Упражение English (прямая, непрямая речь)

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Відновіть пряму мову в реченнях:

1. Jane told me that she had seen Mary that day. (Past Perfect->Present
2. Mother told me not to be late for dinner. (not to be-> don`t be)
3. Helen told Pete she had played chess with her father the day before. (Past
Perfect-> Present Perfect)
4. She asked me if I was going to the concert that night. (Past Continuous-
>Present Continuous + the day before-> yesterday)
5. Prince John asked Locksley why he was shouting. (Past Continuous-
>Present Continuous)

Перетворіть пряму мову на непряму:

1. Jack said to me, “Come at nine o’clock, I will be free at that time and we
will have a nice cup of coffee.” (will->would) (Modal Verbs)
2. Nina said to her friend, “What did the professor speak about in his
lecture?” (Past Simple->Past Perfect)
3. “Don’t be afraid, Nick,” said his grandfather. “This dog is very clever
and it won’t do you any harm.” (not to be-> don`t be + Present
Continuous-> Past Continuous + will->would)
4. “Will the teacher return our exercise books today?” asked Nick. (will-
>would + today->that day)
5. “Where have you put my book, Mary?” said Tom. “I cannot find it.”
(Present Perfect-> Past Perfect + can->could)

Відновіть пряму мову в реченнях:

1) Jane said to me, “I have seen Marry today”.
2) Mother said to me, “Don`t be late for dinner”.
3) Helen said Peter, “I have played chess with your father yesterday”.
4) She asked to me, “Are you going to the concert tonight”.
5) Prince John asked Locksley, “Why is he shouting”

Перетворіть пряму мову на непряму:

1) Jack said me that he would be free at nine o`clock and we would have a
nice cup of coffee.
2) Nina asked her friend what had the professor spoken about in his
3) Grandfather said Nick not to be afraid because that dog was very clever
and it wouldn`t do him any harm.
4) Nick asked me if the teacher would return our exercise books that day.
5) Tom asked Mary where had she put his book and added that he
couldn`t find it.

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