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Production schedule:

Week 1 -

Monday/Tuesday: Contents/Topic

Research into mockumentaries. The aim of this research is to be able to portray the storyline
in a way that is convenient for a documentary.

Thursday/Friday: Codes and Conventions research

I will look at the technical and narrative aspects of productions when it comes to video
analysis. I will use this research to formulate my test shoots.

Week 2 -

Monday/Tuesday: Continuation of genre and test shoots. With the test shoots, I'll take my
research for the codes and conventions and I'll practice the conventional techniques used.

Thursday/Friday: Target audience research. I will use a variety of primary research methods to
gather information on what different audiences want to see.

Week 3 -

All week: This week will be doing scriptwriting, character profiles, storyboards, location
recces, crew list, auditions, equipment list, sound lists, contingency plan, production
schedules, and lighting plan. and by the end of the week, I'll have at least a script and location

Week 4 -

All week: FIlming. I would like to get the majoraty of my filming done by the end of this week.

Week 5 -

All week: Filming and editing. I want all filming will be done by the end of this week including
any reshoots needed.

Week 6 -

All week: Editing

Week 7 -
Monday/Tuesday: Oner these days, all students will be pitching their productions to a group
of students, and the teacher marking. I'll be practicing the pitch over the half term. Making
sure I'm linking to research and test shoots.

Thursday/Friday: EVALUATION

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