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Introductory Parapraph -Giriş Paragrafı

-General background information about the essay topic

-Brief history of the topic
- An explanation why this topic is controversial or important
- Other people’s opinions on this topic
-Thesis Statement
Main opinion on the essay topic
-A preview of our key points which will be developed in our body paragraph
Example :
Developing industry is more important than saving the environment for
endangered animals.Agree or disagree?
I do not agree with the statement
-Don’t reuse the words from the topic question
-Don’t write short paragraph
Paraphasing : To express the same meaning by using different words or sentence
The debate on the competition between economic development and the
protection of endangered species has been going on for a long time.Some people
think that it is compulsory for the improvement of the country and its citizens’
income.Other people ,however, think that damaging the balance of nature will
cause pretty unlikely results for humanity.I disagree with the statement that
developing industry should be superior over saving the environment for
endangered species.Because I firmly believe that destroying the environment will
take its toll humanity in the long run.
When people succeed, it is because of hard work.Luck has nothing to do with
success.Agree or disagree?

It is generally believed that success comes from hard work and luck has not a role
with this
.However, I firmly believe that hard work can certainly/ surely improve a person’s
standards,oppurtinities,situation ,but luck influences/effects considerably a
person’s life because the environment that people are born in may be/can be a
big part of their future success and potential.

Some people like to travel with a companion.Others prefer to travel alone.What

do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples.

Travelling is a great way to escape stress, discover new people and

places,witnessing various cultures and learn about the world.Whether we travel
to distant countries or somewhere close to our home, we can collect unique
memories.Some of us prefer to travel with partner or a friend etc due to/ owing
to /because of different reasons like having more fun, security and
economically.However ,my choice is to travel with a partner because this allows
to build the sense of togetherness, save time ,support each other in hard
circumstances and share more enjoyful moments .
Body Paragraph
-Body 1
Body 2
Body 3
1) A transition statement/word
2) Topic Sentence
3) Supporting sentences,reasons,examples,personal experiences

B.1) first of all, firstly , to begin with

B2 ) In addition to , secondly, furthermore,moreover
B3) finally,thirdly,lastly

Topic Sentence
This sentence should be clear and not cover too many details.
Focus on the right point don’t go around the bush.
Avoid using facts.
Use the topic sentence to introduce a point or opinion you are trying to
Facts are better to use in your supporting ideas .
Avoid talking about the ‘what’
Don’t talk about the ‘what’ …….try to talk about ‘why’ - don’t just think about
effect also its cause .
Avoid telling the reader that ‘you are going to tell them something’
Don’t say ‘ I am going to tell you….’or
I am going to speak about ….’
Exp. Driving is stressful. ( Wrong)
Four out of ten drivers use phone while driving. ( Wrong )

Driving on the highway in heavy traffic is stressful for many drivers.

Using phone while driving should be forbidden because it can cause a lot of
serious accidents.

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