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Siti Norchalisa 2022: Implementation of the Prosperous Palangkaraya

Program by the National Amil Zakat Agency in Palangkaraya City. Guided by

Poverty is a big job for the Indonesian government, therefore poverty is

one of the national development priorities as outlined in the RPJMN (National
Medium-Term Development Plan). The problem of poverty is a very complex
problem that needs to be addressed in a coordinated and planned manner.The
poverty rate, especially in the Palangkaraya city area, continues to increase, this
phenomenon requires synergy between the central and regional governments.
As a manifestation of the concern of the Palangkaraya city government,
strategies and programs were made to alleviate poverty as stated in the RPKD
(Regional Poverty Reduction Plan) and are part of the RPJMD (Regional
Medium-Term Development Plan). Meanwhile, the program consists of
integrated social assistance and social security programs based on households,
families or individuals. Then community empowerment programs and
strengthening micro and small business actors and other programs that are
directly and indirectly.

In addition, the development of the religious sector is an effort to realize

the welfare of the people through improving the quality of religious life services,
one of which is through improving the quality of services for Muslims in fulfilling
the obligations of zakat, infaq and shodaqoh.

This research uses a field study research method with the aim of research
to find out whether the implementation of the Palangkaraya Sejahtera program
by the city Baznas for community empowerment in poverty alleviation in
Palangkaraya City, is going according to expectations.

The results of this study show that the welfare and poverty alleviation of
business cart beneficiaries has not been realized optimally due to several factors.

Keywords : Implementation, Community Empowerment, BAZNAS

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