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Impacts of soil erosion on some physico-chemical characteristics of agricultural

field land in Senkele kebela, west Shoa zone, oromia regional state, Ethiopia.


Nurye Ahmed

A senior research project paper submitted to Department of Biology for partial

fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor Degree of Science in Biology.

Advisor: Prof.P.Natarajan

Ambo, Ethiopia
June, 2015


First of all I would like to express my greatest gratitude and give praise to Almighty God who
made everything possible for me, Secondly I would like to thank my advisor Prof.P. Natarajan
for this constructive comments and suggestion in carrying out this senior project in time. Also I
would like to thank Soil Science laboratory workers for their assistance in carrying out the
laboratory analyses. Also I would like to thank Senkele Kebele inhabitants for shearing me with
appropriate information for my senior project accomplishment. Finally I would like to extend my
heartfelt thanks to my family members for their kindness and financial support and all other
encouragements in successfully completing my senior project.



Table of contents------------------------------------------------------------------------------------II
List of table figure ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------III
Abstract--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV
1.1. Back ground of study---------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2. Statement of the study-------------------------------------------------------------------
1.3. Objective of the study --------------------------------------------------------------------
1.3.1. General objective ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1.3.2. Specific objective ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1.4. Significance of the study ------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Literature review-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.1. The concept of impact of soil erosion on some physico-chemical
Characteristics of agriculture field land---------------------------------------------------
2.2. Physical property of soil--------------------------------------------------------------------
2.3. Chemical property of soil-------------------------------------------------------------------
2.4. Deforestation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.5. Over grazing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.6. Use of agrochemical------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Material and method -------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.1. Description of the study area ------------------------------------------------------------
3.2 Respondent’s Survey -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.3. Study design and study period -------------------------------------------------------------------
3.4. Data collection method ------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.5. Material and collection --------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.6. Physic chemical analysis-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3.7. Data analysis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. RESULT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.1. Population ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.2. deforestation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.3. Cultivation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.4. Livestock production and grazing---------------------------------------------------------------------
4.5.soil erosion---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.6. Gully erosion------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.7. Soil fertility problems and Farmers soil fertility management practices------------------

4.8. Agricultural practices and soil degradation--------------------------------------------------------
4.9.labratory analysis----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.9.1 Bulk density analysis---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.9.2 Soil colure--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.9.3 Consistency of soil--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5 conclusions----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6 Recommendations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7 References ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Table Page No
Table 1: The total population of Senkele kebele ---------------------------------------------------------9

Table 2: The effects of deforestation as perceived by the respondents ------------------------------10
Table 3: Types of Crops in the study area ---------------------------------------------------------------11
Table 4: Average live stock holding in the study area -------------------------------------------------11
Table5: summery of erosion rate in sankele kebele-----------------------------------------------------12
Table6: Gully formation in the study area---------------------------------------------------------------13

Table 7: Causes of soil fertility problems and its indicators as perceived by the respondents. --13

Table 8: Soil fertility measure adopted by farmers in study area. ------------------------------------14

Table 9: Soil physical property at Senkele kebele--- ---------------------------------------------------16

Table 10: Consistency of the soils from different land use practices --------------------------------17

Fig 1: Cause for the reduction of perceived by the respondent s expressed in percent-------------15
Fig 2: Bulk density from the description sites -----------------------------------------------------------16

This research was conducted on the impact of soil erosion along Senkele kebele west shoa zones

Ambo town, Oromia regional state. The primary objective of the work of this research project
was to investigate the effect of soil erosion problems in different land use areas. The different
land use practices followed in the area include human settlement, deforestation, cultivation and
grazing, and hard rock mining. These various activities have impacted the land and caused soil
erosion and gully formation. Both primary and secondary data were generated to understand
the impact of soil erosion in the study sites. Secondary data was collected through respondent’s
survey and from the District Administration Office at Ambo. The physical parameters studied
include bulk density, soil texture, color of the soil, permeability, moisture and chemical
parameters include soil organic matter and pH soil. From the information gathered through
questionnaire and responses from the respondents as well from the analyses of primary data
revealed that the land degradation through soil erosion and gully formation varied in relation to
different land use practices.

Key word: Land degradation, soil erosion, physico- chemical factors, Sankele Kebele


Soil erosion is one form of soil degradation. It continues to be the most virulent and wide
spread man induced environmental problems. Land use practices aggravate soil erosion in the
environment especially cultivation and grazing Change in land use and modern intensive
methods of cultivation have served to exacerbate the problem, even in the more humid areas
of the world. The soil erosion continues wherever bar soil is exposed. Erosion is a serious
problem for productive agricultural land and for water quality concern’s. Eroded top soil can be
transported by wind or water in to streams and other water ways where sedimentation reduces
water holding capacity of the water bodies. The impact of soil erosion on water quality
becomes significant particularly as soil surface run off sediment production and soil erosion are
closely related. Soil erosion is the detachment and movement of soil particles from the point of
origination through the action of water or wind thus minimizing the impact of water or wind
forces is the main objective for erosion control. Soil erosion by water occurs when bare sloped
soil surface is exposed to rain fall, and the rain fall intensity exceeds the rate of soil in take, or
infiltrations rates leading to soil surface run off and thus soil erosion occurs.

The hydrologic processes of rain fall and run off play an essential role in soil erosion. The
amount and rate of surface run off can affect erosion and sediment transports, thus soil
conservation practices are important in reducing soil erosion. Improving the soil infiltration rate
resulting in less surface run off, can lead to reduction of soil erosion. Agronomic cultural or
structural practices are available for controlling soil erosion.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Soil degradation is one form of land degradation which is being experienced widely in several
parts of the world. Land degradation affects the carrying capacity of the land and as result, the
production and productivity of crops are affected which results in food shortage. Sankele Kebele
the present study site is a rural village where farming activity is the main livelihood support. The
various activities that the farmers are practicing are cultivation, grazing and mining. The study
sites experience land degradation due to human settlement, agricultural practices, grazing and
mining. The outstanding land degradation noticed is soil erosion and gully formation. The
present study is aimed at investigating the impacts of soil erosion on the physico chemical
properties of soils in the study area. The results of the study indicated that the soils under
different land practices are subjected to degradation.

1.3 objective of the study

1.3.1 General objective

To identify the major impact of soil erosion on some physico-chemical characteristics of

agricultural lands in Senkele kebele.

1.3.2 Specific objective

-To assess the land use practice of the study area.

-To assess the impact of land use practice on soil erosion.

-To identify the impact of soil characteristics.

-To identify on some physico-chemical characteristics of soil erosion.

1.4 Significant of the study

1. The study will bring to light the degradation nature of soils in the study areas. 2. It will give
detailed information on the factors responsible for soil erosion to the society, thereby creating
awareness among the people to make necessary conservation strategies to protect the soils
from erosion.

3. It will give information to Kebele office to take suitable measures to protect the environment
from damage and deterioration.

4. The study will help enhancing the productivity of soil quality through raising of more crop
product which at present does not exist in the area.

information. It is a result due to the people on give attention to the impact of soil erosion
management to the environments.


2.1. The concept of impacts of soil erosion on some physico-chemical
characteristics of agriculture field land.

Soil is the earth’s fragile skin that anchors all life on earth. It harbors countless
species that create a dynamic and complex ecosystem. It is one of the most
precious resource to humans as it increases the production and productive of
crops. The top soil rich in nutrients enhances the growth and production of a
variety of crops. But at present land degradation is a real problem that the
world is facing now. Land degradation due to soil erosion is a serious problem
which reduces the soil fertility and intern crop productivity.

2.2. Physical properties of soil

Soil color: - is typically described using some form color responsible for the
brown, yellows and red colors.

Soil texture: - influence complex soil qualities such as infiltration. Moisture

and nutrient retentions capacity, drainage, tire and susceptibility to erosion.

Soil structure: - the soil separates can become aggregated together in to

discrete structural units called “pads” these pads are organized in to a
repeating to a soil structure.

Soil consistence: - refers to the ease with which an individual pad can be
crushed by the fingers. Soil consistency and its description depend soil
moisture content.

Bulk density/BD/:- Bulk density is a measure of pore size in soil. It

determines soil compaction, soil moisture content and fertility.

2.3. Chemical properties of soil

Soil reaction (PH) is the most important determinant of soil chemical

properties. Most soil under field conditions vary between PH of 0 and 10.0
(SSSA.1996). Soil PH provides various clues about other soil properties
because it greatly affects the solubility of mineral. For instance in acidic soil,
the phosphate ions react with iron, aluminum and manganese to form
insoluble phosphates. (Devisr, 1992).

2.4. Deforestation

Without plant cover erosion can our and sweep the soil in to rivers. The
agricultural plants that often replace the trees cannot hold on to the soil and
many of these plants, such as coffee, cotton, palm oil, soy bean and wheat can

actually worsen soil erosion. And as land loses its fertile soil, agricultural
producers move on to clear more forests and continue the cycle of soil loss.

2.5. Over grazing

The conversion of natural ecosystems to pasture land doesn’t damage the land
initially as much as crop production but these changes in usage can lead to
high rates of erosion and loss of top soil and nutrients. Overgrazing can reduce
ground cover enabling erosion and compaction of the land by wind and rain.
This reduces the ability for plant to grow and water to penetrate which harms
soil microbes and results in serious erosion of the land.

2.6. Use of agrochemicals

Pesticides and other chemicals used on crop plants have helped farmers to
increase yields.However over use of some of these chemicals changes soil
composition and disrupt the balance of microorganisms in the soil. This
stimulates the growth of harm full bacteria at the expense of beneficial

Erosion Control: The most effective way to control erosion is to maintain a

permanent surface cover on the soil surface, such as pasture or meadow.
Therefore areas that are highly susceptible to water or wind erosion need to be
considered for soil conservation programs.

Soil erosion and Productivity:Many studies indicate that soil erosion results
in large decreases in soil productivity. Some studies carried out elsewhere
reported that the impact of soil erosion on soil productivity was largely
determined by subsoil properties because they effect root growth, soil water
availability and plow layer fertility. Thus, the loss of the top soil can have
considerable impact on yield. Erosion can have a large effect on productivity, if
the plow layer soil fertility is not restored (Ouonmk.2002)


3.1 Description of the study area

The study was conducted at Senkele kibble, in Ambo town. West Shoa Zone. Oromia Region.
The kebele was located at the north east part of Ethiopia at a distance of about 126 km from
Addis Ababa at the western direction and 5km from Ambo town. The boundaries are at south
direction Waliso woreda, at east direction Ambo town and at west direction Toke kutaye. The
altitude of the area ranges from 2100-2200 above sea level. It receives annual mean rain fall of
812mm to 1699mm and the average temperature ranges between 100c and 250c.
3.2. Respondent’s Survey
20 farmers were randomly selected from the Kebele to obtain details about the Kebele.
3.3 Study design and study period
This study was carried out and designed during March to June 2015 to determine the impact of
soil erosion on some physico-chemical characteristics of agriculture field land at senkele kebele.

3.4. Data collection methods

The study was conducted from March to June in 2007. Data was obtained mostly through
primary source. In order to get information on the impact of soil erosion soil samples were
collected from the filed under study and analyzed in the laboratory.

3.5. Materials and collection procedure

Soil samples were collected from near to from cultivation land area, grazing land area and
mining area. Auger, core sampler, hammer, spatula, plastic bag, measuring tape (meter), marker,
aluminum foil. Samples were collected in plastic bags and recorded the data such as date of
collection and time of collection, and then transported to Ambo University Biology laboratory
where the weight of the samples was taken. The samples were examined on the same day of
collection and were subjected to oven dry for 24 hrs. Collected samples from three different sites
were then analyzed in the Department of Agriculture and Institute of Technology of Ambo
University for various physic chemical characteristics. The various physico chemical
characteristics studied are; physical characters such as bulk density, texture of soil, colour of soil,
consistency and permeability, and chemical parameters such as soil organic matter, pH, and
moisture content.

3.6. Physiochemical Analysis of Soil

A. Bulk Density

Bulk density (BD) was determined from the soil core using the procedure given by veihmeyer
and Hendrickson (1948). Bulk density of undisturbed soil sample was measured using core
sampler (cylindrical metal sampler 5.7 cm diameter and 6 cm in height, BSI, 1975). The sample
was oven dried to constant weight at 1050C for 24 hour and reweighing after cooling. Bulk
density was then computed using equation 1.

BD= (Vs) ………………………….equation (1)

Where: BD= bulk density of sample
S = sample of soil
Vs= volume of sample that is expressed as V=πr2h
Where: π=3. 14
r= radius of internal diameter of the core sampling tube
h= height of the core sampler tube

B. Soil Moisture
Moisture content was determined by initially weighing the field samples and drying the field
samples at 1050C for 24 hours, and weighing them again. The percentage of water held in the soil
was calculated as the weight difference of field and oven dried soils divided by weight of oven-
dried soil al one multiple by 100. The consistency of the soil is categorized as liquid limit (WL),
shrinkage limit (WS) and plastic limit (WP). Consistency of the soil is determined through
various laboratory techniques as per IS Classification system.

C. Soil PH
Soil PH was determined at a soil: water suspension ration of 1:2 using a conventional glass
electrode meter (jackson, 1973). This method was based on the measurement of potential
developed across an indicator or glass electrode on account of the difference in activity of H +
ions in and out of electrode.
D. Soil Organic Carbon
Soil organic carbon (soc) was determined by dichromate oxidation (walkley and black 1934). In
this method the soil organic matter was oxidized under standard condition by potassium
dichromate (K2Cr2O7) a sulfuric acid H2SO4 solution.A measured amount of K2Cr2O7 was used in

excess of that needed to destroy the organic matter and the excess was determined by titration
with ferrous ammonium sulfate solution, using a diphenylamine indicator to detect the first
appearance of un-oxidized ferrous iron.

Then, the percent of organic carbon (%) was determined using the following equation:

%C= N (V1-V2) 0.39mcf…………………………...equation (2)

N= normality of ferrous sulfate solution (from blank titration),
V1=volumes (m1) of ferrous sulfate solution used for the blank
V2= volumes (m1) of ferrous sulfate solution used for the sample
S= weight of air- dried sample (g)
Mcf= moisture correction factor.
Therefore, after the total organic carbon was obtained, percentage organic matter (%) was
computed by % OM=% CX1.724.
3.7. Data analysis

Data collected were organized and analyzed using tables, percentage mean and charts.


4.1 Population
Population census of the study area was obtained from Administrative office of agriculture West
Shoa Zone. The total population census is presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Total population of Senkele kebele.

Sex Male Female Total %M %F Total

Number 1122 1551 41.99% 58.03%


Total 2673 100%


Source: 1999.EC Household Status

The respondents provided information that majority of the people (50%) belong to the age
group of 28 to 60, while the age group 18 to 27 was 30% and 20 % of the population was
children. They also informed that majority of the community of Senkele kebele was farmers and
daily laborers and some are governmental worker and others.

4.2. Deforestation: On observation of the site, it was found that the area was subjected to
deforestation at many places especially at the bordering areas. The respondents provide the
information on the effect of deforestation as loss of wild animals and their habitats, increasing
run off, reduction in water availability and shortage of wood materials. The effect of
deforestation by the respondents is presented in the Table 2 and Fig 1. From the figure it is
seen that the major cause for deforestation was conversion of forest land in to farm land( 90%),
flowed by firewood and charcoal( 70%), construction of materials( 50%) and timber production

Table 2: The effects of deforestation as perceived by the respondents

Effect of deforestation Respondents (%)

Loss of wild life and their habitat 65

Increase run off 75
Shortage of wood materials 35.5
Reduction in water availability 40

It is seen from the table that deforestation has increased the runoff water, reduced timber
wood and loss of wild life. The increased runoff might have lead to soil erosion and loss of
woods might have reduced the biodiversity and contributed to climate change.

4.3. Cultivation: Cultivation is the main activity of farmers in the study area. They cultivate
diverse crops such as teff, wheat, barley, maize and flax. Among the crops cultivated teff
constituted the maximum (85.5%) followed by wheat (62%), barley 59%, and maize 47%. The
table also shows the preferencial crops based on the extent of area of cultivation. Teff
dominated the cultivation and flax the minimum. Flax contributed the minimum of 12% (Table
3.). It is thus seen that cultivation leads to soil erosion. Food crops such as teff, wheat, maize
barley require repeated and deep tilling and this might have contributed significantly to soil

Table 3: Types of Crops in the study area

NO CROP CULTIVATED IN THE AREA Farmers % of land each cover

producing per HH
the crop %

Types of Local name Scientific name
1 Teff xaaffi Eragrosistef 85.5 50
2 Wheat Qamadii Treliculem 62 25
3 Barley Garbuu Holdrelim 59 15
4 Maize Boqqollo Zea mays 47 10
5 Flax Talba Linus 12 4

4.4. Livestock production and grazing

Livestock is integral component of the farming system in the study area. These livestock
comprise cattle, sheep, goat, donkey, horse, mule and the others. The average population
present in the area during the study is presented in Table 4.

Table 4: Average live stock holding in the study area

Live stock cattle sheep goat horse donkey Mule

Average 22 15 11 7 6 3

Cattle dominate the livestock population as cultivation is the main activity in the area followed
by sheep and goat which are the source of meat for the people of the area.

Grazing leads to soil compaction which results in the decreased infiltration of water to the soil
thereby it affects soil moisture content and ultimately affects soil fertility. Further, grazing leads
to collapse of soil and increases the size of gully formation in the area. As more number of
livestock grazes the area soil degradation through soil erosion and gully formation is more in
the area.

4.5. Soil erosion: Soil erosion is a major problem noticed in the study area. it was due to several
factors such as deforestation, cultivation and grazing and mining operation in the site. The
nature of soil erosion in the study site is presented in Table 5.


Cardinal direction Depth (m) Width(m)

North 1.8 1.2
South 1.3 1.7
West 2.5 2.2
central 1.1 1.0
Source:-Authors field work 2009

The results of the study present a picture that, soil erosion was maximum in the western
direction (2.5 m, d &2.2 m, w) and minimum in the central area of the study site.

4.6. Gully formation: Gully formation in the study area is more common and distributed in the
human settlement area, cultivation and grazing area, and also near to the mining area (Table 6).
The survey under taken to find out the number of gullies and it was found that the gullies were
more near to cultivation and grazing areas (70%). A few gullies were found near to the mining
area (20%) while the number of gullies was found very much less in the settlement area (10%).
The results of the study indicate that cultivation influenced soil erosion and ultimately gully
erosion. Tillage in crop fields reduces the thickness of soil and the soil is subjected to taken
away from the sites due to wind action. The impact of cattle grazing destabilized the soil
condition resulting in soil erosion and gully formation in the grazing sites. Gully formation has
reduced the area for cultivation and caused inconveniences for the movement of people from
one place to the other. Mining influenced gully formation during rainy season as water
infiltration is reduced in the site due to compaction by frequent movement of vehicles for
mining operation and transportation. Although gully formation was found in human settlement
area, it was found to be less and this was due to the management strategies adopted by the
famers to control soil erosion by soil protecting devices.

Table 6: Gully formation in the study area

Area of occurrence Number of gullies (%)

Human settlement 10
Cultivation and grazing 70
Mining area 20

4.7. Soil fertility problems and Farmers soil fertility management practices

The study sites experience soil fertility decline due to several factors and they are presented in
Table 7. The various factors attributed are deforestation, continuous cultivation, poor cropping
practices and steep slope cultivation. Deforestation was found to be the major cause for soil
fertility loss (40%), followed by continuous cultivation (30%), poor cropping (20%) and
cultivation in steep slopes (10%). Results from the socio-economic survey revealed that 90% of
the respondents reported that there is a soil fertility problem in their farm land. This might be
due to the fact that agricultural lands are subjected to chemical fertilizers like DAP, UREA.

Table 7: Causes of soil fertility problems and its indicators as perceived by the respondents.

causes of soil fertility Percentage (%) Indicator of soil Percentage of

decline fertility decline respondents
deforestation 40 Stunted crop growth 19.0
Continuous 30 Color change of crop 17.0
Poor cropping system 20 Inferior grain quality 8.5

Steep slope 10 Decline in total yield 55.7
The above table also reflects that deforestation has caused stunted crop growth (19%), yellow
leaves of crop (17%), and inferior grain quality (8.5%) as perceived by the farmers, and they are
of the opinion that these factors have caused decline in total yield.

4.8. Agricultural practices and soil degradation

Several agricultural practices followed in the area under study are also responsible for soil
quality deterioration and they are application of inorganic fertilizers, fallowing period, crop
rotation, use of manure and other soil management practices (Table 8).

Table8: Soil fertility measure adopted by farmers in study area.

Farmers soil fertility management practices % respondents

Application of inorganic fertilizers 32.0
Crop rotation 38.0
Use of manure to maintain soil fertility 41. 7
No, of soil management practices 34.0

Although the farmers use more quantity of organic manure to improve soil quality (41.7%) and
practice good fallow period (55.0%), the soil quality deterioration in the area was mainly due to
the application of inorganic fertilization

Fig 1 cause for the reduction of forest as perceived by the respondents expressed in (%)

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4.9. Laboratory analysis

4.9.1. Bulk density analysis: It refers to dense and tightly packed soil. From the results (Table 9
& Fig.2) it is found that the bulk density is more in mining area and that it was less in human
settlement area. The cultivated and grazing land areas show the medium bulk density. From the
point of view of bulk density, the area close to mining shows the greater bulk density which is
an indication of soil degradation. The soil of the area contains more of clay followed by sand
and silt. Greater the clay content, less the infiltration rate, and thus poor moisture content
pointing to the fact that soil is less predictive in the mining area. The degradation of grazing
land is next to mining area as this area also shows bulk density to 1.2 and clay content of soil to
56.6%. The area adjacent to human settlement is relatively better and less degraded as the bulk
density was 1.1 and the mixture of sand, clay and silt are in the admissible level.

Table 9: Soil physical properties at Sankele kebele

NO Description Bulk % sand % clay % silt Textural Soil color

density class

1.1 Mining 1.4 19.0 65.1 16.5 clay White
1.1 Cultivation 1.2 20.0 56.6 23.4 clay Red black
and grazing
1.1 Human 1.0 16.0 46.6 37.4 clay loam Black



Series 1




mining cultivation and grezing human settlement

4.9.2. Soil color: The color of soil varies from khaki, gray, red, brown and black. Each color has
got its own indication about the fertility of the soil. The organic matter contents, nitrogen and
water storage capacity of the soils decide the color of the soil .The fertile soils are having colors
like black and brown as it contain more organic matters which are good fertilizers, red colored
soils hold less water content and are the sources of medium fertilization. In agriculture, each
crop has suitable colored soils in which they grow fast. Black and brown soils are good soil
types, the reason being they contain more of nitrogen and mineral mix, while other colored soils
are considered as poor soils. In the present study, the area near to mining is white as the area is
filled with mined materials. The mined materials are hard rock particles which are parts of basalt
rocks, marbles, lime stones and sand stones which are basically white in color. The soil close to

agricultural land and grazing land are a mixture of red black, indicating that the soils are
moderately productive. While the color of the soil near to human settlement are black indicating
the fact that the soils are productive.

4.9.3. Consistency of soil: The consistency of the soils obtained from different land use practices
is presented in Table 10. From the results it is seen that the liquid limit of the soils from
cultivation and grazing area was maximum. This might probably be due to irrigation practices
followed for the cultivation of different crops in the locality. As the crops needed more water
for its growth and production, farmers might have made provisions to irrigate water in the field.
The water content in the mining was found to be much less, and this probably be due to soil
compaction developed as a result of mining operations. The runoff water from the mining area
caused less water infiltration in to the soil in the mining area. The water content of the soil from
human settlement was found to be moderate and this was due to water conserving strategies
developed by the farmers to meet their daily water demand and other requirements.
The plastic limit of soil refers to the tendency of plasticity to hold water in soil particles. If water
holding capacity of soil particles is more it absorbs more nutrients which favor the growth of
cultivable crops. The plasticity and the plasticity index of soils tested showed that it was more in
soils taken from cultivation and grazing lands. This again proves that the supply of water is the
main factor responsible for greater values of plasticity and plastic index in cultivation and
grazing lands.
The type of soil is an indication of soil fertility. Silty- clay is better for crops than the or silt soils.
As silty clay soils hold more water, it enhances production and productivity of crops.

Table 10: Consistency of the soils from different land use practices
Liquid Plastic Plasticity Degree Type of
Sites limit (%) limit index (%) of soil
(%) plasticity

Mining area 23.5 22.0 1.5 Low Silt

Settlement 39.0 25.5 13.5 Medium Silty clay

Cultivation 46.0 34.0 12.0 Medium Silty clay

and grazing



A detailed study on the impact of soil erosion on land degradation has been undertaken along the
Sankelle Kebele, one of the rural Kebeles in west Shoa zone, Oromia regional state, Ethiopia
with a view to understand the nature of land degradation and to suggest suitable measures to

improve the livelihood status of the people of this region. Primary and secondary data on various
land degradation indicators were obtained and based on the results of the study the following
conclusions have been drawn.

1. The study site near to human settlement and forest cover has showed less damage and
this was due to the management strategies followed by the rural people to protect the land
degradation from soil erosion by constructing soil and water conservation measures like
placing bamboo screens along the sloppy regions.
2. The area near cultivating and grazing lands showed soil erosion and gully erosion and
this was due to intensive cattle grazing and some unsustainable agricultural practices such
as deep tilling, not adhering to follow period and application of some chemical fertilizers.
3. The mining area showed extensive land degradation and this was due to landslides due to
excavation of hard rocks, soil compaction, frequent movement of heavy trucks and
vehicles, loss of vegetation and runoff during rainy season.
4. The laboratory analyses of physico chemical characteristics of soils indicated soil quality
deterioration in the study sites.


As the sites showed degradation due to human settlement, cultivation, grazing, and hard rock
mining the following recommendations have been suggested.

1. The farmers in the region in order to protect land from degradation due to soil erosion have
to adopt soil and water conservation measures by constructing soil and water conservation

2. The farmers have to earmark and construct fencing the areas for grazing. This would
greatly help in sliding down of soils near the sloppy areas. Further, compaction of soils due
to grazing can also be avoided in larger segment of the kebele.

3. Areas already under gully formation have to be reclaimed so that more areas can be
brought under the control of cultivation and grazing, as this will improve their livelihood
though increase food production and food supplies.

4. Land degradation though mining can be reduced considerably, if mining activity in the
area is regulated properly. Instead of mining the area in an irregular manner, mining activity
can be carried out in one direction, so that the golf area formed can be filled regularly. Roads
constructed to transport the mined materials can be regulated in one direction as this would
help protecting the unmined areas from destruction. Action must be initiated to clear the
overburden from the mined area thereby the productive nearby agricultural areas can be
protected from mixing the mined materials in productive soils.

5. The kebele administration may extend good support so that the farmers in the region can
protect the farm land from further damage and deterioration.

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