Coat of Arms Description 1

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LeBlanc 1

Jake LeBlanc

MNGT 5560


Coat of Arms

 Value- The symbol I chose for Value is the cross of the Basilian Fathers. I chose this

because their motto is “Credo Quid Quid Dixit Del Filius”, which means “Teach me

goodness, discipline, and knowledge”. This was the motto of my high school and I

continue to live by it.

 Symbol- The symbol I chose for Symbol is the construction logo with the tower crane. I

chose this because I grew up in the construction industry and I will be entering the

construction industry after graduating. I will be the 4th generation of my family in

LeBlanc 2

 Proud- The symbols I chose for proud were a shamrock and a fleur de lis. I chose these

because I am half Irish and half French-Canadian, and these are the symbols of both. I am

really proud of my heritage, where I came from and the generations who came before me.

 Motto- “Work Hard, Play Hard” Growing up in a blue collar family, you are expected to

work hard and it has been something that has been instilled in me since I was a kid. My

family likes to have a good time, so we play hard as well. However, we only play hard

once the work for the day is done.

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