Earth Sci

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WEATHERING CO2 + H20 = Carbonic acid commonly

- a process that shapes the Earth's known as Acid rain.

-is the alteration and breakdown of rock - ground water is naturaly acidic and this
minerals and rock masses when they are acid is what dissolves limestone to form
exposed to the atmosphere karst features such as caves and
-occurs in situ, that is, in the same place, sinkholes.
with no major movement of rock materials
involved Biological Weathering- the group of
- changes rocks from a hard state, to processes that are caused by, or assisted
become much softer and weaker, making by, the presence of vegetation, or to a
them more easily eroded. lesser extent animals, including root
wedging and the production of organic

Physical Weathering- the group of

processes, such as frost wedging and
volume changes of minerals, that result in
the mechanical disruption of rocks (e.g.
granular disintegration, exfoliation, joint
block separation, shattering by changes in
temperature or pressure).

Chemical Weathering-the decay of rock

forming minerals caused by water,
temperature, oxygen, hydrogen and mild
acids (e.g. solution, hydration, oxidation, Factors controlling WEATHERING
carbonation). - Climate dictates the type of weathering
processes that operate, largely by
determining the amount of water available
and the temperature at which the processes
occur. Chemical reactions are faster at
higher temperatures, while frost wedging
occurs in colder climates.

- Rock Type determines the resistance of

the rock to the weathering processes that
operate in that particular environment.
Time - the duration of the period that the
same type of weathering has been
operating, uninterrupted by climatic change,
earth movements, and other factors,
determines the degree and depth to which
the rocks have been weathered.

1. Geologists can use weathering to
determine facts about a region's past.
2. Small pieces of rocks or sediments form
sedimentary rock like limestone and
Rock Structure-highly jointed or faulted 3. People use sedimentary stone for
rocks present many planes of weakness building and carving.
along which weathering agents (e.g. water) 4. Weathering creates nutrient-rich soil that
can penetrate into the rock mass. allows plants and trees to grow, and
ultimately makes life on Earth possible.
Topography-the slope angle determines 5. Rock weathering makes the ocean
the energy of the weathering system by waters saline.
controlling the rate at which water passes 6. Sometimes weathering will expose
through the rock mass. geologic features previously unseen, giving
scientists the opportunity to learn about the
Earth's history.
7. Some forms of chemical weathering help
to remove carbon dioxide from the
8. If weathering never occurred, the Earth
would have a surface of bare rock, and no
plant or animal life could exist.

1. Destroys the soil cover and its structure
2. Enhances soil erosion
Erosion- the dynamism and efficiency of 3. High moisture loss
erosion determines how rapidly any 4. Disrupts the life cycle of beneficial soil
weathered material is removed, how organisms.
frequently fresh rock is exposed to
weathering, and if deeply weathered profiles
are preserved. ( weathering causes the
rocks to breakdown)
Volcanism and Earthquake A tectonic plate (also called lithospheric
plate) is a massive, irregularly shaped slab
of solid rock, generally composed of both
Volcanism, any of various processes and continental and oceanic lithosphere.
phenomena associated with the surficial
discharge of molten rock, pyroclastic
fragments, or hot water and steam,
including volcanoes and geysers.

Findings that support Seafloor

Spreading Theory
-Rocks are younger at the mid – ocean
-Rocks far from the mid – ocean ridge are
-Sediments are thinner at the ridge
-Rocks at the ocean floor are younger than
those at the continents
-New rocks are added to the ocean floor at
the ridge
-Magnetic Reversal
Transform Fault Boundary Hawaiian Eruption-In a Hawaiian eruption,
fluid basaltic lava is thrown into the air in
jets from a vent or line of vents (a fissure) at
the summit or on the flank of a volcano. The
jets can last for hours or even days, a
phenomenon known as fire fountaining.

Vulcanian Eruption-distinct bursts of fluid

lava from the mouth of a magma-filled
summit conduit.

Lava Domes-Lava domes form when very

viscous, rubbly lava is squeezed out of a
hotspot or hot spot is a portion of the vent without exploding. The lava piles up
Earth's surface which experiences into a dome, (something like toothpaste
volcanism. This may be caused by a rising coming out of a tube). Lava domes may be
mantle plume or some other cause. rounded, pancake-shaped, or irregular piles
of rock, depending on the type of lava they
A mantle plume is an upwelling of form from.
abnormally hot rock within the Earth's
mantle. Surtseyan Eruption-where magma or lava
interacts explosively with water. In most
VOLCANOES cases, Surtseyan eruptions occur when an
-a mountain or hill, typically conical, having undersea volcano has finally grown large
a crater or vent through which lava, rock enough to break the water's surface;
fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or because water expands when it turns to
have been erupted from the earth's crust. steam, water that comes into contact with
hot lava explodes and creates plumes of
Types of Eruption ash, steam and scoria.

QUITE VOLCANISM-the lava slowly flows Earthquake- a sudden and violent shaking
out and forms flat layers that eventually of the ground, sometimes causing great
make a shield volcano. The lava spreads destruction, as a result of movements within
out over a large area creating a flat base the earth's crust or volcanic action.
with gently sloping sides. Mauna Loa in the
Hawaiin Islands is the largest shield Epicenter-the point on the earth's surface
volcano. vertically above the focus of an earthquake.


a lot of gas which becomes trapped in the
magma, the pressure will build and build
until eventually the magma erupts
explosively out of the volcano.
Richter Magnitude Scale-The Richter Pangaea-Pangaea is the name given to the
magnitude scale was developed in 1935 by single landmass that was present 200
Charles F. Richter of the California Institute million.
of Technology as a mathematical device to
compare the size of earthquakes. The WEGENER’S EVIDENCE
magnitude of an earthquake is determined -Continents“fit together” like puzzle pieces.
from the logarithm of the amplitude of -Fossil Evidence fossils are remains of
waves recorded by seismographs. living things that lived long ago. similar
fossils have been discovered in matching
Crust-The rocky outermost layer of coastlines on different continents.
lithosphere. -
Composed of two kinds:

Magnesium – submerged layer of the
Magnesium makes up the ocean floor. It is
also known as Oceanic Crust.

Mantle-The middle layer of the Earth.It is

composed of dense rocks largely made up
of the mineral olivine.
Core- The innermost portion of the Earth.It Some mountain ranges on different
is believed to be metallic. continents seem to match.
Composed of iron and nickel (NIFE) Ex: ranges in Canada match Norway and
inner core – solid about 1,150 km. thick w/ Sweden
an extremely high temperature (2,200°C). Ex: Appalachian Mtn. match UK mtn
outer core – made up of molten rock about Climatic evidence such as glaciers in
2,250 km. thick. areas that are now close to the Equator

The Theory of Continental Drift DEFORMATION-the bending, tilting and

breaking od the earth’s crust.
-Found evidence for PANGAEA and Two types of deformation:
proposed the theory of continental drift. Plastic- bending or warping of crust.
Brittle- the breaking of crust.
Continental Drift - Theory that continents
were once part of a single landmass that STRESS VS. STRAIN
broke apart and have moved to their Stess- force that causes pressure pn rocks
present locations. can drift apart from one that make up the earth’s crust.
another and have done so in the past. Strain- deforming strata(layers of rocks)by
folding them or faulting( breaking them)
STRATA- all sedimentray rocks are The fault line would also be called the fault
originally deporited in flat (horizontal) layers plane.
called strata or beds. The area around it would be called the fault
Compression- rocks are squeezed
together. 3 Types of Faults Caused by
Tension- pulls rocks apart 3 Different Types of Stress
Shearing- pushes rocks in opposite
horizontal directions. Normal Fault(Caused by Tension)
-Occurs when tension pulls the fault apart
Stress + plastic deformation = FOLDING and the Hanging Wall drops.
-permanently deforming rocks because of Reverse Fault(Caused by Compression)
plastic deformation causes the crust to fold. -Occurs when compression pushes the two
FOLD - wavelike structures in rocks. parts of the fault together and the Hanging
Wall moves up.
ANTICLINE- up folds in strata Strike-Slip Fault(Caused by Shear Stress)
SYNCLINE- down folds in strata -Shear causes the parts of the fault to slide
MONOCLINE- large step like fold past one another.
RECUMBANT FOLD- folds on top of itself
BASIN- radial down fold Folds-Occur when stress is applied to both
DOME- radial up fold ends of a section of rock or rock layers.
Some rocks would break, but a fold occurs
when rocks bend. An anticline looks like a
“rainbow”; a syncline looks like a “smile”.

A fault is a fracture or series of fractures in

Earth’s crust that occurs when stress is Absolute Dating give rocks an actual date
applied too quickly or stress is too great. or date range in numbers of years.
-Many faults occur along plate boundaries.
-Faults can also occur anywhere in the crust Radioactive isotopes have many useful
where rocks are bent (folded) until they applications. In medicine, for example,
break. cobalt-60 is extensively employed as a
-Faults occur as a result of various types of radiation source to arrest the development
stress. of cancer.

Most Faults Have a Hanging Wall & Foot In a nuclear decay reaction, also called
Wall radioactive decay, an unstable nucleus
emits radiation and is transformed into the
The Hanging Wall is the one with the slope nucleus of one or more other elements.
on which you could hang.
The Foot Wall is the one with the slope on
which you could walk.
The type of fault is determined by the
motion of the Hanging Wall.

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