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Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the leadership styles and skills in these areas to

the Nursing Staff in Mercy Community Hospital and Gregorio T. Lluch Memorial


Moreover, it attempts to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of leadership styles and skills of the Staff Nurse of Mercy

Community Hospital and Gregorio T. Lluch Memorial Hospital towards

building leading team of Nurse Supervisor?

2. What is the relationship between Nurse Staff and Nurse Supervisor?

3. How can it affect the Staff nurse leadership styles and skills of having a

building team of Nurse Supervisor?

Null Hypotheses

Ho1: There is no significant relationship between the level of leadership styles

and skills of the Nurse Staff of the Mercy Community Hospital and Gregorio T. Lluch

Memorial Hospital and their interpersonal relationship with their Nurse Supervisor.

Ho2: There is no significant difference between

Survey questionnaire

1. Do you interact with others?

2. Do you ask feedback and suggestions from your Nurse Supervisor?

3. Are you willing to take responsibilities in terms of having errors?

4. Can you manage the task on time?

5. Do you think you are better from other employees?

6. Do you work well under pressure?

Survey Tools

Likert scale survey were measured with a 20 questions and was used in this

study. It’s a 5-point scale that collects qualitative data in the form of options that says

“always, often, sometimes, rarely and never”. And represents these insights as easy

to analyze quantitative data reports. Researchers use this survey scale to gauge

nursing staff perspectives and nursing supervisor’s attitudes towards building a team

in a hospital setting, which cannot be polarized.

The researchers prepared the survey questionnaire in an encoded and printed


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