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Daniel David V.

BS ChE – 4
CHE 66 A: Subida Summit Seminar Report 2
Hosting Institution: Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers – Junior Chapter Mindanao
Seminar Date and Venue: March 15th, 2023 – Xavier University Little Theatre
Seminar Title: ChE Subida 2023 Career Talk, Theme: Revolutionary collaboration between the
A.I.G. – Academe, Industry, and Government. Specific Title: Chemical Engineer in Industry
Speaker’s Name and Affiliation(s): Engineer Fernan S. Roa
• A Licensed Chemical Engineer
• Currently a Brewing Associate and Brewing Superintendent for in San Miguel Brewing
(SMB) Inc. (2014-Present)
• Part of the start-up and commissioning team of the newest San Miguel Brewery in
Tagoloan, Misamis Oriental
The speaker: Engineer Fernan S. Roa is a graduate of Chemical Engineering in Xavier University
in 2014 of which he also became a licensed Chemical Engineer in the same year. During
graduation, he graduated as Cum Laude and the most outstanding graduate of the college of
engineering of his batch speaking to his competence as a student. In regard to his competence
for his topic which focuses on the role of a chemical engineer in the industry, his group
research study on “Optimization of Chlorella Vulgaris Cultivation under Struvite-enriched and
Human Urine-enriched Wastewater Media with Varying Light Intensities as Feedstock for
Biodiesel Production” received a BP DOST Science Award in 2014. The research study was
heavily focused on an industrial application of components in the field of biodiesel production.
After graduating and obtaining his license, Engineer Fernan has spent the entirety of his time
within the industry, currently working as a brewing associate and brewing superintendent in
San Miguel Brewing Inc. With that, Engineer Fernan has roughly 8-9 years’ worth of first-hand
experience within an industrial plant, encountering different experiences which would call
upon him to utilize various characteristics/skills expected of a chemical engineering graduate
and practicing chemical engineer. It was said skills that enable him to be part of the
commissioning team of SMB for their recently opened plant in Tagoloan, Misamis Oriental.
With that, Engineer Fernan is viewed as a competent expert as it pertains to a discussion on
the role and expectations of chemical engineers in the industry.
The seminar: The talk/seminar started off with Engineer Fernan providing a quick recap of his
journey bringing him to where he is in the present. This includes the highlights outlined above
but also about his experiences specifically during his on-the-job (OJT) training. As chemical
engineering students get 2 different OJT subjects, Engineer Fernan tried out his hand in
different fields of which chemical engineers would typically find themselves, that of the
industry and government. Although he enjoyed his work within the government and
appreciated the significant of having chemical engineers in those respective positions,
Engineer Fernan described that being in the industry is where his heart was always going to
be. After all, it is where we get to see up and close the certain unit operations and processes,
machinery, diagrams, etc. that we had spent several years learning about in school. Engineer
Fernan then clarified to us that it is what we should expect once working in the industry that
what we see in textbooks and problems really does translate when being in the industry from
the types of equipment being used to the process flow or block flow diagrams incorporated
by the industrial plant. And with that, Engineer Fernan stressed that it is good to establish a
solid foundational base from school ahead of time so that the transition into the industry is
not as difficult. Since Engineer Fernan had the task of discussing the role of a chemical
engineer in the industry, he did not want to home in his discussion as it specifically relates to
his line of working in a brewing corporation. After all, not all industries would have the same
processes and procedures in their plants as well as equipment, meaning the demands of the
plant on their employees like chemical engineers differs. Instead, then, Engineer Fernan gave
us a run-through of certain skills/characteristics that a chemical engineer will be asked and
should display when in the industry. He begun with talking about the need for chemical
engineers to have technical competence as well as process operations expertise within a
certain industry. It is expected that as chemical engineers, the process within the industrial
plant that you work for is something you know like the back of your hand when it comes to
the product knowledge, but also the industry as whole. One should have a competent
background when it comes to the various operation stages being tackled, as well as the
standards the process is subjected to and controls being utilized. After all, a chemical engineer
in the industry is one that can ensure the sustainability of the process being implemented
while also finding ways to optimize it further. With a engineering degree, chemical engineers
are placed into management and supervisory roles which is why they also play a hand in the
quality control, troubleshooting, and project management within the industrial plant. One
should have the capability of ensuring product quality but also understanding potential causes
of deviation for the process and with that deviation, the proper corrective actions to
implement. Management of projects when it comes to innovating and designing processes for
the plant to be optimal while also being economic and environmentally sound, but also
management skills of people, materials, and equipment are expected. A chemical engineer in
the industry isn’t only concerned on evaluating and maintaining the process for the plant, but
also that the plant is achieving its objectives by being a well-run machine including that of its
personnel. Additionally, it can be seen that chemical engineers play the role of ensuring proper
implementation of a good sanitation/housekeeping program which is properly followed by all.
Ensuring the safety and security of all elements of production is also a vital role that a chemical
engineer plays within the industry, as it concerns the manpower and the production process.
Engineer Fernan closed the seminar stressing the importance of the classroom as it helps
graduates when in the industry, as well as the ability to be adaptable and multi-purpose in
one’s functions when working industrially.
My thoughts: The seminar was a nice look into the industry aspect for working chemical
engineers through the eyes of a chemical engineer working in the industry himself. I had not
gotten the opportunity to properly ask my former and current teachers about their
experience, if any, working in the industry and although I got the experience of doing my OJT
internship in an industrial plant for Phoenix, I was either busy with assigned tasks or did find
a good time to ask my direct supervisors about their thoughts of working in the industry or
what is typical to expect as a chemical engineer in the industry regardless of what type of
industry you’re in due to the deliverables we had to complete with them or them being busy
with their own work. With that, I was excited and found it pleasant to hear Engineer Fernan’s
thoughts of how a chemical engineer both fits and plays roles within any industry. After all, I
am currently leading towards venturing into the industry as my first line of work once I am
able to graduate and get my license. It was reassuring to hear Engineer Fernan stress the
importance of school and the lessons we are currently as it pertains to being in the industry.
Talking to friends of other courses or even relatives and people already working and stating
how close to nothing they learnt in college actually became useful in the professional world
for them made me wonder whether or not the same would be true as a chemical engineering
student. I was glad to hear that it is not the case and that the foundation we create for
ourselves when in college bears fruit in the professional world. The fact that different
industries make use of certain unit processes/operations but not all makes it important that
one has a knowledge base on majority of them so that one does not become lost in certain
industries. After all, it is not 100% that we are going to be able to get into the exact industry
we wish to work for straight away and experience in any industry is better than no experience
just waiting. I also appreciated Engineer Fernan’s approach to the seminar by focusing on
shining a light on the skills and traits that we should look to embody as practicing chemical
engineers. Past seminars/webinars from previous years were called in to specifically talk about
their own industry and production process so it was nice that this year has been more centred
on the teachings being applicable regardless of where we end up. The talk brought awareness
to me on the areas that I currently lack or should wish to improve on as it relates to myself.
Specifically, that of people management and stronger communication skills both as a superior
and someone reporting to higher-ups. It has become increasingly more clear to me that within
the industry, engineering graduates eventually take up positions in which they are asked to be
responsible for a section in a plant and with that, certain personnel as it comes to the
operators within the plant. The seminar helped me see that even if I was to be a competent
engineer when it comes to process expertise or technology management and equipment
selection, a complete engineer also has the capability to lead by words and example for those
under them. I saw it during my OJT with my supervisors when they would interact with the
operators of the plant and seeing it brought up again during the seminar reinforced the need
for me to improve in that aspect. It was an insightful talk which provided clarity for me when
it came to my future decisions on my starting path once I become a professionally licensed
chemical engineer. Additionally, it was interesting to hear about the role of engineers in the
start-up and commissioning of an industrial plant that Engineer Fernan was part of with the
SMB plan in Tagoloan as that was actually the job that my father had but I never got the chance
to properly ask him about.

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