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There are five critical thinking skills; evaluate all the five critical thinking skills in
the personality of Lance?

Creativity. Creativity is frequently a component of critical thinking. It might be necessary for

you to identify patterns in the data you are examining or to develop an original solution. It
everything requires a creative eye.

Analysis. The capacity to thoroughly study something, be it an issue, a collection of data, or a

text, is a component of critical thinking. Analytical thinkers can evaluate information to
determine what it represents and what it signifies.

Communication. To effectively share your thoughts with others, you must be able to
communicate with them. You might also need to collaborate with a group to critically think.

Problem solving. Another essential critical thinking skill is problem solving, which entails
understanding an issue, coming up with and putting into practice a solution, and evaluating the
effectiveness of the plan.

Open mindedness. You must be able to set aside any preconceptions or prejudices and simply
study the data you are given in order to think critically. You must be impartial in your evaluation
of ideas.

7. By considering the case of Lance, discuss the importance of Idealism?

Idealism emphasizes the importance of the individual and the mind. Idealism does not see the
world as a product of nature. It considers it to be a product of the mind. The natural phenomenon
is therefore not the truth. Reality itself is spiritual or thought-based. Reality, or what the mind
projects into the universe, is just that which exists in the Absolute Mind, of which our finite
minds are a part.

The world we live in on a daily basis is not a world of facts, but one of ideas. The world is
merely a picture that our minds and spirits have created. The world of the mind or spirit, which is
governed by universal principles, is where the idealist resides. He believes that all he knows
about the universe is a product of his own imagination.

The human personality is the ultimate reality according to idealism since it combines thoughts
and goals. These components of life, such as knowledge, the arts, morals, and religion, are of the
utmost significance. All of these things are explained by the intellect, the supreme being.

Self-determination is viewed by idealists as the foundation of real existence. The genuine world
is beyond the reach of our senses. Our mental and spiritual vision can help us understand reality
as it really is. Nature's appearance of self-sufficiency is deceptive. The physical sciences only
express reality to a limited extent. According to idealism, the mind can think independently of an
objective physical universe. The mind is capable of discovering its own laws and of reflecting on
itself. The center core is the mind. There is no escaping the mind.
Additionally, the mind is capable of providing an answer to every query and providing a solution
to any issue that it may present. The mind's vigor and potential have not yet been thoroughly
investigated. Idealism holds that the mind is spiritual rather than physical. From its own deep
core, the mind draws its own laws. It is not at all reliant on the physical world outside.

Idealism believes that the experience-based world is more significant than the physical cosmos.
In order to suit the study of man, experience and the human mind are of utmost significance. The
biological idea of a man is false. Man is spiritual by nature, and he expresses himself through
religion, morals, culture, and the arts. Man is not an environment-helpless creature. He has the
ability to shape things to suit his requirements. He therefore has the ability to contribute to the
expanding human civilization and culture.

Idealism Believes in the Universal Mind.

A spiritual realm that is infused with God's Universal Mind exists in addition to the physical or
material universe. Others are the created, and He is the Creator. Because it is reliant on Him, the
human mind is a component of the Universal Mind. All human values derive from God or the
Universal Mind, and realizing this Universal Mind is the ultimate goal of all human endeavors.

Idealism Regards Man as a Spiritual Being.

Idealism regards man as only an animal. His main objective is to grow in his spiritual essence
because he is fundamentally a spiritual person. Man is set apart from other lower animals by his
spirituality. The fundamental tenet of the idealistic school of thought is that "mind or spirit is the
primary world material and that mind is not only brain and its activity, but is in itself a
substantial substance." The human mind holds the key to reality, not the outside environment.

The World of Ideas and Values is more important than the world of Matter.

Idealism has complete faith in immutable, everlasting values. They cannot be made or taken
away. Truth, Goodness, and Beauty are the three most notable eternal virtues in Plato's view.
They are verbatim the same as the qualities of God as described by the sages and seers of ancient
India. These values cannot be created by man.

Real knowledge is perceived in mind.

Knowledge obtained through mental activity is more significant than knowledge obtained
through the senses.

Stress on the Principle of Unity of Diversity.

The principle of unity in diversity is emphasized by idealists. They contend that a fundamental
unity exists beneath all differences. An idealistic philosophy of education is an account of how
man discovers himself to be an essential component of the cosmos mind, according to professor
H. N. Home.
Personality development is important.

Idealists place a high value on an individual's sense of self. They therefore advocate that a
person's personality be allowed to fully develop. Personality development entails achieving
perfection. According to J. S. Ross, idealism "therefore emphasizes the grandeur and worth of
human life at its best." Human personality is of the utmost significance and is God's highest

8. How trend awareness is important, base your logics by keeping in consideration

the case of Lance?

The capacity to be aware of how firms are evolving is referred to as having business trend
awareness as a skill. What ultimately results in success for the individual as well as the firm he
works for is the awareness of all such trends and the comprehension of how they will affect one's
business decisions.

Why is understanding business trends important?

The least your company can do is follow these trends if it is not one of those that can start them.
Because of this, business owners need to be able to recognize business trends and benefit from
the following:

enhanced propensity for anticipating Forecasting the future of your company will be much easier
for you if you are able to recognize the current trends and foresee the ones that will affect it in
the future. You'll be able to take advantage of profitable business possibilities, improve your
strategic decision-making, and outwit any strong competition your company may encounter.

Why is it vital to understand business trends?

If your business isn't one of those that can start these trends, the least it can do is follow them.
Due to this, business owners must be able to spot industry trends and reap the benefits of the

An increased capacity for anticipation If you are able to identify the current trends and predict
the ones that will have an impact on your organization in the future, forecasting the future of
your business will be lot simpler for you. You'll be able to seize lucrative business opportunities,
enhance your strategic decision-making, and outsmart any fierce competition your organization
may face.

Aids in identifying the improvements that must be made. You can compare your current tactics
to them if you are fully aware of the present and projected company trends. Anything out of
place needs to be improved. In this manner, business trends develop into a trustworthy tool for
identifying the adjustments to one's operations or strategies that are necessary.
How to become more trend-aware in business.

The following are a few ways you can advance your career and sharpen your business trend
Prior to examining those of others, you should always start by detecting patterns in your own
industry. Are sales of a specific item that was formerly the source of the greatest revenue
declining? Are customers—current or potential—asking queries that have never been posed
before? If the answer is yes, then there are undoubtedly some established business trends that
you should start pursuing before they become the norm.

Keep a close eye on your rivals. The finest source of information about emerging market trends
is frequently your rivals. Look into the trends that the top businesses are utilizing to fuel their
success. It may be challenging to go so deeply, but understanding the new strategies of such
market leaders can also aid in forecasting future business trends.

One of the best ways to network is by going to conferences, participating in local events, and
signing up for training courses. Conversations with coworkers in person can be quite instructive
as well. By taking advantage of these chances for information interchange, you may stay
informed about the world around you and develop your capacity for business trend awareness.

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