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TOPIC:Going abroad for university study is an exciting option for many young students.

Although it may have some advantages, it is probably better to stay home because of the
difficulties a student probably faces living in a different culture.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?(You should write about 250 words.)
Nowadays, it is exciting for many young students to study abroad. There are both
advantages and disadvantages of studying overseas. Personally, I support the view that it is
better for students to study in their home country. / (Going to university in a different country
can be an amazing life experience. However, it usually comes with unique challenges that
would not be expected if you study in your home country. It is my personal view that it is better
to study in your own country of origin.)
To begin with, when studying abroad, there are several issues that you might find it
hard to resolve/settle. For example, there may be a language barrier which may result in you
not being able to communicate properly. Also, once you have completed your studies abroad
and return home to find a job, you may find that employers do not recognize your qualifications
because they don't know how to compare them with the accepted standard qualifications of
that country. Added to this, overseas study mostly means spending huge amounts of money.
You may therefore undergo/experience a hard time working part-time in the evening or the
whole weekend.
On the other hand, the advantages of studying abroad are indeed tempting. First, you
are able to live in a different culture, thus being able to experience some of what the world has
to offer. Second, universities abroad may be able to offer a course that is more in line with
what you want to study as well as have possibly better student facilities.
All things considered, while studying abroad might be exciting, it can generate (sản sinh
ra) difficulties regarding communicative competence, recognition of qualifications and students'
living costs and tuition fees. I would therefore choose to study in my home country.
(255 words)
TOPIC:Many people want to study abroad nowadays. What do you think about it? Write at
least 100 words.
Advantages & disadvantages
In my opinion, studying at universities abroad has both advantages and disadvantages.
On the one hand, the advantages of studying abroad are indeed tempting. First, you are able
to be more knowledgeable and sophisticated thanks to experiencing a different culture.
Second, universities abroad may offer you more suitable courses and better student facilities.
On the other hand, studying abroad may pose/create certain challenges for students. For
example, there may be a language barrier. Also, you might be homesick as a result of living
far away from your relatives for a long time. Added to this, as overseas study mostly means
spending huge amounts of money, you may have to work part-time in the evening or the whole
All things considered, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. I would therefore choose to
study in my home country.
(136 words)
TOPIC:Write a paragraph about the advantages of studying with a group. Write at least
100 words. (0.5m)
Nowadays, many students like to form a study group and it has become very popular. I
strongly believe you will benefit a lot from studying with a group.

First, you learn more when you study with a group. In a group you can help each other out.
If you miss something in class, another student in the group can give you the missing
information. If you don’t understand something, the other students can explain it to you. When
discussing a topic together, you can develop your ideas and understand the topic better.

Second, studying with a group helps keep you focused. You are with friends who are
studying, so you study too. If you study alone at home, You might get distracted. You might put
your books down and go to watch TV or call a friend. In a group, you all decide a time and a
place to study, and then you do it. You keep each other focused on the task.

Last but not least, it is more fun to study with a group than alone. You feel happy when you
are with your friends, even when you are working hard. After you finish studying, you usually
go out for coffee or to the movies. This is something to look forward to. It is always nice to
spend time with your friends.

All things considered, I am positive that studying with a group is the best way for you as it
helps you study more, keep you focused and alllow you to have greater time with your friends.

(260 words)

TOPIC: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades

(marks) encourage students to learn. You should write at least 200 words.

Grades are very important. They enable students to know their progress in class,
help them set a goal to study for and give them something to show their parents. I
totally agree with the view that grades are needed to motivate students to learn.
Firstly, grades show students how well they are doing in class. A student might
work very hard to write a report. Without a grade, how does the student know if the
report is good or bad? Clearly, by the grade he receives, the student knows if he is
Secondly, grades give students a goal. A good grade is like a reward. If a student
receives an A for all the correct answers on a test, she feels like all her hard work was
worthwhile. If a student gets a bad grade, she will study harder next time to improve it.
Finally, grades give students something to show their parents. Students want to
please their parents. They work hard so that they can achieve good grades. When
parents see good grades, they know their children are studying and learning. If the
grades are not good, the parents know they have to give their children extra help and
All things considered, grades show students their progress, give them a goal and
provide them with something to show their parents. Grades motivate students to learn.
(228 words)

TOPIC: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Learning

about the past has no value for those of us living in the present. You should
write at least 200 words.

1. People change (Example: America vs Viet Nam)
2. Weather change (Compare: crops in the past and those in the present)
3. Politics change (Example: American discrimination against races and women)
Some people say that those who do not understand history will repeat the
mistakes of the past. I totally disagree with this statement. I believe that people,
weather, and politics determine what happens, not the past.
Firstly, people can change. People may have hated each other for years but that
does not mean they will continue to hate each other. Take America and Viet Nam for
example. In the past, the US army invaded Viet Nam and these two countries were
enemies for over twenty years. Now, they are friends with warm diplomatic relations
and mutual coorperation.
Secondly, the weather can change. Farmers plant certain crops because these
crops have always grown well in their fields. But there can be a long drought (hạn hán).
The crops that grew well in the past will die. The farmers need to try a drought-resistant
crop. If we only looked at the past, we wouldn’t be able to change our crops.
Finally, politics can change. If politicians looked only at the past, they would
always do the same thing. If we looked at the past in the United States, we would see a
lot of discrimination against races and women. American people now are interested in
human rights, and the government protects these rights.
All things considered, it is important to follow the mood (xu hướng) of today.
People, weather, and politics can change and cannot be predicted by studying the past.
(235 words)
Mở bài (tham khảo)
(Some people believe that our knowledge of the past has no influence on the
development of modern society. Personally, I agree with this argument/ statement/
stance/ view.)
(Those of us living in this modern world are believed by some to depend nothing
on what we can learn from the past. Personally, I disagree with this argument/
statement/ stance/ view.)
TOPIC: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face
communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters,
e-mail or telephone calls. You should write at least 200 words.

1. Face-to-face communication eliminates (loại bỏ)/ removes/ gets rid of
2. Face-to-face communication strengthens relationships
3. Face-to-face communication encourages continued interaction
Some people argue that face-to-face communication is the best type of
communication. I totally agree with this argument.
Firstly, when you talk to someone directly, you can see whether they understand
you or not. A person’s body language may tell you if they disagree or if they do not
follow your line of thought. Then you can repeat or paraphrase what you have said.
When you send an e-mail, the receiver may misinterpret/misunderstand what you
mean. Then you have to waste time explaining yourself in another email.
Secondly, when you talk face to face, you communicate with more than words.
You communicate with your eyes and your hands. You communicate with your whole
body. People can sense that you really want to communicate with them. This energy
bonds/links people together. Your relationship with a person can grow much stronger
when you communicate in person.
Finally, when you meet someone face to face, the interaction tends to last longer
than other forms of communication. An e-mail lasts a second; a telephone call lasts a
few minutes. When you meet someone face to face, you and that person tend to spend
longer talking. The longer you talk, the more you say. The more you say, the stronger
your relationship will be.
All things considered, I support the argument that face-to-face communication is
superior (siêu việt hơn) to other types of communication.
(223 word)

(Many people believe that other kinds of communication like letters, e-mail or telephone
calls are not as good as direct communication. I agree with this belief for the reasons
as follows.)
TOPIC: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People work
because they need money to live. You should write at least 200 words.

1. People work because they want to be with other people
2. People work because they want to contribute to society
3. People work because they feel a sense of accomplishment
I partially accept that people work to earn a living. However, I think money is not
the only reason that people stay in their jobs.
Firstly, many people enjoy going to work because they like being with other
people. They like to interact with their coworkers (cộng sự) and clients. They like to
help other people solve problems or get products, and they like to make friends.
Secondly, people enjoy their jobs because they give them a chance to make
contributions to their communities. Teachers educate young generations. Doctors and
nurses heal people. Manufacturers produce things that people need to use. Through
work, each individual is able to do his or her part in this world.
Finally, a lot of people like to work because it gives them a sense of
accomplishment. For example, people who work in factories take pride in the car they
produce or the television they assemble (lắp ráp). When they see a car on the street,
they can feel a sense of accomplishment. They helped make that car.
All things considered, money is nice, but it is not the only reason people get up
and go to work each day. I believe that people work because it gives them the
opportunity to be with other people, to contribute to society and to feel that they have
accomplished something.
(119 words)

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