Module 1 PEC106

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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

Municipality of Lipa

COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION Captivating knowledge Through Education

A center of human
development committed to the MODULE 1 (ASL)
pursuit of wisdom, truth, justice,
pride, dignity, and local/global I. COURSE CODE/TITLE:
competitiveness via a quality but PEC 106 Assessment of Student Learning 1
affordable education for all
qualified clients. II. SUBJECT MATTER:
MISSION Introduction to Assessment in Learning
Establish and maintain an
academic environment promoting III. COURSE OUTCOME:
the pursuit of excellence and the
total development of its students A. Define and compare the concepts of assessment,
as human beings, with fear of God
and love of country measurement and evaluation.
and fellowmen. B. Discuss assessment in learning, assessment and testing
And assessment in grading
Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Lipa
C. Classify the purpose of classroom assessment in terms of
aims to:
1. foster the spiritual, intellectual, assessment of, for and as learning.
social, moral, and creative life of
its client via affordable but quality IV. ENGAGEMENT:
tertiary education;
A. Read the following content with comprehension.
2. provide the clients with reach
and substantial, relevant, wide B. Discussion:
range of academic disciplines,
expose them to varied curricular Vocabulary Words used in Testing, Assessing, Teaching
and co-curricular experiences
which nurture and enhance their And it’s Relationship.
personal dedications and
commitments to social, moral, Testing:
cultural, and economic
Test- a method of measuring a persons ability,
knowledge, or performance in a given domain.
3. work with the government and  Method - a way…, HOW TO DO… Techniques,
the community and the pursuit of Strategy, Process… Procedures,… with characteristics
achieving national developmental
goals; and of structured, Explicit
 Measure - Instruments/ tool to grade… Specific
4. develop deserving and qualified student’s level of competence
clients with different skills of life  Individual ability, knowledge- Individual skill,
existence and prepare them for
local and global competitiveness.
competence, background experience
 Performance – ability in performing language
 Given Domain – Specific area, Reading, Speaking,
Listening, Writing

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Republic of the Philippines
Commission on Higher Education
Municipality of Lipa

COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION Captivating knowledge Through Education

Test – prepared administrative procedures that occurs at
identifiable times.
Assessment – An ongoing process

Student responds to a question Assessed by:
-Offers a comment - teacher
-Tries out a new word - himself
-Tries out a structure - other students

1. Teacher – student interaction
2. Students must have the freedom to experiment
3. Students try out their own hypothesis
4. Freedom to practice their skills in a classroom without being formally graded.
5. No teacher’s judgement in terms of their trials and errors.

Teaching – the opportunities for learners to listen, Think, take risk, set goals, process feedback
from the teacher and then recycle through the skills that they are trying to master.

Student measurement, assessment and evaluation play important roles in the teaching
learning process. These support the whole educational system. Schools greatly depend on
assessment, measurement and evaluation for improvement. For schools to attain their objectives,
regular assessment and evaluation must be conducted. Similarly, students do not learn effectively
unless they receive feedback, which is obtained through educational measures. Teachers similarly
cannot be effective without information gained through measurement of student performance.

Basic Concept:
1. Measurement – defined as an instrument or device to measure individuals achievement,
personality, attitude and intelligence among others that can be expressed quantitatively.
(Calmorin 2000)
- A process of obtaining numerical description of the degree of individual possesses. Quantifying
of how much does learner learned. (quantify…test, rating scale) (Boyet Aluan)
2. Assessment – refers to the full range of information gathered and synthesized by teachers about
their students and their classrooms (Arends 2004)
- Information can be gathered through informal ways such as observation or verbal exchange. It
can also be gathered through formal ways such as assignments, test and written reports or
outputs (Garcia 2008)
- Process by which evidence of student achievement is obtained
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Republic of the Philippines
Commission on Higher Education
Municipality of Lipa

COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION Captivating knowledge Through Education

3. Evaluation – a and evaluated (Boyet Aluan)

- A process of making judgements, assigning value or when a teacher assigns a grade to the score
you obtained. In a chapter quiz or term examination, he is performing an evaluative act. This is
because he places value on the information gathered on the test (Garcia 2008)
- The process of making judgement based on criteria and evidence.
Evaluation is different from both measurement and assessment.
Measurement answers the question, how much does a student learn to know.
Assessment looks into how much change has occurred on the student acquisition of a skill,
knowledge or value before and after a given learning experience
Evaluation is concerned with making judgements on the worth or value of a performance.
It answers the question, how good, adequate or desirable it is?

Measurement and assessment are therefore both essential to evaluation (Garcia 2008)

Why to evaluate….
 Measures the effectiveness of the instructor
 Measure the effectiveness of impact in meeting objectives.
 Provide feedback to students
 Provides students gratification and motivation.

What is assessment learning

 The word assessment is rooted in the latin word assidere, which means “to sit beside another”
 The word assessment is generally defined as the process of gathering quantitative and/or
qualitative data for the purpose of making decisions.
 Assessment in learning can be defined as the systematic and purpos oriented collection, analysis
and interpretation of evidence of student learning in order to make informed decisions relevant
to the learners.
- It can be characterized as (a) process (b) based on specific objectives and (c) from multiple

How is assessment in learning similar or different from the concept of measurement or

evaluation of learning?

Measurement can be defined as the process of quantifying the attributes of an object, whereas
evaluation may refer to the process of making value judgements on the information collected
from measurement based on the specified criteria. In the context of assessment in learning
measurement refers to the actual collection of information on student learning through the use
of various strategies and tools while evaluation refers to the actual process of making a decion
or judgement on student learning based on the information collected from measurement. There
fore assessment can be considered as an umbrella term consisting of measurement CTE
evaluation. However, There are some authors who consider assessment as distinct and separate
from evaluation (Huba and Freed 2000 1998)
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Republic of the Philippines
Commission on Higher Education
Municipality of Lipa

COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION Captivating knowledge Through Education

Assessment and Testing

Testing – most common form of assessment
- Refers to the use of a test or battery of tests to collect information on student learning over a
specific period of time.
- Is a form of assessment but not all assessments use tests or testing.
Test – said to be good and effective if it has acceptable psychometric properties.
- Should be valid, reliable, has acceptable level of difficulty and can discriminate between
learners with higher and lower ability.
- Can be categorized as either a selected response (matching type or constructed response
(essay test, short answer test
- Can make use of objective format (multiple choice, enumeration or subjective format (essay)
Note: The objective format provides for a more bias- free scoring as the test items have exact
correct answers while subjective format allows for a less objective means of scoring especially
if no rubric is used.
TOS (Table of Specification) a table that maps out the essential aspects of a test. – test
objectives, contents, topics or covered by the test, item distribution.


Grading – the process of assigning value to the performance or achievement of learners based
on specified criteria or standards.
-is a form of evaluation which provides information on whether a learner passed or failed a
subject or a particular assessment task.
The final grade of a learner in a subject or course is the summation of information from
multiple sources (recitation, seatwork, homework, project)

What are the different measurement frameworks used in assessment?

The two most common psychometric theories that serve as frameworks for assessment and
measurement, especially in the determination of the psychometric characteristics of a
measure (e.g., test, scale, are the classical test theory (CTT) and the item response theory
The CTT, also known as the true score theory, explains that variations in the performance of
examinees on a given measure is due to variations in their abilities. The CTT assumes that an
examinee’s observed score in a given measure is the sum of the examinee’s true score and
some degree of error in the measurement caused by some internal and external conditions.
Hence, the CTT also assumes that all measures are imperfect, and the scores obtained from a
measure could differ from the true score(i.e., true ability) of an examinee.
The CTT provides an estimation of the item difficulty based on the frequency or number of an
examinees who correctly answer a particular item; items with fewer number of examinees
with correct answers are considered more difficult. The CTT also provides an estimation of
item discrimination based on the number of examinees with higher or lower ability to answer a
particular item. If an item is able to distinguish between examinees with higher ability
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Commission on Higher Education
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COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION Captivating knowledge Through Education

(i.e., higher total test score) and lower ability (i.e., lower total test score), then an item is
considered to have good discrimination. Test reliability can also be estimated using
approaches from CTT (e.g., Kuder- Richardson 20, Cronbach’s alpha). Item analysis based on
CCT has been the dominant approach because of the simplicity of calculating the statistics
(e.g., item difficulty index, item discrimination index, item-total correlation).
The IRT, on the other hand, analyzes test items by estimating the probability that an examinee
answers an item correctly or incorrectly. One of the central differences of IRT from CTT is that
an IRT, it is assumed that the characteristics of an item can be estimated independently of the
characteristic or ability of the examinee and vice-versa. Aside from item difficulty and item
discrimination indices, IRT analysis can provide significantly more information on items and
tests, such as fit statistics, item characteristic curve (ICC), and test characteristic curve (TCC).
There are also different IRT models (e.g., one-parameter model, three-parameter model)
which can provide different item and test information that cannot be estimated using the CTT.
(Balagtas 2020)

What are the different types of assessment in learning?

Assessment in learning could be of different types:

Formative assessment refers to assessment activities that provide information to both
teachers and learners on how they can improve the teaching learning process. This type of
assessment is formative because it is used at the beginning and during instruction for teachers
to assess learners’ understanding. The information collected on student learning allows
teachers to make adjustments to their instructional process and strategies to facilitate
learning. Through performance reports and teacher feedback, formative assessment can also
inform learners about their strengths and weaknesses to enable them to take steps to learn
better and improve their performance as the class progresses.
Summative assessments are assessment activities that aim to determine learners’ mastery of
content or attainment of learning outcomes. They are summative, as they are supposed to
provide information on the quantity or quality of what students have learned or achieved at
the end of instruction. While data from summative assessment are typically used for
evaluating learners’ performance in class, these data also provide teachers with information
about the effectiveness of their teaching strategies and how they can improve their instruction
in the future.
Diagnostic assessment aims to detect the learning problems or difficulties of the learners so
that corrective measures or interventions are done to ensure learning. Diagnostic assessment
is usually done right after seeing signs of learning problems in the course of teaching. It can
also be done at the beginning of the school year for spirally-designed curriculum so that
corrective actions are applied if pre-requisite knowledge and skills for the targets of instruction
have not been mastered yet.
Placement assessment is usually done at the beginning of the school year to determine what
the learners already know or what are their needs that could inform design of instruction.
Groupings of learners based on the results of placement assessment is usually done before
instruction to make it relevant to address the needs or accommodate the entry performance
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COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION Captivating knowledge Through Education

of the learners. The entrance examination given in schools is an example of a placement

Traditional assessment refers to the use of conventional strategies or tools to provide
information about the learning of students. Typically, objective (e.g., multiple choice) and
subjective (e.g., essay) paper-and-pencil tests are used. Traditional assessments are often used
as basis for evaluating and grading learners. They are more commonly used in classrooms
because they are easier to design and quicker to be scored. In general, traditional assessments
are viewed as an inauthentic type of assessment.
Authentic assessment refers to the use of assessment strategies or tools that allow learners to
perform or create a product that are meaningful to the learners, as they are based on real-
world contexts. The authenticity of assessment tasks is best described in terms of degree
rather than the presence or absence of authenticity. The most authentic assessments are
those that allow performances that most closely resemble real-world tasks or applications in
real-world settings or environments.

What are the different principles in assessing learning?

There are many principles in the assessment in learning.
1. Assessment should have a clear purpose. Assessment starts with a clear purpose . The
methods used in collecting information should be based on this purpose. The interpretation of
the data collected should be aligned with the purpose that has been set. This assessment
principle is congruent with the outcome-based education (OBE) principles of clarity of focus
and design down.
2. Assessment is not an end in itself. Assessments serves as a means to enhance student
learning. It is not a simple recording or documentation of what learners know and do not
know. Collecting information about student learning, whether formative or summative, should
lead to decisions that will allow improvement of the learners.
3. Assessment is an ongoing, continuous, and a formative process. Assessment consists of a
series of tasks and activities conducted over time. It is not a one-shot activity and should be
cumulative. Continuous feedback is an important element of assessment. This assessment
principle is congruent with the OBE principle of expanded opportunity.
4. Assessment is learner-centered. Assessment is not about what the teacher does but what the
learner can do. Assessment of learners provides teachers with a understanding on how they
can improve their teaching, which corresponds to the goal of improving student learning.
5. Assessment is both process- and product- oriented. Assessment gives equal importance to
learner performance or product and the process they engage in to perform or produce a
6. Assessment must be comprehensive and holistic. Assessment should be performed using a
variety of strategies and tools designed to assess student learning in a holistic way.
Assessment should be conducted in multiple periods to assess learning over time. This
assessment principle is also congruent with the OBE principle of expanded opportunity.
7. Assessment requires the use of appropriate measures. For assessment to be valid, the
assessment tools or measures used must have sound psychometric properties, including, but
not limited to, validity and reliability. Appropriate measures also mean that learners must be
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Republic of the Philippines
Commission on Higher Education
Municipality of Lipa

COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION Captivating knowledge Through Education

provided with challenging but age- and context- appropriate assessment tasks. This
assessment principle is consistent with the OBE principle of high expectations.
8. Assessment should be as authentic as possible. Assessment tasks or activities should closely,
if not fully, approximate real- life situations or experiences. Authenticity of assessment can be
thought of as a continuum from least authentic to most authentic, with more authentic tasks
expected to be more meaningful for learners.

Functions of assessment
According to Calmorin (2011), there are 10 functions of assessment which are very important
in student’s learning. There are:

1. Measures Student’s Achievements

By giving test to students and assessing the test results, student’s achievements can be
determined whether they have reached the goals of the learning tasks or not.
2. Evaluates instruction and Teaching Strategies
For instance, the teacher uses unstructured approach in teaching Statistics to fourth year high
school students and gives achievement test after presenting the lesson. If the result of the test
is high, this means unstructured approach is appropriate in teaching statistics; if low, then it is
inappropriate. The result of the test determine whether instruction and teaching strategies are
effective or ineffective. If the results are high, it means the instructions and teaching strategies
are effective, if the test results are lo, it means the teaching strategies are ineffective.
3. Assess Lesson to be Re-taught
If teaching in ineffective as evidenced by the poor test result, item analysis comes in. Items
with 49 percent and below difficulty need to be re-taught. For instance , there are 90 students
who took the test in English. There are 30 students from upper group and 30 in the lower
group. In item 28, 12 from upper group got the correct answer and 8 in the lower group also
got it correct. To get the index of difficulty, it can be computed as: 12 + 8/60 = 20/60 =
0.33*100 + 33%. Item 28 has 33 percent difficulty, hence, the lesson in item 28 must be re-
4. Evaluates School’s Academic Programs
Assessment also evaluates school’s programs relevance, realism, and responsiveness to the
needs of the society. For instance, gradutes of teacher education program passed the
Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) and they were employed as teachers. This means,
teacher education program is relevant, realistic and responsive to the needs of the society. On
the other hand, if graduates of other school’s programs are underemployed or unemployed,
thus, this program is not relevant realistic and responsive to the needs of the society and this
program must be revised.
5. Motivate Learning
Upon knowing the results of achievement test, the student’s enthusiasm is aroused if he gets
high score. Otherwise, he strives hard to get higher score in the next examination.
6. Predicts Success or Failure
Success or Failure of students is predicted through assessment of their learning. For instance,
if a student always get high score in all examinations in all subjects, high score means passing
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Republic of the Philippines
Commission on Higher Education
Municipality of Lipa

COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION Captivating knowledge Through Education

and passing means success. Likewise if they always get low score in all examinations in all
subjects, low score means a failing mark and means failure on the part of the students.
7. Diagnoses the Nature of Difficulties
The weaknesses of the student’s can be detected through assessment of their learning. For
example, the teacher administers diagnostic test to his students. The result of diagnostic test
determines what part or subject the student is weak or have difficulties, so that the teacher
can identify what remedial instruction should be given.
8. Evaluates Teacher’s Performance
The performance of teacher’s is determined through assessment of student’s learning. For
instance, National Achievement Test (NAT) is administered to fourth year secondary students
and Grade VI students. If NAT results are within the mean percentage score (MPS), it means
that the teachers performance are satisfactory; of above the MPS, very satisfactory; and below
the MPS; below satisfactory.
9. Evaluates School’s Facilities and Resources
Adequacy and inadequacy of school’s facilities and resources are determined through
assessment of student’s learning. If students passed the licensure examinations higher that the
national percentage passing score, it means the institution has adequate facilities and
resources. Resources include Manpower, Money, Materials, Machinery, Methods, Moment,
and Marketing. The 7th M, marketing means graduates are employed right after passing the
licensure examination. Likewise, when a school program applies for accreditation and it
passed, it means facilities and resources are adequate; if it failed, it means that the facilities
and resources are not in the accreditation standard, thus, inadequate.
10. Evaluate School Managers Performance
Assessment evaluates school manager’s performance. These managers are the top and middle
managers like the president as head of the institution, vice presidents and deans. The result of
accreditation lies on the performance of school managers. The subordinates cannot do
anything without the full cooperation among the school’s top and middle managers. If the
school managers spearheaded the implementation of the various programs, projects, and
activities of the institution by providing the subordinates the necessary facilities in instruction,
research, extension, and production, passing level of accreditation is possible with flying

Scopes of Assessment
As statement by Calmorin (2011), the scopes of assessment are as follows:
1. Assessment of curricular offerings. The course offerings must be assessed to determine if
they are relevant, realistic and responsive to the changing needs and problems of the society.
2. Assessment of school programs. The school programs must be appraised to determine if
teachers are not loaded or under loaded.
3. Assessment of instructional materials. The instructional materials like books, reference
books, visual aids, and devices must be evaluated to ascertain if they are adequate and
updated. Books and reference books beyond ten years of its publication must be revised.

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Commission on Higher Education
Municipality of Lipa

COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION Captivating knowledge Through Education

4. Assessment of instructional facilities. The instructional facilities like classrooms, computers,

projectors, audio – visual equipment, laboratory equipment, chemicals, physical plant, library
holdings, and many others must be assessed if they are adequate,
5. Assessment of teachers and professors. The teachers and professors must be evaluated if
they are qualified, competent, effective, and efficient in delivering services to the students.
They are also evaluated if they are research-oriented and if they have an updated portfolio.
6. Assessment of student/students. The student or students must be assessed if they have or
have not reached the goals of learning tasks. Each student must have an individual portfolio
for easy reference about their achievements.
7. Assessment of graduates. Graduates must be evaluated if they have passed the Licensure
Examination for Teachers (LET) and if they are employed, underemployed or unemployed.
8. Assessment of school managers. School managers must be assessed if they are democratic
leaders to their subordinates and are approachable; understand the problems and needs of
the teacher/professors and students; and are not corrupt but honest.
9. Assessment of research. Research activities must be evaluated to determine if all
teachers/professors have conducted research efficiently and effectively. There are three
functions, namely, Instruction, Research, and Extension. For State Universities and Colleges
(SUCs) professors perform four (4) mandated functions such as Instruction, Research,
Extension, and Production. The SUCs are evaluated yearly by DBM (Department of Budget and
Management) about their performance of the four mandated functions.
10. Assessment of extension. Extension activities must be assessed to determine if all
teachers/professors have extension classes to different adopted barangays.

The Roles of Classroom Assessment in the Teaching- Learning Process

Assessment is an integral part of the instructional process where teachers design and conduct
instruction (teaching), so learners achieve the specific target learning outcomes defined by the
curriculum. While the purpose of assessment may be classified as assessment of learning,
assessment for learning, assessment as learning, the specific purpose of an assessment depends
on the teacher’s objective in collecting and evaluating assessment data from learners. More
specific objectives for assessing student learning are congruent to the following roles of
classroom assessment in the teaching- learning process: formative, diagnostic, evaluative,
facilitative, and motivational, each of which is discussed below:
Formative. Teachers conduct assessment because they want to acquire information on the
current status and level of learners’ knowledge and skills or competencies. Teachers may need
information (e.g., prior knowledge, strengths) about the learners prior to instruction, so they can
design their instructional plan to better suit the needs of the learners. Teachers may also need
information on learners during instruction to allow them to modify instruction or learning
activities to help learners achieve the learning outcomes.

Diagnostic. Teachers can use assessment to identify specific learners’ weaknesses or difficulties
that may affect their achievement of the intended learning outcomes. Identifying this weaknesses
allows teachers to focus on specific learning needs and provide oppurtunities for instructional
intervention or remediation inside or outside the classroom.
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Commission on Higher Education
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COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION Captivating knowledge Through Education

Evaluative. Teachers conduct assessment to measure learners’ performance or achievement for

the purposes of making judgment or grading in particular. Teachers need information on whether
the learners have met the intended learning outcomes after the instruction is fully implemented.
The learners’ placement or promotion to the next educational level is informed by the
assessment results.

Facilitative. Classroom assessment may affect student learning. On the part of teachers,
assessment for learning provides information on students’ learning and achievement that
teachers can use to improve instruction and the learning experiences of learners. On the part of
learners’ assessment as learning allows them to monitor, evaluate, and improve their own
learning strategies. In both cases, student learning is facilitated.

Motivational. Classroom assessment can serve as a mechanism for learners to be motivated and
engaged in learning and achievement in the classroom. Grades, for instance, can motivate and
demotivate learners. Focusing on progress, providing effective feedback, innovating assessment
tasks, and using scaffolding during assessment activities provide opportunities for assessment to
be motivating rather the demotivating.

What are learning targets?

Educational Goals, Standards, and Objectives

Goals. Goals are general statements about desired learner outcomes in a given year or during the
duration of a program (e.g., senior high school),
Standards. Standards are specific statements about what learners should know and are capable
of doing at a particular grade level, subject, or course. McMillan (2014, p. 31) described four
different types of educational standards: (1) content (desired outcomes in a content area), (2)
performance (what students do to demonstrate competence), (3) developmental (sequence of
growth and change over time), and (4) grade-level (outcomes for a specific grade).

Educational Objectives. Educational objectives are specific statements of learner performance at

the end of an instructional unit. These are sometimes referred to as behavioral objectives and are
typically stated with the use of verbs. The most popular taxonomy of educational objectives is
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.

The Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

Bloom’s Taxonomy consists of three domains: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. These
three domains correspond to the three types of goals that teachers want to assess: knowledge-
based goals (cognitive), skills-based goals (psychomotor), and effective goals (affective). Hence,
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there are three taxonomies that can be used by teachers depending on the goals. Each taxonomy
consists of different levels of expertise with varying degrees of complexity. The most popular
among the three taxonomies is the Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives in the Cognitive
Domain, also known as Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives for Knowledge-Based Goals.
The taxonomy describes six levels of expertise: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis,
synthesis, and evaluation. The table 1 below presents the description, illustrative verbs, and
sample objective for each of the six levels.
Table 1 : Blooms Taxonomy of Educational Objectives in the Cognitive Domain

Cognitive Level Description Illustrative verbs Sample Objective

Knowledge Recall or recognition Defines, recalls, Enumerate the six
of learned materials names, enumerates, levels of expertise in
like concepts, events, and labels the Bloom’s
facts, ideas and Taxonomy of
procedures objectives in the
cognitive domain.
Comprehension Understanding the Explains, describes, Explain each of the
meaning of a learned summarizes, six levels of expertise
material, including discusses, and in the Bloom’s
interpretation, translates Taxonomy of
explanation, and objectives in the
literal translation cognitive domain.
Application Use of abstract ideas, Applies, Demonstrate how to
principles, or demonstrates, us Bloom’s
methods to specific produces, illustrates taxonomy in
concrete situations and uses. formulating learning
Analysis Separation of a Compares, contrasts, Compare and
concept or idea into categorizes, Contrasts the six
constituent parts or classifies, and levels of expertise in
elements and an calculates Bloom’s taxonomy of
understanding of the objectives in the
nature and cognitive domain.
association among
the elements
Synthesis Construction of Composes, Compose learning
elements of parts constructs, creates, targets using
from different design, and Bloom’s taxonomy.
sources to form a integrates
more complex or
novel structure
Evaluation Making judgment of Appraises, evaluates, Evaluate the
ideas or methods judges, concludes, congruence between
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based on sound and and criticizes learning targets and

established criteria assessment

Bloom’s taxonomies of educational objectives provide teachers with a structure guide in

formulating more specific learning targets as they provide an exhaustive list of learning
objectives. The taxonomies do not only serve as guide for teacher’s instruction but also as a guide
for their assessment of student learning in the classroom.

The Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

Anderson and Krathwohl proposed a revision of the Bloom’s Taxonomy in the cognitive
domain by introducing a two-dimensional model for writing learning objectives (Anderson and
Krathwohl, 2001). The first dimension, knowledge dimension, includes four types: factual,
conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive. The second dimension, cognitive process dimension,
consists of six types: remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create. An educational
or learning objective formulated from this two- dimensional model contains a noun (type of
knowledge) and a verb (type of cognitive process). The Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy provides
teachers with a more structured and more precise approach in designing and assessing learning

Below is an example of learning objective:

Students will be able to differentiate qualitative research and quantitative research. In the
example, differentiate is the verb that represents the type of cognitive process (in this case,
analyze), while qualitative research and quantitative research is the noun phrase that represents
the type of knowledge (in this case, conceptual).

Tables 2 and 3 present the definition, illustrative verbs, and sample objectives of the cognitive
process dimensions and knowledge dimensions of the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Table 2 Cognitive Process Dimensions in the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

Cognitive Process Definition Illustrative Verbs Sample Objective

Create Combining parts to Compose, produce, Propose a program of
make a whole develop, formulate, action to help solve
devise, prepare, design, Metro Manila’s traffic
construct, propose, and congestion.
re- organize
Evaluate Judging the value of Assess, measure, Critique the latest film
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information or data estimate, evaluate, that you have watched.

critique, and judge Use the critique
guidelines and format
discussed in the class.
Analyze Breaking down Analyze, calculate, Classify the following
information into parts examine, test, chemical elements
compare, differentiate, based on some
organize and classify categories/areas.
Apply Applying the facts, Apply, employ, Solve the following
rules, concepts and practice, relate, use, problems using the
ideas in another implement, carry-out different measures or
context and solve central tendency.
Understand Understanding what Describe, determine, Explain the causes of
the information means interpret, translate, malnutrition in the
paraphrase, and country.
Remember Recognizing and Identify, list, name, Name the 7th president
recalling facts underline, recall, of the Philippines.
retrieve, locate

Table 3 Knowledge Dimension in the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

Knowledge Description Sample Question

Factual This type of knowledge is basic What is the capital city of the
in every discipline. It tells the Philippines.
facts or bits of information one
needs to know in a discipline.
This type of knowledge usually
answers questions that begin
with “who”, “where”, “what”,
and “when”.
Conceptual This type of knowledge is also What makes the Philippines the
fundamental in every discipline. “Pearl of the orient seas”?
It tells the concepts,
generalizations, principles,
theories, and models that one
needs to know in a discipline.
This type of knowledge usually
answers questions that begin
with “what”. CTE
Procedural This type of knowledge is also How do we develop items for an

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Republic of the Philippines
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fundamental in every discipline. achievement test?

It tells the processes, steps,
techniques, methodologies, or
specific skills needed in
performing a specific task that
one needs to know and be able
to do in a discipline. This type of
knowledge usually answers
questions that begin with
Metacognitive This type of knowledge makes Why is Engineering the most
the discipline relevant to one’s suitable course for you?
life. It makes one understand
the value of learning on one’s
life. It requires reflective
knowledge and strategies on
how to solve problems or
perform a cognitive task
through understanding of
oneself and context. This type of
knowledge usually answers
questions that begin with
“why”. Questions that begin
with “how” and what could be
used if they are embedded in a
situations that one experiences
in real life.
(Balagtas 2020)

Learning Targets
Learning Targets are statements on what learners are supposed to learn and what they can do
because of instruction.It should be congruent with the standards prescribed by program or level and
aligned with the instructional or learning objectives of a subject or course. Teachers must inform
learners about the learning targets of lesson prior to classroom instruction. The learning target should
be meaningful for the learners, it must be as clear and as specific as possible like using the phrase “I
can….ex….. I can differentiate between instructional objectives and learning targets.”


Mcmillan (2014 p.53)proposed five criteria for selecting learning targets.

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1. Establish the right number of learning targets.

2. Establish comprehensive learning targets.
3. Establish learning targets that reflect school goals and 21st century skills.
4. Establish learning targets that are challenging yet feasible
5. Establish learning targets that are consistent with current principles of learning and motivation.

4 Primary types of learning targets

Table 4
Knowledge targets Refers to factual, conceptual, I can explain the role of
and procedural information that conceptual framework in a
learners must learn in a subject research.
or content area.
Reasoning targets Knowledge-based thought I can justify my research
processes that learners must problems with a theory.
learn. It involves application of
knowledge in problem solving,
decision-making, and other task
that require mental skills.
Skills target Use of knowledge and/or I can facilitate a focus group
reasoning to perform or discussion (FGD) with research
demonstrate physical skills. participants.
Product targets use of knowledge, reasoning, I can write a thesis proposal.
skills in creating a concrete or
tangible product.

Others experts consider a fifth type of learning target-affect, which refers to affective characteristics
that students can develop and demonstrate because of instruction. This include attitudes, beliefs,
interests and values. Some experts affect or disposition learning target.

Appropriate methods of assessment

Once the learning targets are identified, appropriate assessment methods can be selected to measure
student learning. The match between a learning target and the assessment method usedCTE
to measure
if students have met the target is very critical.

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Republic of the Philippines
Commission on Higher Education
Municipality of Lipa

COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION Captivating knowledge Through Education

Table 5 and 6 present a matrix of the different types of learning targets and sample assessment

Table 6 : Matching learning targets with other types of assessment

there are other types of assessment and its up to the teachers to select the method of assessment
and design appropriate assessment tasks and activities to measure the identified learning targets.

References :

Balagtas, Marilyn et al. 2020. Assessment in Learning 1. Rex Bookstore. Quezon City
Arellano and Ordoña. 2016. Assessment of Student learning 1. St. Andrew Publishing
House. Quezon City Philippines
Macarandang, Mercedes A and Vega, Violeta A. 2016. Assessment of Student
Leaning 1. Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.

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