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Today I want to talk about bullying. Everyone has probably been bullied at least
once in their life. It’s not the best feeling, is it? It makes one feel insecure,
humiliated and very uncomfortable. It has the power to destroy lives, mentally
and physically.

“The perspective of life comes from the cage you were held captive in”. An
astonishing, significant quotation to the effects of bullying from the wise
philosopher, Shannon Alder.
We are taught by the 10 commandments and we are taught bullying is an ethical
thought by the good manners and right conduct. From the day we learned them,
we live by the guidance of these learnings. Bullying has terrible effects. Bullied
people may experience/suffer from anxiety, depression, lack of self confidence,
fear and academic under achievement. The victim may not perform his finest
capabilities because of having fears brought by these bully people. Bullying can be
physical, psychological, social or cyber-based. Most schools are enduring and
studying the effects and existence of bullying.
Bullying can be stopped. If and only if parents and teachers may give focus on
discussing the cause and effects of bullying to children. We are being molded by
the learnings from the cage we are held captive in, which means, home is the
most effective classroom for learning. Yes, from our home to school bullying are
should be discussed to the children. By simply giving such information and an
overview to effects of bullying may give a big impact to students. We live by the
learnings through experiences. But through the guidance of our families and
teachers we are taught living out the 5 core values considering the effects of bullying.

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