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12 Oral Communication in

Quarter 1 – Summative Test 3 for Grade 12

Name: ____________________________________ Section:____________________

Test I. Read and analyze each item. Write the letter of the best answer on your answer sheet.

_____ 1. The Philippine president delivered his State of the Nation Address (SONA). The speech context
here is ______________.
A. Dyad Communication B. Intrapersonal Communication
C. Public Communication D. Small-Group Communication
_____ 2. The set of circumstances or facts that surrounds a particular event, situation, etc.
A. Channel B. Context C. Decoding D. Dyad
_____ 3. It is any of the mentioned human verbal interactions carried out with the aid of mass media
A. Information and Communications Technology B. Mass Communication
C. Mass Demonstration D. Technical Communication
_____ 4. Context refers to three things: (1) the person speaking; (2) the situation/event/occasion; and (3)
A. the barrier(s) present B. the medium or the means used
C. the feedback given by the receiver D. the person(s) being addressed/spoken to
_____ 5. All are forms of mass media, EXCEPT ______________.
A. Broadcast Media B. Internet
C. Print Media D. Satellite
_____ 6. This refers to communication that centers on one person where the speaker acts both as the
sender and the receiver of the message.
A. Interpersonal Communication B. Intrapersonal Communication
C. Mass Communication D. Public Communication
_____ 7. In this speech context, the voice must be louder, and the gestures are more expansive because
the audience is bigger.
A. Intrapersonal Communication B. Mass Communication
C. Public Communication D. Small-Group Communication
_____ 8. The two types of interpersonal communication are: ______________
A. Dyad and small group B. Introvert and extrovert
C. Public and mass D. Verbal and nonverbal
_____ 9. This refers to communication that involves at least three but not more than twelve people.
A. Dyad Communication B. Large Group Communication
C. Organizational Communication D. Small-Group Communication
_____ 10. When you are having self-talk through a mirror, you are manifesting what type of speech
A. Dyad Communication B. Intrapersonal Communication
C. Mass Communication D. Public Communication

Test II. Identify the given communication activity by choosing the correct answer in the box of choices.

Family Friendly Talks Meeting Speech Conference


______1. “Hey Josh, have you watched the latest episode of One Piece yesterday?” “Yes!” Josh eagerly
replied, “It’s an intro of new exciting plot.”
______2. Sheila, asked the mother, what course do you want to take in college? We are willing to support your
______3. The student council called an assembly to talk about the incoming projects for the school.
______4. “We are now in the trying time of this pandemic and I want to ask your cooperation and willingness to
obey our policies”, said the President in his SONA.
______5. The Manager said to his subordinates, “We will open a new brand of Café in Pampanga. Do you
have any suggestion for the new product line?”

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