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Develop models to describe the atomic composition of simple molecules and

extended structures.

Simple words: Create models to show different structures of molecules

Materials; Toothpicks, Marshmallows

Anticipatory Set; Now, We’re all made of different kinds of atoms! But what do they look like?
How do we know? That’s what we are going to find out today, friends!

Input; “You all know that the world is made up of atoms that we cannot see, but how can we
understand these structures when they are not accessible to the human eye. For instance water is
just a ton of H20 molecules but we don't see the structures we only see water.” Explain that the
marshmallows represent the different elements and toothpicks represent the bonds between the
atoms. “So what is it that makes up these different structures?”
Model; We will walk through step by step how to build the different structures, going in depth of
how they are joined together. We will also explain which molecules are a part of the certain
structures. We will then explain what the project will look like.

Check for understanding; We will state that they will gain a deeper understanding of the
makeup of molecules. Before beginning the guided practice we will say, “Give me a thumbs up if
you understand what you will be doing, and give me a thumbs down if you do not understand.”
When students are building the structures we will walk around while giving feedback. Towards
the end of the guided practice we will have them discuss the complexity of each structure and
explain some struggles or complications. That way students all have the opportunity to ask
questions to the teacher or discuss the lesson with their peers about the lesson.

Guided practice; Students will be following along through a slideshow, representing different
model structures and what they are made up of. Students will then get in groups of two and given
the materials needed (toothpicks,marshmallows) along with three cards showing different models
they will need to build. After receiving materials, students will be given one minute (hands off)
to explain how they will create their models. Once the minute is up, students will work together
to use the specific materials needed to construct their designated molecules. After groups
complete their models and are given feedback by an instructor, they will get a new set of cards
and repeat this process. Finally, students will explain which structures were the hardest/easiest to
construct (discussion led by one of the instructors).

“Does anyone have any questions about their model?” Tell me one thing you learned
while doing the activity?” “Tell us one thing that was new to you.”
“After doing this activity you learned what makes up certain molecules and the specific elements
involved. By building the models you were able to visualize and understand the shape of H2O or
CO2. Even if you can’t see these tiny molecules you can still build them to help you visualize
how they look. With this information you can even figure out how they work and how many
small shapes float in the air or make up the sea.
Card 1


Card 2
Chlorine gas

Card 3


Card 4
Carbon Dioxide

Card 5


Card 6
Hydrogen Sulfide

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