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Course Code: 3360704

Course Name: Mobile computing and Application Development

CO1 Illustrate generations of mobile communication and GSM architecture
CO2 Summarize android application Structure
CO3 Execute operations on GUI objects like push button, text box, padding

Sr No Questions Marks Level CO

Q-1(a) Explain satellite communication in detail. 05 R CO1
 A satellite is an object that revolves around another object.
 A communication satellite is a microwave repeater station in a
space that is used for telecommunication, radio and television
 A communication satellite processes the data coming from one
earth station and it converts the data into another form and send it
to the second earth station.

 The satellites receive and retransmit the signals back to earth

where they are received by other earth stations in the coverage
area of the satellite.

 Satellite's footprint is the area which receives a signal of useful

strength from the satellite.
 The transmission system from the earth station to the satellite
through a channel is called the uplink.

 The system from the satellite to the earth station through the
channel is called the downlink.

 Uplink and downlink frequencies must be different to avoid
 Higher frequency results in higher attenuation and to compensate
with it more power is required.
 So, uplink uses higher frequency to penetrate the environment.

Q-1(b) What is tunneling? Explain tunneling in detail. 05 U CO1

 It is used to forward IP datagrams from a home address to care-of

 Once a mobile node is registered with a home agent, the home
agent must be able to intercept IP datagrams sent to the mobile
node’s home address so that these datagrams can be forwarded via
 The home agent needs to inform other nodes on the same network
that IP datagrams with a destination address of the mobile node
should be delivered to this agent.
 To forward an IP datagram to a care of-address, the home agent
puts the entire IP datagram into an outer datagram by making
encapsulation as shown in following figure.

Q-1(c) List out the different component of GSM architecture and explain VLR 05 R/U CO1
and AUC in detail.

Following are the component of GSM archietecture

1. BSC
2. BTS
3. MS
4. MSC
5. HLR
6. VLR
7. AUV
8. EIR
9. OMC


 The VLR associated to each MSC is a dynamic database which

stores all important information needed for the MS users currently
in the LA that is associated to the MSC.

 If a new MS comes into an LA the VLR is responsible for, it

copies all relevant information for this user from the HLR.

 This hierarchy of VLR and HLR avoids frequent HLR updates and
long-distance signaling of user information.

Authentication centre (AuC):

 AuC has been defined to protect user identity and data

 The AuC contains the algorithms for authentication as well as the
keys for encryption and generates the values needed for user
authentication in the HLR.

Q-2(a) Explain native Libraries from android architecture. 05 R,U CO2

Following are different library which one is supported as native library in

android architecture.

1. SQLite – It provides various classes used for database

2. WebKit – It is a web browser engine used to display internet
3. SSL – It provides internet security.
4. OpenGL – It is a Java interface to the OpenGL ES 3D graphics
rendering API.
5. SGL- Scalable graphics library used to support 2D graphics in
6. Free type- this library supports fonts in android

7. Lib c- support the native c library

Q-2(b) Discuss Android virtual device in detail. 05 U CO2

The Android emulator is an Android Virtual Device (AVD), which

represents a specific Android device. We can use the Android emulator as
a target device to execute and test our Android application on our PC. The
Android emulator provides almost all the functionality of a real device.
We can get the incoming phone calls and text messages. It also gives the
location of the device and simulates different network speeds. Android
emulator simulates rotation and other hardware sensors. It accesses the
Google Play store, and much more esting Android applications on
emulator are sometimes faster and easier than doing on a real device. For
example, we can transfer data faster to the emulator than to a real device
connected through USB.

The Android emulator comes with predefined configurations for several

Android phones, Wear OS, tablet, Android TV devices.

We can configure the AVD by specifying the hardware and software

options. AVD manager enables an easy way of creating and managing the
AVD with its graphical interface. We can create as many AVDs as we
need, based on the types of device we want to test for. Below are the steps
to create an AVD from AVD manager graphical interface

1. Go to Window ->AVD Manager and select Virtual Devices.

2. Click on New to create a Virtual Device, give it some Name and
select Target Android Platform from the drop down list
3. Click “Create AVD” .
Q-2(c) List out features of Android. 05 R CO2
As an open source and freely available software, manufacturers and
developers do customization as per their needs, so there are no specific
hardware and software configurations required for Android. Android itself
offers some features as below,

1. Storage : Uses SQLite, a light weight relational database

storage for data storage (really helpful when limited mobile
memory storage is to be considered).
2. Media Support : Include support for large number of media
formats for Images, Audio as well as for Video, like: H.263,
3. Messaging : Both SMS and MMS are supported.
4. Web Browser : Based on Open Source WebKit, now known as
5. Connectivity : Supports large group of networks like:
LTE and WiMAX.
6. Hardware Support : Accelerometer Sensor, Camera, Digital
Compass, Proximity Sensor & GPS and a lot more.
7. Multi-Touch : Supports multi-touch screen.
8. Multi-Task : Supports application multi-tasking.
9. Flash Support : Supports Flash.
10. Tethering : Supports sharing of Internet as wired or wireless
hot spots.

Q-3(a) Define android layout. Explain any two android layouts in detail. 05 R/U CO3

Android Layout is used to define the user interface which holds the UI
controls or widgets that will appear on the screen of an android
application or activity.

 Android LinearLayout organizes elements along a single line. We

can specify whether that line is vertical or horizontal
using android:orientation.
 The orientation is horizontal by default.

 A vertical LinearLayout will only have one child per row (so it is a
column of single elements).

 horizontal LinearLayout will only have one single row of elements

on the screen.

 Following is exmpale of linear layout with orientation =”vertical”

Relative layout

Enables you to specify the location of child objects relative to each other
(child A to the left of child B) or to the parent (aligned to the top of the

Q-3 (b) Write an android program for addition of two number.(Write JAVA code 05 A CO3
only & consider no1=10, no2=2)

1. public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

3. @Override
4. protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
5. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
6. setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);
7. Integer no1, no2;
8. Integer no3;
9. No1=10;
No3 = int.parseint(no1) + int.parseint(no2);
10. //Displaying Toast with Hello Javatpoint message
11. Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"Additon of two number "
+ int.parseint(no3),Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
12. }
13. }
Q-3 (c) What is intent? Explain different types of intent. 05 R,U CO3

 Android Intent is the message that is passed between components

such as activities, content providers, broadcast receivers, services
 It is generally used with startActivity() method to invoke activity,
broadcast receivers etc.
 it can be described as the intention to do action.

Android supports two types of intents:

1. Explicit
2. Implicit

1. Implicit Intent

When the application does not name a target component, that it is an

implicit intent.

1. Intent intent=new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);

2. intent.setData(Uri.parse(""));

2. Explicit Intent

When an application defines its target component in an intent, that it is an

explicit intent.
Intent i = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), ActivityTwo.class);


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