English q2 m5 2022

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Hannah Faye Bayno

10 - Fidelity
Variety of Verb types

Introduction FEATURES
action, saying, linking and mental verbs used in
present tense
Passive Voice
 introduces the topic/ issue
 a sentence where the subject receives the action
 preview of the main argument Abstraction
Arguments  verbs are expressed by nouns to make it more
a. Arguments For Technical Terms
 reasons why you support the idea  terms that depersonalize the text
b. Arguments Against Connectives associated with reasoning
 arguments that opposes the choice  connects text to reason
of someone or something
Emotive and Persuasive Language
Conclusion  persuades the readers
 The final paragraph that concludes the  used when caution is necessary; when what was
discussion by giving the writer's opinion stated has not been proven
or asking the reader what he / she thinks.

Generalized Participants
 a broad group of subjects; can be human or

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