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Cristina Joy M.

Lopez BK 1
BSTM (Travel and Tours) March 2, 2023
Alcohol Effects on Brain and Body
It mentioned that alcohol is a depressant since it reduces the central nervous overall system
performance. People may experience trouble speaking, shaky movements, slow time responses,
intellectual function loss, etc. After consuming alcohol, it becomes impossible to recall even
seemingly unimportant details, like one's name. Also, when under the influence of alcohol, some
people can have blackouts when they completely forget what happened. Drinking alcohol
impairs a person's capacity for clear thinking and smart decision. Also, excessive alcohol use can
harm the respiratory system, which might result in a person passing away or getting cancer in
different parts of their body.
University-age people consume alcohol due to its relaxing benefits, which alcohol possesses
since college is stressful, it is more challenging than junior high school. There are new
opportunities, difficulties, and obligations. That could be both intimidating and thrilling.
Students drink because they want to have their freedom and leave their comfort just for a short
period of time. After stressful work, they want to have fun and celebrate their hard work.
As a Tamaraw, people at my age can have fun without the involvement of alcohol. I stopped
drinking whenever I have the chance to before but as time pass by, I am only drinking alcohol
for at least 3 or 4 times a year. How can we have fun? We can do the things that we love such as
playing sports, drawing, playing computer games, etc. We can also do things with our friends
that can create memories and get to know them more. These are the things that I do most of the
time and I can say that it is working because it makes me happy, and it reduces my stress.
In conclusion, drinking alcohol should not be a habit since it has many effects in our brain
and body. We should always apply the drink responsibly. Consuming alcohol is not bad unless
we are doing it too much that our body cannot take it anymore. Drink occasionally not every day.
We can celebrate and have fun with some other things.

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