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College of

Natural and Computational

Department of Biology

The effects of sun light on Monocots

(Maize) and Dicots (Bean) plants in
Ambo University, west showa

Prepared by: -
Fantahun Addisu

A senior project submitted to partial fulfillment of requirement

for the Bachelor of Science degree in biology.

Advisor: Fikadu Kumsa (Msc)

May, 2015
Ambo, Ethiopia

First of all, I would like to express my acknowledgement by the name of lord

Jesus Christ without whom everything was nothing this success is because of
charity, kindness help and forgiven of the almightily God, lord Christ next I
would like to express my deepest thanks to my advisor Fikadu, who gave me
this unreserved help, persistent guidance and construct live suggestions
throughout my study.

I would like to express my happiness for Temesgen and Desale cross check all
comments and suggestions for continuous practical activities of the research.

I would say, thank the biology department to give excellent advisor for my
research work

Finally, I would like to say thank Ambo University for providing the biology
department and some other opportunity to use internet access and library.

Light is the most exogenous factor that affects the Faba bean and zia maize
plant growth and increase leaf blade expansion, petiole elongation, chlorophyll
formation and development. All seed plant have an optimum temperature for
germination, once the seed have germinated the as sequent growth depend on;
temperature, light, moisture, nutrition, soil types and fertilizers, all plant have
optimum temperature for maximum vegetative growth and flowering the high
temperature, destroy6 the protoplasm of most cells, light determine
photosynthetic plant growth depending on the amount of light they absorbed,.
The prospective studies on the effect of sunlight on the growth of faba bean and
zia maize. The data was collected form the study area for thirty days and
summarized using tables, a part from sentences. The fresh weight of each part of
plant was greater than the dry weight in dark and light condition respectively.
Faba bean and zia maize w/c treated under light condition had greater mean
leaf weight ratio than that of dark (shaded) region. The effect of sunlight which
were observed from dark and light condition brings the major differences in
primary growth and morphological change (structure) of the plants. in light
condition both faba bean and zia maize were generally, short internode, strong
steam, medium height, branched & broad leaf. But in dark condition yellow color,
small leaf, few in number, vary long & very thin leaf for both Faba bean and zie
maize plants.

Key words: sunlight, plant growth, structure of plants

1. Introduction

1.1 back ground of the study

Light directly influences plant growth and flowering by inducing

photosynthesis and feeling plant energy (Arrmon, 1960). Together with
temperature, light is the most important exogenous factor affecting bean and
maize plant growth and increase leaf blade expansion, petiole elongation,
chlorophyll formation and chlorophyll development. As photosynthesis begins
in the leaves and cotyledons, stem elongation is inhibited by light (pandey and
sinha, 1986).

The change in intensity of light may induce morphological changes, for

instance the position of leafs, marginal buds, in weaker light leaves are
alternate without buds.

Many dorsi-ventral leaves of broad leaved trees change their anatomical

structure depending on the intensity of light. The coleoptiles grow more quickly
in darkness than light (jinsebanek, 1992). Both monocots (maize) and dicots
(bean) are affected by light. During germination, the radical comes out first to
give anchorage to seedling. Then plumule comes but to make bean and maize
plant capable of synthesizing its own food. When sown and provided with
proper condition, the seeds adjusts its self to these conditions, imbibes water
and swells its cells of embryo, endosperm and cotyledons after getting water
start the primary biochemical reaction.

The respiration rate, especially of meristem tic tissue increases rapidly to

provide energy for its development, as a result of all these, radical and pulmule
comes out to development seedling (pandey and sinha, 1972).

Every chemical, physiological and biological process in plant is influenced by

temperature. Moisture induces the growth and distribution of monocot (maize)
and dicot (bean) plant, because it is essential in every biological reaction with
the pant from seed germination to senescence, water of course, is the most
abundant constituent in plants from about 75 to 95 percent of plant mass by
weight. The absorption of water immediately promotes respiration and
enhanced gaseous exchange which oxygen is absorbs. The preliminary water
absorption is not affected by precense of organ it stimulated the uptake of
which it could then support growth (Wilkins, 1969). Respiration involving
absorption oxygen and evolution of carbon dioxide can increase within minutes
of exposure of axis or cotyledon to water. Moisture which enters the seeds by
ambition and is needed to fill the curto enables them to start biochemical
activation of enzymes (pandey and sinha, 1962). Respiration involving
absorption oxygen and evaluation of carbon dioxide can increase within
munities of exposure of axis or cotyledon to water. Moistures which enters the
seeds by ambition and is need to fill the cell to enable the into start
biochemical activation of enzymes (pandey and sinha, 1972). Ecologically,
chloroplast movement is important to increase or decrease light absorption.
According to Wilkins (1969), light exercise the muster effect on plant
development that is photo morphogenesis. Seed plant have an optimum
temperature for germination, once the seed have germinated, the subsequent
growth spend on temperature, light moisture, nutrition, soil type and fertilizers
(Hudson, 1981), Hortmon, et al, 1981).

1.2 statement of the problem

Light is just one of the factors that influences plant growth and increase leaf
blade expansion. Petiole elongation and chlorophyll” development formation.
Since light is a source of energy, plants formation. Since light is a source of
energy plants formation relay to provide they energy they need to necessary
work of life. As a result, light determine photosynthetic plant growth.
Depending on the amount of light they absorbed. Therefore, plants that
exposed to high light is very strong and hard with plants that grow in shaded
region to the sun light is different from plants that grow in shaded region even
though, the purpose of this project a study was some up with the effect of
sunlight on the growth of monocots (maize) and dicots (bean) plants.

1.3 Objective of the Study

1.3.1 General Objectives

The main objective of this research was to determine the effect of sunlight on
the growth of monocot (maize) and dicot (bean) plants.

1.3.2 Specific objectives

 To determine the morphology differences between monocots (zia maize)

and dicots (faba bean) plants under both light and dark (shaded) region
in terms of: - etiolate, pigment (color of leaf). Size of leaf, and thickness of
the stem.

 To compare the primary growth parameter such as leaf area, Mean plant
height, mean fresh weight, and mean dry weight.

1.4 Scope of the Study

The particular study of this project was focused on the effect of sunlight on
growth of monocots (maize) and dicots (bean) seedlings.
1.5 significance of the study

To show the effect of sunlight on faba bean and ziyamaize seedling by

comparing growth of them under both dark and light treatment. To understand
the role of sunlight in plant growth and development. The result which
obtained from the study could be base line data for other researcher who study
in future on related of this title.

1.6 limitation of the study

Any action of researcher requires a define period of time to identify a good

variable result. Even though, the action researcher cross check the result
which obtained from study area with that action taken a long period of time
will be needed.

During study work the following major limitation were observed:-

 Lack of internet service to get more information

 Lack of time to accomplish the research which another continues
assessment on other subjects
 Lack of budget to use different sources
2. Literature review

2.1 Importance of monocots (maize) and dicots (bean) plants

Cultivated zia maize and faba bean plants are used as human food in
developing countries and animal feed (FADUN, 1994).

They can be used as vegetable green or rived fresh or conned faba bean is a
common breakfast food in the Middle East, Mediterranean region, china and
Ethiopia. Feeding value of faba bean is high and considered in some areas to
be superior to field peas or other legumes. It is one of the most important
winter crops for human consumption that has been considered as meat
extender or substitutes and as skin milk substitutes (soxena and varma,

Zia maize is also one of the common known foods for human consumption and
animal feedings. In developing countries like Ethiopia, maize plant play an
important role as a means of food and industrially also. It is used as enjera
making, alcohol making, bread making and industrially beer making and so
on. The animal feeds the maize plant in developed country especially North
America cultivates maize for animal feeding. The animal feed starkest use faba
bean as source of portioned energy (Duke, 1981).

The Faba bean has protein content of 24-30 percent, feeding studies have
shown that, faba bean can be good poultry feed, if supplemental methionine is
added (Duke, 1981).

2.2 light on plant growth

2.2.1 light quantity

Light quality refers to the intensity or counter action of sun light and various
with the season of the year (Galton, 1960, Bovias, et al 1980). The maximum
present in summer and the minimum in winter. The more sun light a plant
receive (up to point), the better capacity to produce plant food through
photosynthesis. As sun quality decrease the photosynthesis light quality can be
decrease in garden or green house by using shade cloth or shading paint above
the plant (Ehleringer, 1979).

2.3 light quality

Light quality refers to the intensity of color or wave length the reaching the
plant surface. Sunlight can be broken up by prisim in to respective color of red,
orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violates. Red and blue light have the
greatest effect on plant growth. Green light is least effective to plant as most
plant reflect green light and absorb very little it is this reflected light that
makes them appear green. Blue light is primarily responsible for vegetative of
leaf growth.

Red light when combined with blue light encourages flowering in plants.
Florescent or cool white light is high in the blue range of light equality and
issue to encourage leaf growth. These light are excellent for starting seedlings
(Jarner and Allord, 1920).

2.3.1 light duration

A light duration or photo period refers to the amount of time that plant exposed
to sun light. Plant can be classified in three categorize depending on their flow
earning Reponses to the duration of darkness. These are short day, long day
and day neutral plants (Garner and Allord, 1920).
2.4 plant growth regulators

In plants, as in animals many of the behavioral pattern and functions are

controlled by hormones (Thimann, 1977). Hormones are produced in minute
amounts at one site in plant and development. The natural hormones and
other material are essentially “chemical messengers” influencing the many
pattern of plant development. A distraction must be made between the terms
plant hormone and plant growth regulator (stutte, 1977). A plant hormone is a
natural substance produced by plant itself that acts to control plant activity.
Plant hormones that are synthesized chemically can initiate reaction in plant
similar to those caused by the natural hormones (thimann, 1977). Auxin is
natural substance produced by plant itself that act to control plant activities by
inducing cell enlargement or elongation, photo and geotropism, apical
dominance, absicion of plant parts, flowering iniration, fruit growth and seed
germination (stuttle, 1977).
3. Materials and methods

Faba bean and ziyamize seed were bought from market and the project was
conducted in Ambo university main campus Ambo town Oromia regional state
from March 20/3/2015 to May. Eight pots were taken and filled with equal
amount of soil that four in kilogram within each of pots. In every of each pots
one liter of water was added. Those pots were put in to two different place P1
(pot one) and P2 (pot two). Four pots which contain maize two of them were in
dark 9shaded) region and two of them were in the light also four pots contains
bean plants out of them two were kept in dark or shaded region and two of
them were kept in light.

In each pot 100ml of water was added at each of morning and evening that in
Bothe dark and light places pots after leaving certain periods for stabilization
in experimental condition. Plant sample was up rooted after periodical gap. The
length of seedling was measured by ruler in five days gap and the data was

The leave of the sample was clipped and plant includes root, stem and leaves
was separate and their fresh weight were weighed out immediately, after that
the sample was dried man in cube for at 72 0c for 48 hours and then weighted
out for each sample with bean balance to get plant dry weight. Finally, the
mean plant height, mean fresh weight, leaf area, leaf weight ratio, mean leaf
and mean branch constitute was calculated and compared for both fabe bean
and maize in light and dark condition.

3.1 study area and description

The study was conducted in Ambo University main compo Oromia regional
state of Ambo town. Ambo town is located 126km west of Addis Ababa on
Addis Nekemte road.

Ambo was districted and zonal center of west showa. Most of the area was
above 8290 subtropical agro climatic zone which was favorable for agriculture.
The topographic area was an even mountains, hill whet lands, altitude ranges
from 1872 meters above sea level and mean annual temperature was 18.8 0c
with mean annual rainfall about 987.78mm. Highest rainfall from June to
September. The mean monthly relative humanity of the town varies from 64.6
in December. The town was covered an area of 8571.0715 square meter.
According to central statically authority the population of Ambo town were
reached 48171, among this females were 23537 and males were 24634 (CSA,
2007). The study period was covered from March, 2015 to June, 2015.

3.2 study design

There were prospective studies on the effect of sunlight on growth of monocots

(maize’s) and dicots (faba bean) plants. About three seeds of faba bean and zea
maize were sown in each four pots.

3.3 data collection

The data was collected from study area for 30 days.

3.4 data analysis

The data is summarized using tables, apart from the sentences, expression was
used to describe and analyzes the data, generally, and the data was
summarized after data was collected from the study area.


4. Results

From the conducting research analyzed for 30 days on the effect of sunlight on
monocot (maize) and dicot (bean) plants. Different bodies of bean and maize
plant treatment.

Table 1 mean length distribution of dicot /bean and monocot maize plant
in centimeters /cm in both dark and light condition

Growth/5 days Mean length of plant growth in both condition in cm

bean Maize

Dark length Light length Dark length Light length

5 0 0 0 0

10 4.3 1.3 6.02 1.6

15 21.2 6.86 25.4 7.42

20 40.02 16.42 43.6 11.38

25 52.08 18.44 55.2 20.88

From this table, the length of plant treat under light region was much longer
than the plant treat under light region. That is 55-2 and 52.08 in cm in dark
region of maize and bean plant respective of and 20.88cm and 18.44cm in light
region of maize and bean plant respectively. As result it understood that the
effect of sunlight under complete dark condition brought etiolating. Form these
mean value, the development of plant n dark condition increase fast at the
beginning and slightly growth finally.

Table 2: the effect of sunlight on morphologically observed in dark and

light condition for dicots (bean) plants.

Plants parts Observation feature

dark Light
leaf Yellow in color Green color
Small in size Broad in size
Few in number Many in number
Very long Medium
Very thin Very thick
Stem Weak Strong
Long Shortage internode
No branch Branched

Table 3: the effect of sunlight on morphologically observed in dark and

light condition from monocots (maize) plants.

Plants parts Observation feature

dark Light
leaf Yellow color Green color
Small in size Broad in size
Very long Medium
Very thin Very thick
stem Weak Strong
Long internode Shortage internode

Table 4 mean fresh weight and dry weight in gram (gm) on different
morphology of mono cots (maize) and dicots (bean in both light and dark

Plants parts dark light

Fresh weight Dry weight Fresh weight Dry weight

maize bean maize bean maize bean maize bean

Leaf 0.86 0.45 0.007 0.03 7.36 6.28 0.09 0.02

Stem 6.0 5.2 0.52 0.41 7.25 6.74 0.53 0.43

root 0.08 0.03 0.027 0.013 6.0 5.24 0.39 0.27

From mean of fresh weight and dry weight the fresh weight of stem in both
dark & light condition where higher on maize and bean plants. The fresh
weight of stem for both maize & bean plants in dark shaded) and light
condition were 6.0 & 5.2 for bean and maize, 7.25 and 6.74 for bean and maize
on dark and light condition respectively.

Generally, from the above table the fresh weight of each parts & of plants parts
was fretter than the dry weight on both light and dark condition in (9m).
Table 5: determination of plant dry weight and fresh weight on both
maize and bean plant under both condition.

Total plant Growth condition

weight in gram Bean Dark Bean light Maize in Maize in
dark light
Dry weight Treatment Treatment Treatment Treatment

0.403 1.3545 0.301 1.4521.452

Fresh weight 6.6 20.55 6.6 21.2

These table indicators that the comparison between dark and light condition by
weight under monocots maize and divots bean s plants. As observed fresh
weight under light condition was much greater than that of plant under dark
condition 6.6 and for both bean and maize plant respectively.

As a result of the dry weight of plants in light condition was fretter than that of
plants under dark condition 0.403 and 0.301 for both bean and maize plant

Table 6, Effect of sun light on leaf morphological of to be bean and

maize under both dark and light condition.

Area Growth condition

bean Maize
Mean leaf area in cm2

Dark light


0.22 1.23 0.565 1.82

From the above table the leaf area of to be bean and Zia maize under light
condition was larger 1.22 cm2 and 1.82cm2 in dark condition which
was .22cm2 and 0.565cm2 respectively. These show that the leaf site of to be
bean and Zia maize under treatment under.

Table 7 effect of light on mean leaf no and branch no of maize and bean
plant under both condition.

Plant growth Observations features

Dark condition Like condition

Mean no of leaf Mean no of Mean no of Mean no of

branch leaf branch

Zia maize 14 0 41 1

Faba bean 10 2 38 4

This table was indicated that faba bean and Zia maize that treated under light
condition was with many leaves and the one which treated under dark
condition was with few leaves.
Table 8 mean leaf weight section under both light and dark condition for
monocot (maize) and dicot (bean) plants.

Weight in gm Growth condition

Mean leaf weight Bean in dark Bean in light Maize dark Maize light
treatment Treatment 2 Treatment 1 Treatment 2

2.27 3.02 3.04 4.105

From the illustrated above table faba bean and Zia maize which treated under
light condition heed greater mean leaf weight ration than that of dark
condition. As observed from the table 3.02gm and 4.00105gm in treatment 2
under light condition respectively. In dark condition the mean leaf weight for
bean and maize plant was estimated 2.27gm and 3.02gm in treatment 1
5. Discussions

Form this conducted research result analyzed for 30 days on the effect of light
on the growth of dicots (bean) and monocots (maize) plants were observed in
light and dark treatment. From the research of view the growth and
development of faba bean and zea maize were highly observed, which were
52.08cm and 55.2cm in T1 and 18.44cm and 20.88cm in T2 under both dark
and light condition respectively. So, the effect of light which were observed from
both dark and light region brings the major differences in primary growth and
morphological changes of the plants. The absence of sunlight in dark condition
of faba bean and zea maize plants were generally, yellow color, small in size
leaf, few in numbers, very long, very thin of leaves, weak stem, long inter node
stem and branch less of stem morphologically as compared to light conditions.
In light condition strong stem, medium height, branch with many leaves, short
internode and board leaf size were observed. As the result, the mean French
weight of faba bean and zea maize which were 6.09m and 5.2 in dark region
and 7.25cm and 6.74gm in light region respectively? However, the mean dry
weight of faba bean and zea maize in dark condition is less than that of light
condition (0.52gm and 0.41gm in T1) and 0.53 and 0.43) gm in T2 respectively.
In addition to thuis, the mean lead weight ratio was highly sean in light
condition than dark region that means (3.04 and 4.2) gm in T1 and (2.6 and
3.0)gm in T1 of faba bean and zea maize respectively. The growth and
development condition in dark condition become stopped finally and the shape
of leaf become shrink, this indicated that the plant needed light to generate
food for growth promotion in the process of photosynthesis as compared to that
of light condition.

However, naturally dicots plants never use the fertilizer b/se of

They have T.DNA region where mono cots plants have no T.DNA region so, they
need fertilizer (natural and modern).

6. Conclusion and Recommendation

6.1 conclusions

From the research done and back ground of the study. It can be concluded
that the primary growth and morphological character of plant development was
determined by light, this implies that, light directly influence by plant growth
and development. The incensement in light in dark region indicates to search
light to prepare their own food through the process of photosynthesis in the
leaves in the presence of green pigment called chlorophyll. Therefore, the
differences in growth and development in faba bean (dicots) and zea maize
(monocots) in light condition and dark condition was the result of sunlight.
Generally, form this study; it was conclude that the growth and development of
faba bean and zea maize were beneficial in light than in dark conditions.

6.2 recommendations

From this study, it was recommended that, the growth and development of
faba bean (dicots) and zea maize (monocots were influenced by light, even
though, the result which were obtained from this study was not enough to
under stood the whole activity of sunlight on growth and development of faba
bean (dicots) and zea maize monocots) plants due to shortage of time to do the

However, it guides in future study to obtain a better result in future generation

in agricultural sectors.

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