Ajp Model Que

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Subject Code:3360701

Subject Name:Advance Java Programming

Model question list with respect to GTU Examination(for reference

Unit - 1 1. Explain <applet> tag with its necessary attributes
2. Write a short note on Applet life cycle.
3. Explain types of applet.
4. Discuss advantages and limitations of an applet.
5. Give difference between applet and application.
6. Refer lab manual programs.

Unit -2 1. Explain AWT (Button/choice/list….etc) control with suitable

2. Write a short note on delegation event model.
3. Explain the difference between swing and AWT.
4. Describe MOUSEEVENT and MOUSELISTENER interface
with example.
5. Enlist various Events and explain any one in detail.
6. Explain Frame class with example.
7. Refer lab manual programs.
Unit -3 1. Write downs steps for Java Database Connectivity(JDBC).
2. List JDBC Driver. Explain any one in details.
3. Explain components of JDBC API.
4. Refer lab manual programs(non GUI).

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