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Idea 1: A man who is going to die and has a large

sum of money which he needs to give away but he

doesn't want to die alone so he plays a game with
risk to try and give away his money and he also
kills someone for being too greedy. He has links
with the people in the past and they have all effect-
ed him.

Idea 2: Shows the different ideas of greed, such as

big companies needing large space and resources
and then showing school children
their desperation when their single mother is on
benefits and they are desperate and need food so
the kid steals food but he realizes its too easy so he
takes more, show it shows the perspective how
everyone is greedy.

Idea 3: The difference in money, someone who has

had an easy life with inheritance money from rich
parents and also then those who have nothing who
may also be happy . I could show the contrast be-
tween the rich and the poor and show how they
could both be happy in certain aspects of life.
My Final idea is about an eccentric billionaire who
made his money in investing smartly in the stock
market, He has been told that he has a week left to
live because he was diagnosed with a rare heart dis-
ease and he has no family or friends to have his
wealth and he is also scared of dying alone, so he
plays this game. He invites 4 people that may have
effected him in life and asks them all to take a mar-
ble out of this bag.

In the bag there are 50 marbles, 49 of them are

white, if you pull out a white marble you get £1 mil-
lion however there is 1 red marble and if you take
that one out, you get killed so then the billionaire
wont die alone.

In the end of the game the billionaire reads out

some words of wisdom before having a heart attack
and dying
Week 1
Research into films around playing for money illegally and ones displaying how music can change the
way a scene takes place. I will do this to formulate my test shoots.
Thursday/ Friday Codes and conventions research
I will look at the technical and narrative aspects of productions. I will use this research within my test
shoots and final production.
Week 2
Monday/ Tuesday
Continuation of genre and test shoots, these are to challenge my skills and focus on developing new
Target audience research, Ill use a variety of methods to gather information.
Week 3
All week
Planning, I need to complete script, character profiles, storyboard, location recces, crew list, auditions,
equipment list, sound list , contingency plan, production schedule, Lighting Plan.
Week 4
Out filming all week
Week 5
Filming and editing.
Week 6
Editing with multiple drafts
Week 7
Monday/ Tuesday
Pitch my concept to teachers and a group of students
Thursday Friday
Evaluate my final production.
Reykjavik Film Festival

The submissions for the Reykjavik International

Film Festival has started already whilst writing
this but they will end on July 6th and the festival
will commence on the 28th of September . The
guidelines for this film festival are minimal , The
short film has to be under 1 hour and can be of any
genre. They have to be in English or subtitled in
English. The cost for entry is 55 euros or £48.34 .

In the film festival , there is 1 main prize , the Gold-

en Puffin, It is to award the film that has the
"greatest discovery" .

They also have some other categories that can be

entered for example the "new visions" "open
seas" or "a different tomorrow " are some o the oth-
er headings your production could fit into.

My target Audience is 15-30 year old, Mostly male

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