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Daniel David V.

BS ChE – 4
CHE 66 A: Seminar Report 2
Hosting Institution: Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan
Seminar Date and Venue: February 23rd , 2023; via Zoom Meeting
Seminar Title: Driving Circular Economy Through Sustainable Waste Management
Speaker’s Name and Affiliation(s): Engineer Rey Michael Tagarao
 A Licensed Chemical Engineer
 Currently a Marketing Services Officer at Holcim Philippines Inc. (December 2020 –
 Previously a Product Manager at Guill-Bern Corporation (July 2019 – Nov 2020)
 Previously a QA/QC Line Analyst at Interbev Philippines Inc. (September 2017 –
August 2019)
 Previously a Technical Supervisor for Advanced Reinforced Composite (ARC) Coatings
(Jan 2016 – August 2016), District Manager for Marine & Government Accounts (May
2015 – Jan 2016), and Assistant to the Sales & Marketing Manager (April 2014 – May
2015) at Advance Surface Protection Specialist, Inc.
The speaker: Engr. Rey Michael Tagarao, or Engr. Mike, is a graduate of chemical engineering
from Xavier University in 2013 of which also became a licensed chemical engineer in the
same year. He has been working in the professional industry both for more than 9 years in
various positions, both inside and outside of a chemical engineering field, having experience
in quality assurance and control, research & development, and marketing among others.
Engr. Mike was heavily involved with various organizations during his time as a student,
including being the 1st president and founder of the Philippine Institute of Chemical
Engineers – Junior Chapter Mindanao (PIChE – JCM), the official student organization of all
ChE students in Mindanao as recognized by its professional counterpart. In relation to the
topic for this seminar, Engr. Mike is currently managing the marketing for Geocycle, the
waste management branch of Holcim Philippines Inc. With that, Engr. Mike is actively
involved with local government units (LGUs) to strengthening the implementation of R.A.
9003 (Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000) through different programs and
workshops dedicated towards waste diversion and co-processing. He also currently leads the
recycling pillar of the project “Circular Explorer”, a Holcim project directed towards
addressing marine liter pollution by advocating and promoting a circular economy for more
sustainable waste management programs. With that, Engr. Mike is well-versed to discuss the
topic of circular economy and sustainable waste management for this webinar and
considered an expert.
The seminar:
Engr. Mike opened up the webinar by dividing the sections to be discussed. We
would get to learn about the branch that is Holcim Geocycle where Engr. Mike is working,
the concept of circularity and what circular economy exactly is, then lastly, the role that
Holcim Geocycle plays in such concept in Engr. Mike’s experience. Engr. Mike then provided a
quick recall session on important governing/regulatory agencies in the Philippines
concerned with the topic for the day, as well as pertinent governing laws created to address
creating a sustainable environment in the country. Engr. Mike then introduced a law recently
passed which was the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Act of 2022 or R.A. 11898,
which introduces making waste generators from big companies liable to their waste
generation and requiring proper waste management and recovery from said company.
Engr. Mike then continued with the webinar by discussing the background of the
company he is working at currently, Holcim. One of the biggest core values guiding Holcim is
that of health and safety, strictly embedded in all company actions. This not only applies to
the inner workings of the company but also their impact externally, which is why they have a
sustainability commitment towards climate, circular economy, water & nature, as well as
people & communities.
Focusing on the topic of circular economy, Engr. Mike elaborates that Holcim is
actually a world leader in recycling, done through applying the concept of circular economy.
With that, Holcim follows the circular economy principle’s of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle or
the 3R’s. Differentiating circular economy, Engr. Mike provided a comparison that while the
traditional linear economy follows a start to end path of take, make, and waste, a circular
economy follows a cycle to be followed of reuse, reduce, and recycle. With that, applying
circular economy is to offer a change in mindset of how materials are consumed and
Engr. Mike then focused on how embody the circular economy in which he said the
first start is by avoiding waste. An activity was then introduced by Engr. Mike which he
designed to show us that waste is relatively subjective in the public eye of what a regular
consumer would consider to be waste based on their perspective. When asked if items like
eggshells or banana peels were waste, the answer may differ depending on who is asked. To
help going forward, Engr. Mike provided 2 important aspects of a material to be considered
as “waste”, which is it should be intended to be disposed of, and that it no longer has value.
Engr. Mike then moved towards discussing the importance of proper waste
management as it leads to issues like land and water pollution. Additionally, even if such
wastes were to go to designated disposal sites, if not managed correctly, the effects of such
sites would be even worse. Engr. Mike then introduced how we can do our part in the
household through the 5 concepts of zero-waste and the 7R model. A discussion was then
brought up regarding segregation processes/policies within the country. Engr. Mike talked
about how government bodies have differing programs when it comes to segregation
Engr. Mike discussed Holcim Geocycle role within the initiative for sustainable waste
management. Geocycle receives residual waste and converts it into alternative raw materials
and fuel which is utilized for cement kiln co-processing to construct cement products. In co-
processing, received waste is used the source of energy or raw material, replacing natural
sources and fossil fuels for energy intensive industries like cement. Along the waste
management hierarchy, co-processing is along a recovery technique that is more desired
than methods which utilize disposal of waste. Compared to landfills which are an elimination
process and landfilling which is a disposal practice, co-processing repurposes waste
materials from other industries and turns them into new products, promoting circular
economy. Engr. Mike then left us with some advice in regard to life after school, in which it
would be beneficial to line ourselves in job that is reflective on the person we are. One
should do their best to have control of their job and not let it control them, for like in
physics, our stress is related directly to the force applied on us over the area it affects us.
Engr. Mike outline that we should identify where it is that we fit in given our skills unique to
us, both related and unrelated to the chemical engineering field for a chemical engineering
degree has vast application. Lastly, one’s success can be defined based on our achievements
in life with respect to the expectations that we had going into it.
My thoughts:
I left this webinar with Engr. Mike relatively surprised on the information and
knowledge I was able to obtain. This is not because I didn’t expect to learn anything from
Engr. Mike but because I was fortunate enough to be under this supervision during my first
OJT back in 3rd year of which Holcim Geocycle and the concept of circular economy and co-
processing was discussed. However, I think the talk with Engr. Mike and getting to revisit the
concepts discussed after having gone through my 4 th year subjects, made me more
appreciative of the topic at hand.
Waste generation and management is indeed a universal issue which is of
importance to tackle regardless of any country within the world and as a chemical
engineering, I am starting to understand the importance of using my background the best I
can so that regardless of my position going forward or my role within the company, that I do
my part in promoting sustainable waste management practices for the industry but also the
environment. This also applies to my own household as I should take the responsibility to
promote and convince my relatives that we have an impact on this ongoing issue within the
city in which we need to change our ways given that I am the one with the most direct
knowledge on the matter at hand. I used to let it slide when my family members wouldn’t
segregate their waste because they would always say that it didn’t matter since the
collection workers would just throw it all in 1 truck anyways. But through the discussion, I
realized that I should get information within the governing bodies in the city on their waste
management programs as they might segregation at source or not.
The webinar was helpful as I got to be reintroduced to the concepts of circular
economy and co-processing again, and I believe after going through subjects like
environmental engineering and industrial waste management, that I was able to grasp the
concept better thanks to Engr. Mike’s discussion. The activities Engr. Mike created for us
when it came to our perception of materials to be waste or not, as well as our knowledge of
our own barangay’s collection and segregation policy let me know that I need to adjust and
improve my attitude towards waste generation and management for household waste
generation and disposal is relatively high in the country. Lastly, I was very appreciative that
Engr. Mike provided us additional discussions outside of the topic as it pertains to us going
into the outside world to become professionals soon. Sharing his journey of how he got to
the position he is in today and how he relied on the skills he was able to attain through said
journey to tailor it towards a role that was important to him was important for me to hear as
currently I am still trying to find my footing in that matter. The discussion about success and
how it is related to one’s expectations more so than achievements was also important to
hear for me as I sometimes get greatly influenced on the words of others and their
expectations of me. It was an insightful webinar to be apart of, not only due to the
engineering related principles discussed to take note of, but the words of wisdom imparted
as well.

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