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3.3.9 Safety lighting Safety lighting is required in the following envi + group 1 and group 2 medical locations; exit routes and safety exits, including tre asso- ciated safety signs; boards, production system sources; rooms with essential services, such as elevator machinery, kitchens, air conditioning stations, data processing centres, Safety lighting must enter into operation within the times specified by the standard (table 37). Safety lighting must be guaranteed via central- ized systems (batteries or electricity-generating Units) or by means of autonomous devices, indi- vidually equipped with a battery with an auton- ‘omy of at least 2 hours. ‘The table specifies the tripping time delays for the safety power supply required by the standard in relation to the type of medical premises. Type of premises Interruption 055 Interruption = 155 Massageroom © Hospital accommodation rooms ° Detivery room “ “ ECG, EEG, EHG, EMG room ° Endoscopy oom e © ‘Outpatient departments ° Urology room * Radiology and radiotherapy diagnostic rooms * Hyeretherapy room * Physiotherapy room ° ‘Anaesthesia room = = Room for surgery « © ‘Operation preparation room # * Surgical plasterroom - * Post-operative waking room # = Room fr applications of cardiac catheters “ ° [Angiographic and haemodynamic analysis room e ° Haemoctalysis room “ “ Magnet resonance room (MR) ° Premature infant room - * () only for group 1 medical locations. @ Lighting devices and electromedical devices with a life support function that require a power supply within 0.5 s or less.

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