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TPA-Referenced Lesson Plan v2

Teacher Candidate Name: Alyssa Severtson

Grade & Subject Area: 5th Grade Language Arts
Date for Planned Lesson: 03/16/2023
*Examples are given in the right hand column. When submitting your
lesson plan, you may either replace the given examples or leave them
Lesson Title Story Structure

MN/CC State Standard(s) W2 Write routinely for various purposes and disciplines,
- direct quote from MN standards representing one’s own personal perspective, identity, and voice.
- if only focusing on one part of a
given standard, underline the part
being focused upon
Central Focus Write routinely for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.
- derived from standard, (e.g., personal interest, enjoyment, academic tasks)
- communicates general goal

Learning Target for this Lesson Students will draft a personal story using learned techniques.
- concisely says what students will be
able to know and do
- start with appropriate language
function (active verb)
Academic Language (AL) a. Domain-specific academic vocabulary: Setting, Characters, Plot, Conflict, Events,
a. Domain-specific Acad vocabulary Resolution
b. General Academic vocabulary
(words used in school across many b. General academic vocabulary: write, vocabulary, story
subject areas)
c. Syntax Sentence Frame: Example c. Sentence Frame: The key parts of a story make up the story _______.
sentence that students can use d. Students will be using academic vocabulary when putting together their story and
to accomplish target during practice.
d. Point in lesson where students will
be given opportunity to use
Academic Vocabulary (Note: It
is important that this appear in
TPA videotape segments
Needed modifications/supports I will have a template for students to fill out their first draft on. I will walk around assisting
a. Identify how some form of students during their work time.
additional support will be
provided for some aspect of the
lesson for given student(s)
- visual, graphic, interactive
- reduced text, rewritten text, fill-in the
blank notes, word banks
- graphic organizers, sentence frames
Resources & materials needed Readers Notebook Packet, Journeys book, Language arts notebook, pencil
Lesson Part Activity description / teacher does Students do
Phase 1 We will begin class by correcting the readers notebook We will correct the
State Target & Activate Prior pages as a whole group. readers notebook
Knowledge pages, students will
a) Post the learning target volunteer their answers
statement and indicate whether to the whole group to
the teacher or student(s) will read correct.
it aloud
b) Engage students in activity to
elicit / build prior background
Phase 1 Assessment I will take a score for the pages.
Explain the plan to capture data
from this phase of the lesson

Phase 2 Teacher Input / Inquiry I will then instruct students to get their Students will open their
- Explain procedures Journeys book out. Students worked with this book to page 614 and
- Demonstration the task previously in the week. look at the story
- Teacher think aloud structure chart.

Phase 2 Assessment I will ask various questions to ensure Students will answer
Explain the plan to check for understanding of the story structure chart. questions about the
understanding of steps / story structure chart.
procedures demonstrated in
this phase

Phase 3 Guided Practice I will then explain the activity. Students will sit at Students will pick their
- Paired/collaborative work their desks while I come around the room for slips of paper and
- Teacher(s) may roam & assist them to pick a slip of paper with different parts create a story.
of the story structure on it.
Phase 3 Assessment Students will make a first draft and I will edit it before they
Explain the plan to check for make their final copy
ability to apply demonstrated
steps/procedures during
guided practice

Phase 4 Independent practice Students will begin to work on their writing when Students will begin
- Individual student work everyone is done choosing their slips. writing.

Phase 4 Assessment I will grade on the final copy.

Explain plan to check for ability to
apply demonstrated
steps/procedures during
independent practice

Phase 5 Restatement & Closure I will walk around assisting students as needed.
a) Restate learning target
b) Explain a planned opportunity
for students to self-assess
their perceived level of
mastery for the target.
Phase 6 Summative Next Steps
Attach a class roster (first names
only) with space to indicate
for each student the needed
next steps of instruction.

*This lesson plan is based on the work of David Denton (2013) with added modifications. An introductory
video to the basics of the plan is available at
Updated 1/2016

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