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Teacher Grade Level 10

K to 12 Basic Education Teaching Dates Learning Area Science
Grades 1 to 12
Teaching Time 1:00 – 2:00 pm Quarter / Week 2 /Week 3-4
I. Learning Targets/
Specific Objectives
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum
B. Performance Standards (no PS from MELCs)
C. Learning Competencies/ Cite examples of practical applications of the different regions of EM waves, such as the
Objectives (L.C. Code) use of radio waves in telecommunications S10FEIIc-d-48
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
Specific (Daily) Objective/s 1. enumerate some applications of radio waves
2. explain how radio waves used in wireless communications.
Practical Applications of Electromagnetic Waves
II. Learning Content
Radio waves
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide Pages
2. Learner's Materials Pages 5
3. Textbook Pp. 150-151
MELCs in Science, Q2 Module 2, PowerPoint presentation of lesson with Classpoint, pictures,
google form, google document, short videos
B. Other Learning modulation

Ask a student to lead a prayer
Singing of Makabayan song
Preliminary Greetings / Kumustahan
Remind students of the online class rules
Check assignment
The teacher facilitates review of the last lesson discussed by showing
pictures/images and ask the following questions:

Picture A.
What does this picture describe?
How is EM wave created?
A. Reviewing previous (The activities in this
lesson or presenting the section will evoke or
draw out prior concepts Picture B.
new lesson or prior experiences from
What is this image?
the students)
What does it show?
State the relationship
between frequency and wavelength of
the different forms of EM waves.

B. Establishing a purpose Engage The Teacher will ask

for the lesson The activities in this
Are you not wondering how you are able to communicate with your
loved ones from far places?
How were you able to listen to music from your radio? Or how your
television remote control works?

The teacher presents the lesson and the lesson’s objectives.

C. Presenting examples/ section will stimulate their Unlocking:

thinking and help them
instances of the new access and connect prior 1. Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths in
knowledge as a jumpstart
to the present lesson.)
the electromagnetic spectrum longer than infrared radiation.
2. A radio transmitter consists of several elements that work
together to generate radio waves that contain useful information
such as audio, video, or digital data.
3. A radio receiver is the opposite of a radio transmitter. It uses an antenna
to capture radio waves, processes those waves to extract only those waves
that are vibrating at the desired frequency, extracts the audio signals that
were added to those waves, amplifies the audio signals, and finally plays
them on a speaker.
A. Pre-activity
D. Discussing new concepts The teacher will divide the class into three groups. Each group will select
& practicing new skills their leader to present their output. The tasks will be:
Group 1. Activity 1: I am a Product of…
Group 2. Activity 3: Guess What!
Group 3. Activity 5: Guess What!

B. Activity Proper
Explore ( Google document link will be given to each group to work on their assigned
(In this section, students activity)
will be given time to
think, plan, investigate,
and organize collected
information; or the
The teacher will ask students to participate actively in the group activity. They
performance of the will be given 5 minutes to finish their assigned activity.
E. Discussing new concepts activities from the
students’ manual with
& practicing new skills #2 data gathering with C. Post Activity
Guide Questions) The selected leader will present their group work.

The teacher will discuss the Applications of Radio Waves in Wireless


Radio waves
Radio Communication (Radio/Television signals)
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Explain The teacher will show to learners a short video of how radio waves used in
(In this section, students
will be involved in an wireless communication.
analysis of their
exploration. Their
understanding is clarified
and modified because of
F. Developing mastery reflective frequency-amplitude-modulation
activities)/Analysis of the
gathered data and
results and be able to
answer the Guide
Questions leading to the
focus concept or topic for
the day.)

G. Finding practical Same grouping

applications of concepts Group 1 will do Activity 2: My Uses!
and skills in daily living
(This section will give Group 2 will do What can I do
students the opportunity
to expand and
solidify/concretize their Group 3 will answer the question
H. Making generalizations understanding of the
concept and/or apply it to How are AM and FM radio waves used in wireless
and abstraction a real-world situation)
communication? Explain by using a diagram.

The teacher will wrap up the lesson through presenting the lesson’s summary
(This assessment will be given to the learners in google form)

Directions: Choose the correct answer and write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following forms of electromagnetic waves is used mostly in communication?

A. Gamma rays B. Infrared C. Radio wave D. X-ray
(This section will provide 2. What type of electromagnetic wave is produced by making electrons vibrate in an antenna?
opportunities for concept A. Infrared B. Microwave C. Radio wave D. X-ray
check test items and
I. Evaluating Learning answer key which are
aligned to the learning 3. Which of the following energy transformations occur at the receiving station?
objectives – content and A. Sound energy to electrical energy
performance standards B . Electromagnetic energy to sound energy
and address
misconceptions- if any)
C. Electrical energy to electromagnetic energy
D. Electromagnetic energy to electrical energy

4. Which of the following is not a practical application of radio waves?

A. MRI B. GPS C. Radio signals D.RADAR

5. The radio receiver generates electrical oscillations at a radio frequency called the carrier frequency. This statement is
A. true B. false
Additional activity below will be their assignment.

Extend Directions: What is the function of tower in radio broadcast station?

J. Additional activities for (This section gives
situation that explains the
application and topic in a new context, or
remediation integrate it to another

The learners participated actively in their group activities and in the class discussion.
V. REMARKS Delay in the accomplishment of group activities is expected because some of the students
do not have strong internet signal.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher
Checked and Noted:


School Head/ HT1

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