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My Journey Through Our

Game Super Mathrio

This is my reflection paper and my journey through our game called
Super Mathrio,Our game is inspired by the game name Super Mario.

Our first choice of our game actually a spinning wheel our second
choice is a maze but before you can go to the maze you must answer a
lot of questions,and our last choice of game is super mario our teacher
suggest us the game super mario because it was easy.

Our preparation starts by how big is our board gonna be and how
many cardboards are we going to use to create our game and all the
materials that we're going to use to create our game while some of us
are in charge of bringing materials, some of us are supposed to back
ups, for example when our crepe paper run out our leader task me to
bought a new crepe paper so that we can continue designing, when
Venice was done printing the monsters and the characters that we
need for our game we cut the characters off the bond paper but making
sure that there we're a little bit white left, audrey was the one who
paste the monsters and characters in the illustration board and when
we're done with the board and the things that we need for our game
when we're done making the board and dividing it into 100 that's when
we decided to paste the monsters and characters on the board to mark
where will we put them after designing the board,but while we're still
making the grass to design the cardboard some of the monsters were
folded and we can't paste some of them in the board which cause us a
lot of trouble since we're still not done designing the board and the
program is coming close too,Audrey also task me to make some math
equation to put in our game I don't have to make a lot since Audrey
already make some math equation.
In our practice we actually only do it once since there was no time
for us to practice,our subject teacher got mad at us but it was for good
reason since we're still not done designing the board.It was also for a
valid reason since she really wanted to see how our game works so she
could give us an advice on to make our presentation better.

To be honest,when the International Math Day comes I was really

nervous to present our game since we only had a practice once when it
was time for us to present I got even more nervous since we were the
last group to present and I don't know what kind of question the judges
are gonna ask ,but when it was to announce the winner I already know
that we're going to be last but I kinda hope for us to be in 3rd place but
still we try our best.I was truly surprised when all of my group mates
started crying after the event and I was the only one in our group who
isn't crying so it was a very awkward moment for me.

The values that I have learn during my journey on our game is that
we need to have a time management,that's actually the reason why we
still haven't finish designing our board because we always left the board
here in school and even though we're here at school we still couldn't
finish designing our board,the second values I learn is being cooperative
all of us actually have a lot of ideas to add on our game but some of
didn't share they're ideas or was too scared to speak our own ideas.

In my acknowledgement I would like to thank you our subject

teacher for giving us ideas and advice on how to improve our game and
for giving us a chance to participate,I would also like to thank you my
group mates on being a reliable while making our game.

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