Project Reading Habit Final

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Department of Education

Caraga Administrative Region

Division of Agusan del Sur
Loreto East District Proj
San Vicente, Loreto, Agusan del Sur t
School ID : 317446


(Reading Enhancement Activity to Develop and Intervene Good READING HABIT)
Slogan: “Kabataan magbarasa karon para buwas-damlag magmalambuon.”

In our context, reading problem is rampant among students in both indigenous and
marginalized groups. This dilemma is perennial until established reading interventions were
initiated. One of the stories that my colleague has encountered related to reading performance
of our student goes in an excerpt: “Long,ano gani pagbasa kani? (pointing a line in the
reading material)”[Start each day with a grateful heart.](Student’s response)[Es-tar-ty i-ak
die wit a gra-ti-pool hirt].This single scenario is alarming that could be manifested by many
of our learners.
In the onset of school year 2020-2021, San Vicente National High School has
identified and recorded 82 out of 303 slow readers across grade levels. The rise of the latter
gives birth to this reading program with inclusion of 2I’s “Intervention and Instruction”
aiming to develop love in reading.
This endeavour encompasses 5 reading sub-projects namely: Barasahon, Sugilanon,
Kasilow, and Localized travelogue which were successfully implemented with sustainability.
In consonance to DepEd order 173 s.2019, Project READING Habit features the 3B’s
manifestation, Bawat Bata Bumabasa. In this time of pandemic, face to face modality is
prohibited but this is not the hindrance to continue offer reading opportunities among
learners. Hereafter, the continual implementation of this project will produce life-long readers
and quality assured graduates. As part of our reading campaign, we wish to hear this line
from our products “I will no longer use TAMLA” – denoting to eradication of illiteracy.


Intervention and Instruction
 Project Barasahon – Grade 7 and Grade 8
 Project Kasilow – Grade 9
 Project Sugilanon – Grade 10 and 11
 Localized Travelogue – Grade 11
San Vicente National High School foresees a future where all children in the said
institution have the knowledge, reading skills, and opportunities necessary to reach their full
potential. The school also envisions an inclusive and equitable atmosphere for all children
providing literacy skills and opportunities to learn.


San Vicente National High School’s mission is to:

1. help children become lifelong readers.
2. provide positive, vibrant and inspiring environment where students are valued and
encouraged to enhance reading abilities.
3. give opportunity for parents and other stakeholders to capacitate themselves as co-
implementers of the program.
4. improve and offer quality assured contextualized and indigenized supplementary
reading materials.

The Problem and Its Setting(reading profile of learners for 2018-2019, 2019-2020)
San Vicente National High School has identified and recorded 82 out of 303 students as
slow readers across grade levels. The rise of the latter gives birth to this reading program with
inclusion of 2I’s “Intervention and Instruction.” Our school is a small school situated in a
plateau with a heightened desire to inculcate mastery of literacy and numeracy skills among
all students.
Despite the pandemic, the teachers are able to establish a safe conduct of pre-oral reading
test in which the result showed valid and reliable data as to the reading proficiency of our
Having a determination to give remedy on the reading problem of our learners, the
teachers of San Vicente National High School crafted the Project READING HABIT
(Reading Enhancement Activity to Develop and Intervene Good READING HABIT).

Program Description

Project READING HABIT (Reading Enhancement Activity to Develop and Intervene

Good READING is a reading program that serves as boat of knowledge enabling the
students to be rescued from drowning due to reading inability. This project is the mother of
all reading initiatives conducted by the school.
In our context, reading problem is rampant among students in both indigenous and
marginalized sectors. This case is constant until established reading interventions were
In the onset of school year 2020-2021, San Vicente National High School has identified
and recorded 82 out of 303 students across grade levels who are slow readers. The rise of the
latter gives birth to this reading program with inclusion of 2I’s “Intervention and Instruction.”
In order to identify students’ reading progress, the sub-projects were carefully formulated,
quality assured and implemented with proper monitoring using the school’s customized tool.

 Guiding Principles and Theories

With the eagerness to make every child a lifelong reader, San Vicente National High
School anchored the following guidelines and theories as the Project Reading Habit was

1. DO 173 s. 2019. Hamon: Bawat Bata Bumabasa (3Bs initiative); Strengthening Every
Child a Reader Program (ECARP)
2. The Bahaviorist Theory. The Bottom-up view
The Bottom-up approach focuses on solving the smaller problems at the fundamental
3. The Cognitivist Theory. The Top-down view
The Top-down approach focuses on breaking down a big problem into smaller and
understandable chunks.
Conceptual Framework

Provide supplementary reading materials that enhance learners' ability in reading and
comprehension skills.
Guide and assist learners in reading.

Help teachers to monitor the implementation of the project in reading in their own
Parents and other

Functionally literate individual

Lifelong learners
Quality graduates
Students Commendable readers


General Objectives

With the projected problem and identified number of non-readers in our school, Project
READING Habit is purposely crafted to:

1. help students achieve basic and more advance skills in reading;

2. develop mastery of reading skills among the students;

3. inculcate to the leaners the love of reading through implementing varied reading
enhancement activities;

4. enhance student’s comprehension skills by providing meaningful and motivating


5. encourage teachers to craft more quality assured contextualized (localized or indigenized)

reading materials;

6. sustain the reading program for continuous improvement of learners’ reading capacity;

7. strategize the implementation of reading monitoring tool mechanism;

8. promote a strong, supportive partnership between home and school and the wider

9. achieve sustainable support from the stakeholders and other partners; and
10. support in the school’s campaign “NO LONGER A TAMLA”.

Specific Objectives per Key Stage

Key Stage 1
To help students achieve the basic skills in reading by conducting reading tests,
implementing reading interventions and fostering the love in reding
Key Stage 2
The students must generate positive attitude towards the reading process through
changing bad reading habits into a good one.

Key Stage 3
They can able to change their reading weakness into strength by showing mastery in
the expected produce like commendable reading and comprehension skills.

Key Stage 4
Students become aware of learning techniques which can enable them to become
more successful in real life learning situations as they able to interpret reading texts correctly,
create own texts in both creative and professional writing actively.

Reading Competencies (List of Least Learned Competencies)

Grade 7

1st quarter
Use appropriate reading strategies to meet one’s purpose (e.g. scanning, skimming, close
reading, etc.).
2nd Quarter
Summarize key information from a text.

3rd Quarter
React to what is asserted or expressed in a text.

4th Quarter
Compose an informative essay.

Grade 8
1st Quarter
Determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by noting
context clues.

2nd Quarter
Recognize positive and negative messages conveyed in a text.

3rd Quarter
Use parallel structures.

4th Quarter
Compose effective paragraphs.

1st Quarter
Express permission, obligation, and prohibition using modals.

4th Quarter
React to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand sound analysis and call for prompt

1st Quarter
Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers, titles, non-linear illustrations,
etc. on the understanding of a text.

4th Quarter
Observe correct grammar in making definitions.

Evaluate a written text based on its properties (organization, coherence and cohesion,
language use and mechanics).

Uses knowledge of text structure to glean the information he/she needs.



A. Convergence of Key players

a. Conduct faculty face to face meeting with strict observance to safety health
c. Write a memorandum regarding the concerns
b. Document all activities with letter, attendance, minutes and pictures

B. Assess the needs

 These are the things to be done?
 a.Identify the problem by conducting ROOTCAUSE ANALYSIS or FISHBONE
a. Find the solution to the identified problems
b. Create action plan
c. Work with the mission
d. Conduct assessment periodically as pre-test, mid-test, and post-test with the use of
appropriate learning materials.

C. Create Program Partnership

 The teachers are the implementer of this program.

a. Crafting contextualized and indigenized reading materials.
b. Guide and assist students in reading.

 School’s Validating Team with the School Head

a. Critiquing and evaluating the crafted reading materials to ensure quality assured

 Parents
a. Help the teachers to guide and assist the students in reading process.

 The SSG officers and members together with the Church youth leader
a. Conduct reading activity to the identified slow readers of San Vicente National
High School.

 Partnership with the stakeholders

D. Design the Program

 Preparation of assessment tools such as pre-test, mid-test and post-test based on the
reading materials.
 Preparation of the reading materials like Barasahon, Sugilanon, Contextualized
Tandawan, and Kasilow.
 Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil-IRI)Manual


A. Conduct of Assessment
 Conduct assessment periodically as pre-test, mid-test, and post-test with the use of
appropriate learning materials.
 The school conduct assessment to all learners from grade 7-12 using the appropriate
assessment tool.
 Submission of consolidated reading reports.
 Conduct reading intervention activities.
 Conduct reading enhancement activities.

 Conduct remediation and intervention activities such as home visitation, virtual
reading, and peer tutoring with one of the family members as more knowledgeable
others (MKO).
 Implementation of strategies learned from PRIMALS and Literacy Instruction.
 Establishing a reading nooks in their respective homes
 Creating virtual reading center like facebook page, groups and messenger
 Conducting the online reading intervention called “LEARNERS AND TEACHERS
 Distribution of localized reading materials
 Distribution of indiginized reading materials
 Distribution of Supplementary Reading Materials
 Distribution of anthology of reading materials
 Implementing reading enrichment activities
 Implementing reading instructions
 Conduct school reading festival (face to face or online)
 Promote the use of DepEd commons among learners


 Conduct of English and Filipino PHIL-IRI post-test for grade 7-12
 Conduct of reading assessment for grade 7-12
 Submit reading inventory result to the district and division
 Create accomplishment report on reading activities conducted
 Integrating Reading Reports in the State of the School Address (SOSA)

IV. Culminating Activity/Giving of Awards

 Search for Best Reader
 Search for Outstanding Reader
 Search for Outstanding Reading Teacher-implementer
 Search for Outstanding Reading Partners
 Giving of certificates for the participating stakeholders
 Search for Best Reading Materials crafted by the teachers

V. Program Implementation Review

 Next step for continuous improvement
 Identifying what went well, what are to be improved and ways forward
 Identifying the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat (SWOT) of the reading

VI. References
 DO 173, s. 2019, Hamon:Bawat Bata Bumabasa (3Bs Initiatives)
 Tandawan of the Division of Agusan del Sur


Focal Persons and Their Terms of Reference

Teachers Persons who are designated to plan, craft

reading materials, implement, and assess
learners reading progress. .
School Reading Coordinator A person who is designated to oversee the
overall reading situation of the school.
He/she will be the one to consolidate reading
results and analyze them as basis to bridge
the reading gaps existing in a particular
Schools Validating Team They are responsible in giving critique and
evaluating the crafted reading materials.
School Head A person who has the authority to oversee the
overall reading situation of the school. He
designates somebody in his station to
implement reading program. Checks the
proposal, approves its budget, and lead the
implementation of the reading program.
District Supervisor Responsible on planning and implementing
LAC sessions related to reading. The one
who compasses the development of teaching
and implementing reading skills to learners.
Parents and other stakeholders They are the SSG officers and members,
Church Youth Leaders, BLGU, SPTA, SGC,
Alumni and parents or family members who
may provide financial, in kind, moral and
spiritual support of the reading advocates of
San Vicente National High School.
Learners This refers to all the learners enrolled in San
Vicente National High School. They are the
recipients of the reading program.

Duration: This program started on November, 2020 and continuously implemented at

present working for sustainability. This is to address the students’ needs especially during this
time of pandemic.

Management Level of the Program

This reading program is under the active leadership of the school head with the
collaboration of School Reading Coordinators and English and Filipino Teachers. Teachers
will then serve as program implementers along with the stakeholders. The implementation of
Programs, Projects and Activities (PPAs) is a collaborative effort of all.

1. LAC Session
 Schools convene at 8:00-10:00 every Wednesday twice a month.
2. Home Visitation
 Teachers visit the learners’ residence after pre-test assessment.
3. Training Program
 Attend English Literacy Instruction

4. Peer Mentoring/Coaching
 Aside from the teacher, the parents and stakeholder-partners or even one of the
family members will do the assistance and guidance.

 All students enrolled in San Vicente National High School across all grade level.

 To be charged to school MOOE, Barangay Fund, Solicitations and Donations


 Implementation of Project Barasahon

 Implementation of Project Sugilanon
 Implementation of Project Kasilow
 Giving of Travelogue Copies
 Reading of the Contextualized Tandawan
 Reading Festival
a. Book Parade (Online or actual)
b. Poem Composition
c. Poem Recitation
d. Spoken Poetry
e. Jingle Making
f. Jingle Presentation
g. Reading Quiz
h. Spelling Bee
i. Tongue Twisting
j. Story Retelling
k. Jazz Chanting
l. Verse Choir
These are the school’s reading materials to supplement reading development of the learners.
These are the following activities to be taken:
1. Sounding out letters
2. Picture Reading
3. Phonemic Awareness
4. Story Telling with comprehension check
5. Letter memory game
6. Reading beyond the lines
7. Vocabulary enhancement
8. Word puzzle game

MATH OLYMPIAD. This activity is initiated by the school to enhance the problem-solving
skills of the learners. This also helps attain the goal of the school – to develop numeracy
skills of the leaners.

1. Math Jingle
2. Online Damath
3. Online Rubics
4. Online Sudoku

BIBLE QUIZ. This activity measures the extent of bible reading among the learners.
SCIENCE QUEST. This activity is conducted to showcase the skills of Science aficionado.
Reading is still an integral part of this activity.

1. Science Jingle
2. Sci-photo Essay
3. Science Quiz
4. Science Quiz Bowl

JOURNALISM. This activity concentrates in strengthening Campus Journalism where

potential campus journalists can be able to showcase their prowess.

1. Editorial Writing Contest

2. Feature Writing Contest
3. Sports Writing Contest
4. News Writing Contest
5. SciTech Writing
6. Photojournalism
7. Radio Broadcasting
8. Copy Reading and Headline Writing

Prepared by:


Reading Coordinator Reading Coordinator Reading Advocate

Reviewed by: Recommending Approval:


QA Chairman School Head


District In-charge

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