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Brian Ezer T.

Pelostratos ScSc 16

Module 3: Lesson 3.1


1. How did Rizal survive in Europe, what humbling means did he experience?
- During Rizal’s time in Europe, it opened and broadened his understanding of what he
should aspire to his homeland to experience. He also went looking for the cheapest
printing press, for having little money, to publish Noli Me Tangere just for the sake of
his beloved country.

2. Who were these great painters who won at the Madrid Exposition and why do you think
Rizal saluted them?
- The great painters that Rizal saluted during the Madrid Exposition are Juan Luna and
Felix Hidalgo. He saluted them because the achievements of both painters
illuminated the two ends, thinking there will be a change between the Spanish and
Filipino people during their time.

3. Rizal also gained his diploma in Philosophy and Letters, but why did he let go of the
opportunity to work in a Spanish university?
- Rizal let go of the opportunity to work in a Spanish university because after gaining
his diploma in Philosophy and Letters because of family reasons. He decided to
become a physician and be able to treat his mother’s failing eyesight.

4. What sparks a friendship between Rizal and Ferdinand Blumentritt? How can you define
their friendship?
- Rizal met Dr. Blumentritt once during his stay in Germany in 1887, and Blumentritt is
the one who encourages Rizal to finish his two novels, Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo. Their bond is unbreakable and they support each other during the
times when Rizal created the two novels.

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