Enhanced LTD - Neurodiversity Policy

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Policies & Procedures: To be reviewed 1 st SEPTEMBER 2022

Enhanced Ltd



As part of the commitment made by ENHANCED LTD to Equality of Opportunity it has

adopted a policy statement covering its employment practices and procedures in relation to
This document outlines the policy that must be strictly adhered to by every employee. All
breaches of this policy will be investigated and, where appropriate, disciplinary procedures


The term “neurodiversity” refers to the diversity of ways in which human beings think, learn
and relate to others. Historically, some ways of being have been thought of as inferior to
others. They can, however, be seen as natural variations within the human condition, each
with their own strengths.

“The concept of neurodiversity is refreshingly liberating; there is no normal, and no one

group is superior to any other. It is normal to be different” (Victoria Honeybourne, 2020, The
Neurodiverse Workplace)

Neurodiverse conditions include, but are not limited to, the following:

Tourette’s Syndrome

Inclusive Recruitment

Sometimes recruitment policies and procedures may indirectly discriminate against

neurodivergent individuals. Such individuals may be discouraged from applying due to the
wording of job advertisements, due to uncertainty as to whether they should disclose their

Policies & Procedures: To be reviewed 1 st SEPTEMBER 2022

condition, and to fears that the employer will focus upon their difficulties rather than on their
strengths and abilities.
It is our intention to use recruitment policies which allow individuals to disclose their
neurodiversity openly, whether or not they have a formal diagnosis. Recruitment should make
it clear that reasonable adjustments can be discussed and set in place, and that neurodivergent
thinking styles are positively welcomed.


Enhanced will make every effort to communicate in a way that is helpful for all staff and
customers, using plain English, clear sans-serif fonts and well-spaced text. Information for
staff and customers should be presented in a logical order, documents should be clear and


Some neurodiverse individuals may display behaviours such as tics, stims and non-typical
eye movements. Others may speak in a way which is more or less expressive than is usually
expected. These behaviours should be accepted as part of the individual and should not be
commented upon adversely or seen as a barrier to employment.


It is the intention of Enhanced to recruit individuals with a wide range of characteristics and
strengths, and to employ them in roles where their neurodiversity may be an asset rather than
a hinderance. For example, some individuals who are dyslexic are very gifted at creative
thinking and problem-solving. Many autistic people are able to focus on a task intently for a
long period of time and display skills relating to analytic thinking and the noticing of detail.
Those with ADHD may be spontaneous and energetic, able to take changes in task and
environment in their stride.

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