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I)Use the verbs in brackets in the correct future tenses.

Use will-future, going to-future, Simple Present or Present Progressive. Example: The weather ______ nice on Sunday. (to be) Answer: The weather will be nice on Sunday. 1) The train 2) We 3) It at 11:45. (to leave) dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday. (to have) in the mountains tomorrow evening. (to snow) my friend. (to meet)

4) On Sunday at 8 o'clock I 5) They 6) Wait! I 7) The English lesson 8) I

to London on Friday evening. (to fly) you to the station. (to drive) at 8:45. (to start)

my sister in April. (to see) in a few minutes. (to rain) the door for you. (to open)

9) Look at the clouds - it

10) Listen! There's someone at the door. I


II) Some of the sentences are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If
the sentence is correct, put a tick (). If it is incorrect, cross the unnecessary word out of the sentence and write it in the space. Theyre probably going to knock the building down. ________________________ We are be going to get a dog soon. _________________be____________________ The bus is leaves at eight twenty. _________________________________________ The doors of the theatre are about to open. __________________________________ The meeting will be start at half past seven. _________________________________ The festival is for to take place in June. _____________________________________ My friend will be calling here tomorrow morning. ____________________________

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Complete the conversation. Use will, be going to or a present tense. Choose the best form.

Peter: Hello. Where are you going? Polly: To my evening class. Im learning Swedish. And next week I ______________ (have) a

chance to speak it for real. I ________________ (go) to Sweden for three weeks. I _______________ (visit) some friends there. Peter: That _________________ (be) nice. Polly: Well, Id rather hurry. My lesson ________________ (start) at half past seven, and its twenty-five past now. Peter: OK. Come and see me when you __________________ (get) back from Sweden. Polly: KEY: II. 3. is 4. 5. be 6. for 7. Thanks. I ________________ (send) you a postcard.

III. I will have; Im going; Im visiting / Im going to visit; will be; starts; get; will send I'm hungry - Oh, I He
's (is) going to study 'll make (w ill make)

(make) you a sandwich.

(study) Law at Sheffield University next year.

w ill you marry

Oh darling! I love you so much, The flight

leaves, w ill leave

(you/marry) me?

(leave) at 8 p.m.
's (is) going to rain

Look at those clouds! It Jack

(rain) any minute.

is going to meet OR is meeting

(meet) Kim tomorrow afternoon. (be) very successful. (visit) me next year? (begin) at 9, it
'll (w ill) give begins OR w ill begin

I think he When Class

'll (w ill) be

are you going to visit

doesn't begin OR w on't begin

(begin) at 10.

As soon as she arrives in Manchester she Look at those clouds on the horizon! It is Who do you think
w ill w in

(give) you a call. (rain) soon.

going to rain

(win) the next national elections?

We are advisory board.

going to fly OR are flying

(fly) to Warsaw next week for a meeting with the

I promise you: I

w ill finish

(finish) my homework on time next week.


I'll take this letter to the post office when I

(go) into town this afternoon.

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