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In the era of technology 4.0, non-cash

payment is gradually becoming popular in
Vietnam. With increasingly dense coverage,
MOMO is rapidly surpassing its competitors
thanks to its advantages. In which, payment
via MoMo e-wallet is gaining many
advantages thanks to the savings,
convenience, and safety of this e-wallet.

According to Appota's Mobile Application

2021 report, compared to other e-wallets, MoMo is also the e-wallet with the highest
percentage of regular users (61%) because of its benifits.


Just need a phone number, so many people love to

choose MoMo Wallet as the default channel. Users
can transfer and pay for free money through many
different bank accounts quickly or transferring
money from Wallet to bank or bank to Wallet is
convenient and fast. According to the application
representative, in big cities, using e-wallets instead
of cash is gradually becoming familiar to many
people in many daily transactions such as going to
the market, at convenience stores, coffee shops, etc.
milk tea to paying bills for electricity, water, television, and telephone. The reason for this
result is thanks to MoMo's coverage in hundreds of thousands of stores, supermarkets, and
payment transaction points across the country. Customers can pay expenses quickly and


The factor that makes many people love MoMo because MoMo often gives many discount
codes or vouchers from suppliers to help users save their money. In addition, MoMo also has
programs such as refunding money to the god of fortune wallet when you have a successful
transaction and after each transaction, MoMo will send an sms message to the phone number
associated with the application to help us easily control the amount spent.

The ecosystem of e-wallets includes all partners associated with the wallet to provide
services, from banks, financial companies, insurance, e-commerce platforms, online and
offline sales units... This ecosystem must be large and wide enough to create comfort and
quickly respond to all customer needs.


Bill payment services (loan payments, utility bills, insurance

premiums, Internet, postpaid mobile...) which are
convenient, become even more useful. Users just need to
stay at home, open the phone, go to the MoMo app, the bill
will be paid on time. Using MoMo Wallet, buying plane
tickets, train tickets, hotel reservations, buying movie
tickets, buying lottery tickets... becomes simpler. In
particular, during the epidemic season, users can "buy the
whole world", from going to online markets, shopping
online on e-commerce platforms, ordering food... In
addition, MoMo also provides services finance - insurance
such as prepaid postpaid (Postpaid Wallet), buy insurance,
pay insurance policy... Many users are also interested in MoMo's sophisticated features such
as charity donation, looking for a maid…


MoMo wallet is highly appreciated by users for

always applying the latest security technologies and
achieving high-class security certifications of the
world banking and financial industry.
MoMo is an e-wallet that applies advanced and
advanced security technologies such as two-factor
authentication, fingerprint authentication, or face
recognition, automatically locking applications
when the expiry date is over. These technologies
ensure that the user's wallet cannot be hacked if the owner does not provide personal
information and OTP login information, password…


It can be said that MoMo wallet is gradually building a

cashless society in Vietnam. Most of the features that
provide essential services for our lives are quickly and
easily linked by MoMo wallet with direct payment on the
application. Besides paying by scanning QR codes, users
can also buy train tickets and air tickets directly on the
MoMo app.
This is very convenient for users when they want to buy bus or plane tickets without having
to wait and move to the ticket counter like the traditional way.
With MoMo wallet, users can book tickets anywhere because just
click on the ticket purchase feature, choose the brand they want to
go, the destination and their favorite seating position. After that,
proceed to the payment and confirm the successful transaction,
the user has a ticket quickly. Booking tickets on MoMo not only
helps users save time, but it also allows us to see the vehicle's
travel schedule for several days, and users can view multiple
schedules of many brands at the same time so that they can easily
make the right decisions for themselves.
Not only that, MoMo wallet also has features such as hotel
booking, payment for electricity, water and insurance for users.
The most attractive thing for users is the vouchers and discount
codes of partners when paying through the MoMo application or
the gifts that MoMo sends to users when completing a transaction.
Typically, MoMo wallet has been linked with e-commerce
platforms such as Shopee, Lazada and Baemin, making it easier and more economical to
close orders for users than ever. It is because of the quick payment and the application of
promotional codes when paying to help MoMo wallet gradually become an indispensable part
for Vietnamese people, especially today's young generations.


Name: Nguyen Thuy Linh Name: Pham Vo Phuong Hong Nhung

Email: Email:
Phone: 0338333444 Phone: 0334556773

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