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TOPIC: Social Media – Should schools be responsible for teaching safe social media education?

Whose accountability it should be?

If schools and other educational organizations are allowing social media to be used in
school, shouldn’t be they’re the one who’s responsible on teaching students about the safety
etiquette of using it? When someone said the word “social media”, almost all of us had an idea
about that, almost all people especially those what we called ‘millennials’ have an access on social
media by using different platforms such as; Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and etc. We can’t deny
the fact that social media have a crucial part of our daily lives especially when it comes to
communicating with our love ones, and yes, social media is really a big help for us but we can’t
also deny the fact that this thing might bring us to harm and depravity. We as a student, we can
tell that we spend more time inside the school than our house, we spend more time with our
teachers and fellow students. But the major question here is “should schools be responsible for
teaching safe social media education?”.
Social media is very common for the students nowadays as pastime when they’re bored
and it was also commonly used when it comes in doing school works. It has tremendous used as it
can be utilized via searching and knowing the things we don’t really know. So, in that scenario,
schools really have a huge part to help making students safe while using social media, schools
have responsibility to teach the students the benefits, harm and consequences that they might get
in using different platforms. We can witness the awful things that are happening nowadays, there
are scenarios when someone commit suicide because of the uncertainty and apprehensive he felt
in using one particular platform. We can’t blame someone for his/her vulnerability because we
have different level of sensitivity and we don’t know how words on social media might affect
someone. So, the schools as considered as our second home should help and teach us when it
comes to safe social media education by reminding us the dos and don’ts that we should always
remember and will help us to prevent dangers to happen. As school teach us about things, we
learn and acquire knowledges that help us in our total well-being, so it’s clear that schools should
teach us about safe social media education as it has big role in our learning. It is said that safe
social media education should be taught first in our house and school. We can’t rebuff that in
reality, some parents are unable and has lack of knowledge about social media, and that’s when
schools should take their action to help students in that scenario. “With great power comes great
responsibility”, as we people have an ability to do and use something, we should also make sure
that we do and use it for our own good as well as the people we socialize with.
To wrap things up, I conclude that schools should be responsible in teaching the students
about safe social media education as it will help them to reassured the safety of each other.
Schools and other educational organizations are allowing social media to be used in school, so
they should be responsible on teaching students about the safety etiquette of using it. Also,
schools should be one of the most prominent factors in assuring that there’s no violence
happening such as cyber bullying between students. We can’t avoid those uncertainty and tremble
things in social media to happen but, we can prevent and lessen it by teaching students in school
about that. The changes, learning and action should start not only in our house, but also in our

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