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Project Management
Spring 2007 Deterministic Planning Part I

Dr. SangHyun Lee

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Project Management Phase


Fin.&Eval. Risk

Organization Estimating Planning&Scheduling Planning&Scheduling


Objective Bar Chart Network Techniques



What are some of the Different Representations for Deterministic Schedules ? What are some Issues to Watch for?


Objective Bar Chart Network Techniques


Gantt Chart Characteristics

Bar Chart Henry L. Gantt World War I - 1917 Ammunition Ordering and Delivery Activities Enumerated in the Vertical Axis Activity Duration Presented on the Horizontal Axis Easy to Read

Simple Gantt Chart

Phase Time Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
1. Concept and feasibility studies 2. Engineering and design 3. Procurement 4. Construction 5. Start-up and implementation 6. Operation or utilization . Figure by MIT OCW.

Gantt (Bar) Charts

Very effective communication tool Very popular for representation of simpler schedules
Can be cumbersome when have >100 activities

Key shortcoming: No dependencies captured Most effective as reporting format rather than representation

Hierarchy of Gantt Charts

Level one plan

Level two plans

Level three plans

Figure by MIT OCW.

Activity Aggregation
Hammock Activities
A graphical arrangement which includes a summary of a group of activities in the project. Duration equal to longest sequence of activities

Source: Shtub et al., 1994

Activity Aggregation
A task with a zero duration that acts as a reference point marking a major project event. Generally used to mark: beginning & end of project, completion of a major phase, or a task for which the duration is unknown or out of control. Flag the start or the successful completion of a set of activities

Source: Shtub et al., 1994


Objective Bar Chart Network Techniques


Network Scheduling
A network is a graphical representation of a project plan, showing the inter-relationships of the various activities. When results of time estimates & computations are added to a network, it may be used as a project schedule.

Activity on Arrow AOA

Event i

Activity on Node AON

Event j

Activity A

Activity B

Source: Badiru & Pulat, 1995

Communications Interdependency Expected Project Completion Date Task Starting Dates Critical Activities Activities with Slack Concurrency Probability of Project Completion

Source: Badiru & Pulat, 1995

Network - Definitions
Node (Activity) Arc

Merge Point




Burst Point

Source: Badiru & Pulat, 1995

Network - Definitions



I Predecessor Activity of D Successor Activity of F

Source: Badiru & Pulat, 1995

Definitions (Contd)
Time and resource consuming effort with a specific time required to perform the task or a set of tasks required by the project

Zero time duration event used to represent logical relationships between activities

Important event in the project life cycle

A circular representation of an activity and/or event

Source: Badiru & Pulat, 1995

Definitions (Contd)
A line that connects two nodes and can be a representation of an event or an activity

Restriction / Precedence
A relationship which establishes a sequence of activities or the start or end of an activity

Predecessor Activity
An activity that immediately precedes the one being considered

Successor Activity
An activity that immediately follows the one being considered

Descendent Activity
An activity restricted by the one under consideration

Antecedent Activity
An activity that must precede the one being considered

Source: Badiru & Pulat, 1995

Definitions (Contd)
Merge Point
Exists when two or more activities are predecessors to a single activity (the merge point)

Burst Point
Exists when two or more activities have a common predecessor (the burst point)

Graphical portrayal of the relationship between activities and milestones in a project

A series of connected activities between any two events in a network

Source: Badiru & Pulat, 1995


Objective Bar Chart Network Techniques


Critical Path Method (CPM)

DuPont, Inc., and UNIVAC Division of Remington Rand Scheduling Maintenance Shutdowns in Chemical Processing Plants ~1958 Construction Projects Time and Cost Control Deterministic Times

CPM Objective

Determination of the critical path: the minimum time for a project

CPM Precedence
Technical Precedence
Caused by the technical relationships among activities (e.g., in conventional construction, walls must be erected before roof installation)

Procedural Precedence
Determined by organizational policies and procedures that are often subjective with no concrete justification

Imposed Precedence
E.g., Resource Imposed (Resource shortage may require one task to be before another)

Source: Badiru & Pulat, 1995



Clear & Grub


Form Footings



Fabricate Footings Forms at Site Workshop Fabricate Rebar Footings

Excavate Footings

Dummy Activity

Excavate Footings

Clear & Grub

Start Mobilize Fabricate Forms Footings

Form Footings

Dummy Activity


Fabricate Rebar Footings

Source: Feigenbaum, 2002 Newitt, 2005

CPM Calculations

Forward Pass
Early Start Times (ES)
Earliest time an activity can start without violating precedence relations

Early Finish Times (EF)

Earliest time an activity can finish without violating precedence relations

Source: Hegazy, 2002 Hendrickson and Au, 1989/2003

Forward Pass - Intuition

Its 8am. Suppose you want to know the earliest time you can arrange to meet a friend after performing some tasks
Wash hair (5 min) Boil water for tea (10 min) Eat breakfast (10 min) Walk to campus (5 min)

What is the earliest time you could meet your friend?

CPM Calculations

Backward Pass
Late Start Times (LS)
Latest time an activity can start without delaying the completion of the project

Late Finish Times (LF)

Latest time an activity can finish without delaying the completion of the project

Source: Hegazy, 2002 Hendrickson and Au, 1989/2003

Backward Pass - Intuition

Your friend will arrive at 9am. You want to know by what time you need to start all things
Wash hair (5 min) Boil water for tea (10 min) Eat breakfast (10 min) Walk to campus (5 min)

What is the latest time you should start?

Slack or Float
Its 8am, and you know that your friend will arrive at 9am. How much do you have as free time?
Wash hair (5 min) Boil water for tea (10 min) Eat breakfast (10 min) Walk to campus (5 min)

CPM Example
Activity A B C D E F G Predecessor A C A B,D,E Duration (days) 2 6 4 3 5 4 2

Draw AON network

Source: Badiru & Pulat, 1995

Forward Pass
F 4 D 3 B 6 C 4
ES(k) = Max{EF(i)}, i P(k) EF(k) = ES(k) + D(k)

A 2

End G 2 E 5

0 Start

Source: Badiru & Pulat, 1995

Forward Pass
2 0 A 2 2 2 0 B 6 C 4 4 6 D 3 5 9 G 2 4 E 5 9 11 F 4 6 11 End 11

0 Start

ES(k) = Max{EF(i)}, i P(k) EF(k) = ES(k) + D(k)

Source: Badiru & Pulat, 1995

Backward Pass
2 0 A 2 2 2 0 B 6 C 4

F 4

6 11 End 9 G 2 11 11


D 3


0 Start

4 E 5

LF(k) = Min{LS(j)} j S(k) LS(k) = LF(k) D(k)

Source: Badiru & Pulat, 1995

Backward Pass
2 0 4 0 Start 0 0 0 0

A 2

2 6 0 B 6 3 9 2 6 6 D 3

7 5 9

6 F 4 11 9 9 G 2 9 9 11 11

11 End 11



C 4 4 4

4 E 5 4

LF(k) = Min{LS(j)} j S(k) LS(k) = LF(k) D(k)

Source: Badiru & Pulat, 1995

Slack or Float
The amount of flexibility an activity possesses Degree of freedom in timing for performing task

2 0 4 A 2 7 2 D 5 6 3 6 9 0 B 6 6 3 9 4 4 4 E 5 4 2

F 4 11 9 9 9 9 G 2 11 11

11 End 11



0 Start 0

0 0 0 0 C 4

Source: Hendrickson and Au, 1989/2003

Total Slack or Float

Total Slack or Float (TS or TF)
Max time can delay w/o delaying the project TS(k) = {LF(k) - EF(k)} or {LS(k) - ES(k)} 2 0 4 0 Start 0 0 0 0 C 4 0 A 2 7 2 D 5 6 3 6 9 0 B 6 6 3 9 4 4 4 E 5 4 2 6

TS = 4

F 4 11 9 9 9 9 G 2 11 11

11 End 11



Free Slack or Float

Free Slack or Float (FS or FF)
Max time can delay w/o delaying successors FS(k) = Min{ES(j)} - EF(k) j S(k) 2 7 2 D 5 4 6 3 FS = 3 6 9 0 0 0 B 6 Start 6 0 0 3 9 A 2 0 0 C 4 4 4 4 E 5 4 0 2 6

F 4 11 9 9 9 9 G 2 11 11

11 End 11



Independent Slack or Float

Independent Slack or Float (IF)
Like Free float but assuming worst-case finish of predecessors IF(k) = Max { 0, ( Min(ES(j)) - Max(LF(i)) D(k) ) } j S(k), i P(k) 2 0 4 0 Start 0 0 0 0 C 4 0 A 2 7 2 D 5 6 3 6 9 0 B 6 6 3 9 4 4 4 E 5 4 2 6
IF = 1

F 4 11 9 9 9 9 G 2 11 11

11 End 11



CPM Analysis
Activity Duration ES EF A 2 0 2 B 6 0 6 C 4 0 4 D 3 2 5 E 5 4 9 F 4 2 6 G 2 9 11 LS LF 4 6 3 9 0 4 6 9 4 9 7 11 9 11 TS FS 4 0 3 3 0 0 4 4 0 0 5 5 0 0 IF 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 Critical

Yes Yes Yes

Adapted from: Badiru & Pulat, 1995

Critical Path
The path with the least slack or float in the network
Activities in that path: critical activities For algorithm as described, at least one such path Must be completed on time or entire project delayed

Determines minimum time required for project

Consider near-critical activities as well!

Critical Path
If EFi = ESj, then activity i is a critical activity (here, activity i is an immediate predecessor of activity j

2 0 4 0 Start 0 0 0 0 C 4 0 A 2 7 2 D 5 6 3 6 9 0 B 6 6 3 9 4 4 4 E 5 4 2

F 4 11 9 9 9 9 G 2 11 11

11 End 11



Source: Badiru & Pulat, 1995

Path Criticality
Rank paths from more critical to less critical

max (100%) = max min


= minimum total float = maximum total float = total float or slack in current path

= 0 100%

Path Criticality - Example

Calculate Path Criticality
min = 0, max = 5 Path 1: [(5-0)/(5-0)](100 %) = 100 % Path 2: [(5-3)/(5-0)](100 %) = 40 % Path 3: [(5-4)/(5-0)](100 %) = 20 % Path 4: [(5-5)/(5-0)](100 %) = 0 %

Path Number Activities on Path Total Slack 1 Start,C,E,G,End 0 100 2 Start,B,G,End 3 40 3 Start,A,D,G,End 4 20 4 Start,A,F,End 5 0
Source: Badiru & Pulat, 1995

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