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LeBlanc 1

Jake LeBlanc

MNGT – 5560



My short term goal is to graduate this semester. Four objectives that will lead me to

accomplish this goal is to attend every class, do all my assignments, study hard and take pride in

my education. Regarding the objective of attending every class, two actions could be not

skipping class and make going to class a top priority. Regarding the objective of doing all my

assignments, two actions could be doing any extra credit offered and putting 100% effort into my

assignments and not just doing the bare minimum. Regarding the objective of studying hard, two

actions could be spending time in the library and studying before and after classes not just

studying right before a test. Regarding the objective of taking pride in my education, two actions

could be participating in class and putting full attention into class by minimizing distractions.

My long term goal (3-5 years) is to become a Construction Project Manager in

Charleston, South Carolina. Four objectives that will lead me to accomplish this goal is to get

promoted from a Project Engineer (PE) to an Assistant Project Manager (APM), transfer from

Richmond, VA to Charleston, SC, get promoted from an Assistant Project Manager to a Project

Manager and to live to work not work to live. Regarding the objective of being promoted from a

Project Engineer to an Assistant Project Manager, two actions could be going above and beyond

while learning about the ins and outs of the construction industry during my PE year and

displaying my work ethic. Regarding the objective of transferring from Richmond to Charleston,

two actions could be committing to Richmond by not just using Richmond as a pitstop and that it
LeBlanc 2

could be a potential long term spot for me but telling my supervisor I would like to transfer to

Charleston after my PE year, and working hard so that people in the Richmond office can tell

people in the Charleston office positive stuff about me. Regarding the objective of getting

promoted from an Assistant Project Manager to a Project Manager, two actions could be

continuously trying to improve my knowledge, skills, and abilities in the construction industry

and to be an asset for the company. Regarding the objective of living to work, not working to

live, two actions could be working hard and playing hard, and to love what I am doing.

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