for their students and the community. In the
scenario described, Mrs. Jenny San Jose, a new teacher in Malaban National High School, informed
the school principal that she cannot attend the Reading Camp on a Saturday because she needs to
attend her Saturday class for her master's degree program.
Mrs. San Jose's situation is guided by the following provision of the Code of Ethics:

1. Section 4 (d) of the Code of Ethics states that teachers should not engage in any activity that may
interfere with their primary function as educators. While it is important for teachers to engage in
professional development activities, attending a master's degree program should not interfere
with their primary function as educators. In this case, Mrs. San Jose's obligation to attend the
Reading Camp on a Saturday is part of her primary function as an educator, and she should
make every effort to attend the event.

However, there may be circumstances where a teacher is unable to attend a school event due to a
valid reason, such as a medical emergency or a family emergency. In such cases, it is important for
the teacher to inform the school administration in advance and make arrangements to fulfill their
duties as educators.

In the scenario described, Mrs. San Jose's reason for not attending the Reading Camp may not be
considered a valid reason, as attending her master's degree program should not interfere with her
primary function as an educator. Therefore, Mrs. San Jose should make every effort to attend the
Reading Camp as scheduled, as it is part of her obligation as a professional teacher to support school
activities and serve as a role model for her students and the community.

4. Mrs. Anna Lee A. Amores does not want her student named Joel to be the highest honor awardee but
she prefers Leonard, another student to get the recognition. In order to ensure that Leonard will get
the highest honor award, she gave Joel low grades in recitation and in performance tasks. Is it right to
give Joel low grades just to make Leonard the awardee?
Article in the Code of Ethics: Article VII
Provision Statement: School Officials, Teachers, and Other Personnel
Is Mrs. Amores right in her action? (Explain based on the provision.)
The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in the Philippines provides guidance on the ethical
behavior expected of teachers. In the scenario described, Mrs. Anna Lee A. Amores is accused of
giving a student named Joel low grades in order to ensure that another student, Leonard, would
receive the highest honor award. This behavior is unethical and is in violation of the following
provisions of the Code of Ethics:

1. Section 3 (d) of the Code of Ethics states that teachers should not use their position or authority
to coerce or manipulate students, parents, or colleagues. In this case, Mrs. Amores is using her
authority as a teacher to manipulate the grades of her student in order to achieve a desired
2. Section 3 (e) of the Code of Ethics states that teachers should not discriminate against any
student on the basis of religion, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status, political beliefs, or any
other factor. In this case, Mrs. Amores is discriminating against Joel by giving him low grades in
order to prevent him from receiving the highest honor award.
3. Section 4 (c) of the Code of Ethics states that teachers should maintain the dignity and reputation
of the profession by behaving with honor, honesty, and integrity. Mrs. Amores' behavior of giving
Joel low grades in order to manipulate the award is dishonest and lacking in integrity.

In conclusion, it is not right for Mrs. Amores to give Joel low grades in order to ensure that Leonard
receives the highest honor award. This behavior is unethical, violates the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers, and undermines the integrity of the teaching profession. Teachers should
always behave with honor, honesty, and integrity and should never manipulate grades or
discriminate against students for any reason.

5. Mr. Mario B. Reyes has been teaching for the last 15 years. Every time his principal would ask him to
attend training, he would always decline and would ask another teacher to attend the said training. Is
this proper?
Article in the Code of Ethics: Article IV
Provision Statement: A Teacher and the Profession
Is Mr. Reyes right in his action? (Explain based on the provision.)
The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in the Philippines provides guidance on the ethical
behavior expected of teachers. In the scenario described, Mr. Mario B. Reyes has been declining
requests from his principal to attend training and asking other teachers to attend instead. This
behavior is not in line with the following provisions of the Code of Ethics:

1. Section 1 (d) of the Code of Ethics states that teachers should keep themselves updated on the
latest trends, innovations, and practices in education by participating in professional growth
opportunities. This means that teachers are expected to attend trainings, conferences, and
workshops to improve their skills and knowledge.
2. Section 3 (g) of the Code of Ethics states that teachers should participate in school activities and
initiatives that promote the welfare of students and the community. Attending training is a school
activity that is aimed at improving the quality of education provided to students. By declining
these opportunities, Mr. Reyes is not participating in activities that promote the welfare of
students and the community.
3. Section 4 (c) of the Code of Ethics states that teachers should maintain the dignity and reputation
of the profession by behaving with honor, honesty, and integrity. Mr. Reyes' behavior of declining
training opportunities and asking other teachers to attend in his place could be seen as lacking in
integrity, as he is not fulfilling his professional obligations to keep himself updated on the latest
trends in education.

In conclusion, it is not proper for Mr. Reyes to decline training opportunities and ask other teachers
to attend in his place. Teachers are expected to keep themselves updated on the latest trends in
education and to participate in activities that promote the welfare of students and the community. By
declining these opportunities, Mr. Reyes may be seen as lacking in integrity and not fulfilling his
professional obligations.


TOPIC 2.1: Understanding Learners

TOPIC 2.2: Managing Classroom Structures, Routines, and Rules

Answer the following questions. Write the letter of your answer:
1. Which group of students learns best through music, songs and parodies?
A. nature smart B. music smart C. self smart D. word smart
2. Which group of learners finds joy in working with others?
A. nature smart B. music smart C. people smart D. self smart
3. Why is it important to formulate classroom rules?
a) to avoid accidents
b) to avoid chaos in the classroom
c) to prevent students from doing unnecessary tasks
d) to ensure harmonious relationships inside the classroom
4. Which is the first line of defense against misbehaviour in class?
a. class schedule
b. class program
c. classroom rules
d. classroom routines
5. Which is the best way to minimize a noisy learner in class?
a. Stop him/her
b. ignore him/her
c. request him/her to go to the room
d. talk to him/her personally

Activity 3: Video Watch: Jessieca Bingco – Demo Teaching Source:
Instruction: Observe the teacher. Take down some important notes on how she manages her class. What
are her positive and non-violent disciplinary practices in the management of learning behavior. Write
your notes in the Observation Log
My impression from watching the demo lesson on You Tube is that teacher Jessieca Bingco is a
good teacher based on how she interacts with the grade 3 students. I see the grade 3 students have
already caught their interest/attention because of the way teacher Jessieca teach and the way she uses
teachings and techniques. She started the lesson by letting the students sing "it's our time science time" to
get the class more engaged during the discussion.
I can clearly see the effectiveness of these teaching strategies because all of the students are eager to
participate because they think it is fun. Teacher Jessieca used a method of teaching style by grouping the
students. Additionally, I observed that teacher Jessieca had implemented the rules and regulations in her
classroom because I noticed that the students were always responsible, always participating in class
discussions, and quiet if someone was speaking in front of the class so they could hear their teacher or a
Due to the fact that all of her grade 3 students were engaged and active during all of the activities,
teacher Jessieca's teaching methods were more successful when applied to that group of students. In light
of this video, I believe that I need to learn more about teaching methods and pedagogy in order to
improve my teaching abilities and become a more effective teacher in the future.

Activity 4: In the generalized Back-To-School Routine and Procedures below, pick out 5 routines and
make specific procedures/rules for suc

Five routines and specific procedures/rules for each:

1. Classroom Arrival Routine:
 Arrive to class on time and ready to learn
 Line up quietly outside of the classroom
 Wait for the teacher to welcome the class into the room
 Greet the teacher and classmates politely
 Begin the first activity or assignment without delay
2. Classroom Transition Routine:
 Listen for instructions before beginning a transition
 Clean up work area or materials before moving to the next activity or class
 Move quietly and efficiently to the next location
 Use appropriate hallway behavior, such as walking on the right side and using a low voice
 Enter the next class or location calmly and prepared
3. Classroom Behavior Routine:
 Follow classroom rules and procedures at all times
 Use appropriate tone of voice and language when speaking to classmates and teacher
 Keep hands, feet, and objects to oneself
 Raise hand to ask or answer questions
 Show respect for classmates, teacher, and classroom materials
4. Classroom Participation Routine:
 Listen attentively when the teacher or classmates are speaking
 Participate actively in classroom discussions and activities
 Share ideas and opinions respectfully and constructively
 Take turns speaking and allow others to finish speaking before responding
 Support classmates' learning by listening actively and offering assistance when appropriate
5. Classroom Dismissal Routine:
 Listen for instructions and wait for dismissal before packing up materials
 Pack up materials quietly and efficiently
 Leave the classroom in a calm and orderly manner
 Line up quietly outside of the classroom
 Say goodbye to the teacher and classmates politely

SELF-EVALUATION Ask yourself the following question. Write your answer in a half
sheet of paper.
What is the importance of having an organized and systematic classroom structure, routine and
Answer: For the purpose of creating a secure, safe, and effective learning environment, a structured and
systematic classroom routine, structure, and rules are imperative. Students feel more at ease and less
anxious when they know what to expect. Students are more likely to take responsibility for their actions
and strive to live up to the standards set for them when they are aware of the expectations and
consequences. Students learn to collaborate and aid each other in their learning by having clear
expectations for behavior and participation. Less time is spent on punishment and redirection and more
time is spent on learning when students are aware of expectations and appropriate behavior. When there
is a set structure in place, teachers are better able to control classroom behavior and make the most of
their instructional time.

A. Multiple Choice: Answer the following questions. Write the letter of your answer.
1. These things can be routinized, except:
A. passing of papers/books
B. checking of attendance
C. going in and out of the classroom
D. designing the bulletin boards
2. Which is the best way to minimize a noisy learner in class?
A. punish him/her C. bring him/her to the guidance office
B. give him/her food D. communicate with him/her
3. Which is the best way to know why a learner is always absent?
A. look at his/her Facebook account C. call the parent/guardian
B. write a letter to the parent D. report to the counselor
4. Which is the best time to formulate classroom rules?
A. as the need arises C. at the end of the year
B. at the start of the year D. at the beginning of every class
5. What learning style is best manifested by learners who love to chat, send messages and analyze
written texts?
A. Visual B. Auditory C. Reading/writing D. Kinesthetic
6. Why should learners follow classroom rules?
A. because they are mandated B. because rules are rules
C. to establish harmony in class D. because some learners are naughty
7. Which of the following learners portrays a kinesthetic learning style?
A. Mariah likes watching movies and video clips.
B. Paul prefers writing his answer and thoughts on his notebook.
C. Daliah loves performing action songs and singing games.
D. Peter favors listening to reports and presentations.

A. Essay: How do you manage a class of 35 with 10 Mamanua learners and 3 foreigners? (7 pts:
Content= 5, Organization= 2)

Although it can be difficult to keep everyone in a class engaged and supported when they come from
such different backgrounds and have different learning needs, there are a number of strategies that can
be used. First, foster a sense of community by getting to know your students and encouraging them to do
the same. This will help to create a supportive and inclusive classroom environment. Celebrate diversity
and individuality while encouraging a sense of community among all students.
Second, provide instruction that meets the needs of every learner by using differentiated instruction.
This may entail using a variety of teaching strategies and materials, presenting various levels of support
or difficulty to various students, and offering extra help and resources to those students who require it.
Providing language assistance will aid foreign visitors in understanding the information if they are not
native speakers of the tongue. To aid in their understanding, think about using visual aids, gestures, and
other nonverbal cues.
Third, collaborate with other teachers. If at all possible, work with other educators who have
knowledge of teaching Mamua or international students. They might have resources or techniques that
can help you support these students more effectively.
In order to make sure that all students are making progress and to pinpoint areas where additional
support may be required, regularly evaluate student progress is the fourth tip. Utilize this knowledge to
modify your instruction and add more support as necessary.
Finally, involve parents and caregivers in the learning process by giving regular updates on students'
progress, holding parent-teacher conferences, and requesting feedback on how to better support their
TOPIC: Lesson Planning

PRE-TEST Essay: Answer the following questions:

1. How are learning outcomes articulated?

Answer: The expectations for what students should know, understand, and be able to do as a
result of their learning experiences are frequently expressed as specific, quantifiable statements
called learning outcomes. They should reflect the intended knowledge, skills, and attitudes that
students are expected to acquire and should be clear, observable, and attainable.
The course, program, or institutional levels are just a few examples of the different levels of
specificity at which learning outcomes may be stated. Additionally, they might be in line with
particular learning frameworks or standards, like curricular requirements for professional
certification or national or international standards.
2. How important is Lesson Planning before teaching?
Answer: Effective teaching requires lesson planning. It supports teachers in defining learning
objectives, structuring instruction, preparing materials and resources, and evaluating student
learning. Teachers can make sure that their lessons are interesting, practical, and meaningful for
their students by taking the time to plan them.

SELF-EVALUATION Answer the following question:

1. What do I learn about 3 Learning Domains and SMART in the formulation of learning
Answer: You can create precise and measurable learning outcomes that are in line with the overall
learning objectives for your students by having a solid understanding of the three learning domains
and the SMART framework. You can make sure that your teaching strategy is focused on assisting
your students in realizing their full potential by taking into account these ideas.
2. What are the important considerations in preparing a sequenced teaching-learning plan?
Answer: A sequenced teaching-learning plan must take a number of crucial factors into careful
consideration. To keep in mind, remember the following:
a. Learning Objectives: Clearly state the learning objectives for each lesson or unit. These goals
ought to be clear, quantifiable, and doable. Additionally, they ought to be in line with the
overall learning objectives of the program or curriculum. Consider your students' needs as well
as their current knowledge and skills. This will make it easier for you to modify your instruction
and sequencing to fit their unique needs and capacities.
b. Curriculum Standards: Match your instruction's sequencing and content to the pertinent
standards or learning objectives. By doing this, you can be sure that your students are meeting
the requirements and are well-equipped to take the tests.
c. Examine the various assessment formats that will be used to gauge the development and
comprehension of the students. Make sure that the sequencing and teaching are set up to
support these exams.
d. Teaching Techniques: Select the most effective teaching techniques and sequencing to support
the learning objectives. This might involve discussions, demonstrations, practical exercises,
and other teaching methods.
e. Make sure you have the resources and materials required to support the teaching and
sequencing. This could refer to tools like workbooks, textbooks, technology, and other
f. Time management: Arrange your lessons and units in a logical order to give yourself enough
time to cover all of the required material. This will also assist you in setting an appropriate
learning pace and prevent you from rushing through or skipping crucial concepts.
g. Feedback and Reflection: Throughout the teaching and sequencing process, give students
opportunities for feedback and reflection. This will make it easier for you to keep track of
students' progress and adjust the plan as necessary.
You can create a sequenced teaching-learning plan that supports student learning and achievement
by carefully taking these factors into account.


Multiple Choice: Read the following questions and write the letter of your answer:
1. Which is a blueprint of the daily instructional activities of the teacher?
A. Learning Plan C. Learning Procedure
B. Learning Content D. Learning resources
2. Which refers to the materials used to enrich classroom instruction?
A. Learning Plan B. Learning Content
C. Learning Procedure D. Learning Resources
3. Which can be given as an optional activity to reinforce students’ learning?
A. art work B. activities C. assignment D. assessment
4. Why is Learning Plan important?
A. It keeps the teacher on cue.
B. It is a requirement of the profession.
C. It enables the teacher to do what is next.
D. It guides the teacher in his/her daily activities.
5. Which plan is used by teachers who are new in the service or those who have less than a year of
teaching experience?
A. Daily Lesson Log C. Detailed lesson Plan
B. Daily Lesson Plan D. Daily Learning Activities
6. Which assessment task is aligned to this competency: “Identify a classroom routine”?
A. Give the importance of a classroom routine.
B. Give an example of a classroom routine.
C. Give the meaning of classroom routine.
D. Give the disadvantage of classroom routine.
7. It is a learning domain that includes physical movement, coordination, and use of the motor-skill
A. Cognitive B. Affective C. Psychomotor
8. What leaning domain is targeted by this ILO: Execute dance steps of Carinosa.
A. Cognitive B. Affective C. Psychomotor
9. It is the WHAT of teaching.
A. Subject Area B. Content C. Objectives D. Activities
10. “Can everyone understand it?” --- This question falls under what SMART principle?
A. Specific B. Measurable C. Achievable D. Realistic


Say something about the following terms on Assessment: (5pts each)
1. Formative Assessment – is a type of assessment known used to gauge student understanding and offer
continuous feedback that can be used to modify instruction. It focuses on finding out where students
need to improve and giving them specialized support to help them reach their learning objectives.
2. Summative Assessment – it is frequently used to determine eligibility for advancement or to assign
grades in order to assess how well students have met the learning objectives.
3. Portfolio – is a collection of student projects that shows the students' development and learning over
time. It typically consists of a variety of artifacts, including reflections and self-evaluations, as well as
essays, projects, and other assignments.
4. Projects – are educational activities that demand that students use their knowledge and abilities to
solve problems or situations from the real world. They can take the form of research projects, design
challenges, or service learning activities, and they frequently involve collaboration, creativity, and
critical thinking.
5. Self-Assessment – it is the process in which students evaluate their own learning and their progress
toward learning goals. It can assist learners in taking charge of their education and the growth of
metacognitive abilities like goal-setting, tracking progress, and self-reflection. Teachers can better
understand student learning by using self-assessment to give students individualized feedback and
Activity 3: How similar and different are the Formative and Summative assessments? Organize your
understanding by creating a Venn Diagram on this. (10 pts.)

Both formative and
- Used throughout the summative - Typically used at the end
assessments are used
learning process to provide of a course or unit to
to measure student
ongoing feedback and evaluate student
learning and progress.
support student learning. Both types of understanding and
- Focus on identifying areas assessments can achievement.
where students need involve a range of - Focus on evaluating
additional support and formats, including student achievement and
providing opportunities for multiple-choice tests, assigning grades or other
improvement. essays, projects, and forms of evaluation.
- Designed to be flexible and presentations. - Typically standardized and
Both assessments can
adaptable. based on a predetermined
be used to evaluate
set of criteria.
student performance
against learning goals
and objectives.

Create an assessment technique for a particular lesson in your area of specialization. Include your
instruction for such test. (10 pts.)

In your own words, ideas and opinions, answer the following: (5pts.each)
1. Differentiate Formative and Summative assessments.
Answer: Summative assessments are used to evaluate student learning and achievement at the
conclusion of a course or unit, whereas formative assessments are used during the learning process
to monitor student progress and provide feedback.
2. Why should a teacher assess his/her class?
Answer: A teacher should assess their class for a number of reasons, including to track student
progress and understanding, to give feedback to students, to assess the effectiveness of instruction, to
satisfy accountability requirements, and to support decision-making. Assessment is an essential
component of teaching and learning. In general, assessment is an integral part of good teaching
because it supports student learning and informs instructional decisions.
3. Rated Self-Evaluation Activity
Answer: A self-evaluation exercise can help students think about their own growth and learning.
Students can take ownership of their own learning by reflecting on their own learning and progress
through a rated self-evaluation activity.


Essay: Answer the following essential questions:
1. What are instructional materials?
Answer: Resources called instructional materials are created to support teaching and learning
processes in the classroom. These resources can come in a variety of formats, such as interactive
multimedia resources, videos, lectures, games, and worksheets.
The purpose of instructional materials is to support both the teacher's delivery of instruction and the
students' achievement of specific learning objectives. Usually, they are created or chosen based on
how well they fit into the curriculum, how challenging they are, how well they support the learning
objectives, and how well they can enthuse and inspire students.
All students should be able to access and use age-appropriate, well-designed educational materials.
Additionally, they ought to be in line with learning standards and objectives and give students
chances to put what they have learned into practice.
Overall, instructional materials are a crucial part of efficient teaching and learning and can
improve learner motivation, engagement, and outcomes.
2. Why are IMs needed in the teaching-learning process?
Answer: For a number of reasons, instructional materials (IMs) are a crucial part of the teaching-
learning process. First, IMs will help teachers to encourage student engagement and support student
learning. By supplying information, instructional materials can aid students in their learning.
Students who use IMs can gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter and connect ideas.
Inspiring and interactive instructional materials can grab students' attention and inspire them to
learn. Additionally, IMs can give students the chance to collaborate and learn from one another.
Second, instructional materials can give teachers resources to support their teaching while also
assisting in lesson planning. IMs can assist teachers with effective lesson planning and delivery,
learning assessment, and instruction differentiation to meet the needs of specific students.
Third, by providing the same information and resources to all students, instructional materials can
help guarantee that they are receiving the same information. This may encourage uniformity in
instruction across all classrooms and educational institutions. Lastly, instructional materials can be
created to meet the needs of a variety of students, including those with various backgrounds,
learning styles, and abilities. Individual students' needs can be met by IMs, giving them the support
they require to succeed.
Overall, instructional materials are essential to the teaching-learning process because they foster
consistency, support student learning and engagement, and give teachers the tools they need to
deliver effective instruction.
List down 10 topics in your content area and search materials which you can use from


Perpendicular Lines and Parallel
Lines perpendicular-lines-46106515?from_search=0


Exterior and Interior Angles of

Convex Polygon exterior-angles?from_search=4


Theorems of Parallelogram

(rectangle, rhombus, and square) 65?from_search=4

Midline Theorem


Theorem on Trapezoids and Kites


Permutations and Combinations


Union and intersection of events


Probability of a Union of two events


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