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Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–47


Directions (1-8): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions
given below it.
The work, which Gandhi had taken up, was not only achievement of political

freedom but also the establishment of a social order based on truth and non-
violence, unity and peace, equality and universal brotherhood and maximum
freedom for all. This unfinished part of his experiment was perhaps even more
difficult to achieve than the achievement of political freedom. In the political
struggle, the fight was against a foreign power and all one could do, was either
join it or wish it success and give it their moral support. In inaugurating the
communal order of his pattern, there was a sparkling possibility of a skirmish
arising between groups and classes of our own people. Experience shows that
man values his possessions even more than his life because, in the former, he

sees the means for perpetuation and survival of his descendants even after his
body is reduced to ashes. A new order cannot be proven without fundamentally
changing the mind and attitude of men towards property and, at some stage or
the other, the ?haves? have to yield place to the have-nots. We have seen, in our
time, attempts to achieve a kind of egalitarian society and the picture of it after it

was achieved. But this was done, by and large, through the use of physical force.
In the ultimate analysis, it is difficult, if not impossible, to say that the instinct to
possess has been rooted out or that, it will not reappear in an even worse form
under s different guise. It may even be that like a gas kept confined within
containers under great pressure, or water held by a big dam, once a barrier
brakes, the reaction will one day sweep back with a violence equal in extent and

intensity to what was used to establish and maintain the outward egalitarian
form. This obligatory equality contains in its dearest the seed of its own destruction.
The root cause of class conflict is possessiveness or the acquisitive instinct. So
Long as the ideal that is to be achieved is one of securing the maximum material
satisfaction, possessiveness is neither suppresses nor eliminated but grows on
what it feeds. Nor does it cease to be such it is possessiveness, still whether it is
confined to only a few or is shared by many. If egalitarianism is to endure, it has
to be based not on the possession of the maximum material goods by few or by all
but on voluntary, enlightened renunciation of those goods, which cannot be shared
by others or can be enjoyed only at the expense of others. This calls for substitution
of spiritual values for purely material ones. The paradise of material satisfaction
that is sometimes equated with neither progress these days spells peace nor
progress. Mahatma Gandhi has shown us how the acquisitive instinct inherent in
man could be transmuted by the adoption of the ideals of trusteeship by those
who have for the benefit of all those who have not so, that instead of leading to
exploitation and conflict, it would become a means and incentive for the
amelioration and progress of society respectively.
1. According to the passage, impartiality will not survive if
1) It is based on voluntary renunciation.
2) It is achieved by resorting to physical forces.
3) Underprivileged people learn to love and are not involved in its establishment.
4) People‘s outlook towards it is not radically changed
5) None of these.

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–47

2. According to the passage, why does man value his belongings other than his life?
1) He has inherent desire to share his possessions with others.
2) He is endowed with the possessive instinct.
3) Only his possessions help him earn love and respect from his descendants.
4) Through his possessions, he can preserve his name even after his death.
5) None of these
3. According to the passage, which was the unfinished part of Gandhi‘s experiment?
1) Educating people to avoid class conflict
2) Achieving total political freedom for the country.
3) Establishment of an egalitarian society.
4) Radically changing the mind and attitude of men towards truth and non-violence.

5) None of these.
4. Which of the following statements is not true in the context of the passage?
1) True egalitarianism can be achieved by giving up one‘s possessions under
2) Man values his life more than his possessions.
3) Possessive instinct is a natural part of human being.
4) In the political struggle, the fight was against the alien rule.
5) The root cause of class conflict is possessiveness.
5. According to the passage, true egalitarianism will last if.
1) It is thrust upon people.

2) It is based on truth and non-violence.
3) People inculcate spiritual values along with material values.
4) Haves and have-nots live together peacefully.
5) None of these.
6. According to the passage, people ultimately overturn the form of a social order.

1) Which is based on coercion and oppression

2) Which does not satisfy their basic needs.
3) Which is based upon conciliation and rapprochement
4) Which is not congenial to the spiritual values of the people.
5) None of these.
7. Which of the following statements is ?not true in the context of the passage?

1) A new order can be establishment by radically changing the outlook of people

towards it.
2) Adoption of the ideal of trusteeship can minimize possessive instinct.
3) Enforced egalitarianism can be the cause of its own destruction.
4) Ideal o the new order is to secure maximum material satisfaction.
5) None of these.
8. According to the passage, which of the following statements is ?true?
1) A social order based on truth and non-violence alone can help the achievement
of political reedom.
2) In establishing the social order of Gandhi’s pattern, the possibility of a conflict
between different classes of society hardly exists.
3) It is difficult to change the mind and attitude of men towards property
4) In an egalitarian society, material satisfaction can be enjoyed only at the
expense of others
5) None of these
Directions (9-13): In this question, words (A), (B), (C), and (D) are given in bold. If
two of these words are interchanged, the sentence will be meaningful and
grammatically correct. Identify the pair of words, if interchanged which will make
the sentence meaningful and grammatically correct. That pair is your answer. If
all the words are appropriate then mark ‘All Correct’ as your answer.
9. Talks between (A) the Union government and bound (B) leaders on the three
controversial (C) agriculture laws had broken no ground and were farmer (D) to fail.
1) A-B 2) B-D 3) C-A 4) C-D 5) All Correct

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–47

10. The committee can want (A) and resolve this issue. Secure the names (B) of
some farmers’ unions who talk (C) to join, It should include the BKU and other
farmer (D) leaders.
1) A-B 2) B-D 3) C-A 4) C-D 5) All Correct
11. We also feel proud (A) that our current leadership has Malice (B) pursued
Bangabandhu’s foreign policy (C) of Friendship to All and effectively (D) to None.
1) A-B 2) B-D 3) C-A 4) C-D 5) All Correct
12. Officials (A) of the Defence Ministry had made a uniforms (B) to the panel on the
colour (C) of presentation (D) in the Army, Navy and the Air Force.
1) A-B 2) C-D 3) C-A 4) B-D 5) All Correct

13. India has been both a pioneer (A) in the human costs and encounter (B) of social
media, and in the benefits (C) between the new forces (D) and the law.
1) B-C 2) C-D 3) A-D 4) A-B 5) All Correct
Directions (14-17): In the following questions two columns are given containing
three sentences/phrases each. In first column, sentences/phrases are A, B and
C and in the second column the sentences/Phrases are D, E, and F. A sentence/
phrase from the first column may or may not connect with another sentence/
phrase from the second column to make a grammatically and contextually correct
sentence. Each question has five options which display the sequence(s) in which

the sentences/phrases can be joined to form a grammatically and contextually
correct sentence.
14. Column I
A. We need to challenge some of the
B. This will do more to inspire public

C. The new contracts have undermined

Column II
D. basic assumptions of western philosophy.
E. the confidence of employees.
F. confidence than the prison officers' negative attitude.

1) B-D 2) A-D, B-F and C-E 3) B-D and C-E

4) A-F and C-E 5) A-E
15. Column I
A. Teachers qualified to teach in England
B. There are problems in recruiting suitably
C. The statistics seriously underestimate
Column II
D. qualified scientific officers for NHS laboratories.
E. companies are of people affected.
F. are not accepted in Scotland and vice versa.
1) B-D 2) A-D, B-F and C-E 3) A-F and B-D
4) A-F and C-E 5) A-E
16. Column I
A. Agriculture is still largely based on
B. The small business people of Britain are
C. The suggestion inevitably provoked
Column II
D. outbreak take place the economic backbone of the nation.
E. is determined that outrage from student leaders.
F. traditional methods in some countries.
1) A-F 2) A-D, B-F and C-E 3) A-D and C-E
4) B-D and C-E 5) A-E

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–47

17. Column I
A. We see that freight railroads make good
B. The government wants more people to
C. They are dependent upon importation from
Column II
D. foreign countries for cotton and grain.
E. use public transport instead of private cars.
F. profits while rendering excellent service.
1) A-E and B-D 2) A-F, B-E and C-D 3) A-D and C-E
4) B-E and C-D 5) A-F
Directions (18-22): In this question a sentence divided into four parts denoted by

(A), (B), (C) and (D) has been given. Read the sentence to find out whether there
is any grammatical error in it. The error if any will be in one part of the sentence.
That part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is “No error”. Ignore the
errors of punctuation of any.
18. Attributing the leak to a valve malfunction, /A/ State Health Minister Rajesh
Tope /B/ said a high level inquiry had being ordered /C/ to ascertain if negligence

2) B
had caused the tragedy. /D/ /E/ No error
1) A 3) C 4) D 5) No error
19. Amid shortage of medical oxygen /A/, the Indian Railways on Thursday said /B/
two ‘Oxygen Express’ trains with liquid medical oxygen tankers /C/ should begin

2) B

their journey on Thursday night. /D/ /E/ No error
1) A 3) C 4) D 5) No error
20. Our rich men /A/ to say the least /B/ did not advance the morale struggle /C/ of
passive resistance as much the poor. /D/ /E/ No error
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) No error

21. If she had /A/ the chance to /B/ do it over, she would has /C/ hired a press
secretary. /D/ /E/ No error
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) No error
22. Britain’s Cameron Norrie advanced /A/ to the quarterfinals of the Barcelona
open /B/ after eighth seed David Goffin retired /C/ for an issue in his leg on
Thursday. /D/ /E/ No error

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) No error
Directions (23-27): Rearrange the following five sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), and
(E) in a proper sequence so as to form a meaningful paragraph. Then answer the
given question.
(A) One day, his father gifted him a hammer and a bundle of nails, then said,
“Whenever you get mad, hammer a nail into the backyard fence.”
(B) But, can you see the holes in the wall? The fence is never going to be the
same. Likewise, when you say mean things in anger, you’ll leave a scar.”
(C) Then, his father asked the young boy to remove a nail for each day he didn’t
lose his temper. On the day when the boy removed his last nail, his father told
him, “You have done good, boy.
(D) Once, there was a young boy. This boy had problems controlling his anger.
When he got angry, he would say the first thing that came to mind, even if it
affected people.
(E) In the first days, the boy used up half of the nails. Over the next weeks, he
used up fewer nails, until his temper was under control.
23. Which of the following will be FIFTH (last) sentence after rearrangement?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
24. Which of the following will be THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
25. Which of the following will be FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
26. Which of the following will be SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–47

27. Which of the following will be FIRST sentence after rearrangement?

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
Directions (28-36): Read the following passage and answer the given questions.
Though US prides itself on being a leader in the World community a recent
report shows that it lags far behind other industrialized countries in meeting the
needs of its youngest and most vulnerable citizens. The US has a higher infant
mortality rate, a higher proportion of low birth weight babies, a smaller proportion
of babies immunized against childhood diseases and a much higher rate of
adolescent pregnancies. These findings, described as “quiet crisis” requiring
immediate and far reaching action, appeared in a report prepared by a task force
of educators, doctors, politicians and business people. According to the report ,a

fourth of the nation’s 12 million infants and toddlers live in poverty. As many as
half confront risk factors that could harm their ability to develop intellectually,
physically and socially. Child immunizations are too low, more children are born
into poverty, more are in substandard care, while their parents work and more
are being raised by single parents. When taken together, these and other risk
factors can lead to educational and health problems that are much harder and
more costly to reverse.
The crisis begins in the womb with unplanned parenthood. Women with
unplanned pregnancies are less likely to seek pre natal care. In the US 80% of
teenage pregnancies and 56% of all pregnancies are unplanned. The problems

continue after birth, where unplanned pregnancies and unstable partnerships often
go hand in hand. Since 1950, the number of single parent families has nearly
tripled. More than 25% of all births today are of unmarried mothers. As the number
of single parent families grows and more women enter the work force. Infants and
toddlers are increasingly in the care of people other than their parents.

Most distubingly, recent statistics show that American parents are

increasingly neglecting or abusing their children. In only four years from 1987-
1991, the numbe rof children in foster care increased by over 50%. Babies under
the age of one are the fastest growing category of children entering foster care.
This crisis affects children under the age of three most severely, the report says.
Yet, it is this period – from infancy through preshool years – that sets the stage

for child’s future.

28. The main focus of the passage is on the plight of
1) orphaned children 2) Teenage mothers 3) Low birth weight babies
4) infant mortality 5) None of these
29. Which of the following does not constitute ‘quiet crisis’ in the US as per the task
froce report.
1) Lower proportion of new born baies with normal weight
2) Higher incidence of adolescent girls becoming mothers
3) Lower rate of baies surviving childhood diseases
4) Increasing cases of teenage couples getting divorced 5) None of these
30. Which of the following statements is not true in the context of the passage?
1) The number of single parent families today is approximately three times than
four decades ago
2)the number of children in the US entering foster care has decreased after 1991.
3) In the US, the number of infants living in poverty is about 3 million
4) Only 20% of all the pregnancies in the US are planned. 5) None of these
31. In above passage a phrase is given in bold which contains error in it. Select the
phrase from the following option to make it grammatically and contextually correct
1) more harder and more costly to reversing.
2) much harder and more costlier to reverse.
3) much harder and more costly to reverse.
4) more harder and more costlier to reverse.
5) much hardly and more costly to reverse

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–47

32. The number of children born to married mothers in the US is approximately, how
many times the number of children born to unwed mothers?
1) 1.5 times 2) 2 times 3) 3 times 4) 3.5 times 5) None of these
33. Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning to the given word
given in bold as used in the passage.
1) Face 2) Tolerate 3) Succumb 4) Eliminate 5) None of these
34. Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning to the given word
given in bold as used in the passage
1) Indispensable 2) risky 3) Insecure 4) Promising 5) None of these

35. Choose the world which is most opposite to the given word in bold as used in the
1) Drastically 2) Intensely 3) Minutely 4) Slightly 5) None of these
36. Choose the world which is most opposite to the given word in bold as used in the
1) Impoverished 2) Compassionate 3) Excellent
4) Valuable 5) None of these

Directions (37-41): In the following questions, a word is given along with its
usage in sentences given in the options. Choose the option in which use of the
given word is contextually and grammatically correct.
37. Elusive
I. She enjoys a firm reputation in this country but wider international success

has been elusive.

II. Volcanic rocks are elusive of only a few mineral groups and each group having
its own characteristics.
III. The region was bitter cold in winter and elusive composed of large woodland
tracts with water.
1) only I 2) only II 3) only III 4) I & II 5) I, II & III

38. Acumen
I. The management has tried to acumen our thoughts from our massive financial
II. It is bad news for the auctioneers and sellers but for buyers many acumen
aircraft was sold at reasonable prices.
III. He was more remarked for his love of cricket and helicopters than for his
business acumen.
1) only I 2) only II 3) only III 4) I & II 5) I, II & III
39. Sonorous
I. Despite the sonorous recession, the government has asked people to keep faith
with its reforms.
II. Many trade disputes are pending, but sonorous outcomes of the talks and
failures would activate them immediately.
III. The strange and sonorous cry was produced by a bird called grouse which is
hiding in the tall trees.
1) only I 2) only II 3) only III 4) I & II 5) I, II & III
40. Epoch
I. Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they epoch with the same music.
II. A new historical epoch is created by the development of superior forces of
production by a new social group.
III. He managed to pursue his epoch interests in parallel with his fast-moving
1) only I 2) only II 3) only III 4) I & II 5) I, II & III

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–47

41. Illicit
I. The commission pursued its effects to force the return of illicit state payments
to industries.
II. The state is fully aware that the illicit trade of small arms and light weapons
causes regional instability and fuels humanitarian crisis.
III. The current negotiations of a protocol on illicit trade in tobacco products are a
strong step in the right direction.
1) only I 2) only II 3) only III 4) I & II 5) I, II & III
Directions (42-46): In the questions given below few sentences are given which
are grammatically correct and meaningful. Connect them by the word given below
the statements in the best possible way without changing the intended meaning.

Choose your answer accordingly from the option to form a correct and meaningful
42. (A) much you may entreat him,
(B) you will get little or nothing.
1) Because 2) Thus
ha 3) Hence 4) However 5) and
43. (A) The most melancholy thing in life is a farewell between those in love,
(B) it is but for a short time.
1) Therefore 2) Hence 3) even though 4) Because 5) Seeing that
44. (A) Eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal.

(B) They have fresh meaning for every new social situation.
1) Still 2) Nevertheless 3) unless 4) Even so 5) In contrast
45. (A) I was never cast away nor distressed in any weather,
(B) I encountered some severe storms.
1) for 2) because 3) though 4) until 5) than

46. (A) Dorothy was nearly weeping, by this time,

(B) Ozma was angry and indignant.
1) while 2) and 3) so 4) how 5) since
Directions (47-50): Which phrase should replace the phrase given in bold in the
sentence to make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is
given, mark ‘No correction required’ as your answer.

47. The composition of ink variations according to the country it will be used in and
each country requires indelible ink according to its own specification.
1) of ink variations according to 2) according to ink variation at
3) for ink according to variation
4) of ink varies according to 5) No correction required
48. The presence of a black hole can be inferred for tracking the movement of a
group of stars that orbit a certain region in space.
1) can be inferred by tracking 2) can be inferring to track
3) can be inferred due to tracking
4) tracking can be inferred to 5) No correction required
49. Physicists predict that matter and antimatter must be in creation almost equal
quantities and this would have been the case during the Big Bang.
1) must be created in almost equal 2) that created in almost equal
3) must almost be created in almost
4) creation almost must be equaled in 5) No correction required
50. Foreign capital has a key role in the economic developing processes of the
country, it is the source of modernization and employment generation in the
1) developed processes of the country
2) developing process of the country
3) development processes of country
4) development process of the country
5) No correction required

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–47

Direction(51-52) : Read the following information carefully and answer the given
Point L is 15m to the East of Point K. Point M is 7 m to the North of Point L.
Point N is 6 m to the West of Point M. Point O is 13m to the South of Point N. Point
K is 7m to the South of Point P.
51. Point P is in which direction with respect to Point O ?
1) South-West 2) South 3) South-East 4) North-West 5) North
52. If a person walks 6m towards east from Point O and then takes a left turn, which
of the following points would he reach first ?

1) P 2) M 3) K 4) L 5) N
53. Read the following information carefully and answer the question which follows.
“Pollution level has risen more than 4 times in a matter of 6 years in city A. In my
opinion, if all vehicles more than 20 years old still plying on the road are banned a
major part of air pollution in the city can be controlled.” person A.
Which of the following statements most appropriately weakens the person’s opinion ?
1) Older vehicles emit more pollutants than the newer ones as the newer vehicles
are provided with newest carbon reduction technologies
2) The number of vehicles, for private use as well as public transport use. has not

increased substantially in the past 6 years in city A
3) More than 96% pollution in city A can be attributed to the industries and factories
in city A and only 4% to the vehicular nuclear plants and waste burning together
4) Around a decade ago. the government of City A had converted all public transport
vehicles from diesel - run to CNG- run in order to control pollution levels

5) City B in the neighbouring State which had made similar efforts had managed
to reduce pollution levels by half within three years
Direction(54-59) : Study the following information carefully and answer the given
Seven people namely - A, B, C, D, E, F and G have a holiday on seven
different days of the same week namely. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

Friday, Saturday and Sunday but not necessarily in the same order.Each person
also works for seven different departments of a company namely. Marketing,
Production, Advertising, HR, Online, Accounts and Maintenance but not
necessarily in the same order
C has a holiday on Thursday and works in Maintenance department. Only
two people have a holiday between C and A. The one who works in online department
has a holiday immediately after A. Only one person has a holiday between B and
the one who works in Accounts department. B neither has a holiday on Sunday
nor on Friday. Only two people have holidays between B and D. E does not have a
holiday immediately before or after D. The one working in HR department has a
holiday immediately after the one working in marketing department. D does not
work in HR department. F does not have a holiday on any of the days after G.
Neither B nor F work in the Production department.
54. In which of the following departments does D work ?
1) Online 2) Accounts 3) Marketing 4) Production 5) Advertising
55. Based on the given arrangement, which of the following statements is TRUE ?
1) The one who works in Accounts department has a holiday on Saturday.
2) Only one person has a holiday between G and F.
3) E has a holiday on Friday. 4) None of the given options are true.
5) A works in HR department.
56. Who amongst the following works in HR department ?
1) E 2) G 3) F 4) A 5) B

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–47

57. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group as per the
given arrangement. Which of the following does not belong to that group ?
1) F-Thursday 2) G-Saturday 3) B-Tuesday 4) E-Friday 5) C-Wednesday
58. Which of the following combinations is definitely correct ?
1) Wednesday-B-Production 2) Sunday-G-Accounts
3) Tuesday-B-Online 4) Friday-F-Accounts 5) Monday-A-Online
59. Which of the following represents the day on which G has his holiday ?
1) Sunday 2) Saturday 3) Monday 4) Wednesday 5) Friday
60. In this question there are two statements (A) and (B). These statements may
either be independent causes or effects of independent causes or a common

cause. One of these statements may be the effect of the other statement. Read
both the statements carefully and decide which of the following answer choice
correctly depicts the relationship between these two statements:
(A) The management of the company XYZ has recently decided to revise its salary
structure and also give a number of incentives to employees.
(B) The attrition rate of company XYZ has doubled this year as compared to last
year and is showing a rising trend.
1) Statement (A) is the cause and Statement (B) is its effect
2) Statement (B) is the cause and Statement (A) is its effect

3) Both Statements (A) and (B) are independent causes.
4) Both Statements (A) and (B) are effects of independent causes
5) Both Statements (A) and (B) are effects of some common cause.
Direction(61-62) : In this question, relationship between different elements is
shown in the statements. The statements are followed by two conclusions. Study

the conclusions based on the given statement and select the appropriate answer.
61. Statements : A < B  C = D > K ; J  B
Conclusion I: B < K Conclusion II : J  C
1) Either conclusion I or II is true 2) Neither conclusion I nor II is true

3) Both conclusions I and II are true

4) Only conclusion II is true 5) Only conclusion I is true
62. Statements : A < B  C = D > K ; J  B
Conclusion I: K  J Conclusion II: A < D
1) Only conclusion I is true 2) Both conclusions I and II are true
3) Either conclusion I or II is true
4) Only conclusion II is true 5) Neither conclusion I nor II is true
63. Read the given information carefully and answer the given question.
Company X. a telecom company of country Z. which proposed last week that it
would charge its customers for video calls, said that it will not go ahead with the
plan Video call is a facility given free of cost by the company for its existing
Which of the following maybe a reason for the change in plan by the said company ?
1) Company Y, a rival to company X setup shop in country Z just two months back
and has introduced a number of interesting offers for customers.
2) Many people using the services of company X live in rural areas and might not
be able to afford an extra charge for certain services.
3) Company X plans to expand its market globally this year.
4) Company X underwent a lot of criticism for the said proposal and also experienced
a drop of around 10 percent customers in just one week.
5) The shares of company L, which charges its customers for a similar facility
since the beginning, dropped substantially this week.

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–47

Direction(64-68) : In this question two/three statements followed by two

conclusions numbered I and II have been given. You have to take the given
statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known
facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the
given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
64. Statement: No player is a short All shorts are man
No man is women’s Only a few strong are women’s
Conclusions: I. All players beings man is a possibility.
II. All man can never be player.
III. No short is a strong.
IV. All strong being short is a possibility.

V. All women’s being player is a possibility.
1) Only I & II not follows 2) Only III& IV not follows
3) Only III is not follows 4) Only IV not follows
5) Only II & V not follows
65. Statement: Some beds are cover’s Only a fewcover’s are pillows
No pillow is a red All blacks are reds
Conclusions: I. No red is a cover
II. All blacks being bed is a possibility.
III. No pillow is a black.

IV. All bed being reds is a possibility.
V. No black is a cover’s.
1) Only I & II not follows 2) Only II& IVnot follows
3) Only III & V not follows 4) Only I & V not follows
5) Only II & V not follows

66. Statement: No student is a teacher All directors are student

Only a few classesare director All college is class
Conclusions: I. At least some teacher are director.
II. All students being class is a possibility.
III. At least some students are class.
IV. All class can never be teacher.

V. All directors being college is a possibility.

1) Only I not follow 2) Only II not follows 3) Only III not follows
4) Only V not follows 5) Only I & V not follows
67. Statement: All trains are flights All flights are pond
Only a few Pond sare Lacks All lacks’ are waters
Conclusions: I. All lacks’ being Pond is a possibility.
II. All flights being waters is a possibility.
III. All waters can never be pond.
IV. All tree is pond.
V. No flight is a lacks.
1) Only I & II not follows 2) Only II& IVnot follows
3) Only III & V not follows 4) Only I & V not follows
5) Only II & V not follows
68. Statement: Only a few toy is doll All doll are cartoon
Some dolls are airplanes All airplanes are cats
Conclusions: I. At least some cats are doll.
II. No cat is a toy.
III. At least some toy is cats.
IV. All toys being cats is a possibility.
V. All cartoons being toy is a possibility.
1) Only I, IV&V follows 2) Either II or III follows
3) Only III,IV& V follows 4) Only II, III& V follows
5) Only I, IV, V and either II or III follows

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–47

Direction(69-73) : Study the given information carefully and answer the given
When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words
and number, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an
illustration of input and rearrangement.
(All the numbers are two digit numbers)
Input 36 24 maintain 87 safe distance 60 12 with other 98 cars
Step I : cars 36 24 maintain 87 safe distance 60 with other 98 12
Step II : 24 cars 36 maintain 87 safe 60 with other 98 12 distance
Step III : maintain 24 cars 87 safe 60 with other 98 12 distance 36
Step IV : 60 maintain 24 cars 87 safe with 98 12 distance 36 other

Step V : safe 60 maintain 24 cars with 98 12 distance 36 other 87
Step VI : 98 safe 60 maintain 24 cars 12 distance 36 other 87 with
Step VI is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended arrangement is
As per the rules followed in the given steps, find out the appropriate steps for the
given input.

Input : weight 34 93 and 14 density 84 concept to 49 74 be understood 56
Which element is seventh to the right of the element which is eleventh from the
right end of the last step of the given arrangement ?
1) 74 2) understood 3) to 4) density 5) 56

Which of the following is the third last step of the given arrangement ?
1) to 74 concept 49 14 and weight 93 84 understood be 34 density 56
2) to density concept be and 14 34 49 56 74 weight 93 84 understood
3) to density concept be and weight 93 84 understood 14 34 49 56 74
4) 14 34 49 56 74 weight 93 84 understood to density concept be and

5) to 56 concept 34 and weight 93 84 understood 14 be 49 density 74

71. Which element/s is / are exactly between ‘93’ and ‘to’ in the fourth step of the
given arrangement ?
1) 84 2) both density and 84 3) both density and concept
4) There is no element 5) density
72. What is the position of ‘weight’ from the left of ‘56’ in the third step of the given

arrangement ?
1) Sixth 2) Fourth 3) Seventh 4) Fifth 5) Ninth
73. What is the position of ‘concept’ from the right end of the second last step of the
given arrangement ?
1) Ninth 2) Seventh 3) Tenth 4) Eleventh 5) Eighth
Direction(74-78) : Study the following information carefully and answer the given
Eight people J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q live on separate floors of an 8-floor
building. Ground floor is numbered 1, first floor is numbered 2 and so on until the
topmost floor is numbered 8.
L lives on floor number 5. Only one person lives between L and O. Q lives on
an odd numbered floor. Only one person lives between Q and J. Only three people
live between P and M. M lives below P. P does not live on the topmost floor.
K neither lives immediately above Q nor immediately above O.
74. Who lives on the floor immediately below O ?
1) J 2) Q 3) K 4) N 5) P
75. How many people live between the floors on which P and J live ?
1) Two 2) Three 3) None 4) One 5) More than three
76. Which of the following is TRUE with respect to N as per the given information ?
1) Only two people live between N and K. 2) N lives immediately above L.
3) Only five people live below N. 4) N lives on the topmost floor.
5) N lives on an odd numbered floor.
77. On which of the following floor numbers does K live ?
1) 8 2) 3 3) 4 4) 2 5) 6

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78. Who amongst the following lives on floor number 1 ?

1) M 2) J 3) K 4) Q 5) P
79. In the given question, a statement followed by two inferences numbered I and II
have been given.You have to consider the statement and the given inferences and
decide which of the following can be inferred and select the appropriate answer.
Statement: During the past year nation wide membership in fitness clubs has
declined by about fifteen percent, while sales of fast-food products widely known
to contribute to health problems have risen by about the same percent.
I. 15% of the total population is unfit.
II. The fitness clubs have closed their registrations for new members this year.
1) Only I can be inferred. 2) Either I or II can be inferred.

3) Only II can be inferred. 4) Both I and II can be inferred.
5) Neither I nor II can be inferred.
Direction(80-84) : Study the following information carefully and answer the given
J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q are sitting around a circular table at equal distances
between each other, but not necessarily in the same order.Some of the people
are facing the centre while some face outside, (i.e, in a direction opposite to the
(Note: Facing the same direction means if one faces the centre then the other
also faces the centre and vice versa.Facing the opposite directions means if one

faces the centre then the other faces outside and vice versa)
Q sits second to the left of P. Q faces outside. Only two people sit between P
and K. Both M and J are immediate neighbours of Q. Only three people sit between
J and L. N sits third to the right of M. L is not an immediate neighbour of N.Both
the immediate neighbours of P face the same direction.O sits third to the left of

J.N faces the same direction as M. O sits to the immediate right of K. Both the
immediate neighbours of K face opposite directions.Q faces a direction opposite to
that of O.
80. Who is sitting third to the right of Q ?
1) O 2) K 3) J 4) L 5) N
81. What is L’s position with respect to K ?

1) Second to the right 2)Immediate right

3) Third to the right 4)Immediate left 5) Second to the left
82. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given seating arrangement
and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
1) K 2) N 3) L 4) O 5) Q
83. How many people in the given arrangement face outside ?
1) Five 2) Four 3) Two 4) Three 5) Six
84. Which of the following is TRUE as per the given seating arrangement ?
1) Q sits second to right of N.
2) O is an immediate neighbour of M.
3) None of the given options is true.
4) P sits to the immediate left of M.
5) L faces the same direction as J.
Direction(85-89) : This question consists of a question and two statements
numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data given in
the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements
and choose the most appropriate option.
85. How many people stand between H and L in a straight line of 8 people (Note: All
are facing North) ?
I. B stands second from the right end of the line. Only two people stand between
B and M. Only one person stands between M and L. H stands to the immediate
right of S.
II. Y stands at the extreme left end of the line. Only three people stand between Y
and S. S is an immediate neighbour of both H and M. L stands second to the left of M.

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–47

1) The data in Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in Statement II alone is not sufficient to answer the question
2) The data even in both Statements I and II together is not sufficient to answer
the question.
3) The data in both the Statements I and II together is necessary to answer the question.
4) The data in Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in Statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the question
5) The data either in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone is sufficient to
answer the question.
86. Among students M, N, O, P and Q. each having a different weight, who weighs the most ?
I. P weighs more than M but less than N. N does not weigh the most. M weighs

more than O.
II. P weighs less than only two people. M weighs more than O but less than Q.
1) The data even in both Statements I and II together is not sufficient to answer
the question.
2) The data in Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in Statement II alone is not sufficient to answer the question
3) The data either in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone is sufficient to
answer the question.
4) The data in both the Statements I and II together is necessary to answer the question.
5) The data in Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the

87. Is W the uncle of E?

data in Statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the question
I. M is the sister of W. B has only one daughter M. D is the daughter of M. E is the
sister of D.
II. S has only two children M and W. E is the daughter of M. J is married to M. W

is married to K.
1) The data in both the Statements I and II together is necessary to answer the question
2) The data either in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone is sufficient to
answer the question
3) The data in Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in Statement II alone is not sufficient to answer the question

4) The data even in both Statements I and II together is not sufficient to answer
the question
5) The data in Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in Statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the question
88. On which day of the same week from Monday to Sunday was Naina born ?
I. Naina’s aunt correctly remembers that she was born after Tuesday but before
Sunday and that she was not born on a Thursday.
II. Naina’s uncle correctly remembers that she was born after Monday and that
she was not born on a Wednesday.
1) The data either in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone is sufficient to
answer the question.
2) The data in both the Statements I and II together is necessary to answer the
3) The data even in both Statements I and II together is not sufficient to answer
the question.
4) The data in Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in Statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
5) The data in Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in Statement II alone is not sufficient to answer the question
89. How is ‘self’ coded in the given code language ?
I. In the given code language, ‘help self to win’ is coded as ‘& $ * +’ and ‘help to
win him’ is coded as ‘+ $ % &’.
II. In the given code language, ‘make plan with self’ is coded as “@ * # >’ and
‘connect to self important’ is coded as ‘& / ? *’

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–47

1) The data even in both Statements I and II together is not sufficient to answer
the question.
2) The data in Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in Statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
3) The data in Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in Statement II alone is not sufficient to answer the question
4) The data either in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone is sufficient to
answer the question.
5) The data in both the Statements I and II together is necessary to answer the
90. Read the following information carefully and answer the given question.

‘A @ B’ means ‘A is the father of B’
‘A + B’ means ‘A is the son of B’
‘A $ B’ means ‘A is the daughter of B’
‘A % B’ means ‘A is the mother of B’
‘A & B’ means ‘A is the husband of B’
What should come in place of the question mark, to establish that P is the mother-
in-law of T in the expression ?
1) $ 2) Either & (or) % 3) & 4) @ 5) +
Direction (91-95): Read the following information carefully and answer the
questions given below:

I) Seven friends Kishore, Rahul, Ajay, Sujata, Preeti, Madhukar and Harish Chandra
are studying in seven different schools, viz Hansraj Model School, Modern School,
Airforce Bal Bharti, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Ramjas Public School, Prabhu Dayal
Public School and Springdale public school. But no student reads in the school

whose name starts with the first initial letter of his/her name.
II) Rahul and Preeti study in Modern School and Airforce Bal Bharti respectively.
III) Ajay reads neither in Springdale Public School nor in Prabhu Dayal public
IV) Sujata and Harishchandra do not study in Prabhu Dayal Public School, Ramjas
Public or Springdale Public School.

91. Kishore reads in which school?

1) Prabhu Dayal Public School 2) Springdale Public School
3) Kendriya Vidyalaya 4) Can’t be determined 5) None of these
92. Who studies in Ramjas Public School?
1) Sujata 2) Ajay 3) Either Ajay or Sujata
4) Can’t be determined 5) None of these
93. Madhukar reads in which school?
1) Springdale Public school 2) Prabhu Dayal Public School
3) Either Springdale or Prabhu Dayal
4) Can’t be determined 5) None of these
94. Who reads in Kendriya Vidyalaya?
1) Harish Chandra 2) Madhukar 3) Rahul
4) Can’t be determined 5) None of these
95. Who reads in Prabhu Dayal Public School?
1) Kishore 2)Madhukar 3) Can’t be determined
4) Either Kishore or Madhukar 5) None of these
Direction: (96-100) Study the following information carefully and answer the
question which follow.
There are five men Anuj, Kunal, Sourav, Rahul and Harish. The one who is
tallest is not the youngest. Kunal is older than only Harish. Sourav is older than
Rahul but shorter than him. Only one person is taller than Rahul. Anuj is shortest
while younger than only Sourav and Rahul. Only two men are shorter than Sourav.
96. Which of the following men is third tallest of the five?
1) Sourav 2) Rahul 3) Harish 4) Kunal 5) Kunal or Rahul

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–47

97. Who among the following men is tallest?

1) Sourav 2) Rahul 3) Kunal 4) Harish 5) Sourav or Harish
98. If the five men are made to stand in a line according to their height, first in
ascending order, then in descending order, then whose position will remain the
same in both the arrangements?
1) Harish 2) Rahul 3) Kunal 4) Sourav 5) Rahul and Anuj
99. Who among the following is older than Kunal but younger than Rahul?
1) Harish 2) Sourav 3) Anuj
4) Data inadequate 5) Sourav or Anuj
100. Who among the following is taller than Anuj only?
1) Sourav 2) Harish 3) Rahul 4) Kunal 5) Kunal or Harish

Direction (101-106):In the given question two quantities are given. One as Quantity
I and another as Quantity II. You have to determine the relationship between the
two quantities and choose the appropriate option.
101. Quantity I : The probability of getting a ‘4’ on a single throw of a dice.
Quantity II: The probability of getting a card of spades from a pack of 52 cards in
a single draw.
1) Quantity I < Quantity II 2) Quantity I  Quantity II
3) Quantity I = Quantity II (or) the relationship cannot be established from the
information given

4) Quantity I > Quantity II 5) Quantity I  Quantity II
102. Quantity I : 40% of 30% of 1500
Quantity II: 15% of 40% of 3200

1) Quantity I  Quantity II
2) Quantity I = Quantity II (or) the relationship cannot be established from the
information given
3) Quantity I < Quantity II 4) Quantity I  Quantity II 5) Quantity I > Quantity II
103. Quantity I : The circumference of a circle with a radius of 28 cm.

Quantity II : Perimeter of a square with side 38 cm.

1) Quantity I < Quantity II 2) Quantity I > Quantity II
3) Quantity I  Quantity II
4) Quantity I = Quantity II (or) the relationship cannot be established from the
information given
5) Quantity I  Quantity II
104. Consider the equations : 14x + 5 = 187
3y - 10 = 41
Quantity I : x
Quantity II : y
1) Quantity I < Quantity II 2) Quantity I > Quantity II
3) Quantity I = Quantity II (or) the relationship cannot be established from the
information given
4) Quantity I  Quantity II 5) Quantity I  Quantity II
105. Consider the equations:
x2 + 30x + 225 = 0
3y2 + 35y + 100 = 0
Quantity I: x
Quantity II: y
1) Quantity I  Quantity II 2) Quantity I > Quantity II
3) Quantity I < Quantity II 4) Quantity I  Quantity II
5) Quantity I = Quantity II (or) the relationship cannot be established from the
information given

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106. Quantity I : The number of degrees covered by the hour hand of a clock in two
Quantity II : The number of degrees covered by the minute hand of a clock in
fifteen minutes.
1) Quantity I  Quantity II 2) Quantity I < Quantity II
3) Quantity I > Quantity II
4) Quantity I = Quantity II (or) the relationship cannot be established from the
information given
5) Quantity I  Quantity II
Direction (107-112): In this question a number series is given in which one
number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.

107. 9 36 82 144 225 324 441
1) 36 2) 324 3) 82 4) 225 5) 144
108. 363 360 352 345 333 318 300
1) 352 2) 345 3) 318 4) 333 5) 360
109. 14 29 45 62 79 99
1) 62 2) 29
110. 145 109 88 68 59 55 54
ha 3) 45 4) 79 5) 99

1) 59 2) 88 3) 109 4) 68 5) 55
111. 5 17 41 90 185 377 761
1) 185
112. 2 18 95 384 1166
2) 17

3) 377
4) 41 5) 90
1) 18 2) 95 3) 384 4) 1166 5) 2312
113. Total time taken by a motorboat to go 110 kilometers downstream and then return
to its starting point is 120 hours. If the speed of motorboat in still water is 6km/

hr, what is the speed of stream ? (In kmph)

1) 2 2) 4 3) 6 4) 3 5) 5
114. A alone can complete a work in 48 days and B alone can complete the same work
in 72 days. A, B and C together can complete the same work in 24 days. What will
be A’s per day payment if he is paid Rs. 72000 to complete the entire work alone ?

(In Rs.)
1) 100 2) 350 3) 800 4) 250 5) 750
115. Mona invested a certain sum at 20% p.a. compound interest (compounded annually)
for 2 years. Mohit invested the same sum as Mona at 10% p.a. compound interest
(compounded annually) for 2 years and received interest of Rs. 2300 less than
that of Mona. What is the sum invested by Mona ? (In Rs.)
1) 9000 2) 8000 3) 12000 4) 15000 5) 10000
116. Distance between Suresh’s office and home is 84 km. If he drives at 70 kmph he
reaches 15 minutes later than the usual time. Find his speed on the next day if
he reaches 15 minutes earlier than the usual time. (In kmph)
1) 110 2) 100 3) 120 4) 85 5) 95
Direction (117-122) : What approximate value will come in place of the question
mark(?) in the given question. (You are not expected to calculate exact value)
117. (13.01)2 + (3.01)3 - (6.99)2 + 120.99 = ? - 9.99
1) 154 2) 168 3) 144 4) 212 5) 192
118. 3.99 x 4.02 + 35.99 + 23.01 = ? x 81.01
1) 1 2) 13 3) 17 4) 5 5) 9
119. 231.01  11.01 + 288.01  11.99 = ? x 3
1) 23 2) 15 3) 9 4) 19 5) 3

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–47

120. 8.01 + (3.99)2 - 25.99 + ? = (7.99)2 - (1.98)2

1) 78 2) 48 3) 74 4) 54 5) 62
121. ?2 - 13.99 x [ (5.01)2 - 17.99] = 929.99  1.99

1) 14 2) 28 3) 22 4) 34 5) 18
122. ?2 - (5.01)2 - (11.99)2 = 62.99 x 2.01 + (8.01)2
1) 31 2) 14 3) 23 4) 19 5) 7
Direction (123-128):Refer the line graph and answer to the given question.
Number of exhibitions organised by companies A, B, C, D, E and F in 2021

and 2022.

2021 2022

number of Exhibitions organised




123. What is the approximate percent increase in the total number of exhibitions
organised by companies B and D together in 2022 when compared to total number
of exhibitions organised by the same companies together in 2021 ?
1) 27 2) 18 3) 12 4) 35 5) 22
124. In 2022, out of number of exhibitions organised by company B, 8 th were textile
exhibitions and out of number of exhibitions organised by company C, 9 th were

textile exhibitions. What is the difference between the number of textile exhibitions
organised by company B in 2022 and that by company C in the same year ?
1) 20 2) 50 3) 60 4) 30 5) 45
125. What is the difference between the average number of exhibitions organised by
companies A, B and C in 2021 and average number of exhibitions organised by
companies D, E and F in 2022 ?
1) 120 2) 320 3) 240 4) 100 5) 180
126. The difference between the number of exhibitions organised by company E in
2021 and that in 2022 is approximately what percent of the number of exhibitions
organised by company F in 2022 ?
1) 18 2) 14 3) 22 4)10 5) 6

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–47

127. Company F could organise only 80% of the order requests they received for 2022
due to time constraint. If company D also received the same number of order
requests in 2022 as company F, then what is the approximate percentage of
orders company D managed to organise in 2022 ?
1) 70 2) 75 3) 83 4) 87 5) 90
128. In 2023, the number of exhibitions organised by company D is 120% of the number
of exhibitions they organised in 2021 and the number of exhibitions organised by
company E was 80% of the exhibition they organised in 2022. Find out the sum of
number of exhibitions organised by companies D and E together in 2023.
1) 920 2) 1080 3) 904 4) 880 5) 840
Direction(129-134) : Refer the pie chart and table and answer the given question.

Data related to the total number of bachelor degree students in City College
in 2021.
Total Students = 500
B.Sc, 22% B.Tech, 16%
ha Degrees Total Female
Students ( in %)
B.Tech 35
B.A, 20% B.A 60

d, 22% B.Sc 40

129. If the respective ratio between male and female students in B.A in the year 2022
becomes 7:3 and number of students (Male + Female) in B.A course increases to
300, then what is the difference between the number of male students in 2022
and that in 2021 in the same course ?
1) 180 2) 182 3) 155 4) 165 5) 170

130. Number of male students in B.A is what percent more than the number of female
students in B.Pharma ?
1) 65 2) 75 3) 37 4) 50 5) 60
131. What is the average number of male students in B.Com and B.Pharma ?
1) 65 2) 55 3) 50 4) 75 5) 80
132. What is the total of number of female students in B.Pharma and B.A together ?
1) 85 2) 90 3) 110 4) 105 5) 115
133. What is the difference between the number of male students in B.Tech and
number of female students in B.Sc ?
1) 9 2) 14 3) 12 4) 6 5) 8
134. What is the respective ratio between number of female students in B.Tech and
number of female students in B.Sc ?
1) 7:11 2) 11:15 3) 4:9 4) 7:15 5) 11:13
Direction (135-140) : Study the following information carefully to answer the
given question.
This data is regarding the number of temporary and permanent employees working
in two organisations A and B.
Note :
(i) 2y=x,
(ii) 2q = p.
(iii) Total number of employees = Number of Temporary employees + Number of
Permanent employees
(iv) The total number of permanent employees remains the same

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–47

• HR department of two organisations A and B, with total 500 and 600

employees(Permanent + Temporary) respectively, adopted a new strategy for
managing their manpower.
• Number of permanent employees in organisations A and B are 5x and 8p
respectively. Number of temporary employees in organisations A and B are 10y
and 4q respectively.
• After one year, outcomes of new HR strategy were analysed and it was found
that number of temporary employees who got promotion in organisations A and B

were 20% and 30% respectively. It is said that those who were not promoted left
their jobs immediately. (Temporary employees were promoted to another temporary
position and not to any permanent position)
135. After two years in organisation A, if half of the permanent employees leave the
organisation, what is the total number of permanent employees in organisation A
and B together ? (During this year, there is no change in the strength of permanent
employees of organisation B)
1) 605 2) 595

E 3) 670 4) 710 5) 645

136. Number of permanent employees in organisation A is what percent of the initial
total number of employees in organisation B ?
2 2 2 1 1

1) 49 3 2) 32 3 3) 41 3 4) 37 5) 43
3 3
137. What is the respective ratio of the number of temporary employees who left their
jobs in organisation A to that who left their jobs in organisation B ?
1) 17 : 11 2) 48 : 23 3) 50 : 23 4) 50 : 21 5) 31 : 17
138. After one year, what is the difference between the total number of employees in

organisation A and that in organisation B ?

1) 216 2) 112 3) 244 4) 144 5) 196
139. What is the initial difference between the number of temporary employees in
both the organisations ?
1) 110 2) 220 3) 190 4) 150 5) 130
140. Number of temporary employees who left the job in organisation A is what
percentage of the number of permanent employees in organisation A ?
1) 90 2) 80 3) 95 4) 65 5) 75
Direction (141-145) : Study the following information carefully and answer the
given question.
In a birth day party 300 people are there, some people have fruits or milk or
cooldrinks or all and others are don’t like any item. Out of that 64 people like only
milk, 52 like only fruits and one-tenth of the total number of people like only
cooldrink. 8% of the total people like milk and fruits but not the cooldrink. One-
fifth of the total people don’t like any type of drink or fruits. 26 people like milk
and cooldrink both but not fruits. The number of people who like all three types is
one-fourth of the number of people who like only milk.
141. How many people are there who like at most one type of items?
1) 204 2) 182 3) 178 4) 216 5) 206
142. How many people are there who like exactly one type of drink and fruits?
1) 136 2) 144 3) 164 4) 202 5) 146

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143. How many people are there who like exactly two types of items?
1) 94 2) 78 3) 68 4) 74 5) 88
144. How many people are there who like cold drink and fruits both but not milk?
1) 18 2) 28 3) 36 4) 16 5) 12
145. How many people are there who like at least two items?
1) 74 2) 94 3) 64 4) 84 5) 104
146. 20 women can finish a piece of work in 96 days. 16 women started working and in
70 days they finished a certain a part of a work. If it is required to finish the
remaining part work in 8 days. How many women must be added to the existing

workforce ?
1) 82 2) 88 3) 78 4) 76 5) 84
1 2
147. Srujan invested part of his capital at 5%, part at 10% and the remaining
4 ha 5
part at 15% simple interest. If his annual income from interest is Rs.2100, then
the capital invested is ?
Rs.12,000 2) Rs.18,000 3) Rs.20,000 4) Rs.16,000 5) Rs.15,000
148. There were 13 students in a hostel “SSSRRE”. If the number of students increased

by 5, the expenses of the mess increased by Rs. 50 per day while the average
expenditure per student diminished by Rs. 15. Find the original expenditure of
the mess?
1) 772 2) 682 3) 902 4) 832 5) 708

149. There were 18 students in a class. When the ages of a teacher and a new boy are
added, the average age of the class increases by 10 percent while it remains the
same when only the age of a boy is added. If the teacher’s age is eight years more
than twice the age of the new boy, then find the initial average age of the class?
1) 8 yrs 2) 12 yrs 3) 14 yrs 4) 6 yrs 5) 10 yrs
150. Three vessels whose capacities are in the ratio of 4:3:2 are completely filled with

milk and water. The ratio of milk and water in the mixture 2:1, 4:2 and 5:2.
1 1 1
Taking of first, of second and of third, new mixture kept in a new vessel.
2 4 2
What is the percentage of water in the new mixture?
1) 32.4% 2) 45% 3) 33.33% 4) 66.66% 5) 32.06%
1.4 2.5 3.3 4.1 5.2 6.1 7.4 8.3 9.2 10.3 11.2 12.4 13.1
14.2 15.3 16.1 17.2 18.3 19.4 20.4 21.3 22.4 23.2 24.5 25.3 26.1
27.4 28.2 29.4 30.2 31.3 32.3 33.1 34.3 35.4 36.3 37.1 38.3 39.3
40.2 41.5 42.4 43.3 44.3 45.3 46.1 47.4 48.1 49.1 50.4 51.4 52.4
53.3 54.3 55.2 56.2 57.4 58.4 59.1 60.2 61.4 62.4 63.2 64.2 65.4
66.1 67.3 68.5 69.4 70.5 71.1 72.3 73.4 74.5 75.1 76.4 77.3 78.4
79.5 80.2 81.1 82.4 83.1 84.4 85.4 86.2 87.3 88.3 89.4 90.3 91.4
92.2 93.3 94.1 95.4 96.1 97.3 98.4 99.3 100.2 101.1 102.3 103.2 104.1
105.3 106.2 107.3 108.1 109.4 110.2 111.5 112.4 113.5 114.4 115.5 116.3 117.2
118.4 119.3 120.5 121.3 122.4 123.1 124.1 125.5 126.2 127.3 128.5 129.5 130.5
131.1 132.1 133.5 134.1 135.1 136.3 137.4 138.1 139.5 140.2 141.5 142.5 143.2
144.2 145.2 146.5 147.3 148.4 149.1 150.5


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