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Unit 5 – Testing of Hypothesis

Assignment 5
1. In two samples of women from Punjab and Tamilnadu, the mean height of
1000 and 2000 women are 67.6 and 68.0 inches respectively. If population
standard deviation of Punjab and Tamilnadu are same and equal to 5.5
inches then, can the mean heights of Punjab and Tamilnadu women be
regarded as same at 1% level of significance?
2. In a sample of 500 parts manufactured by a factory, the number of
defective parts was found to be 20. The company, however, claimed that
only 10% of their product are defective. Is the claim reliable?
Test @ 1% Level of significance
3. Two different types of drugs A and B were tried on some patients for
increasing their weights. Six persons were given drug A and other 7 persons
were given drug B. The gain in weights (in ponds) is given below:
Drug A 5 8 7 10 9 6
Drug B 9 10 15 12 14 8 12
Assuming that increment in the weights due to both drugs follows normal
distributions with equal variances, do the both drugs differ significantly with
regard to their mean weights increment at 5% level of significance?
4. A company gave intensive training to its salesmen to increase the sales. A
random sample of 10 salesmen was selected and the value (in lakhs of
Rupees) of their sales per month, made before and after the training is
recorded in the following table. Test whether there is an increase in mean
sales at 5% level of significance.
Salesman 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Before 15 22 6 17 12 20 18 14 10 16
After 17 23 16 20 14 21 18 20 10 11

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