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Week 7 – Assignment 1

Name: _John Rey J. Ubas ___________________________________________ Score:

Student Number: _202150559_________ Date: _03/10/2023___________
Section/Schedule _29051/TTH 1100-1200_________________ ______
Subject: Object Oriented Programming_ Professor:_Mr. Archie G. Santiago_ 40

• Differentiate between classes and objects
• Differentiate between instance variables/methods and class(static) variables/methods


1. Think of ONE OBJECT (probably one that is important to you or your favorite object)

2. Draw your chosen OBJECT then Define the Properties (at least 5) relevant to it and define the
Behavior (at least 3) that is relevant to it as well.

3. Use the template below: (20 points)

Name of Object: _BOOKS (ALL NOVELS)_____
1. Title
2. Author
3. Chapters
4. Genre
5. Book Origin


1. Read
2. Flip pages(Physical)/Click or
Tap right to next(Digital or
3. Imagine the story
4. Learnings or realization
4. Construct the Class, Properties, and Methods as used in programming. Refer to the sample
below: (20 points)

Class Books
String novelTitle;
String novelAuthor
String novelChapters
String novelGenre
String novelBookOrigin
void read();
void flippage();
void imaginestory();
void learnings();

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