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91. In a 1000 m race A gives a start of 100 m to B & 150 m to C. How much start B can give to C in a race of
1000 m.
1000 eh- dh ,d nkSM+ esa A us B dks 100 eh- dh 'kq:vkr nh vkSj C dks 150 eh- dh 'kq:vkr nhA 1000 eh- dh nkSM+ esa B, C dks fdruh

'kq:vkr ns ldrk gS\
5 5 5
(a) 55 (b) 66 (c) 800 (d) 100
9 9 9

92. In a 100 m race A runs at a speed of 9km/hr. He gives a start of 10 m to B and still defeat him by 10 sec.
Find speed of B.
100 eh-dh ,d nkSM+ esa A dh pky 9 fdeh-@?kaVk gSA og B dks 10 eh- dh 'kq:vkr nsrk gS vkSj fiQj Hkh mls 10 lsdsaM ls gjk nsrk gSA B

dh pky Kkr djksA
8 9
(a) (b) (c) 10 (d) 12
ke 5
93. In a 100 m race A runs at a speed of 5 km/hr. He gives a start of 8 m to B and still defeat him by 8 sec. Find
speed of B?
100 eh- dh jsl esa A dh pky 5 fdeh-@?kaVk gSA og B dks 8 eh- dh 'kq:vkr nsdj Hkh mls 8 lsdMas ls gjk nsrk gSA B dh pky Kkr djksA
23 20
(a) (b) (c) 3 (d) 4
20 23

94. Due to the technical snag in the signal system two trains start approaching each other on the same rail
track from two different stations, 240 km away from each other. When the train starts a bird also starts
moving to and fro between the two trains at 600 km/h touching each time each train. The bird is
initially sitting on the top of the engine of one of the trains and it moves, till these trains collide. If these

trains collide one and a half hour after the start, then how many kilometres bird travells till the time of
collision of trains ?

flxuy flLVe esa rduhdh [kjkch gksus ds dkj.k nks jsyxkM+h] nks vyx vyx LVs'kuksa ls ,d gh jsy iFk ij ,d nwljs dh vksj pyuk 'kq:
djrh gS ftuds chp dh nwjh 240 fd-eh- gSA tc jsyxkM+h pyuk izkja Hk djrh gS rc ,d fpfM+;k Hkh 600 fd-eh-@?kaVk dh mM+ku ls nksuks jsyxkfM+;ksa

ds chp fujarj mM+uk 'kq: djrh gS vkSj izR;sd ckj] izR;sd jsyxkM+h rd tkrh gSA vkjEHk es fpfM+;k fdlh ,d jsyxkM+h ds batu ds mijh fljs
ij cSBh gqbZ gksrh gS rks og rc rd mM+rh jgrh gS tc rd nksuks jsyxkfM+;k¡ vkil es Vdjk ugh tkrh gSA ;fn pyus ds 12 ?k.Vs ckn os nksuks

jsyxkM+h vkil es Vdjkrh gS rks Vdjkus ds le; rd fpfM+;k¡ fdrus fd-eh- dh nwjh r; dj pqdh gksxh \
(a) 900 fd-eh- (b) 130 fd-eh- (c) 120 fd-eh- (d) bues ls dksbZ ugh
95. Sohan and Lallan left their house simultaneously. Thirty six minutes later, Sohan met his uncle trav-
elling to their house, while Lallan met the uncle twelve minutes after Sohan. Twenty four minutes after
his meeting with Lallan, the uncle rang the door bell at Sohan and Lallan’s house. Assume each person
travels at a constant speed. Find the ratio of the speeds of Sohan to Lallan to the uncle :
lksgu vkSj yYyu nksuks ,d lkFk vius ?kj ls fudyrs gSA 36 feuV ds ckn lksgu ?kj dh vksj tkrs gq,s pkpk ls feyrk gS tcfd yYyu

vius pkpk ls lksgu ds feyus ds 12 feuV ckn feyrk gSA yYyu ls feyus ds 24 feuV ckn pkpk lksgu vkSj yYyu ds ?kj dh ?kaVh dks
ctk nsrs gSA eku yhft, fd izR;sd O;fDr ,d leku pky ls py jgk gSA Kkr dhft, lksgu] YkYyu vkSj muds pkpk dh pkyksa dk vuqikr
D;k gksxk\
(a) 1 : 2 : 2 (b) 1 : 3 : 2 (c) 3 : 1 : 3 (d) 2:1:2
96- The metro service has a train going from Mumbai to Pune and Pune to Mumbai every hour, the first one
at 6 a.m. The trip from one city to other takes 4.5 hours, and all trains travel at the same speed. How
many trains will you pass while going from Mumbai to Pune if you start at 12 noon?
eqEcbZ ls iq.ks rFkk iq.ks ls eqEcbZ rd izR;sd ?k.Vs ij eSVªks jsy pyrh gS igyh eSVªks jsy 6% 00 am ij pyrh gS rFkk ,d 'kgj ls nwljs 'kgj dh
;k=kk es 4-5 ?k.Vs dk le; yxrk gS vkSj lHkh eSVªks jsy dh pky leku gS A ;fn rqe 12 :00 pm ij eqEcbZ ls viuh ;k=kk vkjEHk djrs gks rks

iq.ks rd fdruh eSVkª s jsy dks ikj dj tkvksxas \

(a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 9 (d) 13
97. Sandeep goes to Chennai from his Bungalow, which is 800 km apart. Initially 250 km he travels by car
and the remaining by train. He takes 27 hours to cover whole journey. If he travels 300 km by car and

the remaining by train then he takes 1 hour less. Then find the speed of the car and the train respec-
tively ?
lanhi vius caxys ls psUubZ dks tkrk gS tks fd 800 fd-eh- nwj gSA vkjEHk es og 250 fd-eh- dh nwjh dkj }kjk rFkk 'ks"k jsyxkM+h }kjk r; djrk gSA

dqy ;k=kk r; djus es mls 27 ?k.Vs yxrs gSA ;fn og 300 fd-eh- dh nwjh dkj }kjk rFkk 'ks"k nwjh jsyxkM+h }kjk r; djrk rks mls 1 ?k.Vk de yxrk
rks dkj rFkk jsyxkM+h dh pkysa Kkr dhft,A
(a) 50 fd-eh-@?kaVk] 25 fd-eh-@?kaVk (b) 40 fd-eh-@?kaVk] 35 fd-eh-@?kaVk
(c) 60 fd-eh-@?kaVk] 15 fd-eh-@?kaVk (d) bues ls dksbZ ughA
98. A car travels 140 km partly at a speed of 6 km/h and the remaining at a speed of 10 km/h. If it reverses
the speeds, then it travels 8 km more in the same time. Then find the time took by car to travel 140 km
and also find what was the average speed of the car?
,d dkj nwjh dk 140 fd-eh- Hkkx 6 fd-eh-@?kaVk dh pky ls rFkk 'ks"k Hkkx 10 fd-eh-@?kaVk dh pky ls r; djrh gS ;fn ;g viuh pkyksa

dks ijLij cny dj nwjh r; djrh gS rks mlh le; esa

8 fd-eh- vf/d nwjh r; djrh gS rks Kkr djs 140 fd-eh- dh nwjh dks r; djus es dkj dks fdruk le; yxsxk rFkk dkj dh vkSlr pky
D;k gksxh \

7 7 7 7
(a) 18 ?kaVs] 7 fd-eh-@?kaVk (b) 16 ?kaVs] 8 9 fd-eh-@?kaVk (c) 9 ?kaVs] 7 fd-eh-@?kaVk (d) 8 ?kaVs] 8 fd-eh-@?kaVk
9 9 9
99. A racing car going at an average speed of 108 km/hr takes 15 minutes to complete a lap on a racing track.

By how much should it increase its speed (in km/hr) to complete the lap in 12 minutes?
,d jsflax dkj jsflax VªSd ij 108 fdeh-@?kaVk dh vkSlr xfr ls ,d pDdj iwjk djus ds fy, 15 feuV ysrh gSA ,d pDdj dks 12 feuV

esa iwjk djus ds fy, bldh xfr (fdeh-@?kaVk) fdruh c<+uh pkfg,\
(a) 24 (b) 21 (c) 27 (d) 30
100. Train A takes 45 minutes more than train B to travel a distance of 450 km. Due to engine trouble speed
of train B falls by a quarter, so it takes 30 minutes more than Train A to complete same journey. What is
the speed of Train A (in km/hr)?
450 fdeh- dh nwjh r; djus ds fy, Vªus A, Vªus B dh rqyuk esa 45 feuV vf/d le; ysrh gSA batu dh [kjkch ds dkj.k Vªus B dh xfr ,d
pkSFkkbZ de gks tkrh gS vr% mlh ;k=kk dks iwjk djus ds fy, Vªus A dh rqyuk esa 30 feuV vf/d le; ysrh gSA Vªus A dh pky izfr fdeh-@?kaVk
D;k gS\
(a) 90 (b) 120 (c) 100 (d) 110
101. Two cars A and B travel from one city to another, at speeds of 72 km/hr and 90 km/hr respectively. If car
B takes 1 hour lesser than car A for the journey, then what is the distance (In km) between the two

cities? nks dkjsa A rFkk B ,d 'kgj ls nwljs 'kgj dh vksj Øe'k% 72 fdeh-@?kaVk vkSj 90 fdeh-@?kaVk dh xfr ls pyuk izkjaHk djrh gSaA ;fn
dkj B dks dkj A dh rqyuk esa 1 ?kaVk de le; yxrk gS rks nkuksa 'kgjksa ds chp dh nwjh (fdeh- esa) fdruh gS\
(a) 270 (b) 360 (c) 240 (d) 400
102. B starts 4 minutes after A from the same point, for a place at a distance of 7 miles from the starting
point. A on reaching the destination turns back and walks a mile where he meets B. if A's speed is a
mile in 8 minutes then B's speed is a mile in____minutes.
izkjafHkd fcanq ls 7 ehy dh nwjh ij fLFkr fdlh LFkku ds fy, B, A ds pyus ds 4 feuV ckn mlh fcUnq ls pyuk izkjaHk djrk gsA xarO;
ij igq¡pus ds ckn A ihNs eqM+rk gS vkSj ,d ehy pyus ds ckn B ls feyrk gSA ;fn A, 8 feuV esa ,d ehy pyrk gS rks B dh xfr-
-----feuV esa ,d ehy gksxhA
(a) 9 (b) 12 (c) 10 (d) 8

103. A train has to cover a distance of 900 km in 25 hours. What should be its average speed in meters/

,d Vªsu dks 900 fdeh- dh nwjh 25 ?kaVs es r; djuh gSA rks mldh vkSlr xfr ehVj@lsadM esa D;k gksuh pkfg,\
(a) 20 (b) 10 (c) 18 (d) 36

104. Two cyclists A and B start cycling at 21 km/hr and 24 km/hr towards each other. They meet after 1
hour and 12 minutes. How far (in km) were they from each other when they started?
nks lkbfdy lokj A rFkk B 21 fd-eh-@?kaVk vkSj 24 fd-eh@?kaVk dh pky ls ,d nwljs dh vksj pyuk izkjaHk djrs gSaA os 1 ?kaVs vkSj 12 feuV

ckn ,d nwljs ls feyrs gSaA tc mUgksaus pyuk izkajHk fd;k Fkk rc muds chp dh nwjh (fd-eh- esa) D;k Fkh\
(a) 48 (b) 42 (c) 54 (d) 36
105. Excluding stoppages, the speed of a bus is 60 kmph and including stoppages, it is 45 kmph. For how many
minutes does the bus stop per hour?
;fn fojke dks fudky fn;k tk, rks cl dh pky 60 fd-eh-@?kaVk gS vkSj ;fn fojke dks 'kkfey fd;k tk, rks cl dh pky 45 fd-eh-@?kaVk
gSA cl izfr ?kaVk fdrus feuV ds fy, #drh gS\
(a) 12 (b) 9 (c) 15 (d) 10
106. A car travelling at an average speed of 72 km/hr takes 9 minutes to travel a certain distance. By how
much should it increase its speed (in km/hr) to travel the same distance in 8 minutes?

72 fd- eh-@?kaVk dh vkSlr xfr ls pyrh gqbZ dksbZ dkj fuf'pr nwjh r; djus esa 9 feuV dk le; ysrh gSA leku nwjh 8 feuV esa r; djus ds fy,
bls viuh pky (fd-eh-@?kaVk) fdruh c<kuh gksxh\
(a) 8 (b) 9 (c) 7 (d) 6

107. Train A takes 1 hour more than train B to travel a distance of 720 km. Due to engine trouble speed of
train B falls by a third, so it takes 3 hours more than Train A to complete the same journey? What is the
speed of Train A (in km/hr)?

720 fd-eh- nwjh r; djus esa Vªus A dks Vªus B dh rqyuk esa 1 ?kaVk vf/d yxrk gSA batu esa leL;k vkus ds dkj.k B dh xfr ,d frgkbZ de gks tkrh
gSA vr% mlh nwjh dks r; djus esa Vªus B dks Vªus A dh rqyuk esa 3 ?kaVs vf/d yxrs gSAa Vªus A dh pky (fd-eh-@?kaVk es)a D;k gksxh\

(a) 80 (b) 90 (c) 60 (d) 70

108. Two cars A and B travel from one city to another city, at speeds of 60 km/hr and 108 km/hour respec-
tively. If car B takes 2 hours lesser time than car A for the journey, then what is the distance (in km)
between the two cities?
nks dkj A rFkk B Øe'k% 60 fd-eh-@?kaVk vkSj 108 fd-eh-@?kaVk dh pky ls ,d 'kgj ls nwljs 'kgj dks tkrh gSaA ;fn ;k=kk esa dkj B, dkj A
dh rqyuk esa 2 ?kaVs de le; yxkrh gS rks nks 'kgjksa ds chp dh nwjh (fd-eh- esa) fdruh gS\
(a) 240 (b) 270 (c) 300 (d) 330
109. B starts 4.5 minutes after A from the same point, for a place at a distance of 3.5 miles from the starting
point. A on reaching the destination turns back and walk a mile where he meets B. If A's speed is a mile
in 6 minutes then B's speed is a mile in___minutes?
B, A ds pyus ds 4.5 feuV ckn mlh fcanq ls ml LFkku ds fy, pyuk izkjaHk djrk gS ftldh nwjh izkja fHkd fcanw ls 3.5 ehy gSA xarO; ij igap
q dj
A ihNs eqMr+ k gS vkSj ,d ehy rd pyrk gS tgk¡ og B ls feyrk gSA ;fn A, 6 feuV eaas ,d ehy pyrk gS rks B,___ feuV esa ,d ehy pysxkA
(a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 9

110. A bus travels 720 km in 20 hours. Calcuate its average speed in meters/second.
,d cl 20 ?kaVs esa 720 fd-eh- dh ;k=kk r; djrh gSA ehVj@lsdaM esa bldh vkSlr xfr dh x.kuk djsaA
(a) 12 (b) 15 (c) 18 (d) 10
111. Two runners A and B start running at 12 km/hr and 16 km/hr towards each other. They meet after 1
hour and 30 minutes. How far (in km) were they from each other when they started?
nks /kodksa A vkSj B 12 fd-eh-@?kaVk vkSj 16 fd-eh-@?kaVk dh xfr ls ,d&nwljs ds rjiQ nkSMu+ k 'kq: fd;kA os ,d ?kaVs 30 feuV ds ckn vkil esa
feysAa izkjaHk djrs le; os ,d nwljs ls fdruh nwj (fd-eh- es)a Fks\
(a) 42 (b) 36 (c) 40 (d) 45
112. Flight A usually takes 1 hour more than Flight B to travel a distance of 7200 km. Due to engine trouble
speed of flight B falls by a factor of 1/6th, so it takes 36 minutes more than flight A to complete the same

journey? What is the speed of flight A (in km/hr)?

mM+ku A dks vkerkSj ij 7200 fdyksehVj dh nwjh r; djus ds fy, mM+ku B ls 1 ?kaVk vf/d yxrk gSA batu esa [kjkch vkus dh otg ls mM+ku
B dh xfr 1@6 ds ,d dkjd ls uhps fxj tkrh gS] blfy, mlh ;k=kk dks iwjh djus ds fy, mM+ku B dks mM+ku A dh rqyuk esa 36 feuV vf/
d yxrs gSAa mM+ku A (fdyksehVj@?kaVk) dh xfr D;k gS\

(a) 800 (b) 900 (c) 750 (d) 720
113. A plane flies a distance of 1800 km in 5 hours. What is its average speed in meters/second?
dksbZ Iysu 5 ?kaVs esa 1800 fdyksehVj mM+rk gSA ehVj@lsdMa esa bldh xfr D;k gksxh\

(a) 200 (b) 10 (c) 20 (d) 100
114. Two bikers A and B start and ride at 75 km/hr and 60 km/hr respectively towards each other. They
meet after 20 minutes. How far (in km) were they from each other when they started?
nks ckbd lokj A vkSj B ,d nwljs dh vksj Øe'k% 75 fd-eh-@?kaVk vkSj 60 fdeh-@?kaVk dh xfr ls ,d gh le; esa pyuk izkjaHk djrs gSaA os 20
feuV ckn ,d nwljs ls feyrs gSaA tc mUgksaus pyuk izkjaHk fd;k Fkk rc muds chp dh nwjh (fd-eh- esa) D;k Fkh\
(a) 60 (b) 45 (c) 30 (d) 15
115. Excluding stoppages, the speed of a bus is 80 kmph and including stoppages, it is 60 kmph. For how many
minutes does the bus stop per hour?
fojkeksa dks NksM+ fn;k tk, rks cl dh xfr 80 fd-eh-@?kaVk vkSj fojkeksa dks feykdj cl dh xfr 60 fd-eh-@?ka V k gS A cl iz f r ?ka V k fdrus

feuV :drh gS \
(a) 12 (b) 15 (c) 18 (d) 20
116. A car covers 630 km in 20 hours. Calculate its average speed in meters/second?

,d dkj 20 ?kaVksa esa 630 fd-eh- dh nwjh r; djrh gSA ehVj@lsadM esa mldh vkSlr xfr dh x.kuk djsA
(a) 8.25 (b) 7.75 (c) 8.75 (d) 7.25
117. A bullet fired from a rifle travels at an average speed of 2520 km/hr. It hits the target after 0.2

seconds. How far (in m) is the target from the rifle?

,d jkbiQy ls 2520 fd-eh- izfr ?kaVk dh jÝrkj ls ,d xksyh nkxh xbZA ;g 0-2 lsadM ds ckn y{; dks fgV djrh gSA jkbiQy ls y{; fdruh

nwj (eh-esa) gS\

(a) 70 (b) 140 (c) 100 (d) 200
118. Train A and B start at the same time. Train A travels at 55 km/hr from station X to station Y and train
B travels at 80 km/hr from station Y to station X. They cross each other after 1 hour and 36 minutes.
What is the distance (in km) between station X and Y?
Vªsu A vkSj B ,d gh le; esa 'kq: gksrh gSA Vªsu A LVs'ku X ls LVs'ku Y rd 55 fd-eh-@ ?kaVk dh xfr ls ;k=kk djrh gS vkSj Vªsu B LVs'ku
X rd dh ;k=kk 80 fd-eh- @?kaVk dh xfr ls djrh gSA os ,d ?kaVs vkSj 36 feuV ds ckn ,d nwljs dks ikj djrh gSA LVs'ku X vkSj Y ds chp
nwjh (fd-eh- esa) D;k gS\
(a) 196 (b) 232 (c) 240 (d) 216


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