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• Maximum 16 player event.

• 2000pts of 9th Edition Warhammer 40,000 using the Tempest of War Mission Pack
• 5 games over 2 days, on the 17th and 18th of September
• Location: Orion Games, Bairnsdale
• Tickets will cost $50, and are available at Orion Games, Bairnsdale.
o A free ticket is available with the purchase of the Tempest of War mission pack cards
from Orion Games on request.


Lists are due by 11:59pm on the 7th of September. Please send lists to Lists can be submitted in any easy-to-read format, such as a Word
Document or Battlescribe text export.

If your list is not submitted by the 7th of September, it will be considered that you have chosen to
not enter the event and your place in Tournament may be taken by someone else depending on
ticket availabilities, unless you contact the Tournament Organiser.

• Players must use the most up to date rules for their army. Any new rules that are released
after 7th of September WILL NOT be used.
• Forgeworld models are allowed.
• Armies of Renown are not allowed.
• Legends units/datasheets are not allowed
• The entire army must be painted and based to a battle-ready standard.
• All models must be on the correct base size. If you are unsure of which base a model should
be on, then contact the TO prior to the event.

Alternative models are allowed but must have same base size and dimensions as original model and
at least 51% of the model must be from a GW-made model. If you intend to use any alternative or
extensively converted models, please send pictures and a list of components through Facebook
messenger to either “Orion Games Bairnsdale” or Chris Mitchelson prior to list submission for
approval. The TO has the right to remove models on the day that do not satisfy these requirements.
The player will not be allowed to adjust their list and will have to play without these models.

Players should bring the following:

• Core rule book with all FAQ.

• All relevant codexes/supplements with all FAQ.
• Balance data slate.
• 6 copies of their army list printed from BattleScribe (1 for the player to keep and one to give
each opponent pregame)
• Tempest of War Mission Pack Cards.
• 3x 40mm objective markers, (there are objective markers located inside the Tempest of War
Mission Pack cards)
• Dice.
• Tape measure.
• Notebook
• Pen

There is a 10-minute game preparation before each game, this time is reserved for ensuring players
are present after their break, to allocate match ups and table numbers and to draw the deployment,
primary mission, and mission rule(s).

Games will go for a maximum of 3 hours of play time with 15 minutes for pregame. If you and your
opponent wish you can choose to start the battle during the 15-minute pregame.

Arrival: 7:30 - 8:00 Arrival: 8:30-9:00.

Tournament Introduction: 8:00 - 8:10 Day 1 Recap: 9:00-9:10.

Round 1 Preparation: 8:10-8:20 Round 4 Preparation: 9:10-9:20
Round 1 Pregame: 8:20-8:35 Round 4 Pregame: 9:20-9:35
Round 1 Gameplay: 8:35 - 11:35 Round 4 Gameplay: 9:35-12:35
Lunch: 11:35 -12:15 Lunch: 12:35-1:15
Round 2 Preparation: 12:15-12:25 Round 5 Preparation: 1:15-1:25
Round 2 Pregame: 12:25-12:40 Round 5 Pregame: 1:25-1:40
Round 2 Gameplay: 12:40-3:40 Round 5 Gameplay: 1:40-4:40
Break: 3:40-3:55 Scores Tallying and Painting Comp: 4:40-5:30
Round 3 Preparation: 3:55-4:10 Presentation: 5:30
Round 3 Pregame: 4:10-4:25
Round 3 Gameplay: 4:25-7:25
End of Day 1: 7:25-7:30.

• Lunch will be provided with thanks from Bairnsdale Bakehouse on both days.
• Bottled water will be provided.
• Snacks and soft drinks will be available for purchase at the venue.

The time schedule for the day is to be kept as close to time as possible. If you run out of time during
the game, you are expected to finish at that time. No more dice are to be rolled, calculate your
scores as if you have completed your turn, include any points scored at the end of the battle. If
permission is granted by a TO to run into break/lunch time, it is up to the TO how much extra time is

If a player believes they will run out of time during their turn, with the agreement of their opponent
they are allowed to talk through their turn then finish their turn and proceed to post battle.

The event will be using the Tempest of War Mission Pack with a few slight changes:

• At the start of every round the TO will draw the mission rule, deployment, and primary
mission for all players to use that round.
• Two games during the tournament will automatically use the maelstrom of battle mission
rule card and 1 game will automatically use the chilling rain mission rule card.
• Skip the Create the Battlefield section of the mission pack.
• Instead of the youngest player placing the first objective marker, players roll off and the
winner will choose who deploys the first objective.

Maelstrom of Battle: Shuffle the remaining cards in the mission rule deck and then draw 2 new
mission rule cards. Apply both results to the battle.

Chilling Rain: In this mission, no additional mission rules apply.

Before the game begins players must show their opponents their army list and answer any questions
their opponent may have regarding their list. Codexes should also be available for players to check
rules and profiles if needed.

Before the game begins both players are to shuffle both secondary objective decks in sight of their

Both players are responsible for points keeping on the score sheet. On the score sheet make note of
the following:

• Which Game number it is (1-5)

• Mission rules (name only)
• Primary Mission (name only)
• Which player is Attacker and which player is the Defender
• How many primary points players received per battle round
• How many secondary points players received per battle round
• The number of battle rounds successfully completed by both players.
• Which player scored the end of battle bonus points.

Players will receive additional points each round based on the following:

• Sportsmanship score from 1-10 as judged by opponent.

o This MUST be conducted secretly. Please provide a comment to accompany your
• 5 points for each player per battle round successfully completed and an additional 5 points
if all 5 battle rounds are completed in time, for a total of 30 points.
• If a player is suing an army without a 9th edition codex (Astra Militarum and Chaos Daemons
at the time of writing) then they receive 10 bonus points per round, for a total of 50 points.

Note: Because all armies must be painted to a battle-ready standard, all players receive 50 bonus
points prior to the start of the tournament. Players do not score the battle-ready points each game.

Placings will be calculated by adding up all Victory Points and Bonus Points a player scores over the
course of their 5 games.

1st place: Conqueror of Constellations.

$200 cash and $300 gift card at Orion Games.

2nd place: Titan of the Tempest

$100 cash and $200 gift card at Orion Games.

3rd place: Survivor in the Stars

$100 gift card at Orion Games.

Last place: Failure to Launch

$50 gift card at Orion Games.

Best painted: Master of the Forge

$100 gift card at Orion Games.


There will be a painting competition held during the event, open to anyone that attends Orion
Games either as a player or spectator.

The cost is $5 per entry of a single vehicle, monster, character model or 3x infantry, beast, swarm, or
cavalry models. If a model doesn't fit into these categories or are from a different game, they can
still be entered at the TO's discretion.

Players at this tournament get 1 free entry but can enter more than once at a cost of $5 per
additional entry.

The models will be on show during the entire event. Players may enter models used in their list,
however outside of play the model will have to be on show with the rest of the entries.

At the end of the event but before presentations players and spectators will anonymously write
down their top 3 entries, with 1st scoring 3 votes, 2nd scoring 2 votes and 3rd scoring 1 vote. The
winner of the competition is the entrant who scores the most votes.

The purpose of this event is to provide positive social experiences. We are striving to build the
community and broaden our friendship networks as well as re-establish our connections with our
community. We hope that everyone has a positive experience. We ask all players to be kind,
courteous, friendly and use common-sense with one another. Above all have a fun weekend playing
the game we all enjoy.

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