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Dear DR.


I hope this request finds you well and that you are having a great day.
I am writing to you on behalf of my fellow A-level students who are concerned about the upcoming
Analysis exams for the science subjects (chemistry, biology and physics). We would like to request that
you consider cancelling this exam for the following reasons:

- 1- We have not received adequate preparation for these exams due to the online mode of learning
during IGCSE. and Our AS-level practical was also cancelled and therefore we never entered the lab to
practice. And unfortunately, Lab skills are not something that can be acquired in a day or two. They
require lots of time and practice to overcome errors and master the techniques for the exam. and since
we have never done experiments in person except, that puts us at a disadvantage compared to other
students who have had more hands-on experience. Moreover, this year's exam is dependent on
whatever information and experience we had from the past two years in the lab, which is very minimal.
This component also requires another type of teaching for us, since it involves applying theoretical
knowledge to real-life situations. We have not received adequate guidance or feedback on how to do
this effectively.

- 2- We have never been taken to the labs this year or provided with any guidance or practice materials
for these exams. We know that it is too late to learn and master the skills and techniques required for
these exams in such a short time span.

-3- As you may be aware, we have been without a chemistry teacher for most of the academic year due
to the unfortune department of the teacher, we had to wait for several weeks before a new teacher was
hired. However, she also decided to leave the school after a short period of time, leaving us again
without a teacher again. This situation has made us fall behind in the syllabus and miss out on important
concepts and skills that are essential for the practical exams. We have tried to catch up with online
classes with mister Mohamed as it had been organized by you before, and it was sufficient for the theory
paper however they are not sufficient to replace the hands-on experience and guidance that we need in
the lab. Without an experienced supervisor to teach us.

-4- We refuse to have an inexperienced teacher for our lab sessions, as we do not want to be
experimented on by someone who does not know what they are doing, or how to handle any potential
accidents or errors in the lab. We value our education and our future prospects, and we do not want
them to be jeopardized by poor teaching quality or lack of expertise.

We understand that practical exams are an important part of assessing our knowledge and
understanding of science, but we believe that under these circumstances, they are unfair and unrealistic.
We respectfully ask you to cancel these exams (not only for chemistry but for the rest of sciences for the
reason stated above first 2 points)

We appreciate your time and attention to this matter, and we hope that you will take our request into

This screenshot was taken from the Cambridge official website

It states the components that can be exempted for 2023June exam series

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