Climate Change

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Climate Change

Climate change have been a very popular environment problem. As the years passed, this never
end. Climate change refers to the regional and global change in climate patterns. One of the major
caused is human activities. As the day passed the effect of climate change is getting worse. Recently,
over 1000 scientist from 25 different countries protest about climate change.

They are giving us warning and maybe we just have 3-5 years. They said that were going to lose
everything if we don’t stop. Maybe it’s time for us to do something and change the world, our
environment. Let’s us help each other and saved the earth. For us, our family, friends and for our future.
As student we can make small changes to help the environment like for example, if your not in hurry you
can walk instead of riding any vehicle or taking a shower for a shorter time and turn off the water while
you are soaping up. Those are just somethings you can do to save the earth.

Lastly, I want to say that we should vote wisely. Your vote, our vote is our voice. If we choose
the candidate who vocally support climate policy and a good leader. It will be a big help for us to save
the earth, Government has more power to save the earth.

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