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ea} 13.435 fo hl a 1. Solve according to Example 4 and take help of the Answer Sheet. 19. . Take help of Example 2 and 4 and the Answer Sheet. . Solve according to the method given in Example 5. (c) 370420418 = 30,00,00,000 + 7,00,00,000 + 0 + 4,00,000 + 20,000 + 0 + 400 + 10 + 8 (Indian System) 370420418 = 300,000,000 + 7,00,00,000 + 0 + 400,000 + 20,000 + 0 + 400 + 10 +8 (International System) . Solve according to Example 6. . Solve according to Example 7. . We have three digits. To make a 7-digit number, we need 4 more digits. So we repeat some digits. The greatest number (repeat the greatest digit 9 here) = 99,99,973 The smallest number (repeat the smallest digit 3 here) = 33,33,379 |. We have four digits. To make a 7-digit number we need three more digits. So we repeat some digits. The greatest number (repeat the greatest digit 6 here) = 66,66,510 The smallest number (repeat the smallest digit after the second smallest digit) = 10,00,056 . Solve according to Example 10. . Solve according to Example 6. 10. 11. 12. 13. 18. Solve according to Example 5. Take help of the Answer Sheet. Solve according to Example 3 and take help of the Answer Sheet. to 17 : Take help of the Answer Sheet. We have been given three digits 3, 0 and 8. To make a 8-digit number we need five more digits. To make the smallest number we repeat the smallest digit. In this case repeat the smallest digit 0 after the second smallest digit 3. Thus the required smallest number = 3,00,00,008 The digit 7 at ones place has the same face value and place value = 7. EXERCISE 1.2 . Solve according to Example 12. (f) We can arrange the digits in a place value chart. Firt three digits are the same. But fourth digits are unequal. eaennneaw H-M T-M M H-Th T-Th Th H T O 3 0 5 0 4 8 15 6 3 0 5 1 4 8 15 6 The fourth digit 0 < 1. So 305048156 < 305148156 Note : Solve (a) to (e) as (f). . (a) Arrange the digits in a place value chart. C T-LL T-Th Th H TO 263 2 5109 265 3 2109 253 5 2109 hel. Same 5 <6 So, 2,53,52,109 is the smallest number. C T-L L T-Th Th HT O 263 2 5109 26 53 2109 Lv same same 5>3 So, 2,65,32,109 is the greatest number. Note : Solve (b), (c), (d) as (a). . Solve according to Example 13. . Arrange the numbers from the smallest to the greatest. . Arrange the numbers from the greatest to the smallest. Add 1 to each number. . Subtract | from each number. . greater. . Subtract 1. . Add 1. 1. Solve according to Example 14. . 48 x 12 litres = 48 x 12 x 1000 millilitres = 576000 ml . 1 kilometre = 1000 metre = 1000 x 100 centimetre = 1,00,000 cm 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. . and 5 : Add the numbers. . We add the two profits. Then subtract the loss from this sum. Profit in the first year = %5,44,30,057 Profit in the second year = + % 2,34,50,798 Total profit = %7,78,80,855 Loss in the third year = =—% 98,35,807 He has been left with = %6,80,45,048 . Subtract. . Number of days in a leap year = 366 Annual sale of milk = 366 x 3654 litres 3654 x366 21924 21924 10962 1337364 Anuual sale of milk = 13,37,364 litre . Multiply. 10. Divide. 11. Divide. 12.Divide. 13.Divide. 14. Subtract. 15. 16. 40 m= 40x 100 cm = 4000 cm, 2 m 15 om = 215 cm. Divide. She walks both ways — twice the distance = 2 x (1 km 575 m). Distance covered in 6 days = 6x 2 (1 km 575 m) 91=9 x 1000 ml = 9000 ml 9000 _ 225 5000 kg = 5000 x 1000 g; 11 kg 500 g = 11,500 g; divide. 1,00,000x 15 2 = 1500 g = 1 kg 500 1000 s § 8 Number of glasses, each of 225 ml capacity, filled 40 Total weight = 1,00,000 x 15 mg = Add; 9 kg 45 m= 4500 cm Divide by 2 m 25 cm = 225 cm, we get 20 (a) Distance from A to D = AB + BC + CD = 6468 m+ 5340 m+ 4286 m Distance from D to A= DC + CB + BA = 4286 m+ 5340 m+ 6468 m Add up to get 32,188 m (b) Distance from B to C = 5340 m; Distance from C to D = 4286 m Difference = 5340 m —4286 m = 1054 m EXERCISE 1.4 1., 3, 5 and 6; Solve according to Example 24. 13. . (e) If you round a given number to the nearest tens, you get 2700, guess it : We get one ten after rounding anyone of the numbers off 5 to 14. Following the above fact we get 2700 after rounding anyone of the numbers : 2700 — 5 = 2695 to 2700 + 4 = 2704. Solve (a) to (d) accordingly. . (e) If you round a given number to the nearest hundreds, you get 10,000, guess it : We get one hundred after rounding anyone of the numbers off 50 to 149. Following the above fact we get 10,000 after rounding anyone of the numbers : 10,000 — 50 = 9950 to 10,000 + 49 = 10,049. . Solve according to Example 25. . and 11 : Solve according to Example 27. . and 12 : Solve according to Example 29. 10. 14, and 13 : Solve according to Example 31. (b) We get 1000 after rounding anyone of the numbers 501 to 1499 off to the nearest thousands. Following the above fact we get 13,000 after rounding anyone of the numbers 12,501 to 13,499. For (a), (c), (d), (e) follow the method in (b) above. 13.135 fe hs . Solve according to the topic ‘Expanding Brackets’ on page 27 of the text book. (d) 18 x 245 = 18 x (200 + 40 + 5) = 18 x 200 + 18 x 40 + 18x 5 = 3600 + 720 + 90 = 4410 . to 11: Take help of the Answer Sheet. » (h) 591 = 500+ 90+ 1=D+XC+I=DXCI |. (j) MMMCM XCIX = MMM+CM + XC +IX= 3000+ 900+ 90+ 9=3999 12. CMXCIX + CMXCIX = (900 + 90 + 9) + (900 + 90 + 9) = 1998 = MCMXCVIII MM ~ CMXCIX = 2000 — (900 + 90 + 9) = 2000 — 999 = 1001 = MI 1. to 8 : Take help of the Answer Sheet. . Number of times the digit 1 occur between | and 100 in the following numbers, 10, 11, 12 ..... 19, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91 Counting the 1s we get nineteen Is digits (11 has two Is digits) 1. to 3 and 5 to 7 and 9 to 11 : Take help of the Answer Sheet. NAN Y= 12. 13. . (a) 1873 + 500 + 1127 = 1873 + 1127 + 500 = 3000 + 500 = 3500 (b) 2127 + 1124 + 953 + 776 =2147 + 953 + 1124 +776 =3100 + 1900=5000 . (a) 83 We use property of inverse operations. -106 4251 Ones column :3-1=2 (corresponding subtraction) tens column :6+5=11=1 hundred | ten (corresponding addition) hundreds column : 8-1-2 =5 (corresponding subtraction) thousands column :1+4=5 (corresponding addition) Thus the operation is 5813 -1562 4251 . (b) to (d). Solve accordingly. « 2,9, 10, 14 to 21 : Take help of the Answer Sheet. . Solve according to Example 5 . Solve according to Example 7 and 8 . Solve according to Example 6 . Solve according to Example 10 . Largest 4-digit number = 9999 Largest 3-digit number = 999 Product = 9999 x 999 = 9999 x (1000 - 1) = 9999 x 1000 - 9999 x 1 = 9999000 - 9999 = 99,89,001 . Money spent on all the tables and chairs = 125 x 675 + 125 x 325 = 125 (675 +325) = 125 x 1000 =%1,25,000 . Divide 10,000 by 35 to get quotient 285 and remainder 25. To divide the sum exactly we need 35-25 =10 more to be added to 10,000 Dividing 10,000 by 45 we get quotient 222 and remainder 10. To divide the difference exactly we subtract 10 from 10,000. 1 wo 10. . Smallest whole number is zero. An even number is divisible by 2. Zero is also divisible by 2. So zero is the smallest even whole number. EXERCISE « 20= 10x 2; 20=5 x 4; show two rectangles of 10 dots by 2 dots and 5 dots by 4 dots. . Triangle of dots : 6 dots + 5 dots + 4 dots +3 dots + 2 dots + 1 dot (21=64+5+4+3+4+2+1) Rectangle of dots : 7 dots by 3 dots (21 =7 x 3) . Square : 4 dots by 4 dots (16 =4x 4); Rectangle : 8 dots by 2 dots (16=8 x 2) . In the first column, numbers have a sequence of decreasing by 1 each time 9; 98; 987 and the fourth line also comes in this sequence 9876. In the second column 9 goes in all the four lines. In the third column, fourth line, 4 follows the decreasing numbers 7, 6, 5 in the first three lines. In the fourth column, first line has two (1 + 1) eights, second line has three (2 + 1) eights, third line has four (3 + 1) eights, so the fourth line should have (4 + 1) = five eights. Thus, 9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888 . Take help of the Answer Sheet. . In the first lines tens digit is 2 each in 25 x 25. On the right hand side it is followed by 2 and (2 +1) In the second lines tens digits is 3 each in 35 x 35. On the right hand side it is followed by 3 and (3 + 1). In the third lines tens digit is 4 each in 45 x 45. On the right hand side it is followed by 4 and (4 +1). Rest (x 100 + 25) is the same in all the lines. So, in the line 65 x 65 we write tens digit 6 and tens digit + 1 = (6 + 1) 65 x 65 =6 x (6x 1) x 100 +25 = 4225 Similarly, 95 x 95 = 9 x (9 + 1) x 100 + 25 = 9025 . (a) to (i) : put 9=10-1; 99=100-1; 999=1000-1 i) 86x (k) 236% () 224 1 . and 9 : Take help of the Answer Sheet. Triangular numbers are 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, ..... Square numbers are 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, ..... We see the smallest number 36 in both triangular and square numbers. So 36 can be shown as square and triangle of dots both. 1. 3 and 5: Take help of the Answer Sheet. . Solve according to example 1 and 2 (m) 2—[2—{2—(2-2-2)}] 2-[2-{2-(2-0)}] =2-[2-2-2}] =2-[2-0] =2-2=0 (0) 100+ [50+ {250+ 25—(32-24 + 6)+7}] = 100 + [50+ {250+ 25—(32-4)=7}] =100+[50+ {250+ 25-28 7}] =100+[50+ {10-4}] =100+[50+ 6] = 100+ 56=156 1. to 5, 8, 10 to 14 : Take help of the Answer Sheet. 15. . Even numbers have 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 at their ones place. Even numbers between 80 and 100 does not include 80 and 100. Even numbers between 80 and 100 are 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98 . First five multiples of 200 are 200 x 1, 200 x 2, 200 x 3, 200 x 4, 200 x 5 = 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 . (a) The greatest number of two digits = 99. But 99 is odd. The greatest even number of two digits = 99 — 1 = 98 (b) The smallest number of three digits = 100. It is even also. The smallest even number of three digits = 100 1 has only one factor, i.e. 1, (1x 1=1) 2 has two factors, 1 and 2 (1 x 2=2) 3 has two factors, 1 and 3 (1 x 3=3) 4 has three factors, 1, 2 and 4 (1 x 4= 4; 2 x 2 = 4) and so on. Therefore the number of numbers having exactly one factor is 1. Take help of the Answer Sheet. 1. to 9 : Solve according to Example 11 to 13. 3. (a) Smallest 4 digit number = 1000 It has 0 at ones place so it is divisible by 2. (b) Smallest 4-digit number = 1000 The sum of its digits =1+0+0+0=1 To make it divisible by 3, we add 2 at ones place. Smallest 4-digit number divisible by 3 = 1000 + 2 = 1002 (c) Smallest 4-digit number = 1000 It has 0 at ones place so it is divisible by 5. (d) Smallest 4-digit number = 1000 It has 0 at ones place so it is divisible by 2. But the sum of its digits = 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 1 so it is not divisible by 3. The next number divisible by 2 = 1002 whose sum of digits is 1+0+0+2=350 it is also divisible by 3. (c) Smallest 4-digit number = 1000 It has 0 at ones place so it is divisible by 5. But the sum of its digits = 1 +0 + 0 + 0 = 1 so it is not divisible by 3. The next number divisible by 5=1005 whose sum of digits is 1+.0+0+5=6s0 it is also divisible by 3. 10. Take help of the Answer Sheet. 11. (a) The digits 5, 4 and 6 can be arranged in six ways to form six different numbers : 546; 564; 465; 456; 654; 645. (b) (c) (d) : Take help of the Answer Sheet. (b) The sum of each number formed by the digits 5,4 and6=5+4+6=15 15 is divisible by 3 so each number is divisible by 3. (c) The sum of each number formed by the digits 5,4 and6=5+4+6=15 15 is not divisible by 9 so none of these numbers is divisible by 9. (d) The numbers formed by the digits 5, 4 and 6 are 546; 564; 465; 456; 654; 645. Out of these, the numbers having 6 and 4 at ones place are divisible by 2. These are 546; 564; 456; 654 The sum of the digits of each of these numbers is 5 +4+6=15 15 is divisible by 3 so each one is divisible by 3. Thus each of these numbers divisible by (2 x 3), that is, by 6 are 546; 564; 456; 654 ven Ak wD 14. 17. . Solve according to the factor trees shown above the exercise page of the text book. . Solve according to Example 14. » 10000 =2x2x2x2x5x5x5x5 . 9999=3x3x 11x 101 . In (a), 4 is not prime. In (b), 9 is not prime, In (c), all factors are prime. In (d), 1 is not prime. . In (a), all factors are prime. In (b), 1 is not prime. In (c), 8 is not prime. In (d), 9 is not prime. . 7=1x7 is not prime factorisation because | is not a prime number. . (a) All factors of 12 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 All factors of 18 = 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18 Common factors of 12 and 18 = 1, 2, 3,6 Solve (b), (c) and (d) accordingly. . Solve according to Example 15. . Solve according to Example 16 |. Solve according to Example 17 . First we subtract the remainder 5 from each of the given numbers 221-5=216 3771-5 =372 425-5=420 The greatest common divisor of 216, 372 and 420 is their HCF HCF of 216; 372 and 420 =2x2x3=12 21216, 372, 420 The greatest common divisor of 216, 372 and 420=12 2|108, 186, 210 . Solve according to Example 17. 3] 54, 93, 105 . and 8 : Take help of the Answer Sheet. 18, 31, 35 . Solve according to Example 19 and 20. . to 9 and 12 : Solve according to Example 22. 10. 13. and 11 : Solve according to Example 21. Solve according to Example 19 (Find the HCF of the numerator and denominator in each case.) to 16 : Take help of the Answer Sheet. length of the hall = 7 m 20 cm = 720 cm; breadth of the hall = 5 m 60 cm = 560 cm Find the HCF of 720 and 560 by continued division method. 10 18. wah wn 22. HCF = 80 Greatest length of the square tile = 80 cm First we find factors of 396 and 619 By divisibility test we find that 396 is divisible by 2, 3 and 11 but 619 is not divisible by any of them. Factors of 396 = 36x 11=2x2x3x3x 11 (a) 396 is divisible by 6 but 619 is not divisible by 6, so there will be a remainder. (b) 396 is divisible by 36 but 619 is not divisible by 36 so it will give remainder. (c) We can make other groups of factors by which 396 is divisible but 619 is not so it will give remainder. 13.435 fe eR: ) . Solve according to Example 23. . Solve according to Example 24. . Find HCF and LCM in each case. |. and 6 : Solve according to Example 25. . First we find the LCM of 26, 35 and 42. 2|26, 35, 42 LCM of 26, 35 and 42 = 2x 7x 13x 5x3 =2730 7113, 35,21 Greatest 4-digit number = 9999 Ts, 5,3) Divide 9999 by 2730 to find multiple of 2730 nearest to 9999 2730 ) 9999 (3 8190 1809 The number nearest to 9999 but less than 9999 (greatest of 4-digits) which is exactly divisible by 2730, that is, by 26, 35 and 42. = 1809 less than 9999 = 8190 . and 8 : Solve according to Example 26. . 10, 12 to 16 : Solve according to Example 28. 11. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Find the LCM of 42, 56 and 35 and add 5. and 23 : LCM of co-prime numbers is their product. If a number is a multiple of another number, the multiple is the LCM. Ifa number is a factor of another number, their LCM is the greater number. Other number is = (HCF x LCM) = one number HCF of two numbers is a factor of their LCM; that is, LCM is a multiple of HCF; 16 is multiple of 8. 8 divides 56 exactly, so 8 is a factor of 56, so their LCM is 56. 24. 11 LCM of 4 and 10 = 20, Seventh multiple of 20 = 20 x 7 = 140 EXERCISE 4.1 TO 4.4 Take help of the Answer Sheet. EXERCISE 5.1T0 5.5 Take help of the Answer Sheet. EXERCISE 6.1 . to 21 and 23, 24 : Take help of the Answer Sheet. 22. Temperatures are : —4,—7,—3,-1, 0, 1, -2 Lowest temperature = greatest number with negative sig. Highest temperature = greatest number with positive sign Difference = highest —lowest =1—(—7)=1+ 7 = 8°C 13.435 fe oy 1. to 6, 9 and 11 to 16 : Take help of the Answer Sheet. 17. 18. 19. . Highest point of the mountain = + 6611 m high Lowest point of the mine = 1233 m deep below sce level = -1233m high Vertical distance = 6611 —(— 1233) = 6611 + 1233 = 7844 m . Distance of the railway station from his house =—700m + 300m=—400m minus shows the direction south. 1+(1)=0;2+(2)=0,3 +(-3)=0,4+(4)=0 (a) 100 terms have s = 50 pairs of equal positive and negative numbers; (b) 101 terms have +51 in addition to the above; sum=0+0+.....0+51=51 A dolphin dived 100m =-100m dived another 55 m =~ 55m Present situation of the dolphin = (— 100 m) + (— 55 m) =- 155m 100 + (— 100) = 0; 100 + (— 100) = 0: (a) Sum of 100 terms =0+0+..... =0 (b) Sum of 101 terms has 100 in addition to above = 0 + 100 = 100 1. to 3 : Solve according to Example 7 to 10. . Subtract | from each : 12 20. 21. ANNE a a . Part of book read by Monika = 2. = (a) 1-1=0(b)0-1=-1(c)-3-1=-4(d)-10-1=-11 . (a) Blank =-7-12=-19 (b) Blank = -4-0=-4 (c) Blank =—54 -(—58)=4 (d) []=-23420=-3 . (0) 6 — (18) — (= 3) =-6 + 18 +3 =-6+21=15 (d) 28 — |(—3) — 12|= 28 -| - 15) = 28-15 = 13 . to 18: Add and subtract keeping the signs in mind. . Distance of Q from P = Situation of P — Situation of Q = 5 — (5) -I-1-I-15-4 1-100=—99 EXERCISE 7.1 AND 7.2 Take help of the Answer Sheet. EXERCISE 7.3 . and 2 : Solve according to Example 8. . Solve according to Example 10. . Solve according to Example 9. . 9 and 12 : Solve according to Example 12. . Solve according to Example 7. . 8, 10, 11 : Solve according to Example 9 and 10. . There are 2 cats. Multiply numerator and denominator of ; each by 2: ix2 =2 =1,1 Each cat will get i of pie. 2x2 4 4 4 4 12 (55teh}3 . 3and 7: Solve according to Rule of cross product page 137 of the text book. . Make equivalent fractions. . and 5 : Solve according to Example 13 and 14. . Solve according to Example 15. 50 1 100 2 Part of book read by Sonia = ; lL < i so Sonia read less. 4 2 (When the numerators are the same, the fraction having smaller denominator is greater.) 13 9. Numerator is the same. So the fraction ; having smaller . 5 . 3 denominator is greater than the fraction 0° Thus Ravi exercised for a longer time. 10. Fraction of first class students in class A = 2 -3 6 Sea oti A 20_4 Fraction of first class students in class B= 3575 By the rule of cross product, in 2 and : 5x5=25 4x 6=24 25> 24 so 354 6 5 There is more fraction of first class students in class A. 11. Numerators are the same. So the fraction with the smallest denominator < is the greatest. 444x544 _ 24 5 5 5 The number between 2 and 24 is 33 _ 43 EXERCISE 1. Solve according to Example 16. 2. (a) to (J) Solve according to Example 18. 12. om) 18424-1444 24142444 4-341 i 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 LCM of denominators 8 and 10 = 40 40+8=5 lies 5 8 8x5 40 40+10=4 tl ik4 4 10 10x4 40 3444434544255 544349 239 8 10 40 40 40 40 40 Solve 2 (n) and (0) accordingly. : 2,1 2+1_ 3 3. Total fraction of book John read on two days == + — == = 3 4. Total fraction of savings spent by Julie -; +4 14 . Total fraction of hour Meena jogged -l, 3 1x23 2_342_5 8 4x2 8 8 8 8 1 a1lx5, 1x4 8 10 8x5 10x4 5,4. 5+4_ 9 40 40 40 40 EXERCISE 7.6 . 2 (a) to (e) : Solve according to Example 20. . (f) to (I) : Solve according to Example 21. (m) to (0) : Solve according to Example 22 and 23. . Fraction of oranges left in the basket 3_1.3_1x5_3_5_3_5-3_2 515 ik5 555 5 5 . Mona still has to revise = +3 + | of the book 13.1 153 LCM of 5 and 3 =5x3=15 13 1_1x15_3x3_ 1x5 15 3 IxlS 5x3 3x5 15 9 5 _15-9-5 15 15 15 15 _15-14 1 “1s 15 . Distance walked by Nalini = = km 3 km 9 3x2_9 6 9-6 _ 3 —- = =— -— =— =—km 10 5x2 10 10 10 10 . Groundnuts left with Shashi 3 1 3x2, 1_6 1_5 =~kg-—kg= -i=2--="k 4 . 8 e x2 8 8 8 8 5 1. (a) to (f), (k) and (1) : Take help of the Answer Sheet. ~ (a) to (j) : Solve according to Example 5. (k) and (1) : Solve according to Example 3. 3 3x2 6 12. 12x2 24 ()==S = 06 © =e -F- 5 5x2 10 5 5x2 10 er aAme ve wn ke 15 () 3ta34 42343-3535 gi =23-B 15 22 °° 2x5 “10 2 2x5 10 8 4 » (a) 0.8 =— = == (085 25 1 b) 3.5= 1 ® 10 2 (0) 2.8=2+.8=24%=2 24 10 5 (d)84=8+.4=8+4 = 2 , , 10 5 ty! 5° 5 |. Solve according to Example 2. . Solve according to Example 1. . Take help of the Answer Sheet. . (a) shade 5 boxes (b) shade 8 boxes . Take help of the Answer Sheet. 13.435: 9 . Solve according to Example 8. . Solve according to topic ‘Expanded Form of Decimal Fractions’ on page 151 of the text book. . Solve according to Example 10. . Take help of the Answer Sheet. . Solve according to Example 12 . (a) 0.25= 25 25+25 1 100 100+25 4 44 6 100 100+4 25 ‘5 _15+25 _3 100 100+25 4 44:4 1 100 100+4 25 84 844 21 100 1004 25 5 535 1 1000 1000 (b) 0.24 = (c) 0.75= (d) 0.04 = (¢) 0.84 = (f) 0.005 = 200 125 _ 125+125 1 1000 1000+125. 8 (g) 0.125= 16 25 25+25 1 (h) 0.025 = =" "_ = _ 1000 1000+25 40 () 0075-75 -_75#25 _ 3 . 1000 1000+25 40 () 10.012=10+.012=10+ 2 = 104 #4 1943-10 1000 1000+4 250 250 . Solve according to Example 11. '. Solve according to Example 13. . Count tenths, hundredths, thousandths after the decimal point. . 1 tenth = 10 hundredths, so 3 tenths = 30 hundredths. 10. Equivalent decimal fractions are obtained by putting zero(es) after the right most place. tlk 4 (made the denominator 100) 25 25x4 100 om = te 25 100 earns 11. =1.04 12. 1.0 and 2.0 can be written as 1.00 and 2.00 with two decimal places. 1,59 The digit 5 can be at tenths place : 1.50, 1.51, 1.52, 1.55, .... The digit 5 can be at hundredths place : 1.05; 1.15, 1.25, 1.55, The number 1.55 occurs in both the lists. The total of numbers containing the digit 5 between 1.00 and 2.00 is 10+10-1=19 1. Solve according to Example 14. 2. and 3 : Solve according to Example 15. 1.95 4, L- PS 5 95 (4) 051>05 or 0si>t 2 2x5 10 2 5, 32325 _ 7 975 (a) 0.7<0.75 or 0.7<3 4 4x25 100 4 EXERCISE 8.4 Solve according to the Rules and Examples on page 156 and 157 of the text book. Also take help of the Answer Sheet. 1. To convert mm to cm, divide by 10: (a) 5 mm => em=0.5 em (6) 20 mm =22 em=2 em 10 10 (c) 8 cm 7 mm = 8.7 cm 2. To convert cm to m, divide by 100: ew Ane . Weight of apples = 2 kg 90 g = 2 kg 17 (a) 7em=—_m=0.07m () 247 em = 287 m= 2.47 m 100 100 . To convert m to km, divide by 1000 : (a) 9 m=—2— km = 0,009 km 1000 (b) 77 m = 0.077 km (c) 334 m= 0.334 km (4) 20 km 5 m= 20 km += km = 20.005 km (e) 20 km 47 m=20 km +4 km = 20.047 km 1000 . To convert g to kg divide by 1000 : (a)3g aah = 0.003 kg 100 b) 100 g=—— ky woh 01k (b) 100 g= i000 82 30 > 8 To convert ml to / divite by 1000: (a) 7ml=—1=0.0071 (b) 70 mt=—2 7271-0071 1000 100 (6) 1230 ml = 2239; — 123 7 4 93, 000/100! » (a) 2.4cem=2em+ .4cem=2cem+.4x 10mm=2 cm 4mm (b) 7.45 em=7m+.45m=7m+.45x 100 cm=7m45 cm (c) 7.04 km = 7 km + .04 km = 7 km + .04 x 1000 m= 7 km 40 m (d) 15.038 /= 15 / + .038 /= 15 1 + .038 x 1000 m/= 15 138 ml (e) 13.07 m= 13 m+ .07 m= 13 m+ .07x 100 cm= 13 m7 cm 258 . 258 em = — m=2.58m 100 8 . 6kg 8 g=6 kg +—— kg = 6.008 k BOE g 1000 8 g EXERCISE 8.5 . Solve according to Example 16 . 4and 5 : Solve according to Example 17 . to 10 : Solve according to Example 18 18 11. Weight of grapes = 1 kg 60 g= 1 kg + g = 1,060 kg 1000 350 Weight of mangoes = 2 kg 350 g=2kg+ F000 8 = 2.350 kg Total weight of fruits = 2.090 + 1.060 + 2.350 = 5.500 kg 2m5cem=2m+—-—m=2.05 m 100 Length of one piece = 435m Length of another piece =+2.05 m Total length of two pieces = 6.40m Total length of the ribbon = =10m= 10.00m Total length of two pieces Length of the remaining part = EXERCISE 9.1 TO 9.4 Solve according to the suitable examples and take help of the Answer Sheet. 1 tLe) ie os 1. Sum up the given lengths in each figure. . Side of the square = . (a) Length of side = . and 3 : Use the formula perimeter = 2 (length + breadth) . (a) Perimeter of the triangle = 10 cm + 12 cm+ 15 cem=37cm (b) Perimeter of the isosceles triangle = 9 cm + 9 cm + 8 cm=26 cm (c) Perimeter of the equilateral triangle = 3 x 13 em = 39 cm . Perimeter of the regular hexagon = 6 x 5 cm = 30 cm Perimeter _ 36m _ 4 4 9m . Length of the lace = perimeter = 2 x (length + breadth) 48 om _ 19 om (b) Length of side = so =1l6cm 48cm _ om (c) Length of side = . Length of fence = 4 x perimeter of the rectangular field = 4x 2x (length + breadth) =4x 2x (length + breadth) =4x2x (0.7 km + 0.5 km) =4x2x1.2km=9.6 km Length of wire needed = 9.6 km 10. 12. 13. 15. 19 Distance covered by Pinky in one round = Perimeter of the square = 4x length of a side =4x 85 m=340m Distance covered by Bob in one round = Perimeter of the rectangle = 2 x (length + breadth) =2x (105 m +75 m) =2x 180m=360m 360m > 340m Difference = 360 m— 340 m= 20m So Bob covers more distance and by 20 m. . Side of the square — =15m area _ 300m* length 50m Perimeter = 2 x (length + breadth) = 2 (50 m+ 6 m)=112m Area of the board = 8 mx 6 m= 48 m? Area of each square = 48 m? + 12=4 m? Breadth of the rectangle = =6m Side of the square = 2 m Perimeter of the square = 4x 2m=8m . Length of the wire = 3 x 8 cm = 24 cm . 24e Side of the regular octagon = = =30om Length of one round = Perimeter of the rectangular garden =2 (200 m+ 180 m) = 2x 380 m= 760m Number of rounds = 3800 m + 760 m= 5 . Perimeter of a rectangle = 2 x (length + breadth) If each side is halved Perimeter = 2 x ( ven + Seat) 2 =2x ( length + eet 2 = length + breadth 2 (length + breadth) = 100 cm length + breadth = 100 + 2 =50 cm 20 New perimeter = 50 cm Note : Area of a rectangle and square has also been taught is class 5. EXERCISE 10.2 Solve according to given examples. Also take help of the Answer Sheet. EXERCISE 10.3 1. Divide the figures into rectangles. Am hw 10. 11. 12. . (c) length = 2 m, breadth = 50 cm=0.5 m Area of the rectangle = length x breadth =2mx0.5 m=1msq. . Use the formula, area of the square = side x side |. Solve according to Example 3. . and 8 : Solve according to Example 10. . 2x (length + breadth) = Perimeter 2x (length + 20 m) = 100 m length + 20 m= 100 m+2=50m length = 50 m— 20 m=30m Area of the rectangular field = 50 m x 20 m= 600 m sq . Solve according to Q. 6 above. . Area of the floor = length x breadth =9.1mx 6.6m = 9.1 x 100 cm x 6.6 x 100 cm = 910 cmx 660 cm 13 946cm~x 660 cm 7ecom = 8580 cm = 85.80 m Cost of the carpet = % 20 x 85.80 =7 1716 Area of one tile = 10 emx 8 cm Area of the floor = 20 mx 16 m = 20x 100 cmx 16x 100 cm Number of tiles = 20% 100% 16% 100 _ 40,000 10x 8 1150 100 Length of carpet required = Cost = 40000x =F 4,60,000 Solve according to Example 8. Solve according to Q. 10 above. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. awn 21 Width = area + length = 300 cm + 50 cm=6 cm length = twice its width Width = length + 2=10cem+2=5 cm area = 10 emx 5 em= 50 cm? (a) New area = (2 x side) x (2 x side) = 4 x (side)* Area becomes 4 times. side side _ (side)? 2 2 4 Area becomes one-fourth. (c) New area = (3 x side) x (3 x side) = 9 x (side)* Area become 9 times. (b) New area = Area of 5 square flower beds = 5 x 1.2 mx 1.2 m=7.2 m? Area of the piece of land = 4.8 mx 4.2 m= 20.16 m? Area of the remaining part of land = 20.16 — 7.2 = 12.96 m* Length = 40 cm = .4 m, width = 25 cm= .25m Area of 4 glass panes = 4x .4mx.25m=.4m? Area of the door = 2.05 mx 1.1 m= 2.255 m? Area of the wood = 2.255 m? —.4 m? = 1.855 m? 1 (5S Col I) i . Solve according to Example 1. . to 4: Solve according to Example 2. . Solve according to Example 4. . We do not know Sarah’s or Raja’s age exactly in constant fixed numbers. It may have any value. (a) Let Raja’s age be x years. x is a variable. Sarah’s age = Raja’s age + 4 years = (x + 4) years (b) Let Sarah’s age be y years. y is a variable. Raja’s age = Sarah’s age — 4 years = (y — 4) years . to 10 : Take help of the Answer Sheet. 33 eS ae . Perimeter of an equilateral traingle = Sum of the lengths of its three equal sides =3x/=31 . Perimeter of a regular pentagon = Sum of the lengths of its five equal sides =5x/=51 A cube has 12 edges. Total length of all the edges of a cube = 12x /= 127 22 . Diameter of a circle = twice its radius d=2xr=2r . Area of a rectangle = length x breadth a=Ixb=lb . Perimeter of a regular hexagon = Sum of the lengths of its six equal sides =6x/1=61 . Radius of a circle = half of its diameter ret xed 2 2 EXERCISE 11.3 1. 2 and 5: Take help of the Answer Sheet. . We add, subtract, multiply and divide y and 7, only one number operation one time. ythy-1.1-y. I 42 Ty [7 +y =y +7 so we did not write 7 + y] . We do only two different number operations one time. 3x+10, 10x-+3, 3x—10, 10r—3,2+ 10, +3510, 3, 3410, 143, 3.103 10 349, 0-3 x x We may include the expressions doing one number operation one time. . Solve according to Example 9. EXERCISE 11.4 1. 2: Take help of the Answer Sheet. . Length of the rectangular hall = 6 times its height =6xh= 6h metres Breadth of the rectangular hall = 15 metre less than the length = length — 15 metres = 6h — 15 metres |. Distance travelled by the train in 4 hours = 4 x x km = 4x km Distance from Delhi to Dehradun = Distance travelled in 4 hours + 30 km = 4x km + 30 km = (4x + 30) km . (a) The number of dots is 12 times the number of rows. (b) The number of marbles in the box is 4 times the number of marbles on the table. 23 (c) The cost of a pencil is twice the cost of an eraser. . Age in the future will be more. So (y + 4) indicates Peter’s age in the future. Age in the past was less. So (v — 4) indicates Peter’s age in the past. . Let Rani’s age is x years. Mother’s age = 3 times Rani’s age + 5 years =3xx+5=(3x+5) years . Length of the field = twice its breadth + 10 m =2xb+10=(2b+10)m EXERCISE 11. . Solve according to Example 12. 2. Put several values for x and find if x + 7 = 12. . Put several values for z and find ify =3. |. Solve according to Example 13. . (a) to (g), 6, 7 : Solve according to Example 14. (h) 2x+3=9 => &+3-3=9-3 => &=6 > x_6 => x53 2 2 (i) Sy-2=18 => Sy-242=18+2 Sy _ 20 => 5y=20 > == => y=4 55 => ~-14+1=341 5 => 724 => 2x5=4x5 5 5 => x=20 (k) 3p-15=0 => 3p-15+15=0415 3p 15 3p=15 > === > =5 P 33 P () 2-12-05 2~12412=0+12 6 6 ai=2 > Ex 6=12x6 => y=? . (a) Number of day in a week = 7 Let the required number be x. 24 Count up 7 from x = 23 > x+7=23 > x+7-7=23-7 > x=16 (b) A square has 4 corners. Let the required number be x. Add thrice the count of the corners to x = 34 x+3x4=34 > x+12=34 > x+12-12=34-12 > x=22 141; Cei ki 2 1. and 3 : Take help of the Answer Sheet. 11. . Solve according to example 1. |. Number of days in one ordinary year = 365 days Ratio of the number of holidays to the number of days in one ordinary year = 146 days : 365 days. 146days _146+73 _2_ = ===2:5 365days 365+73 5 . Take help from the Answer Sheet. . to 9: Solve according to Example 3. 10. (a) Ratio of the number of girls to the total number of students = 2300 : 4320 = 2300 _ 230020 15 _ 115:216 4320 4320+20 216 (b) Number of boys = Total number of students — number of girls = 4320 — 2300 = 2020 Ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls = 2020 : 2300 = 2020 _ 2020 20 _ 101 =101:115 2300 =2300+20 115 (c) Ratio of the number of boys to the total number of students = 2020 : 4320 = 2020 _ 20205 20 _ 101 4320 4320+20 216 (a) Age of father 5 years ago = 40 — 5 = 35 years Age of son 5 years ago = 10-5 =5 years Ratio of the age of the father to the age of the son 5 years ago 35years 3525 7 = 35 years : 5 years = » x Syears 525° 1 (b) Age of father after 10 years = 40 + 10 = 50 years Age of son after 10 years = 10 + 10 = 20 years 12. 13. 14. 16. 20. 21. 22. 25 Ratio of the age of the father to the age of the son after 10 years SO years years _ 5 05 _55 20years = 21 = 50 years : 20 years = 0 2 . 1 3 7 11_ 7x2 11_ 14,11 Copper : tin= 3g: 2 g=—-:—=—=:—=— == PP 284s 24 ond 4 4 Solve according to Example 6. and 15 : Solve according to Example 4. to 19 : Take help of the Answer Sheet. 14:11 6:25=8;5:20-> 25 20 Make equivalent fractions so as to have a common denominator 6 6x4 24. 5_ 5x5 _ 25 25. 24 5.6 25 25x4 100’ 20 20x5 100° 100° 100 ° 20 25 Thus section B has a better record of first class marks. 2 kg = 2000 g Sum of the terms of the ratio = 5 + 12 +3 = 20 Weight of tomatoes = = x 2000 g = 500g . 2 Weight of potatoes = +" 2000 g = 1200 g Weight of onions = = x 2000 g = 300g The son will be 20 years old after 20 — 10 = 10 years Age of the father after 10 years = 30 + 10 = 40 years Ratio of the father’s age to the son’s age after 10 years = 40 years : 20 years = 2:1 EXERCISE 12.2 1. to 3 : Solve according to Example 7. |. Solve according to Example 8. (b) 200 ml : 2.5 litre = 200 ml : 2.5 x 1000 ml 200m! _ 200+100_ 2 _,. 2500m! 2500100 25 & 40% 500 240 _ 405 20 _ 2 4.95 500 500+20 25 Since the two ratios are equal, therefore, the given ratios are in proportion. Middle term are 2.5 litre and % 40. Extreme terms are 200 ml and & 500. = 200 ml : 2500 ml = 26 5. Let the fourth term be x. Then the proportion is 35::45::63:x Writing the unknown term first, First term x Fourth term = second term x third term 35x x= 45 x 63 45x 63 x= 35 =81 6. Writing the unknown term first, second term x third term = first term x fourth term 28 x third term = 20 x 49 t third term = a 4“ =35 1. 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 and 14 : Solve according to Example 10 (a). 3. 4,7, 10, 12 and 15 : Solve according to Example 11. 2. 1 year = 12 months; Quantity asked is rupees, so we start our sentence from the other quantity, months. Rent for 3 months = = 7500 Rent for | month ae Rent for 12 months =*/90 1 = 30,000 13. Quantity asked is number of screws, so we start our sentence from the other quantity, days. In 3 days, number of screws produced = 3750 In 1 day, number of screws produced = 3150 In 20 days, number of screws produced = 3750 x 20 = 25,000 EXERCISE 13.1 1. 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9 : Take help of the Answer Sheet. 2. Draw yourself. AMNwn = 27 . (b) The figure without details may look symmetrical. But its details make it clearly non-symmetric. . (a) Capital letters of English having vertical lines of symmetry are : A, M, T, U, V, W, Y, H, IX Versatile styles of written and printed letters may or may not have symmetry. Some mathematicians do not accept the letter I as having vertical symmetry because they consider this letter more of a single vertical line and how cana single vertical line have a further vertical line of symmetry. (b) Capital letters of English having horizontal lines of symmetry are : B, C, D, E, K, H, I, X There are many styles of writing letters like B and K. Then they may or may not be symmetrical. (c) Capital letters of English having no line of symmetry are : F,G, LN, P, QR 8, Z EXERCISE 13. . Draw according to Example 3. . Draw according to Example 4. . and 4 : Draw yourself. . The picture of a butterfly apparently has one line of symmetry. . (a) Letter V has one vertical line of symmetry Letters X, H and O have two lines of symmetry each. . (a) (b) and (c) : Isosceles triangle, semi-circle and Isosceles trapezium have one line of symmetry each. (d) A rectangle has two lines of symmetry. . Draw one vertical line of symmetry in each (a), (c) and (d) Draw one horizontal line of symmetry in (b) . (a) Draw one vertical and one horizontal line of symmetry. (b) Draw four lines of symmetry as in a square. (c) Draw one vertical line of symmetry. (d) Draw one vertical and one horizontal line of symmetry. EXERCISE 14.1 TO 14.6 Draw yourself. Take help of the Examples and Methods given in the text book.

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